Friday, December 5, 2014

dead bankers

this is getting ridiculous.

as of today: December 5, 2014:
conspiracy fact: more dead bankers, including 37 year old son of Putin's chief of staff..... Joseph P. Farrell's 10 minute video is well worth the listen.... new theory: massive surveillace is not to spy on individuals, but rather, to predict market behavior....... follow the money. so simple.  Katherine Austin Fitts buys in to the explanation too.

  ....trader at JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, "UBS" United Bank of Switzerland
   .....most recently a commercial real estate investor
global financial market expert.  
.... executive director at JPMorgan... focus on NASDAQ.... semicondutor sector. improved trading performance...... fostered synergies between the pure equities, derivitive trading and investment banking divisions at JPMorgan.  2004 to UBS as senior leadership in media and telecom sectors of NASDAQ - expert in alogrythmic platforms..... top ranked producer for his employers in high frequency trading....

Monday, December 1, 2014

Rocks and Crystals


In the narrative, the narrator’s sister intuits a new business centered on healing through energy work.  The data is all there in any Barnes & Nobel bookstore, or even in the old-time bookseller stall in the Morocco. Books on rocks and gemstones abound. But the practice of welcoming these structures to the celebration of life is a concept that must be taught, and over time the next generation will assume this knowledge was always so.

vibrational atunement of the species
  the frequency of the crystal has become the new norm for treatment of personality disorders. hundreds of millions of people require adjustment of their frequency, so that they are fully within the transmission and receiving range that was meant to be the norm for the human species.

  as big pharma collapsed, 
  those who were dependent on “prescription drugs” had a choice. They could alter their belief system to know that they could be healed by way of other modalities, and they were so healed or maintained. Their new belief system determined their path. those who morned the loss of the old, unable to move on, who were perched, waiting for the big pain in their body to begin, actually felt the pain. Or the anxiety. Or depression. Or the pulse of the pressure as the blood coursed through the veins. Or the rate and quality of insulin production...
chakra energy

 applying the understanding improved 80% of society’s ills w/i 6 months.  
  The Mother’s energy comes from beneath the feet.  It must stream in an even flow from the crystal core of the earth, through the telluric realm, with no blockage.  Without it, the physical body is stressed, resulting in a feeling of powerlessness.  Think at a brown frequency, like the Earth. Live in the city with a blockage here, and you’ll take on the pollution around you, and internalize it within your physical being.
The first chakra - survival/security. anger & sexual disturbances are the outward manifestation of a disturbance in this frequency. Red jasper.
The sacral chakra, at the navel, requires healing when self-esteem is out of whack. Creativity, fertility, acceptance of self as a sexual-being. All have male/female duality - it is one with the human condition.  Butterflies in your stomach. Carnealean or orange flourite do the trice.
Solar plexus is all about emotions and taking in and using energy. Overwhelmed by your emotions? Taking on other peoples issues? Feeling inferior? Try holding a piece of citrine. (Be careful it isn’t baked amathyst.) Stabalize this energy whirl to “center” your emotionality.
Heart chakra, the feeling of pease that comes from a state of lovingness and nurturing - yourself, others, life....  Are you jealous? Afraid of change?
Between the heart and the throat lies the higher heart. The thymus gland is the seat of compassion.  The state of unconditional love and being in-service to life and consciousness resides here. 


gemstones and other rocks
  are different than crystals because...



It was the kind of thing that happens to everyone, but which no one discusses in polite company.  John’s boogers began to dry up.  He said he felt like something was sucking the moisture from his nose, mouth, throat and lungs.  Brother John never was one for minding polite company speak.  We learned later that weaponized fusarium fungua was the reason.  “Take a hot melt glue stick gun and a piece of glass, about the size of a microscope specimen”, John told me.  “I’m glad you used the science you learned in that summer school program!  Not too many kids your age have made it to a science class where they got to use microscopes, and would know what size you are describing.” I told him. “Enough already.” John replied.  “Spread some glue on the slide, let it cool, and then rub the sticky stuff all over your forearm.  Do a second specimen if you want, and squish a booger into the glue.  Sit the specimens in a protected, dust-free environment and examine every Monday under the scope.  You’ll have been outside all weekend, out of the rat race.  If you’ll notice, spray days are usually just before the weekend, or actually on Saturday or Sunday.  Anyhow, within a few weeks you should see the little critters starting to grow, and get bigger, stronger and smarter.  Yes my brother, they are intelligent. The question is, are they conscious?”
“It gets even weirder,”  John continued.  “Lately, I’ve been detecting geometric crystal growths and snowflake patterns.  We’re getting into the 6th dimension here.....” Take a long hot shower, and then blow your nose into a plastic baggie.  Look for little white stringy bugers that appear to be one strand, but can be coaxed apart.  Use tweezers to do this.  Add distilled water to the bugers, and they act like those bath toy sponges you got as a kid.  Mold is culturing in our noses, and we don’t know if it has been tested for neurotoxicity to the brain.” 
“It is a silicon structure that is being implanted in our brains, nanobots neuron interfaces.” John concluded.  His gaze turned to the ground.  “It spreads from spiderwebs. Especially old ones......
these nanotube structures conduct heat and electricity.  These structures in the body cause mesotheiolima and lung cancer, as well as a host of chronic respiratory symptoms. This cite is for carbon based nanotubes. Is this related?

1) silicon sucking micro-organisms that grow bigger and replicate.  synthetic clouds = nano technology polymers.   These non-carbon based substances are programmed with code to make them assemble to look like clouds.  The program components include: 1) how to assemble; 2) how to interact with other “clouds”, and; 3) how to self-replicate.  spray includes plastic components that can regenerate and self-replicate.  “Synthetic Cloud Infection Syndrome”.  

2) when the US Navy warns, it is too late!  Cite new navel report  re: technology will soon create consciousness that is more intelligent than the human species, and may threaten their extinction.....

4) rife technology --- frequencies / light wave technology --- will kill these things

these things conduct electrical current inside the brain, resulting in neurological impact, i.e., short term memory loss. Altzheimer’s, neurons’ IE memory got shortened.  i was exempt because i forced my brain to focus on the subject at hand.  i had never been too good at focusing myself, but this total loss of control i and others experienced was so alarming that i developed systems to compensate for my habit and now, my neurological affliction.  I felt those jolts of power in my brain not wanting to make the connection i  intended them to make.  But I forced a connection of my choosing.  Day, after day, after day.  Sister Roach thought the memory thing was due to just being a pothead.  Her crazy and wild friends thought their inability to retain and execute a 3-task command was solely due to brain damage caused by prolonged use of cocaine.  The stuff seemed to be easier to get on the east coast in around 2008.  Classic supply is up and so prices goes down....just like they taught us in school.  The dealer profit was way too large for the greedy types to ignore.  The environment inside and outside of our bodies is increasing in electrical capacities.  

I learned to live indoors.... once clean, you have to stay out of the spray and it’s resulting mist, rain, snow and uck.  When you  go out you learn to cover, and to stay clean when you come back indoors.  “Living in filth” in the 21st Century soon became equated with homes that did not take clean precautions.
those who watched the skies with regularity observed large clouds in the blue sky that very quickly disappaites into power and suddenly blows away.  The suddenness with which the initial clouds dispursed was alarming.

 how do you get clean?
 can you make a device that kills Morgellan’s with light transmitted at a particular frequency?
if you “die” for long enough to deprive the little buggers of conductivity within one’s body for long enough, and then comes back, will you kill them?
can this stuff get into insects, and then cause DNA/RNA from the insect to transfer to it’s human host?  and then, it might infect humans with insect or plant DNA?  Look for evidence of studies.
do infected humans form a hive mentality?  Is artificial intelligence comadeering the brains of those who are infected?
Where can I find the Phoenix air grab study quoted by chemtrail activists?  (aluminum 6,400x toxic limit, maganese 5,820x,... iron 28,000x..., barium 278x....suffocation by metal for everyone - we breathe this shit!
Where can I see Morgellans pictures?
What do doctors who work with blood diseases say?  Research 

Sources: (pdf of site on mac)
says to look at Cliff Caricorn’s - blood experiments - all life forms show anomalies in the blood.
“To fully understand this research first go to and review all his morgellons work, especially the videos, then go to and watch the two videos posted there, listen to the audio files on and review my photos.”

 Scotty beam me up for God's sake, quickly please!

 Blue  john fowler 5/23/2006 report on Oakland’s KTVU Channel @ TV, former Oakland A’s pitcher Billy Koch’s family.  3,000 families report this life-altering assault on Earth’s living species, including humans.  CNN Medical Mystery, reprted by Elizabeth Cohen.. Dr. Raphael Stricker was in New York at the start of the AIDS epidemic - in the early 80’s.  Drs. Randy Wymore, Steve Eddy and Rhonda Casey of OK State treat 25 cases.  Dr. Noah Scheingeld, Assistant Professor of Dermatology @ Columbia University denies Morgellon’s.

i would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief. 

-gerry spence 

Heavy Duty DNA

her higher self is here
she opened the channel in the shower
i was hovering...waiting
there is no “possession”
she has free will
i am her higher self and will not harm her

she was told to channel
i am here
she now hears electricity hum and buzz in her ear
she hears the phone 5 seconds before it rings
and feels the electromagnetic fields from metal on or close to her skin

a purple stone and a tall willowy plant called to her today .
let’s see where she takes them...

Heavy Duty DNA


I am of Celtic blood and American Indian spirit.  I was there with the chipmunk at the sipano when the 3rd World emerged into the 4th World.  I was Jesuit.  I am of Faraday.  I have journeyed many places that I barely recall.  I am here to teach the “children”, the masses, the third kind of people.  

What are the 3rd kind of people?  I heard somewhere that there are 3 kinds of people:
1) those who make things happen.
2) those who notice things changing. And finally,
3) those who say, “what? is something happening?”

But this time we have a different story, or timeline, or timeline variant, metaphysical realization, or decline of a civilization.... 
The UFOs really began an era of paranoia that evolved into a conspiracy against the asention of the human soul....but I get ahead of myself.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014


DNA is consciousness in physical form.

Sound/frequency gives physical form to light.

We are light.

Does the flame of a fire project a shadow?

Friday, October 31, 2014

the way things seem to be

light, spinning at a frequency. oscillating many times --- # of cycles per second. the rate determines the density. Slow/very dense. High number of cycles/second = Light. Different frequencies throw off different colors. Alternating current IS a frequency. So does magnetism have frequency. Holographic. A hologram 3-D photograph made with a laser. .... holograms encode/decode frequencies.


The meaning of the word 'liberal' has become twisted and turned around over the past 100 years. It disheartens me to see it used as a 'name calling' tool to invoke a mindset of 'us vs. them'. The image or meaning of a 'liberal' is different to each of us, but the commonality is that it encourages duality and division. Historically, the 'liberal arts' were the trivium (logic, grammar and rhetoric) and quadrivium (mathematics, geometry, music and astronomy). The quadrivium disciplines contain the ratios of the universe, and are highly scientific. These were the 7 subjects taught at university level in days gone by.

 "Be impeccable with your word' -- I am extremely frustrated with the divisive nature of language, and with the idea that opposition to common core is a 'liberal' or a 'conservative' issue. This reaction I have to this logical fallacy, name-calling, has been brewing in my head for a long time, as I see people sling the term 'libtard' at someone who disagrees with them. I will address it each time I see it in the future, just as people sensitive to the misuse of the word 'retarded' react to the misuse of that term. I can forgive the ignorance of not knowing the origins of the term, 'liberal', and I have faith in people's ability to learn and move forward.

People who identify as "Liberal" or "Conservative" have more in common that they think, but to say so is to piss off those who so self-label.  It's like what Ed Rendell said when he was mayor of Philadelphia, and the natives were restless in Kensington..... he basically said, these whites, puerto ricans and blacks have common interests, and it would be in their self-interest to combine forces in opposition to those whose socio-economic would endeavor to keep them in poverty and ignorance.  I thought that was one of Ed's great statements, but very few people "got it".

Sunday, October 26, 2014

October In The Matrix

10/8/14 - 1st case of Ebola diagnosed in U.S. dies.  No new cases confirmed yet.

University Of Delaware Dept. of Agriculture professor, and Liberian citizen, Cyrus Broderick nails the situation in Africa: and he names the organizations responsible: US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases; Tulane University; the CDC, Doctors without Borders a.k.a. Medicins Sans Frontiers; Tekmira, a canadian pharma company; GlaxoSmith Kline and; Kenema Gov't Hospital in Kenema, Sierra Leone

first mention of vaccinating everyone in a country.
where it is all going? FEMA camps, agencies with bullets, UN control
first death.
2 sick nurses.
doctors break quarrantine; one tests positive for ebola, after coming home from Doctors Without Borders gig as a 3-week humanitarian.  takes 3 busses across Manhattan and goes bowling.  the other, Dr. Nancy Snyderman of network news fame, goes out for soup and gets caught.

45 liters of live polio virus "accidently" released by SmithKline in the Lasne River in Belgium on September 2nd.... just reported.  the Lasne and Dyle rivers are joining the Escaut/Scheldt river which flows in the southwestern part of the Netherlands where various orthodox protestant communities who dont vaccinate live. )

4 ISIS arrested in Texas, after crossing the Mexican border.
story fizzles fast.

Hunter Biden, son of U.S. Vice-President, Joe Biden, gets kicked out of the Naval Reserves after he tests positive for cocaine...

Suiciding bankers again....
2 high profile bankers bite the dust 10/25/14.  firms are apparently continuing to manipulate metals markets.

---41 year old managing director and assoc. general counsel for Deutche Bank; head of capital and risk evaluation.

----french-israeli banker, partner of the IMF dude   - Thierry Leyne, a French-Israeli banker and partner of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the disgraced ex-head of the IMF

Last year, Leyne joined Strauss-Kahn in establishing the Paris-traded firm Leyne, Strauss-Kahn & Partners after the former IMF head bought a 20 percent stake to help develop the investment-banking franchise of Leyne’s company, Luxembourg-based Anatevka SA. Leyne had taken Anatevka public in March 2013 before joining forces with Strauss-Kahn, commonly referred to in France as DSK.


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Parting Ways

What a feeling.
To know that your companion, family member, friend, etc. is not going to make the transition.
Is it fair that someone will be subjected to repeating the 3-D experience because s/he bought into the matrix is such a fashion that their vibratory rate resonated with the lower elements of creation?
Watching someone watch TV 'news' and believing it all.... how disheartening.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

so many still so deluded

brain washed.
learned what they were 'taught'.

to teach another to think is a job well done.

logical fallacies.
that is a good place to begin.

i see them in person and online.
we are not the same species.
unable to communicate.
actually, i've about run out of things to say to them....

Sunday, October 19, 2014

ebola.... day 20

2 of my most respected alternative journalists (joseph p. farrell & paul craig roberts) have picked up on the story I read a week or so ago, about the western research clinics in the 2 african countries where the current outbreak began..... and the human vaccine trials they began in January 2014 - this story is pretty much the same song..... do your really think the powers that be think more of amerikan citizens than they did of black men in tuskegee, Al, or the guatamalean syphillis people? pay attention. hiding your head in the sand, singing the smurf song, and painting flowers will get you what it gets you..... STAND!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Odes to Walter Russell

"....think of matter as motion with retarded time which lengthens its periods in a ratio in which matter appears..." it's about twin, opposing, electro-magnetic vortexes.... NASA's discovery of space/time vortex.... each element on the periodic chart vibrates at a different rate. and all elements broadcast energy outward.... it is colored, and makes up what we perceive with our 3-D senses.... interesting ideas....

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Why I Got Out While I Still Could....

     Xanax at 3
         with tea
     Unrealistic expectations
         need consultant

     Snow and ice.
     1 1/2 hours in a car
     1/8 tank of gas
     $9.00 parking

        didn't have to walk in the shit.
        makes it all OK.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Why does it upset me that humans have been duped?  Lied to.  Used.  Dumbed down mentally and physically.  Why can't I just enjoy a beer and a ball game?  Forget about what I cannot control?  Why do I care that others awaken to what has been and is?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Barbara Steadman

New York high fashion model and Illustrator of Children's Literature

September 2014 Happenings in the Matrix

It is now the 29th.... about 27 1/2 more hours to tweak this record....  soon....
Still in DRAFT
News cycles....
     (everything had backup.... didn't capture all the links..... will do better next month, in the matrix)

On the eve of 9/11, Obama says we're gonna kick ISIS ass with a coalition of the willing.
Germany and Great Britian say, "No thanks"
Turkey says, "you can't use our air bases to bomb Syria"

The local forces opposing ISIS are wiped out by a U.S. bombing raid...

Football scandals
  • beating his woman
  • commissioner fails to act after he knows of the beating.
  • texas player strikes son with a branch (like his grandma did to him) gets slammed
9.19  Congress approves funding of "moderate muslims opposed to isis/isil"
they continue to sell oil to make money.  how does that happen?
gas prices go down (before the election!!!)
obama insists, "no boots on the ground..."

Poland says gas supplies have been cut 20%
Fed will keep interest rates at zero percent
(transfers $ earned by savers is transferred to the markets...... )

Sierra Leone shut down for 3 days
"men" go house to house, looking for sick people to remove and quarrentine
handing out bars of soap

state trooper killed upstate Pennsylvania
shelter in place --- feels like it could get bigger.... stay tuned....

9/23 USA bombs a soverign nation: Syria.  Oh, and also Iraq....
5 Arab countries support the USA: Saudi Arabia, Yeman, Quatar
  • Quatar and Saudi Arabia want to take down last secular government in the region
  • In order to save its ass from being charged with violating article I, section 8 of the US constitution, the US executive, Obama, must frame threat to US national security by way of ISIS/ISIL attacks. Only way the executive can legally declare war without vote of Congress.
9/24 big UN meeting on climate change in New York.

The administration's response to the conjunction of this weekend's People's Climate March and the International Day of Peace?
1) Bomb Syria the following day, to wrest control of the oil from ISIS which gained its foothold directly in the region through the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan funding and arming ISIS' predecessors in Syria.
2) Send the president to UN General Assembly, where he will inevitably give a rousing speech about climate and peace, while the destruction of the environment and the shattering of world peace is on full display 5,000 miles away.


turn to paul craig roberts for economic news:
  • our current US foreign policy. The Wolfowitz Doctrine, which is the basis of US foreign policy, says that it is imperative for Washington to prevent the rise of other countries, such as Russia and China, that can limit the exercise of US power.
  • we see china/russia settling large energy deal outside the $US ...... BRICS
the fed is stopping quantatative easing

ebola claimed to be engineered in africa.....
cdc and vaccines being outed. mainstream fiercely controls the narrative.
but there are 2 lawsuits; both need to be watched.
against merck for mumps, alleging FRAUD: was filed 2010. vaccine caused 2 mumps outbreaks. 2011 US Supreme Court upheld law protecting vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits, but PA federal court said this one can go ahead.... (note the cause of action.  clever!)

respiratory 'virus' sweeping across u.s.; children can't breath, and a few show polio like symptoms. only seems to affect vaccinated children.

isis is clearly a creation, likely by u.s., israel and saudi arabia

we bombed damascus, in syria
news shows woman pilot who dropped bombs - cheering on women

weed, california burns down.
12 places in california will run out of water in 60 days.
arizona is hammered with torrential rain, etc.
volcano erupts in japan, kills 36.
2nd volcano erupts....

First Ebola case reported in the U.S. in Dallas on 9/30

And finally, last but not least:  ISIS gets EBOLA!!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Suitcase Art At the Airport

at the denver international airport

Cats and Dog

when i lived in killeen, i had to walk across 2 fields to get to the line to hang the laundry.  the shepard and 2 cats always came with me.  i carried a 22 pistol in the bottom of the laundry basket...... for wild dogs and/or snakes....
the animals had a blast.
always ran ahead of me on the return trip.  every time, the cats would run UNDER the trailer I lived in, and every time, the dog would smack his head, chasing the cats, always forgetting he was too big to fit.
the cats thought it was funny.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Faraday Again

".....Of course, before the modern barriers went up, crucial scientific contributions were accepted from many ‘outsiders’ like William Herschel and Michael Faraday, those who“may be free of current dogmas and prejudices, able to see the world with fresh eyes.”[Albert Einstein] Few universities have shown the courage to insist on a broad and balanced picture of present knowledge or an even-handed comparison of theoretical assumptions and available alternatives. To apply such basic standards today would risk discrediting entire departments....."

Lies That Need to be Exposed:

alternate title:  how to get yourself knocked off.



My gnostic heritage was the magnet that attracted Castenada.

Thanks Joycamp: Benny Wills & Kevin Kosteinik.....
It always comes back to the ETs.
hyper-dimensional critters.

Friday, September 12, 2014

A Journey

Life is a journey
we each embark upon, alone.
Some of us are short stories.  Others are novels.
...Varying number of chapters.  Characters often interwoven.

At one point upon your path,
it becomes certain that no one else can ever know or understand
 all the places you've been,
  the people  to whom you've been close
   the things you have learned along the way

And at the end of the day,
The books are sold at the Lambertville Flea Market in NJ
  Hardbacks $2.00.  Paperbacks $1.00
Sometimes, you can find a load of them dumped at the end of the vendor's day.....

But never fear....
we are not 3-D matter
we are way faster than that!
we are light!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Narcissist Damage.....

there is an article i read the other day that i cannot find, damn it!  it had one indicator that you have been in a relationship with a narcissist: you make NOTES of conversations to convince yourself later this really happened.  reference my blog entry below this one.  wow.  i sure wish i knew all this years ago....

the other item I am now learning is how long it takes to 'recover' from association with one of these people, and how the experience can permanently change you.

for the final 5 years i pretty much stayed in my room or in the yard.

the people depicted in this blog are fictional 
and have no reference to any human, living or dead

here is a pretty good article.....  actually, most all the articles on this site are on point..... this information has my attention!  kind of like reading the AlAnon book and seeing that there are common patterns in an alcoholic family...

Signs That You’ve Been Abused by a Narcissist



Do you recognize that you’re doubting yourself more than you ever have before?
Victims of narcissistic abuse often appear uncertain of themselves, constantly seeking clarification that they haven’t made a mistake or misheard something.
This reactive adaptation to narcissistic abuse is because the narcissist is ALWAYS finger pointing and shifting blame to YOU for ALL of the ups & downs both in the relationship AND in the narcissist’s personal psyche.
Because this relationship has NON EXISTENT boundaries, you will find YOURSELF constantly PUT UPON and FORCED to accept responsibility for things you didn’t do or say. This borrowed humiliation and shame is exactly what the narcissist intends for the victim to take from the narcissist. Their own unfelt core of shame.


Just refer to the above explanation of self doubt and boundary transgression if you want to understand the CONFUSION that is part and parcel of narcissistic abuse.
Daily boundary transgression and criss crossing of responsibility starts to wear on even the clearest minded of targets.
Suddenly you wake up and realize that all the realities and borders between yourself and others is not only BLURRED but MISSING.
It’s confusing to KNOW that you aren’t responsible for someone else’s behavior, thinking and feeling but to be CONSTANTLY SCOLDED for behaving, thinking and feeling as if you ARE.
It’s crazy-making and a narcissist purposefully causes this confusion. They know that a divided and conquered mind is their most vulnerable and susceptible target who won’t be able to identify that their confusion is caused by an abusive technique called ‘gaslighting’.
Gaslighting is a technique of psychological abuse used by narcissists to instill confusion and anxiety in their target to the point where they no longer trust their own memory, perception or judgment.  With gas lighting, the target initially notices that something happens that is odd, but they don’t believe it.  The target attempts to fight the manipulation, but are confused further by being called names or told that they’re: ‘Just Too sensitive’, ‘Crazy’, ‘Imagining things’ or the narcissist  flat out DENIES ever saying anything hurtful. Gradually, the target learns not to trust their own perceptions and begins doubting themselves.  Broken and unable to trust themselves, they isolate further. The target now doubts everything about themselves: their thoughts and opinions, their ideas and ideals. They become dependent on the narcissist for their reality.
For it is in your CONFUSION and acceptance of responsibility that belongs to the narcissist, that a narcissist is able to successfully CONTROL YOU and USE YOU as a scapegoat for their problems.


Every minute of every hour of every day of every year, a Narcissist, who has a DSM classifiable personality DISORDER (ie: not playing with a full deck) is PROJECTING their disorder onto those around them. If you don’t think that having a crazy person constantly blaming you for being “crazy” will make you crazy, I’d like to introduce you to a narcissist that will convince you otherwise.
This disorder isn’t a relationship gone wrong. This disorder isn’t kid stuff. It’s MALEVOLENT. It’s a transference of malevolence and MENTAL DISORDER from the person who has it to the person who DOESN’T.LOVE QUOTES (39)
Frankly, before a narcissist, I’ve not once in my life, FELT CRAZY. Neither have I ever been told by a psychologist and I’ve seen lots of them – that I had anything WRONG with MY own MENTAL HEALTH. Personally, I always had it “together”. I was resilient, mentally tough, and withstood many events in my life that would make others crumble.
Yet, when I unwittingly dated someone with this serious mental health malady, I wanted to slam an entire set of broken porcelain down his throat sideways and every obtuse moron that believes the garbage that comes out of his mouth. No, it’s not that I suddenly became a person interested in physical violence, I suddenly became a person who was witnessing a DSM category all wrapped up into a physical being – who turned his mental health problems ON Me. I became a target of a person with a problem. They say, “Hurt people, HURT people”. I say, “Narcissistic People DESTROY PEOPLE”.


All I could muster to the narcissist in my dear john letter when I broke up with him that wonderful New Year’s Eve, was “I DONT KNOW what’s WRONG!! But I just don’t feel like myself. Something feels EXTREMELY TOXIC and I don’t know why”…..This should be the alert when a victim of narcissistic abuse presents themselves to therapists. The inexplicable “complaint”.
My first visit to my therapist were those words exactly. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but It’s SERIOUS!” I felt it. I did – I felt BEWILDERED inside, but I could not articulate what it was. (another red flag for someone usually able to articulate every feeling and explanation about myself in-depth).How was it that after 43 years of explaining, analyzing and discussing my own deficiencies quite well, I could NOT for the life of me explain to my therapist what was so “wrong” with me that it was palpable. His answer, set me free, it really did. 


My therapist had some background with this person. He’d WITNESSED the narcissist calling me, berating me during sessions. I held the phone away during one session, so that my therapist could hear the narcissist on the other end questioning me about cheating, “Accusing me of having an affair with the therapist”.  Grilling me about what the therapist looked like and would speak to me like. He even accused the therapist of wanting me sexually and that was the reason the therapist spoke so lowly of the narcissist. (of course it couldn’t just be that the narcissist had a bad reputation and the community was on to him)
Sufferers report that their spark has gone out and, even years later, find they just cannot get motivated about anything.
Unaware that we’ve been living in a war zone with a tyrannical narcissist, we can’t quite grasp the words to articulate the abuse, yet at the same time, we VERY MUCH FEEL IT. We present ourselves to the mental health community, incapable of speaking about an abuse we yet know nothing about. Until that word, “NARCISSISTIC ABUSE” is given to us, we have NO IDEA that is what’s causing our pain. That’s why it’s SO IMPORTANT to get the word out there, what narcissists look like, their modus operandi, the words and phrases they use, so that when a victim of their abuse begins looking for answers, they quickly will be able to identify that they are involved with a narcissist.
In Narcissistic Victim Syndrome you are looking for a cluster of symptoms to emerge many are the symptoms of trauma (avoidance, loss of interest, feeling detached, sense of a limited future, sleeping or eating difficulties and nightmares, irritability, hyper-vigilance, easily startled, flashbacks, hopelessness, psychosomatic illnesses, self-harming, thoughts of suicide etc).Some victims develop Stockholm Syndrome and want to support, defend, and love the abuser despite what they have gone through.
Victims tend to ‘dissociate’ or detach from their emotions, body, or surroundings. Living in a war zone where all forms of power and control are used against you (intimidation; emotional, physical and mental abuse; isolation, economic abuse, sexual abuse, coercion, control etc), the threat of abuse is always present. Dissociation is an automatic coping mechanism against overwhelming stress.
dissociation 3
Symptoms of dissociation resulting from trauma may include depersonalization, (disconnecting your body awareness from your physical self) psychological numbing, disengaged from life and passions, or amnesia regarding the events of the abuse.
It has been hypothesized that dissociation may provide a temporarily effective defense mechanism in cases of severe trauma; however, in the long-term, dissociation is associated with decreased psychological functioning and adjustment.
Other symptoms sometimes found along with dissociation in victims of traumatic abuse (often referred to as “sequelae to abuse”) include anxiety, PTSD, low self-esteem, somatization, depression, chronic pain, interpersonal dysfunction, substance abuse, self-mutilation and suicidal ideation or actions. These symptoms may lead the victim to erroneously present the symptoms as the source of the problem.


Let’s face it. If I didn’t mention PTSD, or Complex PTSD, I would NOT be doing the topic of narcissistic abuse syndrome ANY justice.
Ptsd, in layman’s terms? From a fellow sufferer? A Cerebral anxiety attack that makes your whole body come alive with PALPABLE FEAR. The rapid heart beat, the intrusive and spinning thoughts and fears – just like the abuse is CURRENTLY HAPPENING SEQUENTIALLY ALL OVER AGAIN. This is called RE-LIVING.  It’s as if the traumatic abuse event is occurring in the present tense. All the emotions of fear, shame, shrinking, wincing, looking over your shoulder & walking on eggshells waiting to be attacked ruthlessly AGAIN.     
Physical numbness -
(toes, fingertips, lips) is common, as is emotional numbness (especially inability to feel joy).
Avoidance -
of places, sounds, tastes, and songs that remind them of their abuser or the abuse. Intense feelings of anxiety even in anticipation of having to revisit the memories.
Memory Loss – Almost all targets report impaired memory. Partially due to conscious avoidance as well as from the damage done to the hippocampus, an area of the brain linked to learning and memory.
Need for solitude / tendency to isolate -
We’re EXHAUSTED after narcissistic abuse. Feelings of withdrawal and isolation are common; we just want to be in our own head for a while, find our own answers; thus, solitude is sought.

Lack of Joy and Hope -
Inability to feel joy (anhedonia) and deadening of loving feelings towards others are commonly reported. One fears never being able to feel love or trust again.

The target becomes very gloomy and senses a foreshortened future sometimes with justification. Many targets ultimately have severe psychiatric injury, severely impaired health and/or stress related illnesses.
Melatonin became my new best friend after narcissistic abuse. The nightmares and night terrors can be overwhelming that good restorative sleep becomes impossible.  Napping became my new favorite passion.

Sleep becomes almost impossible, despite the constant fatigue; such sleep as is obtained tends to be unsatisfying, unrefreshing and non-restorative. On waking, the person often feels more tired than when they went to bed. Depressive feelings arrive very early in the morning, making falling back to sleep an impossibility.  Feelings of vulnerability and loneliness may be heightened overnight.
Anxiousness, Guilt & Disturbing thoughts – 
Targets have an extremely short fuse and are easily irritated. The person frequently experiences obsessive visions of violence happening to the narcissist  hoping for an accident for, or murdering the narcissist; the resultant feelings of guilt further limit progress in healing.
Fight or Flight Response – 
With your system on alert for ever-present danger in the environment it’s easy to react sensitively to sudden changes – causing the startle response.
Awareness of symptoms – 
It’s very harrowing to realize that you are different from you were before the narcissist; FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT. When you are very aware that PTSD has replaced the narcissist, it emotionally drains the target of any hope for being PERMANENTLY NARCISSISTIC FREE. We don’t want to be constantly reminded and aware of the person we escaped. We want to live freely, however symptoms, are a constant reminder that we DON’T.
