Wednesday, December 21, 2011


December 21st.  The solstice.

I turn to a master. Barbara Hand Clow.
The new year begins with the Spring Solstice, in March.
  When the Sun is directly over the equator.

The Winter Solstice marks the time for reflection on what we have created this past year.
  Picture the Sun directly over the Tropic of Capricorn
How have our creations assisted others, and the planet?

It is in the Springtime that we plant new seeds of creation...... NOT New Year's!

I will not share the details of my recent year in public.  But can say I am on track.  And that I will be more ambitious in the upcoming year with regard to the scope of what I can achieve.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the day the u.s. suspended habeus corpus


kind of like when I heard the Glass-Stegall Act got repealed.
only worse.

American Antiquities

we have evidence of sailors, 120,000 years ago, in Crete

Rick Osman

religion, international law
pope told crusaders
"if you find open land not occupied by christians
you can take it"

Doctrine of Discovery
Manifest Destiny
1880 everything changed
European Chrstians could lose their land claims???

9th Roman Legion recruited 64 BC

Roman coins are found east of the Mississippi

there are historical references, archeology survey work
to two fortresses
ohio river and its tributaries (substantial water system....)
there is a straight line of fortress sites..... found 3 more
2 were cut stone structures - stones have been repurposed (hide the evidence?)
has found a total of 45 of them in greater OH valley

one is like an 108 AD british isles saxon shore fortresses, cookie cutter type structures
in yorkshire

devil's backbone, near charlestown, IN - well surveyed
OH, KY, PA, IN, IL. MO all have structures
walls were 10 to 75 feet hight.
Cox, 1870's work

117 AD last reference to them.
they built the 108 AD fortress in Yorkshire.
4,5000 to 6,000 troops with attached outfits.
have camp followers.   were part of the foreign culture.  there for 70 years!

Native oral traditions
tall red hair white skin, blue eyed, warlike, spoke welsh
from different indian groups (Chiefs ?, Tobacco, Cornstalk,

prince madack, 1170 AD, landed Mobile Bay, killed or absorbed.

prince madog, half brother to Autorius Rex (King Arthur), 6th century
(Welsh scholars.....Wilson and ?????
weather wasn't so good in the british isles or europe at this time
but they didn't do so well
when they got here the may have found romans!

BUT we have all these coins and fortresses.

Joseph of Aremathea
founded church at Glostenbury
the tin merchant
used to make bronze and other alloys - got rich... richest man in roman empire.
also need cooper to make bronze. (9 parts cooper to 1 part tin)
lots of it in north america. laying lose on surface. upper michgan penninsula and in lake superior, hammerstones...... evidence of this.
1,000 BC shipwreck with the metal sunk in the ship..... coming from North America.....

were the brits managing water traffic out of MI, carrying the cooper?
or were they taxing commerce?

Petra, in Jordan, under Hadrian -- 3 years after Hadrian's death, got high officer from 9th Roman Legion --after service there, experience got him a PLUM post in the Roman Empire...... Petra is a toll booth on the silk road....

Osman thinks Romans wanted to know Joseph's secret of success --- and then took over his north america copper find...

have a 720 AD Caucasian skull

statute found in mobile bay
in about 1702 by the french who had capitol at Mobile
one of 5 statues found in an indian mound
ISLE OF STATUTES - figures of a bear, owl, man/woman, baby statutes - yellow ceramic clay

Pretty compelling evidence here...... jr

Drunvalo's Purple Books

I gave my purple Drunvalo flower-of-life set of books to my mom
She is finally digesting sacred geometry
and other concepts.....

Two stories caught my eye, in volumne II....

One was a story about finding a 10 story deep structure beneath the Spinx and 3 Giza pyramids in Egypt.
It is reputed to be the place where ascended masters hang out.
Can house up to 10,000
At one recent point, only 7 souls remained on planet in this structure.....

Another was about a temple in the Grand Canyon
You need a permit to hike there
Hostile land
2 guys, survival trained mountain climbers went in (with water and all else needed to sustain life)
got to the place
climbed a rock face, hundreds of feet up
and there was a temple
with - was it 8? - I have to reread and edit this!
huge doorways, with columns
but rubble prevented entry.....

Drunvalo said he did not want this information to be lost....
And he admitted he had never personallhy seen this.....
heresay actually,
But he explains the sources of his information in the book.

Definitely, these are stories to follow up on.....
IF you see one featured on 60 Minutes,
be sure to watch it!

time, discoveries

Timeline Zero is an awesome concept.
Terrance McKenna, RIP

you can discount woo-woo
but explain Coral Castle.

AND the Baalbek Stones in Lebanon??

[research geopolomyrs (sp?)
this apparently is as big a "gift of knowledge" as McKenna's download.
need to know more about this.]

time is a mathematical equation.
when you understand this
you will know
why new things happen certain places
at times nothing new happens at all
 (Read: the TimeWaveZero)

we are a mind, wanting to experience on this planet
a soul wanting to experience, excel, create, leave a legacy

but the point is -- different material that should not be forgotten:
a hall of records at the foot of the Romanian Spinx.
BIG tables...... put your hand over an area and it shows holographic DNA
 replays earth's history in holograms
is a virtual ark
Keith Moon is interviewed
 (he is known for work on Montock - the NY time travel story)
says he has not personally seen yet, but has been told.......
David Anderson --- time traveler is instrumental in the story


WHY does blogspot want my phone number?  WHAT will they do with it?  Sell it?  File it for future reference?

PARANOIA.  With reason.  Not until the masses are squirming in fear and misery, will the minions and their rulers rejoice..... and then what?  They don't know, and they don't care.  That is their nature.

CONSPIRACY THEORIES???  No more.  Over 50% of what was a 'conspiracy theory', read, "Negative connotation; belittle its teller as a weak-minded nut who doesn't 'fit in', is now accepted as fact by free thinking and rational minds.

RUN AWAY?  Where?  Why?  Are you a coward?  STAND.

Insanity looms..... it's archonic.

Oh shit, I see a cording...... that means the Authorities will soon appear in their witch hunting gear, knocking on doors, raping and killing the women in the town .  It happens, you know....

Follow the DNA...... the spinning spiral..... currents spinning create mass.....

Ur.... Enki and Enlil and their manipulations to create a slave mining class..... but what came before?  Did the Lemurians really escape the matrix?  Actually, Atlantis was before the Sumerians.  Our history began 6,000 years ago??? And before that we were primitive hunters and gatherers?  hahahahahahaha.  Don't think so.  WHEN will this be taught in our schools?  I need to get busy writing the book.....

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Poem for Posterity

December 2007

You have no idea
of the turmoil you cause
when you go
a bitch rant.

Your rants help no one
Not even you
or your heart.
But they must make you feel good
Because you keep doing it.

The anger related chemical pathways
in your brain
are as wide as my ass

I will never
tell you to shut up
If you promise me
the same common courtesy.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Excerpt from Prodigal Genius: Nicola Tesla

by John J. O’Neill, published 1944

"gravity" has only one reference in the index: p. 247-248

    It was during a period when he was must busily occupied with his experiments with high-frequency and high-potential currents, from 1892 to 1894, that Tesla had found time to give serious thought to yet another type of problem, matter and energy; and from it he derived what he described as a new physical principle.  This he developed to the point at which he was able to propound a new dynamic theory of gravity.
    While this principle guided much of his thinking, he did not make any announcements concerning it until close to the end of his life.  Such disclosures as have been made, however, leave this much obvious: Tesla considered his theory wholly inconsistent with the theory of relativity, and with the modern theory concerning structure of the atom and the mutual interconversion of matter and energy.  Tesla continuously attacked the validity of Einstein’s work; and until two or three years before his death, he ridiculed the  belief that energy could be obtained from matter.
    These antagonisms were most unfortunate, as they placed Tesla in conflict with modern experimental physics.  This was totally unnecessary, for Tesla could undoubtedly have adhered to his principle and interpreted it so that it was not inconsistent with the modern theories   The antagonism was probably attributable to psychological factors rather than scientific inconsistencies.
    The only statement Tesla has made concerning his principle and his theory is that contained in the lecture he prepared for delivery before the Institute of Immigrant Welfare (May 12, 1938).  In this he stated:

    During the succeeding two years [1893 and 1894] of intense concentration I was fortunate enough to make two far reaching discoveries.  The first was a dynamic theory of gravity, which I have worked out in all details and hope to give to the world very soon.  It explains the causes of this force and the motions of heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle speculation and false conceptions, as that of curved space. . . .
    Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature.  All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion.  So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena.
    My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance.  As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.
    On my 79th birthday, I made a brief reference to it, but its meaning and significance have become clearer to me since th en.  It applies rigorously to molecules and atoms as well as to the largest heavenly bodies, and to all matter in the universe in any phase of its existence from its very formation to its ultimate disintegration.

    Tesla’s mind was inflexible in the matter of his attitude toward relativity and the modern theories.  Had he published his principle and theory of gravity at the beginning of the century it would, without doubt, have then received very serious consideration and perhaps general acceptance, although it is difficult to make an intelligent surmise without knowledge of his postulates.  If published, it might have had some influence on Einstein’s thinking.  The field of force which Tesla mentions as being necessary to explain the movements of the planets might have been his contribution to eliminating the need for the ether which was accomplished by Einstein’s theory.  The two theories might have been merged, in which case there probably would have resulted a harmonious development of the thinking of the two geniuses.
    In this latter case Tesla could very well have shaped his think


ing to see a consistency between his theory that there is no energy in matter other than that received from its environment, and the modern viewpoint that all matter consists of energy into which it is convertible; for when matter is converted to energy, the energy returns to the environment from whence it came when the particles were formed.
    There appears to be a frustration involved in Tesla’s attitude which could have been resolved by early publication of his theory.  If this had taken place, Tesla’s powerful intellect and his strange ability to solve problems would have been brought to bear on the problems of atomic physics and he, in turn, would have received tremendous benefits from the application of the newer knowledge in the fields in which he was supreme.
    Tesla’s ability to generate tremendously high voltages would have been of great assistance in the task of “smashing the atom.”  Other scientists, even today, are struggling to produce currents with a potential of 5,000,000 volts, whereas Tesla, forty years ago, had generated potentials of 135,000,000 volts.
    The inconsistency between Tesla’s principle and the picture of the atom consisting of a small complex nucleus surrounded by planetary electrons -- which inconsistency was more existent in Tesla’s mind than in Nature -- caused him to develop an antagonism to all scientific developments which called for a picture that differed from the billiard-ball type of atom in vogue in the eighteen-eighties.  To him, a smashed atom was like a smashed billiard ball.
    The electron, however, had a real existence to Tesla.  He accepted it as a kind of sub-atom, a fourth state of matter, as described by Sir William Crooks, who discovered it.  Tesla visualized it as associated with but not a part of the atom.  The electric charge it carried was entirely distinct from the electron.  Electricity, to him, was a fluid much more highly attenuated than any known form of matter, and with highly specific properties of its own for which it was not dependent upon matter.  The charge on the electron was due to a surface layer of electricity covering it,


and it could receive many layers, giving it  multiple charges, all of which could be dissipated.  These statements were similar to those which he had published a half-century before.
    According to the modern theory, on the other hand, the electrical nature of the electron, described as its charge, is a characteristic inherent in the nature of the energy crystallized about a point which gives the electron its existence, and the electron is one of the particles, or units of energy, of which the atom is composed.
    In discussing articles by scientists in the field of atomic physics, Tesla would register his protests that their theories were untenable and the claims unfounded; and he was particularly emphatic when experiments in which energy emissions from atoms were recorded.
    “Atomic power is an illusion,” he frequently declared.  He furnished several written statements in which he said that with his currents of several million volts he had, countless times, smashed uncounted billions of atoms -- and he knew that no emission of energy accompanied the process.
    On one occasion Tesla took me to task rather severely for my failure to publish his  statements.  I replied:  “I withheld them in order to protect your reputation.  You are making too great a virtue of consistency.  It is not necessary that you adhere to the theories you held as a youth, and I am convinced that deep down in your heart you hold newer theories that are in harmony with scientific developments in other fields, but because you have disagreed with, and attacked, some modern theories you feel you must be consistent and attack them all  I am convinced that in the development of your death-ray device your thinking was along the lines of the modern theory of the structure of the atom and the nature of matter and energy.”
    Tesla thereupon let me know in no uncertain terms that he held very definite ideas concerning efforts on the part of others to do his thinking for him.  This conversation took place about 1935; and I did not hear from him for many months.  I observed,


however, that in his later conversations he was much less dogmatic concerning modern theories, and a few years later he stated that he was planning an apparatus which would make possible a definite testing of the modern theory of atomic structure with the expectation that his new power system and energy beam would release atomic energy more effectively than any device then in use by physicists.
    Having endorsed, finally, the belief that man will be able to smash, transmute, create or destroy atoms, and control vast amounts of energy, he waxed poetic on the subject.  He extended man’s control over atoms and energy to a cosmic scale, and saw him shaping the universe according to our desires.  In an unpublished article, entitled “Man’s Greatest Achievement,” he wrote:
    There manifests itself in the fully developed being -- Man -- a desire mysterious, inscrutable and irresistible: to imitate nature, to create, to work himself the wonders he perceives.  Inspired to this task he searches, discovers and invents, designs and constructs, and covers with monuments of beauty, grandeur and awe, the star of his birth.  He descends into the bowels of the globe to bring forth its hidden treasures and to unlock its immense imprisoned energies for his use.  He invades the dark depths of the ocean and the azure regions of the sky.  He peers into the innermost nooks and recesses of molecular structure and lays bare to his gaze worlds infinitely remote.  He subdues and puts to his service the fierce, devastating spark of Prometheus, the titanic forces of the waterfall, the wind and the tide.  He tames the thundering bolt of Jove and annihilates time and space.  He makes the great Sun itself his obedient toiling slave.  Such is his power and might that the heavens reverberate and the whole earth trembles by the mere sound of his voice.
    What has the future in store for this strange being, born of a breath, of perishable tissue, yet immortal with his powers fearful and divine? What magic will be wrought by him in the end? What is to be his greatest deed, his crowning achievement?
    Long ago he recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or a tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, primary substance,  the Akasa or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.  The primary substance thrown


into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
    Can Man control this grandest, most awe-inspiring of all processes in nature?  Can he harness her inexhaustible energies to perform all their functions at his bidding, more still cause them to operate simply by the force of his will?
    If he could do this, he would have powers almost unlimited and supernatural.  At his command, with but a slight effort on his part old worlds would disappear and new ones of his planning would spring into being.  He could fix, solidify and preserve the ethereal shapes of his imagining, the fleeting visions of his dreams.  He could express all the creations of his mind on any scale, in forms concrete and imperishable.  He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, guide it along a path he might choose through the depths of the Universe. He could cause planets to collide and produce his suns and stars, his heat and light.  He could originate and develop life in all its infinite forms.
    To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man’s mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement, which would lace him beside his Creator, make him fulfill his ultimate destiny.

Sixteen continues.....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Electric Cars are Here

Check out this electric car company.
Vision Motor Cars
Its management appear to be solid people with integrity
and a great deal of consciousness.

It sure seems like the current business climate is barring entry into the market to all except established companies, such as General Motors, etc.  Regulatory hurdles are insurmountable. The unions also appear to have a rope around this newly emerging industry's neck. 

The entry barrier is also high from the consumer's perspective.
Financing is not likely available.
And you need to wait 3 months for delivery.

What is the role of the government here?
To protect fledgling industries?
(as happened during the internet start-up era?)

Did you know that the Federal government
has never given one single dollar
in grant money to any electric vehicle maker in the United States?
A loan guarantee perhaps, but never an investment in the development of a new industry, affecting transportation, engineering, energy, jobs, the path toward sustainability..... so many paths converge here!

As John Perkins urges us all,
Vote with your dollars when you can.

We will continue to live in 3-D reality long after 2012 has passed,
and to make things happen here, one must take action.

Pay it forward :)
Check out the Mission Statement for
It is impressive.

More on this later....

Awesome Messages of Hope and LIGHT

I happened upon an amazing resource.
This information broadcasts messages of hope, and LIGHT, for all of life.
It is a web site called Ervin Laszlo: Forum on Science and Spirituality
It features writings from the greatest minds on Earth as we begin the second decade of the 21st Century.
This is merely my humble opinion....
And never show weakness.
I am blessed to have had great teachers.
(You all know who you are..... and thank you again :))
July 2011

Some say 10/28/11 is the end of something.
And the beginning of something we cannot presently fathom.

I am very hopeful.
I have studied morphic resonance for the past several months.
I know now what we have to do.

Science does meet spirituality.
According to Dan Winter, of the Heart Math Institute,

we, as a race, MUST change the hologram
science shows this is doable.
braden, lipton, the dali llama all know this.
listen to your music.
be at peace.
as we meditate together
we make a collective hum in the field
we must make our auras large
so we manage the solar winds
to do no harm
a plasma wave is coming from the sun
the sun is having an orgasm!!!!
biologic plasma - out of control - heading inbound!!!
the shamans
water, wind, EMF activity
prepare for global meditation to steer this energy
as the shamans manage the rain and the wind....
energy charge needed for bliss is plentiful right now.
ride that wave!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

What to Believe?

How does one know what to believe?
Turn on the TV and watch the evening news?
Read newspapers and magazines?
Go to the library?
Search the internet?

How fast is information, human knowledge, doubling?
How fast can one absorb the implications?
How does one weed out disinformation?
We are moving to the realm of KNOWING.
Me thinks.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Need To Communicate

What drives the need to communicate?
Why do I write this material?
Who reads it?
How many jobs have I not been interviewed for because "she has a blog".

Sunday paper in Philly, The Inquirer
suggested new graduates put up fake public personas
in hopes they will be checked
and they will come off as whatever they think their employer wants them to be.
Does lots of public service.
Strong community ties.
Family involvement.
Athletic - that is always value neutral.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cell Phone Numbers are Like Bar Codes

Look what you give away when you put your cell phone number out there!
   (for a price, of course.....)

And WHEN did you sign away all your rights to this entity???

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Want to Go To College Little Girl?" asked the Big Bad Wolf

If you cannot pay your student loan because you have no money:

Congress ended bankruptcy protections, refinancing rights, statutes
> of limitations, truth in lending requirements, fair debt collection ones,
> and state usury laws when applied to federally guaranteed student loans.
> As a result, lenders may freely garnish wages, income tax refunds, earned
> income tax credits, as well as Social Security and disability income to
> assure defaulted loan payments. In addition, defaulting may cause loss of
> professional licenses, making repayment even harder or impossible. 

Moreover, under a congressionally established default loan fee
> system, holders may keep 20% of all payments before any portion is applied
> to principle and interest due.
A borrower's only recourse is to request an
> onerous and expensive "loan rehabilitation" procedure, requiring extended
> payments (not applied to principle or interest), then arrange a new loan
> for which additional fees are incurred.

round 40% of borrowers were delinquent within a
> five year repayment window. Almost one-fourth of them postponed payments
> to avoid delinquency. However, doing so made their interest and overall
> debt burden more onerous because escape is impossible.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
> Also visit his blog site at
> and listen to cutting-edge discussions with
> distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive
> Radio Network.

The NRC approved this?

Ohio/Ill border nuke reactor
backup plan for flood:
open doors to let flood come thru raise on a  hoist on chains
deisel backup generator to run condenser to keep rods cool.....


May 21, 2011. The Day I 'Got It'

Nassim Haramein - 

Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields

how is it possible everything is connected?
space! is everywhere, between everything - universes, gallaxies, solar systems, planets

99.9999999 space is between everything
ossilations interact
you never TOUCH anything!!!

diamonds are most dense
and they have lots of space inside, between their 'matter'
but we focus ON matter
paying no attention to the space
which is 99.999999% of everything

does space define matter?

this is a fundamental change in consciousness
how things work
space defines you
you do not define it

lived in a van for 5 years when he was studying physics
unification theory - in 70's 80's
if you have studied hard
you may understand it by then
HE moved rapidly

einstein field equations
bible of relativistic physics
the book is called
big thick and heavy
fundamental physics!!!! (is wrong?????!!!!!)
@ physics conference,asks:
pulled p. 719 of Gravitation - says, universe model resembles a balloon, is expanding, pennies glued to it, represent gallaxies. as it expands gallaxies move away from one another.... Where is the equation that explains who is THIS GUY?

the room gets silent
PhD student drinking coffee chokes
Dir. of physics dept started to sweat
(afraid he'd say GOD????)

when ballon expands, lungs contract.
each action equal and opposite reaction.

is not accounted for in our physics. all is based on EXPANSION model. engineers, scientists.... make cylinders full of highly explosive fuel - cars, space shuttle.... put people in the bomb and light it and watch!

how does explosive side
if there is no prior compression
what are the dynamics that compress the energy into that fuel
if universe exploded from that point....
what put the energy INSIDE?
what is the COLLAPSING force?
it occurs at same time as expansion!
each action has an equal and opposite reaction.

maybe it's the space
that is what holds all the information
it leaks a little energy on radiative side
that is what we call the material world
but if space connects all
space would be infinitely dense
is that true?

look at space inside atom at quantum level
it is not empty
it fluctuates at very high velocity,
high density
lots of energy
not empty
lots of vibration
try to calculate energy of the vibration:
energy density inside the vacuum is infinite.renormalization process removes this possibility in standard physics - "present day quantum field theory says: get rid by a renormalization process of energy density in the vacuum that would formerly be infinite if not removed by renormalization."
find a constant to apply so that the answer is finite!!! That is what they did~!!!!~~~~~~~
equations show vacuum density at atomic level
show infinite density
means space is not empty

why are we warring about energy?

the answer is infinity
planck's distance - minimal amount, smallest wave lenth that can be calculated using our physics --- 1.616 x 10 -33(rasie this with a superscript font.....)  cm.
use math of electric and magnetic and gravitational theory, and these 'laws' say a thing can be no smaller than this.
this is THE answer under the old paradigm
that prevents us from continuing to look
to uncover the motherlode.....

BUT this is our boundry condition
is the smallest thing WE can experience
so they make vibrations according to planck's distance
  vibrational rates have weight..... do math i do not understand
vacuum 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cubed

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Setting the Faraday Record Straight

Michael Faraday was the scientist. 
(He demonstrated and documented the pricipals of electromagnetic energy.)

Michael's first cousin  had a son named Martin Faraday.  Martin and Michael were second-cousins.  (And back then, they spelled it with two r's) Martin lived from 1757 - 1793; he was born at Kirby Malham in Yorkshire and he died in Giggleswick.

Martin's son William lived between 1790 and 1814. He lived in Burnley (1818), and then in Leigh (1820's-30's).  Around 1832-35, he sailed from Liverpool with his 6 children. His 7th child, Hannah, was born in Delaware in 1835.  In 1840, the census shows William and his son Martin living next door to one another, in Christiana, DE. They likely worked in the mills.  The 1842 tax list also makes note of his  son, Miles.  Around 1843-46, William and Martin moved to Philadelphia - around 2nd & Oxford. (which is less than one mile from where I now sit typing this.....)

William's daughter, Hannah,
married Henry Cullis and they produced John F. Cullis
John F. Cullis produced Milton Francis Cullis (with a little help from Mattie Kemp)
and Milton Francis Cullis produced Jeanne Cullis Reynolds (with a little help from Ivy Jocelyn Frampton)
and Jeanne is my mother.
That is the path of the DNA......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Collections of New Facts with which to reformulate your Beliefs

Matter is Mutating Differently Compared to How It Behaved in the Past

When did he Die?

Is What the U.S. did legal?

New Science

1/4: Tom Bearden on HAARP, Scalar Radar and Electromegnetic Weapons (1985)part 2

part 2

part 3

part 4

Living In The Midst of Paradigm Shifts

how does it feel?
to be all alone?
like a rolling stone?

who do you believe?
when someone speaks to you
and you resonate with the newly received frequency

truth vibrations?
blinded by the light?
a wave from gallactic center?
new energies from the sun?
the end of time?
constants become variables?
the laws of the universe get rewritten?
the sheep get fooled and go down?

My Tribe

"....Keith Hunter is author of a new book called "The Lost Age of High Knowledge". This is a masterly work that delves into the mysteries of the sacred sites around the world and how ancients and now the secret government is using mathematics and hyper dimensional physics to tap into the energy grid where these sites are built. To quote from his site..."Behind the mythical stories of the ancients, behind the superstitions and shamanism and the arcane traditions of the past, there lies a profound high science - one that is physically engineerable. A science lost to the wider world due to global upheaval prior to the time of recorded history, but that has been secretly reconstructed in the modern age, and developed for the pursuit of military supremacy and social control."...." 
Also see Projectcamelotportal for radio show interview 5/5/11.....

What to believe?
Two realities
Tell your story, and step into that queue
Before the timeline splits
Into ? pieces - who knows how may new universes we will create
Once we each realize
We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Make your choice.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Bruce Lipton Rocks!

"The Field is the sole governing agency of the particle."  Albert Einstein

Nickle and Diming Us To Death OR You Too Can Buy an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition!

I'll make this short and sweet. I am feeling annoyed...... like I am being shook down for $40..... and am wondering who gets a kickback?

As a substitute teacher, with a masters degree, I clear $83 per day.  I get called to work by the automated system, on average, 5 times per month.  More than one of these calls is at the last minute in the wee hours of pre-dawn, and unless I go into frantic hurry up and get out of the house mode, I cannot get there in time.  So I usually turn these last minute jobs down.  (Now of course, I could get up at 5 a.m., shower and make-up, coffee and pack the lunch, and just sit WAITING for the call.... but remember, that kind of call comes only twice per month. And I don't do mornings well.)

Alternatively, I can check the web site to see if there are any available jobs.  When the auto-dialer is snaking through its call tree, the jobs sit there for all to take - just a couple of clicks and you've got the job and the auto-dialer ceases...... if it is in the middle of a call with a prospective sub, it apologizes and does not give them the job.

Sometimes I get a phone call from the sub-filler robot, and by the time I punch through the menu to Accept, I hear, "I cannot assign you to this job.  Sorry."  click.....  It has been happening more frequently lately.

So, I am on the sub-filler web site, and an advert pops up - You Too Can Listen To Your Computer Go DING when there is a job waiting for you!  Two clicks, and You Got Job!  30-day free trial.  Thereafter, only $39.95 so that YOU TOO can beat out your competition as they prepare to push "1" on their phone to Accept the Job.

I equate this to extortion. Should I write the HR Dept. a letter?


i just herad a ding upstairs.
ran up.
JOB for Monday.
the phone system doesn't start up until 5 p.m.
did not take the time to look to see if it was on the web.

I'm in the money..... I'm in the money........ I'm in the money NOW!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


our brain can create new pathways @ any time or age
and get rid of old unused stuff in the brain
neuro-feed back/repetition - gives brain information it needs to form dendrites which develop into neural pathways which is what is used when our brain fires..... need to perfect the correct amplitude, syncrony, coherence, phase lock...... all need to be in balance for good performance.
-----see research from the Salk Institute

audio visual entrainment
flashing lights into thalamus - it will mimic
20 hz tired converts to alert
insomnia - slow it down
meditative state - lower your frequency (???)
resonance vs. oscilation

Friday, March 18, 2011

Buying Elections

bought election in wisconsin outed.......

i went to the constitution center in philadelphia to hear about supreme court info - a panel presentation - 2 years ago 
and what i heard at that session kicked my gut did the same way it happened when in the late 90's,  i heard they rescinded Glass Stegall (
so corporations can give an unlimited amount to whomever they choose in any election.

we are just starting to see the consequences now....
nothing happens fast

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


applications of technology
that is one of my gifts in this life.
have done it multiple times already.
Someone needs to take the idea presented in this article and RUN with it.
(to those of you who say, "What chemtrails? You're crazy lady!", I reply, "Shut the Freak up and get out of my way -----  NO, BAD REACTION ---- I soften the gaze my eyes have on that element of the population and make them go out of focus...... I do not give them my energy.)
use new science..... frequency blasts...... and spread it in harmless trails......
learn the science of transmutation,
  which has been ridiculed in only the western world, and only for a few hundred years....

wow.  what if.

March 15th

sheeple graze. quietly.
actions/events elsewhere stream in from all directions
you strive to use your beliefs and past experiences to make sense of it
many of the populace is not educated enough to think, and thereby change their beliefs
lots of others cannot pull out of their belief based behavior long enough to kick their thinking brain into resonance with the heart --

avoid those who put you in a state of fear.
'they' feed off of that.
what will be will be. it is what it is.
and like a woman in childbirth, you'll deal with it when you have to, if you have to.
it is not necessary to think about it.
you will just do it.
your higher self will guide you to where your life-plan says you need to be.
but don't be ignorant or stupid.

go there. often. reside there.
you only have a Now, and a Now, and a Now......
always do your best.
when you slip, go easy on yourself.
rid yourself of your judging nature when possible --- nothing happens fast.
soon we will live in a state of transparency,
where words and actions that are not in synchronicity with love's frequencies will be FLAGGED
and that will be our clue to turn our heads and pay IT no energy.......

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The 3 B's

was listening to news @ w/ amy goodman
interviewing an egyptian woman from a prominent family
who spoke to baptist women in alabama
talking about their preacher ministering to them
teaching them to cover up the breasts, belly and buttocks (The 3 B's he calls it)
because these things incite men to not be able to control themselves
so if they get attacked, they caused it
and it is not right to make men think impure thoughts -- is the women's fault.....
that is the teaching in the new century in America

and this woman suggests,
rightfully so, in my humble opinion,
that this segment of America has more to do with radical Islam
than with the soul of America.

reminiscent of Ed Rendell
when mayor of Philadelphia
during unrest in Kensington
saying the latinos and whites and blacks fighting there
need to bad together to pursue their common interests
instead of fighting one another...
....he actually said:  the whites in Kensington have more in common with their neighbors
than they do with the whites living in center city....
because this cooperation is how they will improve their quality of life.....
now there is a politician who calls it like he sees it
and is not afraid of the spin and resulting fall out..... :) :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I live in a democracy - this is freedom?

To work in a corporation, I had to give them my piss within 15 minutes of their demand. Once, that happened 3 times in 1 week - right after I got mugged. (Random, my ass.)

To teach in a public school I probably should delete my Facebook account and destroy my blog.

This feels like someone is trying to control me.....

What do you think about this?  We have come to the point that no one trusts anyone else's professional judgment...... I am always aware of the implications of what I publish publically.  That is WHY I often just put the info out there for readers to evaluate for themselves.  I know what I think about each subject, but just like a teacher in a classroom, I do not often share my beliefs.  I only share my thoughts.  By the information I publish, one may think they know my beliefs...... but they only believe they know my beliefs...

In a state of duality, we tend to impose our beliefs upon others.  But the truth is, we all live our own truths. Truth is not universal.  When new information is "discovered" and shared, it should cause us all to re-evaluate our beliefs -- but FOLLOW THE MONEY -- our Structure, our Institutions, our Cultures are in large part based on beliefs formed from information we took in previously.  Many people do not bother to update their databanks to understand new truths, so much of the world is trading on "facts" they learned before age 21..... and oh baby, the world has changed.  Radically.  Update yourself.  Reboot and load some new software.....

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Demonstrating strength
Defer to others
Avoid shortcuts
Tell the truth
Offer kindness
Seek alliances
Volunteer to take the short straw
Choose the long-term, sacrificing the short
Demonstrate respect to all, not just the obviously strong
Share credit and be public in your gratitude
Risking the appearance of weakness takes strength. And the market knows it.
~ Seth Godin
October 4, 2010

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You Say You Want A Revolution?

Egypt is in Revolution. 2/2/11. Groundhog's Day.

Amy Goodman @ shows interviews of 10 or so witnesses/protesters who have spent time in Tahrar Square on 2/1. They are professional, educated people who are merely tired of dictatorship. The government being overthrown is clearly in support of 1) the western world's financial interest in oil, and 2) Israel's need to prevent arms from flowing through the border to Gaza. The people are quietly and meekly saying, "Enough is enough."

The anti-Muberek revolutionaries are totally non-violent.  They remind one another to stay calm, and are well aware of the 1953, Kermit Roosevelt style, "buy a bunch of rabble-rousers to make it go violent" play. And the Egyptian Army has finally said that it may act against violence. But the troops refrain from acting against the peaceful demonstrators, who merely request that Muberek leave, now. In fact, Goodman reported that on 2/2/11, the oil companies have given employees time off to go show their support for the soon-to-be deposed Muberek government. Wink Wink.

On 2/1, the day before the pro-Muberek rabble rousers came upon the scene, this unlikely band of Revolutionaries even collect their own trash, and recycled it.  They walked around the square with open bags, inviting their fellow citizens to throw in their trash and "make a contribution to Muberek's political party."  Tahrar Square is shown to be very clean. Medical tents are erected. Food and water are distributed freely to all working in the STAND against the current powers-that-be, henceforth to be known as the-powers-that were.

Who gains? Who will rise to replace the Egyptian powers-that-were? What will this do to the U.S. economy?

And maybe most importantly, WTF are the-powers-that-were in the U.S. up to @ this time when attention is diverted elsewhere?

Stay tuned....

Sing it John!!!

Update --------

A tour group of 24, stranded at a 5-star hotel by the Giza Pyramid, awoke last Tuesday to tanks surrounding their lodging. Police abandoned their posts. Gangs took advantage - they robbed, raped and pillaged. Individual houses or streets provided their own security. American Embassy was "out to lunch" - took information with no promise of any call-back or action..... Airlines flew erratic schedule, but held passengers accountable for making their flight, or would be happy to sell you another ticket -- "May I have your credit card please sir?" Abercrombie & Kent, the tour company, performed very well - even though their staff had to go home to protect their families @ the 4 p.m. - 8 a.m. curfew. Lots and lots of ugliness and pain. Also, note increase in food prices in Egypt; food consumes 48% of the family budget.  In Tunisia, it's 36%.  See a pattern here?  Here is the link to Whitley Streiber's interview with William Henry, and his wife Claire - which is provided for free on what is typically for paid subscribers only - thank you Whitley.

Excellent Summary of the Whole Timeline

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Hire A Courtroom Lawyer

Make a checklist of your requirements and then interview 3 of them --
-Does he/might he know the judge? the judges inner circle? 
-Does his Law Firm have these connections? 
-If criminal, please list your experience with each agency, and the name/+title of your boss, and the name/+title of his/her superior. 
-Years in private practice. 
-Years of 1st Chair courtroom experience. 
-List of wins/losses (redacted to protect client privacy of course!) over the past 18 months. 
Discuss all possible realms of fee arrangements: fixed hourly rate (and this rate expires when? get a date - they revise rates annually), retainer required - now and in the future, flat fee, expenses..... and get it all in writing; this is not a burden for a reputable lawyer
-GET A LIST OF HOW MUCH YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR WHAT.  75 cents per page for a photocopy is not reasonable.

Signing the Contract/"Retainer Agreement" --- 
Be careful here, but remember, most lawyers are not rich. They likely have families to feed too. Don't sign it 'on the spot'. Take a copy home and read it. Then give it to someone, whom you think has the ability and interest, to read on your behalf and give you their evaluation of the fairness of the contract, and possible loopholes/situations not addressed in the retainer agreement.  When dealing with e-mailed documents, beware of intentional/unintended substitute documents - i.e., the one you got emailed is not the one put in front of you at the office for signature.  KEEP AN ORIGINAL of this contract - with yours and the lawyer's binding signature.

After you have retained YOUR lawyer:
Be respectful, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease! you have the right to know the process, it's timeline, and work him/her to that end!!!! if there are forks in the road, tell him you can handle a flow chart of possible outcomes, and their possible subsequent actions. Congratulate him/her for being a natural chess player

225 - Time To Move On

Post number 224 has been made. Moving on.....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Did we tip yet?

$12.3 trillion. given by The Fed to mostly non-US banks without any congressional oversight/knowledge. the bill is presented to the US taxpayer. let the new republican congress start stopping the bleeding here (rather than turning the "used to haves" against the "have nots" of our society)...... you won't hear this on the TV folks, but that doesn't mean it ain't so...... Pay attention. 
Regards - j.
"..... Can you imagine what we could do to restructure society with $12.3 trillion? Think about that…  
People also can’t grasp the colossal crime committed because they keep hearing the word “loans.” People think of the loans they get. You borrow money, you pay it back with interest, no big deal.  
That’s not what happened here. The Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans, using the American people as collateral, demanding nothing in return, other than a bunch of toxic assets in some cases. They only gave this money to a select group of insiders, at a time when very few had any money because all these same insiders and speculators crashed the system.  Do you get that? The very people most responsible for crashing the system, were then rewarded with trillions of our dollars. This gave that select group of insiders unlimited power to seize control of assets and have unprecedented leverage over almost everything within their economies - crony capitalism on steroids. ...."

Dare to Rise Above Duality - Up for a Game of Ping Pong?

".....machines living off the biological that are held in a dream state and their energy source is then consumed...."  a sobering thought......
This article by Crystal River appeared on Rumor Mill News on 1/2/2011.
It will be archived at some point and the link will no longer work - but perhaps you can cross reference to the archives by using the 191711 number.
It is all about the numbers......

the numbers...... they repeat by the grace of our consciousness
to show us that We Are......
and they pattern in their mathematical sequences
to show us the code to Being and Playing

I read Whitley Schreiber's book, THE KEY, several years ago.
It taught me two things that I knew to be true because they RESONATED within my body.
The TRUTH ding-donged around my body - the energy heightened, and bounced from one organ, to the interior wall of the membrane -- some of the energy no doubt goes out of my body through my antennae......
And it PINGS, like the old 1st generation computer game, PONG
[Blast from the Past. Circa 1980, U.S.A.]
And when you PING a computer, you are calling it's name by its IP ADDRESS
But anyhow..... back to Whitley:
1) a nuclear blast destroys soul energy - it disintegrates - scatters the energy without pattern or purpose, so that it becomes so very small --- it falls. [like the bible says that man fell?]  It is against The Laws of The Universe to blast matter apart as it occurs in a nuclear blast..... [my physicist brain is not in gear here ---- will pick up on this one later if I remember......]
2) long ago and far away, on a dark and stormy night..... now i lay me down to sleep, i pray the lord my soul to keep..... a civilization in one of Gaia's previous Yugas had/used technology to pull a soul's energy out of matter and imprison it in a container, and they use its energy for their own purposes.  and the energy PINGS around the glass cylinder, shaped like a long flashlight, one cannot see into the ends of the cylinder - they are covered with a dark metal type substance that human eyes cannot see through - and when I read that I knew my soul had once been entrapped inside such a prison - but i was released - and it is likely my source of FEAR.  like the black leopard at the Philadelphia Zoo - who was crazy - just paced in his cage  - did not connect with energy from any other living being....

And the point of all this is? 
To communicate to ALL: Let's do it differently this time.

P.S.  Please turn your TV off.
