Tuesday, May 22, 2012

She's Back

I'm back.

I was recently in a used book store in Montegue, MA.  Coffee shop.  Comfortable chairs.  Quaint window seats --- on one side of one of the rooms of the structure overlook a rippling stream --- it was rainy, so the water flowed quickly..... And I look at all the USED books, each looking for a home, wanting to be read so that its author's mental constructs are shared with another literate being....  lots of rooms, lots of shelves, lots of books, lots of people wanting to be published and read.... on paper, in a book.....  So many books!  Most of which will never be read again.  How many of them have never been previously read?

Why the need to communicate?  Why do I bother writing.  Why do I try to express myself so that others may read my words and hopefully comprehend my thoughts.

Communications can lead to reactionary behavior on the part of the receiver...... for a variety of reasons.

Why do we even bother trying?  We so have to get beyond language in order to do real communication...  "real communication".  strange term.
