Thursday, October 10, 2024

MTHFR - Again


I discovered this issue around 2013ish.  I’ve been researching it ever since.  This is one of the best articles I have ever seen about the problem.

Here is my brief summary of this article:


Is methylated in the body by the MTHFR enzyme, produced by the MTHFR gene…



To make the MTHFR enzyme, you need methyl donors from:


Choline and/or


(From food)

Food alone isn’t sufficient. Your body must be able to make the MTHFR enzyme.  Supplements that help this process along are:


5-MTHF (a form of B9)

Methylcobalamin (a form of B12)

These 3 supplements don’t work the same on everybody.

B12 is CRITICAL to the methylation process

There are 4 forms of B12 - each work differently.

B12 as Methylcobalamin is the best choice.

The COMT gene also affects the methylation process

There are 2 forms:




Each requires a different supplementation protocol.

People with methylation issues often have histamine reactions

And to complicate things:

DNA Methylation turns genes off or on

A gene can either be turned on, expressing itself


Turned off, not expressing itself - it causes no problem

If there are sufficient methyl donors in the body to attach to the DNA, the gene will turn OFF.  And vice versa.

So when a medical “professional” tells you, lots of people test positive for a 677 or 1298 MTHFR gene defect, and they’re just fine, because they have no issue.  So it’s not a problem.  And the actual situation is that the gene is just turned off because this particular body has sufficient methyl donors available.

The article then provides great advice about 


Specific action steps to regain your health.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Witnessing the Fall


May you be blessed to live in interesting times.

Sometimes nothing happens for 1000 years, and then the events of that 1000 years are shoved inside one week.

My previous blog piece about daily observations during the beginning of the 2020 lockdown is a classic piece of work - worth saving.  (There may be a part I and part II to this piece in the archives.)

What do we see right now?

- The educational system is captured.

- We are very close to WW III.  You can only poke the bear so many time before he pokes back.  I heard that Secretary Blinkin and Victoria Nuland both come from blood families who were persecuted (and murdered?) by Russia.  It’s tribal.

- Israel and Gaza (and its supporters - Lebanon, and basically all the Arab peoples in the region.  See, it’s still tribal.)

- What am I reading now?  Substack! What a refreshing breath of fresh air, to read thoughtful and well written words about a variety of topic of interest to me.  Good Energy by Callie Means.   Fighting Angel by Pearl S. Buck (bio of her Christian missionary father in China 1880’s - 1930ish).  Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin.  Just finished Pearl Buck’s Living Reed, a book about Korea 1880’s - the end of WWII and the start of Korean War.  I really should track all the books I read.

- People continue to die suddenly, and it’s an elephant in the room.  Just like autism statistics is a HUGE elephant.  Allopathic advice hasn’t changed.

- Am trying to clean up my diet some more.  Carbs are bad for me.  Must first limit them.  Then, we’ll see.  One day at a time.  Also: war on seed oils.  My cooking oils are good - have been for years.  It’ the condiments that do me in.

- Can’t write about family here, publicly.  But there’s a lot to say.  Should do in the written journal.  But handwriting continues to be awkward.  Used to enjoy it.  Like walking.  Loved doing walks - until I didn’t anymore.  Bricks of water in the legs….

- When talking about “the assassination attempt”, you have to ask, “Which one?”

- Presidential race drama continues.  There will be many books written about this era. We should all be capturing ‘primary source’ information and archiving it.  Because they’ve shown they will gaslight us by saying, “That never happened.”  A border tsar?  Never!!  Or, “It’s safe and effective.”

- Should I publish these blog pieces on Substack?  Some of them, maybe.

- What am I binging?  Kaos on Netflix.  Great Greek Myths on Prime.  Call the Midwife, Season 13 

        (the end?  I know Nonartis House closed around 1970.  They are up to the late 60’s.  That’s why I am watching slowly and savoring.  Not as good as the older seasons, of an earlier time. But it does show the change in British culture, how the lower classes gained a decent standard of living. Male allopaths wiped out midwifery and doula skills - they show it happening over a decade or two. The program depicts historic scenes of various living conditions in the slum housing of Poplar, by the docks - so you know the kind of renters these structures housed. The husbands are sometimes “good men” and other times “abusive drunks”.  You see the effects of disease, caused mainly by living conditions and diet. You see how elders often had a miserable end, alone, with few, if any, support systems.  You see the joy of a community, led by people of the community with integrity and energy plus desire to foster a positive environment.)  

- Started watching the Menendez brothers on Netflix - who murdered their parents - and it is a picture of an ostentatious and dark plus evil lifestyle.  Not a good environment for soul growth, I think.  Unless the point of that lifetime is to experience life without a soul possessing integrity.  Don’t know if I’ll finish watching it.  Entertaining trash.

- I love that I’m unpacking my 5 boxes of books.  I feel good when I have my books near me.  I look at a title, and the content comes flooding back at me.   And when you put all the contents together, WOW.

- Record floods on 4 continents.  Zsuzi is back home in Budapest (Hungary) for 2 months - watching the “big water” come down from the northern rivers….  No fall harvest, and no winter planting gonna happen. There will be implications.

- Green energy endeavors seem to be collapsing - thankfully!  No one wants an electric car.  Corporate pledges to purchase are being reversed.  I hope the market for electric school busses is also kaput.  Wind turbines are losing their blades, causing beach closures along the eastern U.S. coastline this summer. Economics of the industry aren’t looking good.  Should you have any doubt about the harm these turbines do, THIS is the interview to watch:  This sound engineer expert would not live within 20 miles of a turbine.  The Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves generated by the turning blades cause illness - insomnia, gut disruption…. There’s a whole list of symptoms - coming from having your innards vibrated apart from a sound wave you can’t hear because it’s out of your auditory frequency range.

- Big corporations buying up conventional electric generations facilities.  Microsoft to do a 20 year lease with Constellation Energy to purchase power output from a restarted Three Mile Island nuke.  (There were 2.  The other one shut down for good after a very scary environmental incident.)  A Bitcoin mining operation is buying output of a to be restarted coal plant.  Meanwhile, the plebes won’t comprehend the meaning of “base load” until they experience brown outs.  Experience is a bitch.

- The condition of the financial system is precarious.  Actually, that is an understatement. The trigger for collapse will be when credit ceases to be offered.  They supply chain will shut down within 3 days.  (Is it time to stock up again?)  The FED cut interest rates by half of one percent - which is a huge cut - and mortgage interest rates continue to climb. 

- Wide open southern border.  Invaders.  Some come through authorized portal and get papers and a number.  Others just come. They are transported to large sanctuary cities and also small towns.  The resources of both spaces are quickly depleted.  At first, there is federal, state and local charity support - for housing, food, medical and education.  Venezuelan gangs, armed with automatic weapons, take over entire apartment buildings in Colorado. Ducks, cats and dogs slaughtered by Haitians in Ohio - for voodoo or for food?  Crime rates DOWN in Venezuela.   The news from Europe about foreign invasion by ‘migrants’ has been censored in the U.S. over the past few decades.  They are not almost completely taken over by non-native tribes.  

-  Vaxxed III was released 9/18/24.  The testimonies given on the bus are mainly about how relatives and friends were murdered in hospitals, all using the standard protocol for covid - didn’t matter if you had symptoms.  The PCR test was the judge and jury.  The stories from all across the U.S. are pretty much the same.  I’m sure there were good hospitals out there…. Must have been….. but the horror stories from institutions that USED TO BE ‘good’ are horrific.  All in the name of “safe and effective” and “trust the science”

- Clif high says the alien presence will be outed late October.  Outing an event is one thing…. Getting this information out to those who consume only mainstream news sources is another thing.

- P Diddy got busted for perversions of an Epstein nature. They say it’s big. Let’s see where this goes….  Penny Kelly predicted long ago that the outing of crimes on children - the sexual abuse and the terrorizing of adrenocrome harvesting - would be the thing to wake people from their slumber.  And then she never really talked about it again.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

How It Is. 9/8/2024


“I’m sorry to report this. I love my country but our government has been using our military badly for a half a century or more, and all we have done is stirred up anger around the world directed at USS—- and propped up our deep state.  It may look reasonable to the guy i camouflage on the site. But Lavrov speaks the 30,000 foot view and…. He’s right.”

RFK, Jr. nails it.  The $$ sent to U-K-Rain comes right back… to the d-fence contractors, who are owned predominately by Blak-Rok.  U-K-Rain will also need to sell ALL assets. 30% of farmland now owned by DuPont, Cargill and Monsanto/Bayer, who are owned predominately by Blak-Rok.  Blak-Rok leads to the tip of the DEEP state.

Zuk-ur-berg says they made him do it on FB. Censor what they’re told to do by the gov-earn-meant. Says he is sorry.  WTF?

Canadian gov-earn-meant getting ready to fall. True-dough/baby Fidel - to be deposed soon.

NO ONE will talk about the Iz-ree-ell. Not seriously. Still a mysterious controller.  Is it human?  Supporting it sure feeds the same pig-trough as the Uk-rain situation.

Hoards of heavily armed Ven-eze-Well-ean men seizing housing structures in multiple cities. Is denied by the “authorities”.  Thank goodness for Telegram.

THIS is why Telegram has to be brought down by the deep Stat.  It’s Russian founder jailed in France, charged with crimes for information shared on the social media platform he created and now operates - through his small company. His interview with Tucker a year or so ago was fascinating. He’s a good guy.

Penny Kelly prophesied many months ago that by August (2024), there would be no government running the United States… the White House would be empty.  Well, that has come to pass, and no one wants to talk about it.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Issues


It irks me when people want to engage in a political discussion, but are unable to address any of the following issues on any kind of a rational basis. 

I expect any “facts” or “statistics” presented in support of debating either side of any of The Issues to be vetted in advance by the presenter, and able to be verified by anyone’s personal research. In fact, I WANT people to do their OWN research.  (Do people know how to do that anymore?)

- open borders

- medical freedom

- censorship and free speech

- war mongering.  Ukraine. Gaza. They’ve been doing this all over the globe since WWII.

- financial crimes

- green energy bullshit

- normalization of the transgender narrative

- transferring parental rights to the state

- allopathic medical establishment/pharma/insurance industry issues

Will expand and fill in detail as I think of it….

We deserve compensation of all expenses incurred, including loss of income and need to hire help to support daily living, due to knowing mistreatment and outright fraud by state and federal governments.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


We know that regardless of who wins the November 4th POTUS election, the other side will dispute the vote.  So, in a rational world, a protocol for disputing and validating the vote would be ironed out in advance.  In addition, the steps in the protocol would be communicated and publicized so that all know what to expect. Each state would need to do this, as election procedures are the legal responsibility of the state - not the federal government.

Saturday, August 3, 2024


There is a “poster” on Facebook who calls “himself” THREADS.

When you click on it to read more detail, you are taken to a “place” outside of Facebook.  And you can’t back out of it.  You have to close it.  Like it launches a new app.

Beware of rouge apps.

I have a theory. THREADS is an A I who collects data about which clickbait you fall for… it builds a profile of you…. For future use.

It holds your “threat level assessment ranking” locally, alongside your GPS coordinates.

Kind of like LAVENDER.

Friday, August 2, 2024


 It is 8/2/2024.

Things are coming apart.  They don't work anymore for the majority of the population.  Medicine.  Education.  Government.  Finance - all levels.

I love Tilton Markets' meats!  The prices have skyrocketed in the last year.  A sirloin steak - 2 big meals, or 3 smaller portions - goes for around $20.  Used to be $10.  Maybe $12.

Gaslighting abounds in all areas of the media. Most people weren't good at vetting the credibility of information they consume - long ago.  And their discernment skills have not improved since then.

War is imminent between Israel and Iran.  Hamas and Hezbollah will join the party, I'm sure.  Commercial aircraft are ceasing flights in and out of Tel Aviv.  Biden administration is pulling back from all out support of Israel, be still, we give them substantial aid.

Lavender.  A I created by Palintir.  Peter Theil's company.   Whitney Webb has been screaming about them for years.... saying, Watch Them. After reading this link from The Nation, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

Palantir has many lines of business. Put it into production right out of the box.  Just like Crowdstike does with its software patches.  No testing needed.

Made an appointment with a naturopathic doctor today, 8/2/24.  First opening is 3/21/2025.  Sign of the times. Good news is that they have a labcorp office onsite. Don't have to go to that creepy blood and urine place.  I am done with allopathic medicine.  Knock on wood.  Never say never, but only if I am up against a wall and have no other choice.

This is your New Normal. Brave new world. New World Order. Reset. Learn to Like It.
