Nassim Haramein -
Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields
how is it possible everything is connected?
space! is everywhere, between everything - universes, gallaxies, solar systems, planets
99.9999999 space is between everything
ossilations interact
you never TOUCH anything!!!
diamonds are most dense
and they have lots of space inside, between their 'matter'
but we focus ON matter
paying no attention to the space
which is 99.999999% of everything
does space define matter?
this is a fundamental change in consciousness
how things work
space defines you
you do not define it
lived in a van for 5 years when he was studying physics
unification theory - in 70's 80's
if you have studied hard
you may understand it by then
HE moved rapidly
einstein field equations
bible of relativistic physics
the book is called
big thick and heavy
fundamental physics!!!! (is wrong?????!!!!!)
@ physics conference,asks:
pulled p. 719 of Gravitation - says, universe model resembles a balloon, is expanding, pennies glued to it, represent gallaxies. as it expands gallaxies move away from one another.... Where is the equation that explains who is THIS GUY?
the room gets silent
PhD student drinking coffee chokes
Dir. of physics dept started to sweat
(afraid he'd say GOD????)
when ballon expands, lungs contract.
each action equal and opposite reaction.
is not accounted for in our physics. all is based on EXPANSION model. engineers, scientists.... make cylinders full of highly explosive fuel - cars, space shuttle.... put people in the bomb and light it and watch!
how does explosive side
if there is no prior compression
what are the dynamics that compress the energy into that fuel
if universe exploded from that point....
what put the energy INSIDE?
what is the COLLAPSING force?
it occurs at same time as expansion!
each action has an equal and opposite reaction.
maybe it's the space
that is what holds all the information
it leaks a little energy on radiative side
that is what we call the material world
but if space connects all
space would be infinitely dense
is that true?
look at space inside atom at quantum level
it is not empty
it fluctuates at very high velocity,
high density
lots of energy
not empty
lots of vibration
try to calculate energy of the vibration:
energy density inside the vacuum is infinite.renormalization process removes this possibility in standard physics - "present day quantum field theory says: get rid by a renormalization process of energy density in the vacuum that would formerly be infinite if not removed by renormalization."
find a constant to apply so that the answer is finite!!! That is what they did~!!!!~~~~~~~
equations show vacuum density at atomic level
show infinite density
means space is not empty
why are we warring about energy?
the answer is infinity
planck's distance - minimal amount, smallest wave lenth that can be calculated using our physics --- 1.616 x 10 -33(rasie this with a superscript font.....) cm.
use math of electric and magnetic and gravitational theory, and these 'laws' say a thing can be no smaller than this.
this is THE answer under the old paradigm
that prevents us from continuing to look
to uncover the motherlode.....
BUT this is our boundry condition
is the smallest thing WE can experience
so they make vibrations according to planck's distance
vibrational rates have weight..... do math i do not understand
vacuum 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cubed