Breakthroughs to energy-resource justice
Interview with Jeane Manning
by Chester Ptasinski
Interview with Jeane Manning
by Chester Ptasinski
An excerpt
Jeane Manning is an award-winning Canadian author. In 1981 she learned about a network of inventors, engineers and scientists who research non-conventional energy generators with the goal of giving humankind clean energy abundance. Since 1986 she has traveled extensively – interviewing key people in the field and attending energy conferences about breakthrough energy systems that could replace oil and nuclear fission reactors.
Manning’s books are published in six languages. The most recent, co-authored with industrial scientist Joel Garbon, won a silver medal in the international Independent Publishers’ 2009 Outstanding Book of the Year competitions. Its title is Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-Leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World. Jeane Manning was interviewed for Share International by Chester Ptasinski.
Manning’s books are published in six languages. The most recent, co-authored with industrial scientist Joel Garbon, won a silver medal in the international Independent Publishers’ 2009 Outstanding Book of the Year competitions. Its title is Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-Leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World. Jeane Manning was interviewed for Share International by Chester Ptasinski.
Share International: The subtitle of your new book covers a broad scope. What do you mean by “how quantum-leap new energy inventions can transform our world”?
Jeane Manning: That refers to the implications of breakthrough energy-converting inventions – for people, ecosystems and the economy. Sweeping changes become possible. So the subtitle refers to social, economic, cultural, financial as well as environmental transformations.
Transformation in this context means democratization of creative scientific exploration. Today there’s energy apartheid on Earth. The ‘haves’ can power electronics, appliances, homes, greenhouses and workplaces and buy fuel for transportation without hesitation, while ‘have-nots’ don’t have access to fuels and reliable electricity or can’t afford them.
However, the disparity can be eliminated by turning toward radically different energy sources. Experimental devices show that tapping into ambient background energy or other sources for low-cost, clean energy abundance, is possible. These possibilities open the door to new energy systems that can be fairly accessed by all.
Furthermore, the emerging science underlying new energy and new propulsion technologies can also be applied to fields ranging from architecture to health. Understanding the background energy of the universe will open us to vast heights of knowledge.
SI: Your book begins with the down-to-earth here and now, so let’s do the same. What does “new energy” mean?
JM: When my co-author and our colleagues use the term to describe an invention or an area of research, it means a leap forward to a new understanding of how to tap into a clean energy source – usually a previously unrecognized source.
New energy is defined by the advocacy group New Energy Movement as a class of innovative and super-efficient low-cost, clean, decentralized energy systems that includes a variety of quantum-leap new inventions. They have the potential to replace today’s polluting energy technologies and clean up Earth. New energy systems are practical and can be developed with relatively small research and development budgets, but have usually been unacknowledged by mainstream scientists and their followers in the media.
New energy does not refer to incremental improvements to existing technologies. We’re not talking about solar, wind turbines or geothermal (although we encourage their use). Nor are we talking about standard technologies of the hydrogen fuel cell industry. Standard energy alternatives are expensive, intermittent or unwieldy compared to the potential of outside-the-box new energy alternatives.
New energy does not refer to incremental improvements to existing technologies. We’re not talking about solar, wind turbines or geothermal (although we encourage their use). Nor are we talking about standard technologies of the hydrogen fuel cell industry. Standard energy alternatives are expensive, intermittent or unwieldy compared to the potential of outside-the-box new energy alternatives.
The New Energy Movement is not aligned with industry advertisements that frame the expansion of the nuclear fission industry as clean or new energy. That’s dishonest propaganda, and nuclear fission being sold as clean energy technology drives me up the wall. The problem of disposing of radioactive waste has not been solved by that industry. Building nuclear power plants is expensive and involves using 19th century technology – consuming fuel to create steam to drive turbines. Not new.
Meanwhile, we have an opportunity to go in a fuel-less direction. There’s compelling evidence for a variety of clean local approaches arising from original thinking and experimentation with working prototypes. The best approaches work in harmony with nature. Unfortunately, much of the research is languishing in under-funded laboratories.
SI: How about some examples?
JM: To keep it simple I’ll mention just a few of the many types of innovations that we write about. They include:
• Energy converters that innovatively manipulate magnetic fields to create electricity.
• Crystal Converters, which convert background energy to electricity without using moving parts or batteries.
• Water-as-fuel inventions that resonate water molecules, with hydrogen released super-efficiently at point of use to provide power.
• Breakthroughs in cold fusion, now known as Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
• Solid-state (no moving parts) devices in which electronic circuitry and materials resonate with cosmic background energy.
• Sonofusion – using sound frequencies to create tiny bubbles that implode and release an excess of energy.
• Vortex technologies – working with rather than against natural motions.
• Energy converters that innovatively manipulate magnetic fields to create electricity.
• Crystal Converters, which convert background energy to electricity without using moving parts or batteries.
• Water-as-fuel inventions that resonate water molecules, with hydrogen released super-efficiently at point of use to provide power.
• Breakthroughs in cold fusion, now known as Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
• Solid-state (no moving parts) devices in which electronic circuitry and materials resonate with cosmic background energy.
• Sonofusion – using sound frequencies to create tiny bubbles that implode and release an excess of energy.
• Vortex technologies – working with rather than against natural motions.
SI: Hasn’t cold fusion been dismissed as junk science?
JM: The class of tabletop experiments that 20 years ago were labeled ‘cold fusion’ may be something other than standard fusion of atomic nuclei – but not junk science.
Whatever they’re named, those experiments have been replicated internationally, which is a scientific success. However, the disinformation campaign against that field has been even more successful. So yes, it’s dismissed by hot-fusion establishment physicists who count on the millions of dollars they’re collectively paid for working on their expensive particle accelerators. Their dismissal is glib, because they expect fusion in a metal lattice (palladium) to act the same as fusion in hot plasma and release radioactivity as happens in their accelerators.
Elsewhere, tenacious scientists continue cold fusion research. Japan, Israel and Italy have the most advanced programs, and Russia, China, France, South Korea and India are spending on cold fusion too. Their successes involve real outputs of excess energy, unlike the huge particle accelerators. It’s quite a contrast.
Transmutation of elements happens in some of these experiments. That could possibly be applied to cleaning up radioactive waste. We don’t know how cost-efficient it would be, because none of the new-energy scientists have been able to get funding to pursue it further. Vested interests are instead committed to encasing the wastes in glass or some other established method.
SI: You mentioned a wide spectrum of research and you name many more types in Breakthrough Power. Do the various inventions have anything in common?
JM: They are parts of an exciting creative field whose time has come. Underlying many of the inventions is emerging science that’s evolutionary, in contrast to materialistic, reductionist science. We see it as science of a higher mind. Many of the new approaches involve a study of how the universe really works. Examples are the work of Nassim Haramein, seen at, and the rediscovery of concepts of past thinkers such as Dr Walter Russell and John Worrell Keely* who was perhaps 200 years ahead of his time with his “sympathetic vibratory physics”.
*[Interviewer’s note: Helena Blavatsky discusses the occult significance of Keely’s work in her 1888 book The Secret Doctrine, Volume 1].
*[Interviewer’s note: Helena Blavatsky discusses the occult significance of Keely’s work in her 1888 book The Secret Doctrine, Volume 1].
The energy revolution will eventually be seen as part of a revolution in consciousness. The old paradigm is about competition and belief in energy resource scarcity. The new paradigm is about co-operation. The new worldview will have to be about laying down arms – an end to the days of physical conflict. It can be the biggest revolution in human consciousness ever – from warring to caring.
SI: How could that happen?
JM: I hope that as the new science reveals the incredible interconnectedness of all life, that understanding will be the foundation for humankind’s new story.
Energy-resource abundance itself can be a powerful tool for building a higher civilization. It’s not a cure-all, but it is a levering and leveling tool that’s becoming available at the right time.
SI: A higher civilization – on Earth?
JM: Does it sound too idealistic in a time of increasing violence? Consider this: our era is changing fast, and while something is in motion you have the opportunity to change its direction. You can’t turn a parked car without forcing it, but when it’s moving swiftly a mere tug on the steering wheel can result in an entirely different destination.
SI: Quantum physics talks about “zero point energy”. Is that a basis for the energy revolution?
JM: Zero point energy experiments sometimes deal with a force called the Casimir force, which pushes things together at the very small level – billionths of a meter. But tiny machines aren’t likely to convince us to support a new-energy revolution.
The mainstream view of zero point energy usually limits the concept to something like “vibrational energy retained by molecules even at a temperature of absolute zero”. Not very inspiring, just a jittering movement of atoms, and that definition doesn’t cover the unknown source of extra power that pours into some of the experimental apparatus. Perhaps zero point energy is just one indication of something bigger – a primordial and more powerful field underlying physical reality.
SI: As a final question, can you reveal something about the “bigger picture”?
JM: I’ve seen ample evidence that the human family aspires to become more than what it is now. And anyone tuned into a source of inspiration intuitively knows that a higher civilization on Earth is possible. I expect it will flourish first with energy justice – peoples everywhere having access to low-cost heating and cooling, irrigation, clean drinking water, communication technology, education opportunities.
A more peaceful world can result from energy abundance and equality of opportunity. In such a setting, availability of leisure time unleashes human creativity in the arts and sciences. A new field of education can start, with vital parts of the curriculum being knowledge of subtle energies and how to live in harmony with nature.
Architecture can be transformed with new materials resulting from processes in research areas such as fractional hydrogen. Cities anywhere on the planet could be aesthetically pleasing cultural centers with quiet streets – no noisy fuel-burning transportation – and soaring translucent buildings. Any excess heat can be converted into electricity and cooling with the new technology. And conversely no one needs to shiver in a cold apartment.
A reprieve from the struggle for survival could give beleaguered humans a chance to find out who they really are – a most gratifying lifelong process.