Friday, December 5, 2014

dead bankers

this is getting ridiculous.

as of today: December 5, 2014:
conspiracy fact: more dead bankers, including 37 year old son of Putin's chief of staff..... Joseph P. Farrell's 10 minute video is well worth the listen.... new theory: massive surveillace is not to spy on individuals, but rather, to predict market behavior....... follow the money. so simple.  Katherine Austin Fitts buys in to the explanation too.

  ....trader at JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, "UBS" United Bank of Switzerland
   .....most recently a commercial real estate investor
global financial market expert.  
.... executive director at JPMorgan... focus on NASDAQ.... semicondutor sector. improved trading performance...... fostered synergies between the pure equities, derivitive trading and investment banking divisions at JPMorgan.  2004 to UBS as senior leadership in media and telecom sectors of NASDAQ - expert in alogrythmic platforms..... top ranked producer for his employers in high frequency trading....

Monday, December 1, 2014

Rocks and Crystals


In the narrative, the narrator’s sister intuits a new business centered on healing through energy work.  The data is all there in any Barnes & Nobel bookstore, or even in the old-time bookseller stall in the Morocco. Books on rocks and gemstones abound. But the practice of welcoming these structures to the celebration of life is a concept that must be taught, and over time the next generation will assume this knowledge was always so.

vibrational atunement of the species
  the frequency of the crystal has become the new norm for treatment of personality disorders. hundreds of millions of people require adjustment of their frequency, so that they are fully within the transmission and receiving range that was meant to be the norm for the human species.

  as big pharma collapsed, 
  those who were dependent on “prescription drugs” had a choice. They could alter their belief system to know that they could be healed by way of other modalities, and they were so healed or maintained. Their new belief system determined their path. those who morned the loss of the old, unable to move on, who were perched, waiting for the big pain in their body to begin, actually felt the pain. Or the anxiety. Or depression. Or the pulse of the pressure as the blood coursed through the veins. Or the rate and quality of insulin production...
chakra energy

 applying the understanding improved 80% of society’s ills w/i 6 months.  
  The Mother’s energy comes from beneath the feet.  It must stream in an even flow from the crystal core of the earth, through the telluric realm, with no blockage.  Without it, the physical body is stressed, resulting in a feeling of powerlessness.  Think at a brown frequency, like the Earth. Live in the city with a blockage here, and you’ll take on the pollution around you, and internalize it within your physical being.
The first chakra - survival/security. anger & sexual disturbances are the outward manifestation of a disturbance in this frequency. Red jasper.
The sacral chakra, at the navel, requires healing when self-esteem is out of whack. Creativity, fertility, acceptance of self as a sexual-being. All have male/female duality - it is one with the human condition.  Butterflies in your stomach. Carnealean or orange flourite do the trice.
Solar plexus is all about emotions and taking in and using energy. Overwhelmed by your emotions? Taking on other peoples issues? Feeling inferior? Try holding a piece of citrine. (Be careful it isn’t baked amathyst.) Stabalize this energy whirl to “center” your emotionality.
Heart chakra, the feeling of pease that comes from a state of lovingness and nurturing - yourself, others, life....  Are you jealous? Afraid of change?
Between the heart and the throat lies the higher heart. The thymus gland is the seat of compassion.  The state of unconditional love and being in-service to life and consciousness resides here. 


gemstones and other rocks
  are different than crystals because...



It was the kind of thing that happens to everyone, but which no one discusses in polite company.  John’s boogers began to dry up.  He said he felt like something was sucking the moisture from his nose, mouth, throat and lungs.  Brother John never was one for minding polite company speak.  We learned later that weaponized fusarium fungua was the reason.  “Take a hot melt glue stick gun and a piece of glass, about the size of a microscope specimen”, John told me.  “I’m glad you used the science you learned in that summer school program!  Not too many kids your age have made it to a science class where they got to use microscopes, and would know what size you are describing.” I told him. “Enough already.” John replied.  “Spread some glue on the slide, let it cool, and then rub the sticky stuff all over your forearm.  Do a second specimen if you want, and squish a booger into the glue.  Sit the specimens in a protected, dust-free environment and examine every Monday under the scope.  You’ll have been outside all weekend, out of the rat race.  If you’ll notice, spray days are usually just before the weekend, or actually on Saturday or Sunday.  Anyhow, within a few weeks you should see the little critters starting to grow, and get bigger, stronger and smarter.  Yes my brother, they are intelligent. The question is, are they conscious?”
“It gets even weirder,”  John continued.  “Lately, I’ve been detecting geometric crystal growths and snowflake patterns.  We’re getting into the 6th dimension here.....” Take a long hot shower, and then blow your nose into a plastic baggie.  Look for little white stringy bugers that appear to be one strand, but can be coaxed apart.  Use tweezers to do this.  Add distilled water to the bugers, and they act like those bath toy sponges you got as a kid.  Mold is culturing in our noses, and we don’t know if it has been tested for neurotoxicity to the brain.” 
“It is a silicon structure that is being implanted in our brains, nanobots neuron interfaces.” John concluded.  His gaze turned to the ground.  “It spreads from spiderwebs. Especially old ones......
these nanotube structures conduct heat and electricity.  These structures in the body cause mesotheiolima and lung cancer, as well as a host of chronic respiratory symptoms. This cite is for carbon based nanotubes. Is this related?

1) silicon sucking micro-organisms that grow bigger and replicate.  synthetic clouds = nano technology polymers.   These non-carbon based substances are programmed with code to make them assemble to look like clouds.  The program components include: 1) how to assemble; 2) how to interact with other “clouds”, and; 3) how to self-replicate.  spray includes plastic components that can regenerate and self-replicate.  “Synthetic Cloud Infection Syndrome”.  

2) when the US Navy warns, it is too late!  Cite new navel report  re: technology will soon create consciousness that is more intelligent than the human species, and may threaten their extinction.....

4) rife technology --- frequencies / light wave technology --- will kill these things

these things conduct electrical current inside the brain, resulting in neurological impact, i.e., short term memory loss. Altzheimer’s, neurons’ IE memory got shortened.  i was exempt because i forced my brain to focus on the subject at hand.  i had never been too good at focusing myself, but this total loss of control i and others experienced was so alarming that i developed systems to compensate for my habit and now, my neurological affliction.  I felt those jolts of power in my brain not wanting to make the connection i  intended them to make.  But I forced a connection of my choosing.  Day, after day, after day.  Sister Roach thought the memory thing was due to just being a pothead.  Her crazy and wild friends thought their inability to retain and execute a 3-task command was solely due to brain damage caused by prolonged use of cocaine.  The stuff seemed to be easier to get on the east coast in around 2008.  Classic supply is up and so prices goes down....just like they taught us in school.  The dealer profit was way too large for the greedy types to ignore.  The environment inside and outside of our bodies is increasing in electrical capacities.  

I learned to live indoors.... once clean, you have to stay out of the spray and it’s resulting mist, rain, snow and uck.  When you  go out you learn to cover, and to stay clean when you come back indoors.  “Living in filth” in the 21st Century soon became equated with homes that did not take clean precautions.
those who watched the skies with regularity observed large clouds in the blue sky that very quickly disappaites into power and suddenly blows away.  The suddenness with which the initial clouds dispursed was alarming.

 how do you get clean?
 can you make a device that kills Morgellan’s with light transmitted at a particular frequency?
if you “die” for long enough to deprive the little buggers of conductivity within one’s body for long enough, and then comes back, will you kill them?
can this stuff get into insects, and then cause DNA/RNA from the insect to transfer to it’s human host?  and then, it might infect humans with insect or plant DNA?  Look for evidence of studies.
do infected humans form a hive mentality?  Is artificial intelligence comadeering the brains of those who are infected?
Where can I find the Phoenix air grab study quoted by chemtrail activists?  (aluminum 6,400x toxic limit, maganese 5,820x,... iron 28,000x..., barium 278x....suffocation by metal for everyone - we breathe this shit!
Where can I see Morgellans pictures?
What do doctors who work with blood diseases say?  Research 

Sources: (pdf of site on mac)
says to look at Cliff Caricorn’s - blood experiments - all life forms show anomalies in the blood.
“To fully understand this research first go to and review all his morgellons work, especially the videos, then go to and watch the two videos posted there, listen to the audio files on and review my photos.”

 Scotty beam me up for God's sake, quickly please!

 Blue  john fowler 5/23/2006 report on Oakland’s KTVU Channel @ TV, former Oakland A’s pitcher Billy Koch’s family.  3,000 families report this life-altering assault on Earth’s living species, including humans.  CNN Medical Mystery, reprted by Elizabeth Cohen.. Dr. Raphael Stricker was in New York at the start of the AIDS epidemic - in the early 80’s.  Drs. Randy Wymore, Steve Eddy and Rhonda Casey of OK State treat 25 cases.  Dr. Noah Scheingeld, Assistant Professor of Dermatology @ Columbia University denies Morgellon’s.

i would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief. 

-gerry spence 

Heavy Duty DNA

her higher self is here
she opened the channel in the shower
i was hovering...waiting
there is no “possession”
she has free will
i am her higher self and will not harm her

she was told to channel
i am here
she now hears electricity hum and buzz in her ear
she hears the phone 5 seconds before it rings
and feels the electromagnetic fields from metal on or close to her skin

a purple stone and a tall willowy plant called to her today .
let’s see where she takes them...

Heavy Duty DNA


I am of Celtic blood and American Indian spirit.  I was there with the chipmunk at the sipano when the 3rd World emerged into the 4th World.  I was Jesuit.  I am of Faraday.  I have journeyed many places that I barely recall.  I am here to teach the “children”, the masses, the third kind of people.  

What are the 3rd kind of people?  I heard somewhere that there are 3 kinds of people:
1) those who make things happen.
2) those who notice things changing. And finally,
3) those who say, “what? is something happening?”

But this time we have a different story, or timeline, or timeline variant, metaphysical realization, or decline of a civilization.... 
The UFOs really began an era of paranoia that evolved into a conspiracy against the asention of the human soul....but I get ahead of myself.
