Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Hire A Courtroom Lawyer

Make a checklist of your requirements and then interview 3 of them --
-Does he/might he know the judge? the judges inner circle? 
-Does his Law Firm have these connections? 
-If criminal, please list your experience with each agency, and the name/+title of your boss, and the name/+title of his/her superior. 
-Years in private practice. 
-Years of 1st Chair courtroom experience. 
-List of wins/losses (redacted to protect client privacy of course!) over the past 18 months. 
Discuss all possible realms of fee arrangements: fixed hourly rate (and this rate expires when? get a date - they revise rates annually), retainer required - now and in the future, flat fee, expenses..... and get it all in writing; this is not a burden for a reputable lawyer
-GET A LIST OF HOW MUCH YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR WHAT.  75 cents per page for a photocopy is not reasonable.

Signing the Contract/"Retainer Agreement" --- 
Be careful here, but remember, most lawyers are not rich. They likely have families to feed too. Don't sign it 'on the spot'. Take a copy home and read it. Then give it to someone, whom you think has the ability and interest, to read on your behalf and give you their evaluation of the fairness of the contract, and possible loopholes/situations not addressed in the retainer agreement.  When dealing with e-mailed documents, beware of intentional/unintended substitute documents - i.e., the one you got emailed is not the one put in front of you at the office for signature.  KEEP AN ORIGINAL of this contract - with yours and the lawyer's binding signature.

After you have retained YOUR lawyer:
Be respectful, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease! you have the right to know the process, it's timeline, and work him/her to that end!!!! if there are forks in the road, tell him you can handle a flow chart of possible outcomes, and their possible subsequent actions. Congratulate him/her for being a natural chess player

225 - Time To Move On

Post number 224 has been made. Moving on.....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Did we tip yet?

$12.3 trillion. given by The Fed to mostly non-US banks without any congressional oversight/knowledge. the bill is presented to the US taxpayer. let the new republican congress start stopping the bleeding here (rather than turning the "used to haves" against the "have nots" of our society)...... you won't hear this on the TV folks, but that doesn't mean it ain't so...... Pay attention. 
Regards - j.
"..... Can you imagine what we could do to restructure society with $12.3 trillion? Think about that…  
People also can’t grasp the colossal crime committed because they keep hearing the word “loans.” People think of the loans they get. You borrow money, you pay it back with interest, no big deal.  
That’s not what happened here. The Fed doled out $12.3 trillion in near-zero interest loans, using the American people as collateral, demanding nothing in return, other than a bunch of toxic assets in some cases. They only gave this money to a select group of insiders, at a time when very few had any money because all these same insiders and speculators crashed the system.  Do you get that? The very people most responsible for crashing the system, were then rewarded with trillions of our dollars. This gave that select group of insiders unlimited power to seize control of assets and have unprecedented leverage over almost everything within their economies - crony capitalism on steroids. ...."

Dare to Rise Above Duality - Up for a Game of Ping Pong?

".....machines living off the biological that are held in a dream state and their energy source is then consumed...."  a sobering thought......
This article by Crystal River appeared on Rumor Mill News on 1/2/2011.
It will be archived at some point and the link will no longer work - but perhaps you can cross reference to the archives by using the 191711 number.
It is all about the numbers......

the numbers...... they repeat by the grace of our consciousness
to show us that We Are......
and they pattern in their mathematical sequences
to show us the code to Being and Playing

I read Whitley Schreiber's book, THE KEY, several years ago.
It taught me two things that I knew to be true because they RESONATED within my body.
The TRUTH ding-donged around my body - the energy heightened, and bounced from one organ, to the interior wall of the membrane -- some of the energy no doubt goes out of my body through my antennae......
And it PINGS, like the old 1st generation computer game, PONG
[Blast from the Past. Circa 1980, U.S.A.]
And when you PING a computer, you are calling it's name by its IP ADDRESS
But anyhow..... back to Whitley:
1) a nuclear blast destroys soul energy - it disintegrates - scatters the energy without pattern or purpose, so that it becomes so very small --- it falls. [like the bible says that man fell?]  It is against The Laws of The Universe to blast matter apart as it occurs in a nuclear blast..... [my physicist brain is not in gear here ---- will pick up on this one later if I remember......]
2) long ago and far away, on a dark and stormy night..... now i lay me down to sleep, i pray the lord my soul to keep..... a civilization in one of Gaia's previous Yugas had/used technology to pull a soul's energy out of matter and imprison it in a container, and they use its energy for their own purposes.  and the energy PINGS around the glass cylinder, shaped like a long flashlight, one cannot see into the ends of the cylinder - they are covered with a dark metal type substance that human eyes cannot see through - and when I read that I knew my soul had once been entrapped inside such a prison - but i was released - and it is likely my source of FEAR.  like the black leopard at the Philadelphia Zoo - who was crazy - just paced in his cage  - did not connect with energy from any other living being....

And the point of all this is? 
To communicate to ALL: Let's do it differently this time.

P.S.  Please turn your TV off.
