alternate title: “Powerpoint is Out....”
We are on the edge, like Copernicus
See the books @ ET’s seminar:
Euclid’s Geometry 1500’s - w/ pop-ups!
Galileo’s opus.... early 1600’s...
presenters are urged to have a REAL 3-D awesome prop.... now top this one folks!
gotta love this man, ET: he apparently had issues with traditional publishing sources, so he started his own company! Publishing! The pop-up pyramid in one of his publications cost 32 cents per book to include. Color and black and white, photo/image, fine illustration, penmanship, quality - from long ago -- a journal through the realms of communication -- and as new information/data explodes, we must have new communication systems....
The truth is in front of our eyes.
Free Energy
a Secret Government...
just like when one could not discuss the rotation of the large objects in our solar system in polite company in Gailileo's day....
It doesn’t have to be the old way.... we are on the brink of a new paradigm in how to live.... this is the mother of all paradigm changes....
data must be presented in a new way, and we must be taught to consume it.
Academia needs freedom. How long did they deny Paul LaVioletee's theories is in Athens interviewing LaViolete now.... will update this with the link to his interview when it is published.... jj The corporate greed paradigm needs to just leave. Like Sarah Palin. The Board Members, the Officers and Directors, and at least the top 5 of each of the fortune 500’s top ones need to resign. No malice. No violence. Just step down. Say it aloud and it will be.
People’s consciousness is getting paralyzed.... stopped mid-stream.... don’t fall asleep when you are driving.... be safe.
duality is pulsing.... from strong polarities.... to a mono tone / pulsing type of resonance... do you feel it? do you hear it? use ALL your senses. the human body was meant to be a sender and a receiver of energy.... we receive from the cosmos, and we project out and give form to our 3-D reality... in the 4th dimension, we are with the collective, and there is duality here... polarities.... and a collective mind, i.e., the land of the Borg from Star Trek Next Gen.... but once you cross to the 5th, there is only peace and harmony. you can slide back and forth..... this is our destiny, our heritage unfolding, the opening of our “junk DNA” by the new kinds of photons reaching earth.....
damn, shatner could do a great imitation of me. i’ll be quiet now. digest this. more later. jj
P.S. Powerpoint is OUT. Ask Steve Ballmer. (and then read my blog Rant on Education #1 jj)