Sunday, April 25, 2010

Seen any Tall Blondes recently?

to Kerry Cassidy of projectcamelotproductions

Candid and honest about part of his life: a coward; intimate relationship with non human intelligence since 3 years old. combat in korea, southeast asia, life was changed/saved over and again..... all around him died..... more became apparent over time..... past life regressions: 
at 3, hands under the arms lifted him 40 feet out of canal full of water and placed him on the cliff from where he fell. no one there.
Korea..... not many left..... bad war..... engaged Chinese - then came in at end of 1950 - attacking in pine forest - hear his favorite music, as do others..... lost 1/3 of his platoon that day.... piano concerto.  The radio man, company runner.... all heard the music.  6 of them at end of day, he moves to take a piss and incoming hits the fire.... they are all dead.
Viet Nam..... holes in floor of helicoptor; weren't there when the went up!... a huey.... engine gets hit; crash into flame - he is only survivor.
Tied to when he was 3. Why did he come to this planet? Has never been abducted. Regular face-to-face contact over last 20 years. 1991 began speaking openly about ETs, violating national security oath, and meetings continued face-to-face.  Anger/frustration at US govt, media, public - lying; not paying attention to greatest story in human history. Began to realize spiritually who he is and why he is here.....
Read a book; went into safe. was master command sargent on assignment in Paris in 1963. An Assessment -. Put him in shock. But yet he knew this. Top secret document. Military studying for 3 years then..... appendices, pictures: crash in N. Germany with 12 small bodies - read autopsy reports - 
    Was he set up?
Col. threw An Assessment on his desk, and said "This will wake you up".  Was a military study. Purpose was to determine: is there a military threat from these things? all over central Europe.  Gordon Cooper said they were all over the skies over Germany when he flew there, before becoming an astronaut.  1961 out of Soviet....... channel of England.... disappeared over Norwegian sea.  Large metallic circular disks.
Germans had superior technology. ET technology. Circular disks - Jim Nicols say they were flying them in the 1930's.
His contact has been with Tall blondes. Nordics.
There has been an ongoing war. The powers that be in DC and other places....... should ETs be disclosed?????
Is a type 2 civilization.
Believes a type 4 is also involved.
Realm of spirituality. Evolved beings; angelic compared to us.... we are quite primitive.  Millions of years ahead.....
Retired military 1976.
Went thru portal/door. Tuson. They can manipulate your awareness; erase an experience unless they trigger the memory... live in 2 worlds at once - HE IS. "I'm a tough old bird..... not an innocent.... kindof tuff, but at the moment I am living in 2 worlds."  Full recall of previous lives.  Is almost a basket case.  Jim [Nichols?] is sitting here...... knows him...... has not finished mission from beyond.....
You may be confronting some of this yourself.  More and more people are.  Waves of people here on earth at this time.... 
Neil did a white paper this year. Relationship with nonhuman intelligence since age 7.  Made him feel like a coward, so he is coming forward..... they manipulate matter and time..... you think quantum physics is weird, you ain't seen nothing yet.
time travel. portals. maniupuation of matter. erase your memory of a 6 week cruise with them.
s. az. back seat of a car went thru a portal. this statement would have gotten him committed several years ago.  was with a couple of them.  a fog.  a portal. 2 hours of missing time.
they were as material as he is/was. some walk halls of pentagon. 
you are an immoral being in a of multiple possibilities.  Kerry Cassidy is a major player.  Challenge the masses! Extension of consciousness will change the species. This reality will fall away and a new one will replace it. Prod people to wake up to see world they live in: you will walk in 2 worlds!!!!  The divine spark lives within - when people grasp this AND its implications..... the world will change.  the dweller within. imprisoned splendor.  yoginanda - self realization fellowship. recognize that you are a godlike immortal being. this is the point. you are an infinite spark of divinity. this transition..... will be painful..... bumpy ride...... grasp what you are!
Nevada to Pine Gap, AU through a "door" was told to him.... Plenty of underground facilities.  Aerospace command. Used to be Nebraska, Colorado Springs. Now headquarters is in orgit.  Trillions go to this.  Lance Lord, air force general, is commanding...joing services command, secret from the public.  is international.  US Navy/Air Force, Brits, Ykusa Pact:  Au, New Zealand, Great Britian, 1947 signed.  Was told about hyper-luminal flight 20 years ago,  mcdonnell douglas, lockheed martin, going outside this solar system... anti gravity and zero point energy for 40 years. American people have paid the bill. 
los alamos - had contained and sustained fusion reaction 30 years ago.  infinite energy forever.  we do not need the electric company!  (kerry mentions it is known for time travel.....) 
He does not know where "they" are from.
Intuitive gut reaction when he met this couple last year....
she confirmed they aren't from here
said you wouldn't understand if i told you.....
the galactic headquarters is not in our galaxy!
we are also talking about inter-dimensional. 
Authorities have know since before he retired in 1976.
She told him people would not believe him!!!
china, future war
kerry asks, says she thinks they will be stopped
pete peterson takes the negative - will transpire
dean says we do have a future, and it is glorious. transition to adulthood as a species. they will not allow a nuclear war: we do not own the planet!  {See the day the earth stood still -- listen to Klatu!]
struggle between ET groups -- is not a war.  clan is divided. annauki split. has been going on a long time. there is a hierarchy.  intelligences above us with their own agenda. groups who visit us also have their own agendas. there is a higher hierarchy that is predominantly spiritual - angelic.
earth was terra-formed. life introduced. hierarchy has grabbed some above us and gotten their attention - told them they may not kill the earth. genetics to make them a slave race was bad enough.  now let them jump as a species!!! 
people who disappear.
many by choice.
taken. to other places. are alive and well, in other dimensions/places. shadow gov't is not in control.
simultaneous realities, each with own timeline.  LOVE joe six-pack, but don't try to explain this to him.
our concept of time is childlike. 
space and time cannot be separated.
the middle east
this coldren is focus of the experiment
because of the populations there... islam, christianity, judiasm..... stir up peitri dish! zoraster was there. 
gulf of aden, kerry asks..... 
stargates have existed on various places on earth for eons..... were put there for a reason.   Portales - a place in Arizona, named by the spaniards --- around Tuson.   One in Utah - The Hunt for the Skinwalker, a book.  One at Ranier.  They can open one where ever they choose....
He wont bite about Aden.
Kerry continues, Yemen, massing of troops.... ships.  
Dean says: There will be a revolution in Iran. We will not initiate. It will come from within Iran. Before the end of 2010. Will keep Israelis from bombing nuclear facilities.
Kerry asks - do you know about synthetic beings coming into planet at this time?
Dean says: greys are synthetic..... Roswell and other crashes, some survived, no one came to get them! they went back to the lab and made more: manufacture biological android.  WE CAN DO THIS NOW, can't we, asks Kerry???? Bob Dean says: there are US, UK, AU, China lab experiments that would drive christian fundamentalists crazy. WE ARE CLOING HUMAN BEINGS.  Annauki did this hundreds of thousands of years ago.  There are lab ships out there. Some have vast containers full of cloned humans. Maybe there is a clone of YOU out there!!!!  Put your soul in a new container..... this will help you leave this body~!  Tell Joe SixPack, or a Muslim fundamentalist that!!

A Cullis History Document

This letter was obtained from the personal papers of Harry Cullis, son of John F. Cullis and Mattie Kemp.  John F. descended from Henry W. Cullis (1831 - 1910) and Hannah Faraday (1835 - ?? ).  More about them later..... fun story!  For now, let's focus on the letter sent to my great Uncle Harry Cullis as the result of a syncronistic meeting during a change of planes in a Canadian airport in the 1950's!  Life is strange.

-----------------------Here is the letter.  (The original is handwritten.) --------------------------
private &
  personal            Brunswick Road
                October 11th 1923
My Dear Sir,
    My daughter, Professor Winifred Cullis, has requested me to write you something of what I know of the surname Cullis, by which our family, and presumably yours also, have been through at least some recent centuries known to the world. You also ask if I can indicate where you and we come together in the joint use of the name and I am here, with pleasure, sending you from memory some notes respecting our name and your and our relative claims to it, which I hope may interest you. 
    Notwithstanding a competative modern French origin of the same name, but otherwise applied, there need be no doubt whatever that for us our family name is obviously and historically a slight modification of “Coilus”, the Latinised form of “Coel”,  this being the correct historic form of the name of three of the best known British Kings.  Unhappily this genuinely ancient name has been made ridiculous in the silly rhyme of “Old King Cole”.  Perhaps the stupidest of all the attempts ever made to turn priceless fragments of ancient story to serve the tune of childish amusement and the monumental ignorance of these later times.  We have no record of any ancient King Cole, the three Kings Coel  occurring in the course of the long period of some five hundred years, remain amongst the most real personages of the remote period to which they belong.
    In this connection you may perhaps deem it not unworthy of record that in an ancient Sussex Folk Song, these three Royal Coels, though first chiefly connected with more western countries of England and never especially so recorded for Sussex, are not only this popularly celebrated in their correct number and due order, but personally honoured in a chorus which to the uninformed may seem to be without meaning and simply ridiculous. When explained however it is obvious that the song was emphasized by an ??? accompaniment most meant for use by the unconquered and unconquerable early iron workers of the Sussex Weald, however it is not a local but a genuinely British enthusiasm which they expressed in their really notable refrains, “Here’s to the young Coel! And to the old Coel!” And to become not only the old Coel of British tradition and the Sussex song, but also to be commonly recorded by the more polite Latinised form of his British name as “King Coilus”, thus introducing the original form of the family name which is now both yours and ours.
    The still comparatively young Coilus no doubt had had a good time in Rome, since he was not only the son of Marcus and the grandson of Anviragus - British Kings tributary to Rome - but the grandson also of the young wife of Anrivagus, a Roman princess and daughter of Claudius, given to Anviragus by the Emperor himself on his seventeen day visit to Britian in the spring of the year 44 of our era. To complete and celebrate the success of his conquest of a considerable portion of this even then long coveted Britian, after coming to the kingship, Coilus is said to have regularly paid the tribute to Rome and to have reigned in great peace for the all too brief remaining twenty years of his life. It is also of course quite easy to understand that Coilus himself, with his Roman sympathies and dignity, should willingly use this Latinised form of his British name, first introduced in connection with him, but also used more than a century later by the last of the three Coels then reigning in the extreme east of England as the stubborn defender of Colchester against the Roman Constantuis Chlonis, then an aspirant and afterward attain?? of the imperial dignity. Presently, on making a peace with Colius, the latter, as a man of amity, gave his daugther Helena to the would-be Emperor in marriage and so she became the great Empress Helena, the refuted discoverer of the True Cross, the foundress of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher at Jerusalem and by far the most famous woman known in the history of her time.

    If like me you have daughters and granddaughters to boast of, it may amuse them to reflect that if this famous ancient lady had not been in her youth the daughter of a British King and therefore a princess, and if the common form of address known to us now had only then been in use, she would have been familiarly recognized as little other than the Miss Cullis which has come to them today.
    I have ventured to suggest that if you could only be quite sure that representatives of your line were already at Penryn as early as the second century B.C., you might very well claim to represent the original stem of the whole family - while the rest of us can do no better that trace our attainment of it to some later period, we here in particular, not to our knowledge sharing your Cornish domisilo?- and not acquiring the name till at least 1213 years later than you might so have done, we get a first clue to the origin of our name only through an eatery in the famous Doomsday Book, the compilation of which was - by the way - ordered and to the old Coel of all.  “Twank-i-dillo, Twank-i-dillo, Twank-i-dillo!”  the genuineness of this scrap of ancient but doubtless modernised and thus still used Folk Lore may be regarded as at least suggested by the way in which it looks backward successively from the youngest to the oldest of the certainly three Coels and by its so tolerably indicating as it does in many a mystic gathering even now the music of the anvils and hammers of so very long ago.
    The French or Norman Cullis, a refined product of the cooks’ art, as also the better known port-cullis, the strong grating or gate which by sliding down into grooves - still to be seen on either side of many an ancient castle gate-way - denied admission in times of war, come from a Latin route signifying to flors or to glide, as my perhaps also the present day Coulisse, the well known name give to the ourside body of Parisian financial brokers, though perhaps scarcely the surnames of Jean Calas, the unfortunate 18th Century Protestant martyr of Toulouse and that of Count Caylus, the somewhat late emminent French Antiguary. But these may from our point of view be regarded as having only an accidental similarity and being altogether too recent to be concerned in the origin of our certainly more ancient name.
    You tell us that your original English home was at Penwyn.  This is a small Cornish town a little to the east of Falmouth, with its name aptly descriptive of its one straight street sloping steeply form the “pen” or hill behind, down to the water-side where the one industry of the place, the shaping of blocks of Cornish granite, is still actively maintained near to the wharves where they are transferred to small sailing vessels for transport to and insertion in the massive dock-walls, bridges and the like, in many of the great works of the Civil Engineer all round the long coast-line of this old England.
    You will doubtless have noted how brief are nearly all the true remains of ancient story whether carved in stone, impressed on metal, still preserved in documented histories, or strangely kept alive amongst the myths and fables of Folk Lore.  So it is that if you could only make sure that your people have not been more recent Cornish immigrants, but were already located there in the second century B.C. you might claim this as at any rate suggesting that you may represent the senior original and central stem of all us ancient Cullis’s, and this owing to the fact that whilst the first of the Coels, “the old Coel of all” is universally spoken of as King Coel, one at least of the Chronicles somewhat inappropriately describes him as having been originally a “Duke of Cornwall”.  Thence he is said to have penetrated in the year 128 B.C. into this part of the country, his conquests here including much of the Severn Vale and extending well up onto the Cotters wolde Hills.  Here there is a considerable parish, now and anciently Coels’ Brook, and therefore Cole’s boundry towards the east.  The ruler on the farther side of the stream would presumable then have been King Ceriu or Conu, whose name at any rate is preserved to us in the later name of the Roman Corinuim and in its modern form as Cinencester. It was also in these earlier Roman times in the earlier part of the second century of our era that on the death of King Marcus, his son Coel, having as the Chronicles say “spent all his young age in Italy”, was summoned home to succeed his father as King of the region hereabouts by King William the Conqueror, who usually kept his Christmas at Gloucester, at a Parliament held here at that season in the year 1085.
    Notwithstanding this our possible family inferiority to you I have taken the liberty of noting the fact that your special service to this our late age of the world must make you an authority in the details of the business of literary publication, as they obtain on your side or the water.
    Since becoming practically blind, I have spent some of my leisure time in abstracting from a local story, of the origin of our British Caes Glowe, which I wrote and my friends of the chief local newspaper here, bargained for first production in serial form some few years ago in their Journal.  My present effort is an  attempt to put forward, still in the same story form a less local and more general account of the first occupation by man of this western part of England, regarding it as both separate from, subsequent to and by a different people from the earlier and easier crossing from the continent to Kent, and so to the south eastern, eastern, central and generally more upland part of the country.  My principal object in this later production has been to offer in a sufficiently interesting and easily readable story and outline of the facts of the coming hereabouts of late prehistoric man and I have often wished that I might make the acquaintance of some sufficiently influential American Journalist with the hope of getting this later and less local story accepted for serial production in a succession of American newspapers if this sort of thing is acceptable amongst you.
    Whilst I have the more serious purpose of popularsing the realisation - by the multitude - of the antiquity of man, I should of course regard this as a business matter and the pleasant accident of your communication.... whether in may fall within your vocation personally to represent me on your side in this matter doing the best you could for me and of course retaining for yourself such renumeration as you wojuld be properly and by usage entitled to claim.
    I will not trouble you with details in this present letter but if you will be good enough to say whether and generally on what terms you would entertain this suggestion and also let me know what success one might anticipate in such an effort. I shall be pleased in a future communication to send you such further information as you may require as to the story, its division into chapters, the number of words in each of these and the combination with it or not of an introduction and appendix intended to be easily but more definitely instructive, related to but not part of the story itself.
    I hope that what I have thus written will not fail to be of some interest to you and peradventure to many generations of those yet to follow you in the long course of your branch - or original Cornish stem?- of our clan, and who may all the better realize the reality of ancient times and people because of this their association with the antiquities and dignities some record of which I have thus had the honor and pleasure of sending to you so far away over and beyond what I myself found long ago to be the stormy Western Sea.
    If in this I have not quite succeeded in making you a present of the coveted distinction of a “Royal Pedigree” for you and “Your heirs for ever”, I think you willl admit that I have succeeded in showing you that our name has an origin not only most truly royal, but as amongst other family names, of an almost unparalleled antiquity.
    With my sincere compliments and congratulations and all manner of good wishes to you and yours.
        I remain,
                            Yours Very Truly,
                            Frederick John Cullis

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Love Ellie Crystal!

"....It has to do with the movement of light and geometric patterns (all is math and projected illusion) in and out of our frequency of perception - bending light, optics, refraction, invisibility, consciousness, etc. It all comes down to what is visibly real at any given level of consciousness and what is out there that we cannot see that is now merging with the frequency in which we experience. We see just so much with our physical brains, occasionally getting a glimpse of projected illusion in another space-time or time-space....."

Ellie's Daily Blog

Six Degrees of Separation:

Thank you Ellie, for all the work that you do.  You make a difference.  Bless you.

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Most Significant Article I Have Read in 10 Years

Is It Time To Replace The American Dream?

Today's youth find little value in the caricature of human nature as rational, calculating and utilitarian. They prefer to think of human nature as empathic.
April 12, 2010  |  
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Editor's Note: AlterNet has launched its new Vision section to help grapple with the unprecedented challenges of our time. Every day, we'll have a new vision article on our front page -- Subscribe to our weekly Vision newsletterto stay on top of the coverage.
The following is an adapted excerpt from Jeremy Rifkin's new book, 'The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis' (Tarcher/Penguin; January 2010).
For two hundred years the American Dream has served as the bedrock foundation of the American way of life. The dream, reduced to its essence, is that in America, every person has the right and opportunity to pursue his or her own individual material self interest in the marketplace, and make something of their life, or at least sacrifice so the next generation might enjoy a better life. The role of the government, in turn, is to guarantee individual freedom, assure the proper functioning of the market, protect property rights, and look out for national security. In all other matters, the government is expected to step aside so that a nation of free men and woman can pursue their individual ambitions.
Although American history is peppered with lamentations about the souring of the dream, the criticism never extends to the assumptions that underlie the dream, but only to political, economic and social forces that thwart its realization. To suggest that the dream itself is misguided, outdated, and even damaging to the American psyche, would be considered almost treasonous. Yet, I would like to suggest just that.
The American Dream was spawned in the afterglow of the Enlightenment more than two centuries ago, at the dawn of the modern market economy and nation-state era. Enlightenment philosophers painted a new picture of human nature more in line with the new market forces that were promising a qualitative uplift in the standard of living of human beings. For 1500 years, during the feudal and medieval periods, the Church's dark view of human nature prevailed. Christian theologians exclaimed that babies are born depraved and in sin, and that personal salvation must await them in the next world with Christ. The Enlightenment philosophers views were a breath of fresh air, promising that market forces, if left unhindered by government, would guarantee every person the opportunity to improve his or her station in life. John Locke, Adam Smith, René Descartes, Marquis de Condorcet and other Enlightenment sages were of the belief that human beings were, by nature, materialistic, self-interested, and driven by the biological urge to be propertied, autonomous, independent and self-sufficient, and sovereign over their own domain.
Today, that dream is still fiercely championed by libertarian ideologues and tea party populists. Their increasingly shrill defense of the American Dream, however, seems almost panic stricken in tone, suggesting a desperate effort to hold on to a belief that may, in fact, be passing away.
How else do we account for the fact that the public discourse is becoming so ugly of late? The populist backlash against big government represents more than just a clash over legislative priorities. The opposition to a government stimulus to jumpstart an ailing economy, the reluctance to adopt universal health care, and the growing denial of human induced climate change speak to a deeper sense of apprehension and foreboding. Granted, there are legitimate concerns one might raise to each of these public policy issues. My sense however, is that there is something more profound taking place under the surface, a feeling, particularly among an older generation of Americans, that the American Dream is in jeopardy and, with it, our way of life.
After all, if the American Dream were really working, each person would be able to fend for him or herself in a self-regulating market and be without need of an economic stimulus package or universal healthcare. The reality, however, is that nearly one out of five Americans are either unemployed, underemployed, or have given up looking for work all together, and millions of families are facing foreclosures in a land where homeownership has been regarded as the epitome of the American Dream. Climate change is particularly upsetting; it implies that the invisible hand of the marketplace is both an enabler of global warming and incapable of addressing it without government intervention.
When we consider these big picture policy issues, what becomes clear, if we bother to read between the lines, is that our long held beliefs about human nature, and by extension, the institutions we have created to express those beliefs, played no small role in precipitating the very crisis that now faces the country. In a nation that has come to think of human nature as competitive, even predatory, self serving, acquisitive and utilitarian, is it any wonder that those very values have led to a "winner take all" syndrome in the marketplace in which the rich get richer while everyone else becomes marginalized, and the well-being of the larger community, including the biosphere, becomes eroded? The US ranks 27th among industrialized countries, in income disparity -- the gap between the very rich and the very poor. Only Mexico, Turkey and Portugal, of the OECD nations, have greater disparity of income. Moreover, the US enjoys the dubious distinction of being one of the two leading contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Could it be that the American Dream is becoming the American nightmare?
Interestingly, a younger generation of Americans is growing up in a very different world than the one described by the Enlightenment thinkers. Their reality is being lived out on a digital commons and in social spaces on the World Wide Web. All across America, our nation's teens are performing hundreds of hours of community service as part of their formal educational requirements. In school, they are learning that every activity they engage in -- the food they eat, the car they drive, the clothes they wear -- comes with a carbon footprint and affects the well-being of every other human being and fellow creature on Earth.
Today's youth are globally connected. They are Skyping in real time with their cohorts and friends on the far corners of the Earth. They are sharing information, knowledge, and mutual aid in cyberspace chat rooms, apparently unaware of the so called "tragedy of the commons." They have little regard for traditional property rights -- especially copyrights, trademarks, and patents -- believing information should run free. They are far more concerned with sharing access than protecting ownership. They think of themselves less as autonomous agents -- an island to oneself -- and more as actors in an ever shifting set of roles and relationships. Personal wealth, while still important, is not considered an endgame, but only a baseline consideration for enjoying a more immaterial existence, including more meaningful experiences in diverse communities.
Surveys show that the millennial generation in the United States is much more likely than older generations to feel empathy for others. They are far more concerned with the planetary environment and climate change and more likely to favor sustainable economic growth. They are also more likely to believe that government has a responsibility to take care of people who can't care for themselves, and are more supportive of a bigger role of government in providing basic services. They are more supportive of globalization and immigration than older generations. They are also more racially diverse and the most tolerant of any generation in history in support of gender equality and the willingness to champion the rights of the disabled, gays, other minorities, as well as our fellow creatures. In short, they favor a world of inclusivity over exclusivity, and are more comfortable in distributed networks than in old fashioned centralized hierarchies that establish boundaries and restrictions separating people from one another.
The new sensibilities of the younger generation are beginning to usher in a different idea about human nature and the dream that accompanies it. Today's youth find little value in the Enlightenment caricature of human nature as rational, calculating, detached, and utilitarian. They prefer to think of human nature as empathic, mindful, engaged, and driven by the intrinsic value and interconnectedness of life. Homo sapien is being eclipsed by homo empathicus, as they shift their horizon from national markets and nation-state borders to a global economy and a planetary community. Even their preferred indicators of economic progress are shifting, from the crude calculation of gross domestic product and per-capita income to more sensitive social indicators -- like health and longevity, social equality, safe communities, clean environment, etc. -- that measure the well-being of the broader community.
If we listen very closely, we can hear the whisper of a new dream in the making, one based on what youth around the world are beginning to call "quality of life". In this new world, the American Dream seems almost provincial, even quaint, and entirely unsuited for a generation that is beginning to extend its empathic sensibility beyond national identities, to include the whole of humanity and the entirety of the planet as their extended community. If the American Dream served as the gold standard for the era of national markets and nation-state governments, the dream of "quality of life" becomes the standard for the emerging biosphere era.
In this new, more expansive human setting, libertarian cries and tea party bravado suddenly seem far less significant. The assumptions about human nature and the meaning of the human journey that are bound up with the conventional American Dream, which motivate much of the current political brouhaha, are more like a faint echo of the past than a clarion call for the future. The empathic civilization looms on the horizon.

Does your TV change channels by itself?

Your low energy light bulbs can cause your TV to change channels by itself!!!!

The low-energy light bulbs that take control of your TV

Last updated at 10:21 AM on 12th April 2010
Some feared it must have been a problem with their remote. Others suspected ghostly goings-on.
But when TV viewers complained their sets were changing channel by themselves, few could have guessed the real culprit  -  their light bulbs.
Low-energy bulbs can make your television turn over the station at random, according to customers.
Emma Clements
Annoying: Emma Clements said Phillips low-energy bulbs switch the channels on her Virgin Media box
Among the first to spot the problem were cable customers Alistair and Emma Clements.
They rang their supplier, Virgin Media, and were told the problem could be because of the Philips low-energy light bulb fitted nearby.
But while changing it helped, the couple say the channel still flips from time to time even though the nearest low- energy bulb is now in another room.
Experts say infra-red light from modern fluorescent bulbs can be 'mistaken' by electrical equipment for commands from its remote.
They warn that while moving or changing the offending device usually solves the problem, the proliferation of gadgets in homes increases the likelihood of such interference.
Traditional bulbs produce infra-red too, but because they don't 'flicker' like some fluorescent bulbs there is no danger of interference with electrical equipment. 
The Clements, who have two young daughters, subscribed to Virgin Media after moving into their home in Carshalton, Surrey, and began experiencing problems with the Samsungmanufactured set-top box a few months ago.
'At first we thought it was the children's sticky fingers on the remote control and that the buttons were sticking,' said Mrs Clements, 37.
Virgin dispatched an engineer whose first question was whether the couple used any Philips energy-saving lightbulbs  -  which they did.
Virgin recommended swapping to a different brand of bulb, while Philips asked them to return the bulb.
An adviser from Philips said the problem only occurred with older compact fluorescent lamps.
However, the Clements have found a different brand of low-energy bulb in a different room also causes the set-top box to flick channels.
Several customers have reported similar problems on internet forums.
On, one posted: 'My light switch is controlling my Virgin TV box each time it is used  -  anyone have any idea what is going on? Is my flat haunted?'
A response from a technician reads: 'It will be energy-saving lightbulbs. Seen it several times before with Samsung set-top boxes.'
Traditional light bulbs are being phased out by EU rules  -  opaque bulbs were taken off sale last year, and clear ones will follow in 2011.
Virgin Media said the problem was an 'isolated' one which can affect any equipment using a remote control.

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Rewriting History....

Is the map of the world going to be returned to 1916? Before the wars that the City of London caused in order to re map the world and create countries they could control in order to rape and pillage?

Are the monarchs coming back to power? Do we have Monarchs in power now? Did the City of London put an end to the German Monarchs in 1918? Are the German Monarchs the true royals of Scotland and England?
Did President Sarkozy of France say that Barack Obama was crazy?
Did he mean crazy like Hitler was crazy or crazy like Nixon was crazy in the midst of Watergate?
Is President Sarkozy Hungarian Royalty? His aristocrat father, Nagy-Bócsay Sárközy Pál, became a Hungarian immigrant in 1944, as Russian troops crossed the Hungarian border shortly after the family’s estate in Alattyán had been confiscated.
He married Sarkozy’s mother, Andrée Mallah, daughter of a Greco-Jewish doctor, when he later moved to Paris. After his new father-in-law persuaded Sarközy to become a French citizen, he became ‘Paul Sarközy de Nagy-Bocsa.’ Second son Nicolas was born a French Catholic in 1955. Paul Sarkozy left his wife and three children for the United States, where he remarried twice.
Is Sarkozy descended not only from Hungarian royalty, but can he trace his origins back to the Jins of China?
Jin is the 69th most common last name in China. There are the following origins of this last name. 1) The earliest origin came from the ancient king Shao Hao, who was known as the Great King of the West. The earth was postulated to be made of gold, wood, water, earth, and fire, and gold was associated with the west direction. Thus Shao Haos descendents are known as the Jins (Chinese word for gold is jin). 2) During the time of Han Dynasty, a Huns (Hungarian) prince defected to China. He built a golden statue for the king Han Wu Di, and was awarded the last name Jin. 3) After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, the royal family changed their last name from Aixinjueluo to Jin.
Is Vladimir Putin the highest ranking royal? Will he become the next Czar?
Putin is from Tver, a province between St Petersburg and Moscow. Tver vied with Moscow to be the capital of Russia.The new flag of Tver was created in 1996... that's an important date since all royals had been in exile from all their countries until 1995 under the various treaties forced upon them by the allies after WW2.
The new Tver flag has the crown of Monomakh, the most ancient crown of the Russian tsars, is one of the best-known exhibits of the Armory Chamber. This marvelous work of art is connected with important stages in the history of the Russian state.
This crown of pure gold is adorned with delicate filigree and striking emeralds, rubies, and pearls. It is topped by a cross, and the bottom is rimmed in sable. According to legend, it was sent, along with other insignia of imperial power, by the Byzantine Emperor Constantine Monomakh to his grandson, Prince Vladimir of Kiev. According to existing documents, the Hat of Monomakh was first employed at the coronation of the grandson of Ivan III, Tsar Dmitry, in 1498. It was last used in 1682 at the coronation of Tsar Ivan Alexeyevich, the elder brother of Peter the Great.
Will Sophie, granddaughter of Albrecht, the Duke of Bavaria become the true Queen of England? Her grandfather died in 1996 passing the title of Duke of Bavaria to his childless son, Franz who was recently cited as being the true King of England.
The Jacobite claim to the thrones of England, Scotland and Ireland will likely pass to Sophie, following the current holder, her childless uncle Franz, Duke of Bavaria, and her father.
Jacobitism was (and, to a far more limited extent, remains) the political movement dedicated to the restoration of the Stuart kings to the thrones of England, Scotland, and Kingdom of Ireland. The movement took its name from the Latin form Jacobus of the name of King James II and VII.
Jacobitism was a response to the deposition of James II and VII in 1688 when he was replaced by his daughter Mary II jointly with her husband and first cousin William of Orange. The Stuarts lived on the European mainland after that, occasionally attempting to regain the throne with the aid of France or Spain. The primary seats of Jacobitism were Ireland and Scotland, particularly the Scottish Highlands. In England, Jacobitism was strongest in the north, and some support also existed in Wales.
Many embraced Jacobitism because they believed parliamentary interference with monarchical succession to be illegitimate, and many Catholics hoped the Stuarts would end discriminatory laws. Still other people of various allegiances became involved in the military campaigns for all sorts of motives. In Scotland the Jacobite cause became entangled in the last throes of the warrior clan system, and became a lasting romantic memory.
The emblem of the Jacobites is the White Rose of York. White Rose Day is celebrated on 10 June, the anniversary of the birth of the Old Pretender in 1688.

Act repeal could make Franz Herzog von Bayern new King of England and Scotland 
By Richard Alleyne and Harry de Quetteville 
Last Updated: 2:48am BST 07/04/2008

Gordon Brown is considering repealing the 1701 Act of Settlement as a way of healing a historic injustice by ending the prohibition against Catholics taking the throne.
The Duke of Bavaria, with his niece Elisabeth, is a descendant of King Charles I
But doing so would have the unforeseen consequence of making a 74-year-old German aristocrat the new King of England and Scotland.
Without the Act, Franz Herzog von Bayern, the current Duke of Bavaria, would be the rightful heir to the British Crown under the Stuart line.
The bachelor, who lives alone in the vast Nymphenberg Palace in Munich, is the blood descendant of the 17th-century King Charles I

Posted By: RumorMillNewsRADIO <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 12-Apr-2010 12:57:49

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We are the ones we have been waiting for....

And there are things to be considered:
  • Where are you living?
  • What are you doing?
  • What are your relationships?
  • Are you in the right relation?
  • Where is your water?
  • Know your garden.
  • It is time to speak your truth
  • Create your community.
  • Be good to each other.
  • And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
  • This could be a good time!
  • There is a river flowing now very fast
  • It is so great and swift that there are those who will
    be afraid.
  • They will try to hold onto the shore.
  • They will feel they are being torn apart and they will
    suffer greatly.
  • Know the river has its destination.
  • The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push
    off and into the river,
  • Keep our eyes open, and our head above the water.
  • See who is in there with you and Celebrate.
  • At this time in history, we are to take nothing
  • Least of all ourselves.
  • For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and
    journey comes to a halt.
  • The time of the lone wolf is over, Gather yourselves!
  • Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your
  • All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner
  • And in celebration.
  • "We are the ones we've been waiting for..."

  • The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi, Arizona

Monday, April 5, 2010

More Terms to Google!

An Interview with Dr. Edmund Storms

We have the honor and distinction of visiting with Dr.
Edmund Storms, who has recently published his first
book on cold fusion titled The Science of Low Energy Nuclear
Reaction: A Comprehensive Compilation of Evidence and
Explanations About Cold Fusion. Dr. Storms has culminated
his 34 year career as a radiochemist at Los Alamos National
Laboratory and 18 years in cold fusion science with this
solidly convincing review of the field. The work is written in
a narrative style and is generously replete with tables and figures
to support the text. There are extensive references and
bibliography to enable the reader to
identify the primary sources, many of
which are available on the e-library
website, The
book has Forwards by two distinguished
scientists who themselves have
long been active in the cold fusion
effort. Both Dr. David Nagel, a Professor
at George Washington University (D.C.)
and Dr. Michael McKubre at SRI in
Menlo Park, California regard this book
as a benchmark guide book that will
serve scientists and students interested
in cold fusion as a must-have reference
for many years to come. I agree with
them and highly recommend the book
for anyone interested in the subject
area. They will find the book is wellwritten
and accessible to non-scientists
and yet it is challenging to serious academics.
Dr. Storms is to be commended
for the serious effort made to produce
this important book. The book is published
by World Scientific Publishing
Company; Infinite Energy hopes to soon
offer the book in its catalog.
Readers of Infinite Energy will recognize Ed Storms as a
contributor to IE over the years and as having served on the
magazine’s editorial board. This interview was conducted
mainly by email given the geographic separation and time
zone difference. The Q&A will first give us some background
on and insight into Ed Storms the man from his early years
(not covered in the book). It will then highlight key technical
aspects that Dr. Storms has concluded are critical to the
successful replication of cold fusion phenomena.

The way it is today........

so what is wrong with a world
where you are fearful to speak your thoughts
what happened to "academic freedom"?
they may disappear you!
when will webster's dictionary (online of course) add a new definition for "disappear"?
who coined that phrase?
wanna buy an early model Ford?


A Business Idea!

"Dotcom" Turns 25: My Predictions for What Comes Next

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Yesterday marked the 25th anniversary of the Internet designation ".com." To commemorate the occasion, VeriSign is hosting a conference today in Washington. I'm taking part, along with Bill Clinton, Fareed Zakaria, Aneesh Chopra, Mo Rocca, Fred Wilson, Kara Swisher and many others.
The panel I'm on has been asked to "gaze into the crystal ball" and predict "the next game-changing .com breakthroughs" and what "the next generation of .com might hold in store."
My crystal ball is still a little overheated from filling out my March Madness brackets (I have Kentucky beating Kansas in a tight championship game), but after staring at it for most of my flight east from Los Angeles, I have a few predictions. And since I'm a crystal-ball-half-full kinda gal, I'm going to start by predicting that the Internet of the future will deliver technology that addresses the greatest needs of the present.
At the moment, we are drowning in spin, smokescreens, and lies, so the first need is to cut through to the truth.
So how can the Internet and technology help us find our way? By continuing to grow as a place where people can turn to uncover the truth. The Internet has shown great promise in this regard. YouTube, Twitter, e-mail, and turbo-charged search engines have made it easier to expose the lies our leaders continue to tell.
At the same time, this is a moment of great economic anxiety -- with millions out of work, millions of homes foreclosed, and millions going bankrupt. In times like these, people are more likely to be driven by their lizard brains and react in response to fear rather than facts, making it easier for demagogues to scapegoat and peddle conspiracy theories laced with violent undertones. In this kind of atmosphere, people sometimes refuse to believe their own eyes. And it becomes easier to perpetrate the latest Big Lie (see death panels).
So, to fill this need, I predict that someone is going to create an online tool that makes it possible to instantly fact-check a story as you are reading it -- or watching it on video.
Picture this: It's last summer and you are reading or watching a story about health care, and Sarah Palin or Betsy McCaughey is prattling on about death panels. Instantly, a box pops up with the actual language from the bill or a tape rolls with a factual explanation of what the provision in question really does. And this is a non-partisan tool. So when, in the midst of the legislative debate, President Obama says "I didn't campaign on the public option," the software will fire up and instantly show you where support for the public option appeared in his campaign plan, and clips of all the times he mentioned it in public after he got elected.
A companion tool in service of the truth would instantly provide historical context to a story you are reading or watching, as well as a narrative that helps put the facts we are getting into a larger framework.
In a compelling post, Jay Rosen writes about the need for journalists to revive the art of storytelling. The Internet has been great for putting masses of data at our fingertips but it has too often sacrificed explanation, context, and narrative on the altar of speed because, as Rosen puts it, "all the day-to-day rewards go to breaking news."
So, gazing into my crystal ball, I see a .com innovation that immediately provides a reader or viewer with the background knowledge needed to better understand the data and information being delivered as news. The powers-that-be -- both political and corporate -- have mastered the dark art of making information deliberately convoluted and indecipherable. For them, complexity is not a bug, it's a feature.
Our future tool will also automatically simplify needlessly complicated laws, contracts, and linguistic smoke screens. So when a politician or Wall Street CEO performs the usual verbal gymnastics in an attempt to befuddle and bamboozle us, his words will immediately be translated into clear and precise language. It will be Truth 2.0.
And just as our instant fact-checking, context-providing, and translation tools will bring us more truth, new .com innovations providing greater transparency will deliver a return of trust. Because dealing with the breakdown of trust is the other great need we are facing today.
The institutions that hold our democracy together have taken crippling blows in the last few years -- leaving our country awash in disillusionment, anger, doubt, cynicism and widespread wariness. Indeed, according to a recent Gallup poll, only 19 percent of Americans are satisfied "with the way things are going in the United States at this time."
Though disheartening, given all that has happened over the last decade -- including a war based on lies, an economic crash based on greed, a bank bailout with no strings attached, and a gridlocked legislative process beholden more to special interests than the public interest -- it's hardly surprising. In fact, you have to ask: who are these 19 percent? Are there that many partners at Goldman?
Think about the two biggest policy disasters of the last ten years -- the Iraq war and the financial crisis. The perpetrators of each of these calamities could not have pulled their dirty work off without a lack of transparency.
But addressing the problem is going to require more than just putting up a website for every government agency and posting a lot of public information. A story in Sunday's New York Timesshows that even with the best of intentions, promising to make openness and transparency a top-line priority -- as President Obama did on his first day in office -- is easier said than done. Fourteen months later, his administration's record on transparency is a mixed bag.
So I predict that, in the future, software will be created that allows us to pull the curtain back on the corridors of power and see who is really pulling the levers. A great early iteration of this was provided by the Sunlight Foundation during the recent health care summit. During its live streaming of the discussion, the Foundation offered a dose of transparency by showing, as each of our elected officials was speaking, a list of his or her major campaign contributors. It was simple, powerful, and spoke volumes about the extent to which many players in the summit were bought and paid for.
The future version of this kind of tech will allow us to see who is funding who, and who is carrying water for which special interest, in real time and across every imaginable platform. The Sunday shows will be a whole different animal when we are able to effortlessly and instantly follow the money -- and connect the dots.
To many Americans, our political system has become a rigged game (and, thanks to the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision, it will only become even more rigged). But innovative technology can provide us with a countervailing force and give us the chance to level the playing field.
My final prediction may at first sound counterintuitive, but my crystal ball shows that the future will bring us a .com innovation that allows us to disengage from the 24/7 connectivity the first 25 .com years have led to.
Plotinus was a philosopher in the third century who studied the different sources of knowledge, wisdom, and creativity. "Knowledge has three degrees," he wrote, "opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition."
The Internet has contributed much to the first two kinds of knowledge -- science (in the form of easy access to reams of data and information) and opinion -- but has in many ways taken us further away from illumination and our inner source of wisdom.
Hence the growing need to pull the plug on our hyper-connectivity. To disconnect from all our devices in order to reconnect with ourselves. There are already a plethora of Internet sites, mobile apps, and high-tech tools that make it easier to do just that -- everything from yoga sites that let you take classes via your computer to mobile apps that provide guided meditation to devices that allow you to monitor your stress level.
I predict that, in the future, someone will create a killer app that gauges the state of your mind, body, and spirit and automatically offers the exact steps you need to take to realign all three aspects of your being. Think of it as an internal GPS designed to show you the best route to realigning your mind, body, and soul -- leaving you more able to access your wisdom and creativity. Use it to arrive at optimal living.
The first 25 years of .com have been a time of online miracles. My crystal ball sees more explosive wonder just ahead. The challenge will be to direct that combustible creativity to solving our needs for more truth, more transparency, and more wisdom.
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