Draft —
Minerals for the Genetic Code
Charles Walters
My attempt to simplify the chapter about Trace Minerals:
Minerals give proteins 3D structure and vibration.
Vitamins catalyze this 3D creation. They cause a reaction… make a chemical change…
Proteins become cells. Cells become our organs.
RNA tells the cell how to assemble the enzyme.
An amino acid is a simple protein.
A group of amino acids build an enzyme
RNA tells which sequence of amino acids need to string together to make an enzyme
Proteins & enzymes….
The START codon of each enzyme is:
Methionine. AUG
(A codon is a sequence of 3 nucleotides which form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.)
ALL DNA and messenger RNA sequences begin with:
Methionine. AUG
Methionine is an amino acid.
An amino acid is organic compound.
Amino acids are the basic components of proteins.
RNA strings amino acids together to create proteins.
These create proteins needed to make enzymes that are needed to do act as a catalyst.
Enzymes carry minerals to where they are needed in the body. An enzyme is a substance produced by the body that acts as a catalyst …. They cause reactions…. Make a change in another substance in the body…
(If your body is deficient in a needed substance …. You may lack an enzyme needed to do a conversion to a substance needed to maintain health of the body. You may have a genetic tendency to be deficient in a particular mineral.)
The END codon of each enzyme is:
Sulfur UAA
Hydrogen UAG
Yttrium UGA
Having all 3 in the body can triple the lifespan of the body.
Selenomethionine is a good supplement to take.
It assures Selenium will govern
Every case of cancer is a selenium deficiency.
Yttrium is a second lethal deficiency.
(All cattlemen know this. They supplement their herds!)
Yttrium deficiency causes degenerative metabolic diseases: MS, Lou Gehrig’s/ALS, Alzheimer’s, sclerosis and Parkinson’s.
MS patients often respond to Bifidobacterium bifidum and bifidobacterium longum.
Yttrium deficiency causes the brain to suffer.
If yttrium isn’t available, Calcium will substitute, but is not a good substitute.
Yttrium and Boron are the same frequency.
Tumeric contains boron
Boron crosses the blood-brain barrier - heals the metabolic diseases
Yttrium is only absorbed via the action of bacteria in the gut. This bacteria needs yttrium to reproduce.
The metabolic diseases require:
Yttrium, Boron, Tumeric and max dose of Selenium.
Each Mineral has an acupuncture point.
Lanthanum carbonate for kidney dialysis:
It picks up calcium and phosphate
Calcium is a problem - it causes arteriosclerosis/hardening of the arteries in dialysis patients
Lanthanum is the most abundant mineral in the human genome.
Iridium displaces yttrium, boron or aluminum
Silicon deficiency is linked to ovarian cancer. This will heal the DNA - which is called a broken gene by allopathic medicine.
Proteins develop into 3D structures.
Minerals give the electromagnetic force needed to form 3D… They hold structure together.
Kidneys are governed by Sodium and a subatomic particle
Sodium and Iodine ration must be in balance - a long term imbalance means cells die with no replacement. Allopathic medicine can’t restart replacement… aging process accelerates`