Friday, July 31, 2009

The Mother of All Paradigm Changes is Here

alternate title: “Powerpoint is Out....”

We are on the edge, like Copernicus

See the books @ ET’s seminar:

Euclid’s Geometry 1500’s - w/ pop-ups!

Galileo’s opus.... early 1600’s...

presenters are urged to have a REAL 3-D awesome prop.... now top this one folks!

gotta love this man, ET: he apparently had issues with traditional publishing sources, so he started his own company! Publishing! The pop-up pyramid in one of his publications cost 32 cents per book to include. Color and black and white, photo/image, fine illustration, penmanship, quality - from long ago -- a journal through the realms of communication -- and as new information/data explodes, we must have new communication systems....

The truth is in front of our eyes.


Free Energy

a Secret Government...

just like when one could not discuss the rotation of the large objects in our solar system in polite company in Gailileo's day....

It doesn’t have to be the old way.... we are on the brink of a new paradigm in how to live.... this is the mother of all paradigm changes....

data must be presented in a new way, and we must be taught to consume it.

Academia needs freedom. How long did they deny Paul LaVioletee's theories is in Athens interviewing LaViolete now.... will update this with the link to his interview when it is published.... jj The corporate greed paradigm needs to just leave. Like Sarah Palin. The Board Members, the Officers and Directors, and at least the top 5 of each of the fortune 500’s top ones need to resign. No malice. No violence. Just step down. Say it aloud and it will be.

People’s consciousness is getting paralyzed.... stopped mid-stream.... don’t fall asleep when you are driving.... be safe.

duality is pulsing.... from strong polarities.... to a mono tone / pulsing type of resonance... do you feel it? do you hear it? use ALL your senses. the human body was meant to be a sender and a receiver of energy.... we receive from the cosmos, and we project out and give form to our 3-D reality... in the 4th dimension, we are with the collective, and there is duality here... polarities.... and a collective mind, i.e., the land of the Borg from Star Trek Next Gen.... but once you cross to the 5th, there is only peace and harmony. you can slide back and forth..... this is our destiny, our heritage unfolding, the opening of our “junk DNA” by the new kinds of photons reaching earth.....

damn, shatner could do a great imitation of me. i’ll be quiet now. digest this. more later. jj

P.S. Powerpoint is OUT. Ask Steve Ballmer. (and then read my blog Rant on Education #1 jj)

Why does this woman not just go away?

This one's for you Sandy!!!

YouTube - Shatner does Palin

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rant on Education #1

Paul LaViolette is quite an intellect. This man is a planted adept, or something spooky like that. But honesty, did not good educators/teachers know that long ago?

Good teachers know that students learn when they are emotionally charged about the content.
At least I think they know that. Doesn't matter which charge.... positive emotions, negative emotions, anxious feelings --- whatever it takes....
Students must be led to draw their own conclusions about the relevance of what they are studying....

When I was teaching, in 1981, the Texas Education Assoc. armed w/ cameras and an administrator stopped and knocked on my door, because they looked in, and mine was the only classroom with any sign of life inside. I got caught! (and then I got the giggles. the kids saved me.) we were doing a bullshit session about JFK and Lincoln - the old comparison thing. It started when I realized these transplanted sprigs of soldiers at Fort Hood DID NOT KNOW who "LBJ" was. We were 45 min. from Austin, TX, at the largest army base in the free world, made possible by man made lakes in the desert (courtesy of federal funds obtained by LBJ....) so... I threw out the curriculum and we had fun. The administrator never called me on it, if she ever figured out what we were talking about behind the glass door....

NO ONE supervised my curriculum. Which I guess is kind of frightening. But I quickly made good friends with the other world geography teacher, and she helped me enormously.....

Monday, July 27, 2009

Headtrip for the Grandkids....

Lesson 1: Introducing Culture


• Paper and pencils


• Students will be able to describe how the concept of culture relates to their

own experience.


When teaching about culture, keep in mind that culture is just one of numerous

influences on behavior. People can differ from each other in many other aspects,

e.g., personality, age, gender, level of education, abilities, and any other personal

features that make each individual a unique human being.We need to be careful

of overgeneralizing or making statements like:“She’s an American, so that explains

why…”; or “He’s from New York, so that explains why…”; or “He’s a Canadian,

so that explains why….” Cultural groups do have certain characteristics in

common. But within each group, there is always a broad range of individual


Students might ask why people from the United States would need to have

their culture revealed to them—isn’t their own culture pretty obvious? But

people within a culture are in many ways the least able to see it. Cultural beliefs,

values, and behaviors are so ingrained that we are often unaware of our own.


1. Ask students to imagine that they are extraterrestrials—peaceful, intelligent

creatures from another planet who have been given the mission of spending a

week researching life in your community and school.Their mission is to find

answers to the following questions:What is unique, different, or interesting

about your school and community? What explains why humans in your community

and in your school think and act the way they do? The extraterrestrials

are expected to return to their home planet to report their observations

and findings.

2. Ask students to work in groups of three or four to discuss and write down

observations extraterrestrials would make about life in their community.

Provide several examples, such as:

Culture in the United States

U n i t I

Enduring Understanding:

• Everyone has a culture. It shapes how we see the world, ourselves, and others.

Essential Questions:

• How does culture shape the way we see the world, ourselves, and others?

• How does my culture shape me?

Why is it important to understand culture?

• “People live in small groups in houses or apartments.Children live with older people.”

• “Young people spend their days together in buildings in large groups.”

• “Young people dress in several styles that are different from each other.”

• “Older people dress differently from kids.”

• “Older people teach younger people what is expected.”

• “People eat together, usually sitting around a table.”

• “People look at watches and clocks a lot.”

• “There are lots of cars.They drive on the right side of the road. People seem to know

when to stop and go by obeying colored lights.”

• “When people meet, some hold hands and shake them up and down.Others put their

arms around each other.”

Tell students that an important part of the extraterrestrials’ mission is to answer these


• What is important to human beings?

• Why are some things about human beings the same, and why are some things different?

• Why don’t all people think and act the same way?

• What are the rules? How are they learned?

• What shapes how human beings see the world, themselves, and others?

3. Once students have shared their observations and questions in class discussion, ask them

to step out of their role as extraterrestrials and now think about themselves.Ask students

to take home the following questions and discuss them with their families.What explains

• How and why they dress the way they do?

• How and why they celebrate certain holidays?

• The foods they eat and the way they’ve been taught to eat them?

• What is the polite thing to do?

• The traditions in their family?

• What is important to them?

• What influences and shapes the way they think and act?

4. The following day, have students discuss their answers in class. Explain to the students

that we call these types of influences in our lives “culture.” Introduce students

to the enduring understanding: Everyone has a culture. It shapes how we see the

world, ourselves, and others.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Still Seeking The Philosopher's Stone....

Fulcanelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(1839 - fl.1953) is almost certainly a pseudonym assumed, in the late 19th century, by a French alchemist andesoteric author, whose identity is still debated.[1] ....his most devoted pupil Eugène Canseliet performed a successfultransmutation of 100 grams of lead into gold in a laboratory of the gas works of Sarcelles at the Georgi company with the use of a small quantity of the "Projection Powder" given to him by his teacher, in the presence of Julien Champagne and Gaston Sauvage.... Canseliet's only student, Patrick Rivière, believes that Fulcanelli's true identity was Jules Violle, famous French physicist.[4]

Glenn T. Seaborg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Glenn Theodore Seaborg (Swedish: Glenn Teodor Sjöberg; April 19, 1912 – February 25, 1999) was an American scientist who won the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for "discoveries in the chemistry of thetransuranium elements,"[1] contributed to the discovery and isolation of ten elements, developed theactinoids concept and was the first to propose theactinoids series which led to the current arrangement of the Periodic Table of the Elements. He spent most of his career as an educator and research scientist at the University of California, Berkeley where he became the second Chancellor in its history and served as a University Professor.[2] Seaborg advised ten presidents from Truman to Clinton on nuclear policy and was the chairman of the United States Atomic Energy Commission from 1961 to 1971 where he pushed for commercial nuclear energy and peaceful applications of nuclear science.

The Solar System Is Speaking.... Listen....

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room

Posted By: FarSight3
Date: Thursday, 23-Jul-2009 12:52:00

In Response To: Amateur Finds New Earth-Sized Blot on Jupiter (Rayelan)
Besides the assumption that these 4 new spots (one big and three smaller ones) on Jupiter were caused by an impactor we should reconsider that it could be more likely possible that Jupiter is reacting electrically to the altered plasma-environment of our solar system.

The socalled F10-Flux of our Sun ist at it´s lowest since record. That means that our Sun is not "consuming" as much electricity from her plasma environment as usual.

If you connect a light bulb to an electric circuit where other bulbs are fed with you will recognize a short flickering of those other bulbs.

The same may happen in our solar system. As our Sun isn´t consuming the electric energy available all the other planets may be provided with a higher current-density. Kristian Birkeland described all this almost a hundred years ago. The planets interconnect with their plasma-environment through their POLES (see, Auroras!), and therefore it is much likely that you discover the first effects more certain in the polar regions of the planets.

So Jupiter could show the interaction of a Birkeland-current, connecting with the surface, leaving "holes" - more exactly producing heated storms with sharp edges.

The big gasous planets could be therefore nothing else than "unlit stsrs" - as they have a similar consistence as stars/suns - but as the main star "consumes" most of the available energy in a planetary system there is not much left for those gasous planets to enlighten.

And - we see a similar occurance at the Venus around the same time: On 19th July a amateur astronomer, Frank Melillo, observed a strange spot near the southern pole of the planet:

The cosmos is electrical.
Far Sight 3

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another 222 Syncronicity

Bama Breeze plays....
Jimmy Buffett, Lucy Buffett, Mobile, they lived at the corner, at the intersection, before where the public school kids walked up to E.R.Dickson and climbed up the hill to the schoolyard....
Lucy was in second grade I think. She went to Catholic school. I think I was in third grade? A brownie mama was the troop leader, Girl Scout Troop 222. We all flew up to be Juniors, but I think Lucy dropped out pretty soon along the way.
So now, she runs LuLu's , a seafood restaurant @ Gulf Shores.... and in Bama Breeze, she sings "Freebird", and so I send it to my mom, c/o my brother. I tell him to tell mom to watch it, and that Lucy Buffett sings Freebird in it...... Then I go watch it myself.
Don't you know, Lucy toasts in song, as she sings "Freebird" and exactly 2:22

Jennifer's 2009 World

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Eagle Has Landed.

listen to this video....

buzz aldrin is a character
he wrote a kids book about his professional education and training, and
how he used those skills as an astronaut
i have a signed copy (i think george picked it up in Venice on the boardwalk.....)
he tells in his book how he did MANUAL calculations to land safely on the moon's surface
because technology failed....
the video doesn't give him the credit he gives himself in his book....
...... he became a drunk....... and then turned his life around...... and now is
a REAL character!

who can read a slide rule anymore?
my dad taught me how.
bet my brother knows how too!!!!

just think.... the ETs were there watching us..... wonder what they thought?


Free Energy

Zero Point Energy was tapped
in Montery Rey, CA
in the basement of the physics department building
@ the Naval postgraduate school.....

Experiments regarding the Casimer effect
(a capacitor which produces free energy...)
generate amazing results.....

The chicken is hatched!

see.... - "Henry Deacon" testimony
(also reference Brian O'Leary for more state of the art energy science....

Friday, July 17, 2009

Affirmation for the Infinite Light

I AM a Son/Daughter of God, and at this very moment I stand up to be counted as a Co-creator with God on Earth. I hereby consciously choose to acknowledge the power of my free will to choose Light, to choose Life, to choose the Perfection of God over the imperfections in this world. I choose to affirm that nothing imperfect is real and that only God’s Light and God’s Perfection is real and has permanence.

Therefore, I affirm that within my heart is the Spark of God, the Spark of Light, that truly is the Open Door that no human power can shut, save my free will. I now choose to open that Door, and therefore I AM the Open Door which no human power, or any force of darkness, can shut.

I hereby acknowledge my true individuality as my I AM Presence, and I choose to let the Light of my Presence stream through me and consume all unlike itself. I choose to be the God Flame that I AM in Heaven, manifest on Earth as the fire that burned before Moses when he ascended the mountain of God. I choose to let that Fire that I AM bring forth the true spiritual law that could not be given to Moses because of the recalcitrance of humankind. I choose to be the Open Door for this true Spiritual Law to now be brought down to the physical octave on planet Earth.

I choose to be the Open Door for the Light of the Presence of Infinite Light to stream forth in the material universe and consume all imperfections and imbalances. I choose to be the Open Door for envisioning the Kingdom of God on planet Earth. I call upon the Presence of Infinite Light to send the unstoppable, unconquerable Light of God to superimpose the perfect vision of God upon the Ma-ter* substance that makes up my own physical body, my soul and mind, my outer circumstances and this planet itself, from all aspects of human society to Mother Nature.

I choose to accept my Christ potential and I vow to dedicate my life to putting on the mind of Christ as quickly as possible. I vow that I will never have any false gods before the true God in Heaven, represented to me by my own I AM Presence. I vow that I will not take upon myself any graven image in the form of an imperfect vision. And therefore I will not accept any of the imperfect conditions on Earth as permanent or real. I will see that beyond all imperfections is the Ma-ter* Light of God, and I will hold the immaculate vision of God and see that God’s vision is materialized because it is superimposed upon the Ma-ter* substance itself.

I therefore declare that as long as I AM in the world, I AM the Light of the world. I AM here to take dominion over the Earth, multiply my Divine individuality and the Light given to me by my I AM Presence. I vow to take dominion over my soul and mind, my physical body, my personal circumstances, my nation, human society and nature itself. I vow to accept only the perfection of God; I vow to see only the perfect vision of God, given to me through the Universal Christ mind. I vow to BE the flame of God, consuming all unlike itself and I declare that I AM willing to start with myself and to allow the Flame of God that I AM, anchored in my I AM Presence, to consume all imperfections in my own consciousness, including the human ego and the carnal mind. I AM willing to let the Flame of God consume all imperfections in my soul, my mind, my body and my life.

I vow to nevermore limit God’s ability to work through me, and I vow to always affirm the reality of the Living Christ within me and my oneness with the Ascended Jesus Christ. Therefore, I shall not deny my Oneness with my Master. And by affirming my Oneness with the Living Christ within me and with the Living Christ within Jesus, I truly AM the Light of the world. And through the power and authority of the Universal Christ within me, I therefore say, “Let there be Light and only Light on planet Earth. And there IS Light. It is finished.” 
Ma-ter Light means the Mother Light out of which ALL things are created.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Facebook Fun...

what is your indian name?

Thunder Horse

You are wild and free, you chase after what you desire with great passion.

how long would you last in the ghetto?

You live there!!

Welcome to the hood! You rock knock off clothes, blend in with grillz, and at this point you have speed to run from the cops and you actually have a "gat", as a plus your welcome to all cookouts!! mrz.peachez even takes a liking to you

what is god’s gift in you?


Your destiny is a teacher. A teacher is a person who can inspire someone else to be interested in a subject. Someone who is enthusiastic about something; to impart the knowledge of; to give intelligence concerning; to inculcate as true or important; to exhibit impressively; to direct, as an instructor; to manage, as a preceptor; to guide the studies of. Teaching is one of God’s highest callings for His children ... ask God it might be you !

Amongst Insanity

a sunbeam
  has energy/power

Concrete Thinking in Matter

digest thought forms


review & filter info

straddling 2 dimensions....

 j j
i m u

Friday, July 10, 2009

What's Up With This?

the date is friday the 10th.
the post i just published is dated yesterday?
electromagnetic anomonaly?
the blue "Save Now" button just flashed....
ok, i get it.  The new post window was open.  I flipped sessions and typed.  The program date/time stamps when you OPEN the window -- not when you Publish.....  nuance in instruction to the programmer means HUGE differences in user satisfaction....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Attitude Is Conveyed by This....

YouTube - Ben Harper - Blessed To Be A Witness

i m u
 j   j   

Happy B-Day Ricky!

What Was Not Mentioned by Anyone

NO DISCUSSION and NO QUESTIONS re: The Rape of the Mother!
  • EPA may use cost-benefit to fix environment, even if resources are less protected than the would otherwise be...  Entergy Corp. v. Riverkeeper.
  • environmentalists rights to sue restricted  - private individuals and organizastions have limited chance to shape policies governing public lands and forests.... Summers v. Earth Island Institute.
  • US Navy's use of sonar in training does not violate environmental law, even if it harms whales and other marine life.  (This one really upsets me. I feel their pain. They are more advanced than humans.... and we are torturing them!  Time for a NEW LAW!!!!)  Winter V. Natural Resources Defense Council.
  • Army Corps of Engineers may let sludge be dumped in lake, even if EPA rules forbid it.  Coeur Alaska v. Southeast Alaska Conservation Council.
  • Federal Court's authority to divide up legal responsibility for cleanup of toxic waste dumpsite amongst companies who polluted the Earth. Burlington Norther v. U.S.
So let me get this straight:  in Burlington, Federal Court authority to use discresion or judgment is limited; they must follow the rules.  BUT in Summers, people/groups cannot force the government to follow rules laid down by Congress......

And no one even mentioned this..... all night.  For shame.  Where was I?

Am I missing something here?

Supreme Court Decisions

Went to the National Constitution Center last night to hear some talking heads discuss the Supreme Court decisions handed down a week or so ago....  Now for some observations:

  • If these huge intellects ever learn to lead with their hearts, there may be hope for the world.  Yes, on the stage were huge intellects.  Equal to those on the Court they cover.  And equal to those in the audience.
  • The audience was SO SO white.  All ages though. 
  • However, the first question came from a Packastani looking 20-something, and the panel could not understand him.  Only the woman - Delilah - caught the gist of his question - which was about a Guatanamo Bay case decided last Term - and the questioner's concern was clearly deeply felt (in the heart), but it also demonstrated the questioner's unfamiliarity with the US Justice system.  I would have hoped that one of the panel would have sought the questioner after the session to discuss further his concerns and to assure that a good two way communication occurred.
  • So, the audience asks about Gitmo - but the panel spent all the up front time on the Voting Rights Act, Affirmative Action, and the NYU prof, who made sure to mention he wrote the book Obama used when teaching constitutional law, (and he even got the TITLE of the book in on the record!), Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie's obscenity on-the-air and the ? of, 'Can the FCC fine the broadcasting station for this?' gets revisited.
  • Somewhat interesting, but trying to fix a broken system --  corporation cannot give $ to a political candidate, but can they take out add in paper to attack the politician's programs? Where is the line?  (Who cares?  The US election system is a joke.)
  • BEST question of the night - on behalf of a group of social studies teachers: what 5 cases should all high school students study?  The answer?
  1. U.S. vs. Caroline Products.  1938.  individual rights
  2. Baker v. Carr (which leads to Reynolds vs. Simms) - one person one vote 
  3. Brown vs. The Board of Education.  1956.  (which overturns Plessy vs. Fergeson - so you have to read that case too...)
  4. Roe v. Wade.  1973.  (Casey - and the case which fixed it, thanks to Justice Sutter, Casey? ...)
  5. Miranda vs. Arizona
  6. first amendment protection of speech - even if it is hateful - unless there is an imminent risk if immediate violence.  (clear and present danger?)
  7. Truman could not seize the steel companies during world war II "substantial cost on identifiable individuals"
  • Points made that are of interest: Kennedy was in the majority 92% of the time.
  • There were 74 decisions; 23 of them were 5-4.
  • Whose rights prevail?  Individual rights?  or Those of Groups?
  • It is clear to me that the top intellect in our country is not in sync with the world. Maintenance of the old, and a belief that the past ways and systems can be fixed, permeates the air.  Or does it?  
One cannot lead with the heart if s/he is stuck in his head.
