Friday, May 22, 2015


What is the TPP?

It's the TransPacific Partnership.

A proposed trade agreement between 12 nations.

United States, 
New Zealand, 
Mexico, and 
Brunei Darussalam

As of 5-22-2015, the U.S. Senate has given Barak Obama authority to push this evil agreement through

TPP's implications for intellectual property are addressed at this site:

> 250 U.S. tech companies tell congress how TPP will hurt them:

Creates the "ISDS" (Investor-State Dispute Settlement) - a private tribunal in which TPP member nations may sue one another for claims that a law or action harms their present or future profits.  Sovereign courts will have no jurisdiction over such claims.

Wikipedia overview:

  • we know a lot about the IP and Environmental Chapters of the TPP thanks to Wikileaks making the text available.
  • There have been many versions of this agreement since its 2005 creation - so be careful when someone claims TPP says 'this' or 'that' --- you have to ask, "In which draft?"

Bernie Sanders tells it like it is:
He points out:  "it has no sunset date and could only be altered by a consensus of all of the countries that agreed to it.  Other countries, like China, could be allowed to join in the future.  For example, Canada and Mexico joined TPP negotiations in 2012 and Japan joined last year."

Friday, May 8, 2015

People are crazy and Times are Strange

People are crazy and times are Strange.
There are so few you can really trust.
Once you find one such person, cherish the relationship. The encounter.  The common story.

Time moves on.
Walmarts close 5 stores.
Jade Helm in 15 southwestern states.
Evening mainstream news reports ISIS is on the ground in the U.S.
Alternate news says monkey viruses are real, and Nibiru is coming.

Earthquakes and volcanoes galore.  Big ones.
Chile volcano.
Volcano off Oregon coast
Juan de Fuca Ridge...Axial Volcano.... ocean floor is moving.

Nepal Earthquake - changed energy particles in the atmosphere. sea floor dropped 8 feet.  started 4/24.
many pacific islands.... New Zealand
Southern California, San Andreas, Nevada, toward Yellowstone - MAGNMA ON THE MOVE
4.2 Michigan, Mississippi 3.2, Alabama, keyhole of New Madrid.  Oklahoma. Texas.
Nevada 2.7 at 1 kilometer depth, Northern California
all the US quakes are at the same depth. not as deep as earthquakes elsewhere....

Texas governor called up State Militia to monitor U.S. military troops doing Jade Helm exercises in their state..... in the war game, Texas is hostile territory which must be reclaimed.  I guess that means there are bad guys there.....

We continue to inject our children with substances that don't belong in a human body, and which violate religious beliefs of some people...... I mean, if you believe in the principals of entanglement, my body parts need to stay with me, and I don't want any people or animal parts (or DNA) to become entangled with my innate energy field....


SB277 URGENT URGENT URGENT: SB277 has been withdrawn from the their committee and is heading straight to the Senate Floor. They amended the bill to make it so the Appropriations Committee doesn't have to review it. Per their office they are going to meet as early as this Thursday to vote on it. It's an absolute call to action to contact every single California Senator today and state your opposition and why and the effects it will create.
