Monday, June 16, 2014

How 'Things' Have Changed

1.  The POTUS proposes legislation. It's drafted, presented to the House or the Senate, voted on, and defeated.  So the POTUS signs an executive order, bypassing the legislative branch of the government.

2.  Advertisements on TV used to market real things, like food, or personal hygiene products, or cleaning products.  Today, the ads focus on cancer hospitals, pharmaceutical drugs, and non-profits like The Wounded Warrior project that want you to send them $19.95 a month.

3.  Financial fraud is exposed and proven in the media and nothing happens.  The institutions are 'too big to fail'..... take them out of the economy, and things will be disrupted, so its best to continue with the status quo.  But Iran executed an CEO whose companies did $2.6 billion in fraud....this happened today...

4.  The news cycle quickens.  Flight 370 lasted a few cycles.  Then, Last month, it was Bowe Borgdall the AWOL soldier.  That was to divert attention away from the veterans' health care system long waits resulting in deaths.....  Today it is ISIS in Iraq, which Obama just declared to be in full civil war; he's sending in 300 pair of boots.... special operations ..... for security...???? ISIS declared a CIA operation; some are reported to carry U.S. passports.  New York City is on high alert.  Paul Craig Roberts reports the U.S. appears to be gearing up for a little round of nuclear war with Russia, thinking that such an exercise is survivable/winnable.  Tens of hundereds of children are sent across the mexican border into the U.S., reported to be traveling alone, and their families paid $9000 to get them out of Guatemala???
