Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the day the u.s. suspended habeus corpus


kind of like when I heard the Glass-Stegall Act got repealed.
only worse.

American Antiquities

we have evidence of sailors, 120,000 years ago, in Crete

Rick Osman

religion, international law
pope told crusaders
"if you find open land not occupied by christians
you can take it"

Doctrine of Discovery
Manifest Destiny
1880 everything changed
European Chrstians could lose their land claims???

9th Roman Legion recruited 64 BC

Roman coins are found east of the Mississippi

there are historical references, archeology survey work
to two fortresses
ohio river and its tributaries (substantial water system....)
there is a straight line of fortress sites..... found 3 more
2 were cut stone structures - stones have been repurposed (hide the evidence?)
has found a total of 45 of them in greater OH valley

one is like an 108 AD british isles saxon shore fortresses, cookie cutter type structures
in yorkshire

devil's backbone, near charlestown, IN - well surveyed
OH, KY, PA, IN, IL. MO all have structures
walls were 10 to 75 feet hight.
Cox, 1870's work

117 AD last reference to them.
they built the 108 AD fortress in Yorkshire.
4,5000 to 6,000 troops with attached outfits.
have camp followers.   were part of the foreign culture.  there for 70 years!

Native oral traditions
tall red hair white skin, blue eyed, warlike, spoke welsh
from different indian groups (Chiefs ?, Tobacco, Cornstalk,

prince madack, 1170 AD, landed Mobile Bay, killed or absorbed.

prince madog, half brother to Autorius Rex (King Arthur), 6th century
(Welsh scholars.....Wilson and ?????
weather wasn't so good in the british isles or europe at this time
but they didn't do so well
when they got here the may have found romans!

BUT we have all these coins and fortresses.

Joseph of Aremathea
founded church at Glostenbury
the tin merchant
used to make bronze and other alloys - got rich... richest man in roman empire.
also need cooper to make bronze. (9 parts cooper to 1 part tin)
lots of it in north america. laying lose on surface. upper michgan penninsula and in lake superior, hammerstones...... evidence of this.
1,000 BC shipwreck with the metal sunk in the ship..... coming from North America.....

were the brits managing water traffic out of MI, carrying the cooper?
or were they taxing commerce?

Petra, in Jordan, under Hadrian -- 3 years after Hadrian's death, got high officer from 9th Roman Legion --after service there, experience got him a PLUM post in the Roman Empire...... Petra is a toll booth on the silk road....

Osman thinks Romans wanted to know Joseph's secret of success --- and then took over his north america copper find...

have a 720 AD Caucasian skull

statute found in mobile bay
in about 1702 by the french who had capitol at Mobile
one of 5 statues found in an indian mound
ISLE OF STATUTES - figures of a bear, owl, man/woman, baby statutes - yellow ceramic clay

Pretty compelling evidence here...... jr

Drunvalo's Purple Books

I gave my purple Drunvalo flower-of-life set of books to my mom
She is finally digesting sacred geometry
and other concepts.....

Two stories caught my eye, in volumne II....

One was a story about finding a 10 story deep structure beneath the Spinx and 3 Giza pyramids in Egypt.
It is reputed to be the place where ascended masters hang out.
Can house up to 10,000
At one recent point, only 7 souls remained on planet in this structure.....

Another was about a temple in the Grand Canyon
You need a permit to hike there
Hostile land
2 guys, survival trained mountain climbers went in (with water and all else needed to sustain life)
got to the place
climbed a rock face, hundreds of feet up
and there was a temple
with - was it 8? - I have to reread and edit this!
huge doorways, with columns
but rubble prevented entry.....

Drunvalo said he did not want this information to be lost....
And he admitted he had never personallhy seen this.....
heresay actually,
But he explains the sources of his information in the book.

Definitely, these are stories to follow up on.....
IF you see one featured on 60 Minutes,
be sure to watch it!

time, discoveries

Timeline Zero is an awesome concept.
Terrance McKenna, RIP

you can discount woo-woo
but explain Coral Castle.

AND the Baalbek Stones in Lebanon??

[research geopolomyrs (sp?)
this apparently is as big a "gift of knowledge" as McKenna's download.
need to know more about this.]

time is a mathematical equation.
when you understand this
you will know
why new things happen certain places
at times nothing new happens at all
 (Read: the TimeWaveZero)

we are a mind, wanting to experience on this planet
a soul wanting to experience, excel, create, leave a legacy

but the point is -- different material that should not be forgotten:
a hall of records at the foot of the Romanian Spinx.
BIG tables...... put your hand over an area and it shows holographic DNA
 replays earth's history in holograms
is a virtual ark
Keith Moon is interviewed
 (he is known for work on Montock - the NY time travel story)
says he has not personally seen yet, but has been told.......
David Anderson --- time traveler is instrumental in the story



WHY does blogspot want my phone number?  WHAT will they do with it?  Sell it?  File it for future reference?

PARANOIA.  With reason.  Not until the masses are squirming in fear and misery, will the minions and their rulers rejoice..... and then what?  They don't know, and they don't care.  That is their nature.

CONSPIRACY THEORIES???  No more.  Over 50% of what was a 'conspiracy theory', read, "Negative connotation; belittle its teller as a weak-minded nut who doesn't 'fit in', is now accepted as fact by free thinking and rational minds.

RUN AWAY?  Where?  Why?  Are you a coward?  STAND.

Insanity looms..... it's archonic.

Oh shit, I see a cording...... that means the Authorities will soon appear in their witch hunting gear, knocking on doors, raping and killing the women in the town .  It happens, you know....

Follow the DNA...... the spinning spiral..... currents spinning create mass.....

Ur.... Enki and Enlil and their manipulations to create a slave mining class..... but what came before?  Did the Lemurians really escape the matrix?  Actually, Atlantis was before the Sumerians.  Our history began 6,000 years ago??? And before that we were primitive hunters and gatherers?  hahahahahahaha.  Don't think so.  WHEN will this be taught in our schools?  I need to get busy writing the book.....

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Poem for Posterity

December 2007

You have no idea
of the turmoil you cause
when you go
a bitch rant.

Your rants help no one
Not even you
or your heart.
But they must make you feel good
Because you keep doing it.

The anger related chemical pathways
in your brain
are as wide as my ass

I will never
tell you to shut up
If you promise me
the same common courtesy.
