Wednesday, July 29, 2015

GcMAF Links

Update July 16 2015: GcMAF is no longer available as the company that made it was shutdown by overseas regulatory agencies.  As always, consult your doctor before making any medical decisions on any therapy you may be considering.
Update July 25, 2015: My use of GcMAF for my own personal health recovery, which was guided by a doctor, started in 2011 and ended in 2013.  The information on this page has not been updated in some time other than the comment above.  Some have contacted me recently asking for more information on GcMAF.  Unfortunately, I do not have any further details and suggest that people discuss any potential medical treatment option with their doctor.  I am not a doctor and am simply sharing my personal experience having explored this option a few years ago.

GcMAF (Gc protein macrophage activation factor) is an immune-regulating compound from Europe that may have benefit for those of us struggling with immune system health. It has been used in HIV and cancer for several years. More recently, doctors and researchers have been considering GcMAF for use in patients with illnesses that most of us will recognize.
From, "In its role of immune system regulator, research shows GcMAF can reverse other diseases that attack the immune system like Autism, CFS, XMRV, Lyme disease, Aids, HIV, Fibromyalgia (all of which we've begun to have success with ourselves), osteoporosis, Hodgkin’s, Lupus, MS, Parkinson’s, various bacterial and viral infections and various types of Immune dysfunction."
I first heard about GcMAF almost a year ago. At the same time, I had first learned about "nagalase", a blood test that is used to in part determine whether or not one might be a candidate for GcMAF therapy. Nagalase is an enzyme that prevents Vitamin D receptors (VDR) from being activated on the surface of the macrophage. As a result, macrophages are not "activated" and our immune systems are not able to properly respond to invaders.
Here are some points that I have learned thus far on GcMAF:
  • GcMAF has reportedly been tested more for safety, purity, etc. than other human blood products.
  • Macrophages are cultured, destroyed, and the GcMAF receptors are purified.
  • Treatment is via injection 1x/week for 8-20 weeks. Dose is titrated initially to avoid exacerbation or Herx responses as much as possible.
  • A commonly used dose is .25ml once weekly (a 2.2 ml vial should last 8 injections).
  • The primary test used in looking at whether or not GcMAF may be a reasonable intervention is nagalase.
  • Nagalase inactivates macrophages.
  • I personally would NEVER consider this option without having a baseline nagalase test. Normal is < 0.95. Mine was 2.9.
  • The practitioner I worked with suggested that 2.9 was in the range of someone with HIV or cancer in terms of the impact on the immune system. I'd like to hear from others in the Lyme community as you get test results as well to see if there is a pattern of elevated nagalase in those with Lyme disease. Whether or not Lyme itself has anything to do with nagalase elevation is something I have not been able to find anything on. We certainly all have underlying viral co-factors that are likely in play as well, but I suspect that Borrelia may also play a role in nagalase elevation.
  • In healthy college students, a nagalase 0.4 is not uncommon (the lower the better).
  • At 2.9, my practitioner was surprised that I did not have more cognitive deficits such as memory loss and other cognitive issues.
  • It has been suggested that ongoing antimicrobial therapy without a working immune system is like leaving the house with the door wide open inviting burglars in. By using GcMAF to activate macrophages, nagalase drops, and one may regain a functional immune system. The door is then closed to further invaders and we may no longer serve as a microbe hotel.
  • Maintenance therapy should not be needed once the immune system is once again properly functioning.
  • Activated macrophages only remain active for 7 days so any negative responses are generally short-lived. That said, some people do have strong inflammatory responses that are not believed to be typical die-off reactions.
  • It has been indicated that in some cases, other medications may be needed in order to manage the inflammatory response. This is another reason that one needs to be working closely with a knowledgeable practitioner before considering GcMAF in my opinion. In the CFS and GcMAF world, this more severe form of a die-off reaction is called IRIS.
  • VDR genetics do not seem to play a role in predicting response as earlier thought according to one practitioner that I have spoken with. That said, Vitamin D levels do correlate with the positive response rate of GcMAF. Thus, Vitamin D supplementation may be required in order to optimize outcome.
  • Other than die-off reactions or activation of symptoms (inflammation), no other side effects are generally expected.
  • Nagalase should be monitored every 1-2 months while on treatment to determine the required duration of the therapy. Target nagalase after treatment would be 0.4 to 0.6.
  • Elevated nagalase has a profound detrimental effect on the immune system. Elevated nagalase is often presumed to be related to microbes of viral origin or cancer. Viruses that are nagalase producers open the door to chronic infections.
  • Hemagglutinin contains nagalase and is also found in flagella of some bacteria so it could also be the case that some bacteria may produce nagalase.
  • Parents with ASD children also often have elevated nagalase.
  • A practitioner I spoke with likened Lyme disease to a "peat moss fire" burning below the surface. Activating macrophages should help to deal with the fire.
  • GcMAF should be helpful in dealing with other infections that are not of viral origin; for example, Borrelia, Bartonella, and other infections commonly associated with Tick-Borne Infections (TBIs). GcMAF is active against many cancers and many different kinds of microbes.
  • Neopterin is another test that is sometimes used as an indicator of immune suppression. As macrophages become activated, neopterin may rise and later fall. If one is in the normal range for neopterin and has an immune-related illness, this could be an indication that the immune system is suppressed and not responding appropriately.
  • People with autoimmune conditions can generally use GcMAF. However, GcMAF may be contraindicated in people with Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Reduction in nagalase is generally seen early in the course of treatment; within the first 3-6 weeks. In some studies, nagalase dropped by over 50% in less than six weeks.
  • Cancer patients may initially feel as bad on GcMAF as they do on chemotherapy, but often feel much better after the first month.
  • Anti-inflammatories may limited the effect of GcMAF.
  • Enzymes and biofilm-reducing supplements may have a negative impact on GcMAF therapy and may be best avoided. It is still too early to know what the impact may be, but one practitioner I spoke with feels that it is best to avoid these.
  • One should not be on any immune-suppressing agents while on GcMAF as the immune system must be partially functional in order to respond appropriately to the treatment.
  • A common pattern is to see elevated lymphocytes, high nagalase, and low NK cells. Once nagalase drops, it may be the case that NK cell function could be positively impacted. CD57 is a type of NK cell. It is too early to know if this proves to be true, but it is one of the things I'm quite interested in.
In November 2011, I listened to a presentation by Dr. Kenny de Meirleir on GcMAF. This video is an absolute must-watch if you are considering GcMAF. You can find it here. A few of my takeaways from watching this presentation include:
  • With compromised immune activation, increased nagalase cuts off the conversion to GcMAF - result is a deglycosylated Gc protein that cannot activate macrophages.
  • If you have increased nagalase, you have less GcMAF and your Gc protein is not effectively transferred into GcMAF.
  • Nagalase is part of the gp120 enzyme in HIV. HERV's or other viruses active in cells may produce nagalase.
  • Several intestinal bacteria are producers of nagalase. Editor's Note: I found this connection to be quite interesting; the gut is big.
  • Similar to HIV, CFS patients have many infections and reactivate endogenous herpes viruses - EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HSV-1, as well as Herpes 7.
  • Healthy controls have very low nagalase enzyme activity. Normal people do have some, but it should be very low. There is a clear difference in those with pathology.
  • 395 CFS/ME patients - average nagalase in Kenny de Meirleir study was 1.72 with range of 0.28 to 4.0. Controls had < 0.69 with range of 0.35 to 0.68. Only 12/395 had normal nagalase levels resulting in 97% having increased nagalase activity.
  • Dr. Cheney did a small study of 50 patients. Average nagalase was 3.0 with range of 0.8 to 6.7. He has a much sicker patient population than de Meirleir.
  • Origin of nagalase in CFS may be: retrovirus?, herpes viruses, intestinal bacteria, HERVs.
  • Find Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in the blood from gram negative intestinal bacteria (less so from gram positive bacteria). High LPS suggests increased intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome.LPS is one of the most immunogenic substances in the body. Extremely ill and moderately ill patients have increased circulating LPS and thus leaky gut syndrome.
  • Altered intestinal flora and changes in gut permeability may be a major factor in this entire clinical picture.
  • GVDR-Fok1 and GVDR-Bsm1 polymorphisms in CFS - response to GcMAF is dependent on the VDR gene polymorphism. VDR is involved in skeletal metabolism, modulation of immune response, and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation. Many CFS patients have osteoporosis. Editor's Note: The VDR connection to GcMAF efficacy seems to be an ongoing topic of debate.
  • In 185 patients looking at VDR genetics, FF/bb is a higher responder. Ff/Bb is a moderate responder, and Ff/BB is a low responder. de Meirleir takes VDR genetics into account when giving and dosing GcMAF.
  • Africans are higher responders and Norwegians and Scandanavians are lower responders.
  • GcMAF and LPS activate macrophages. Majority of CFS patients have increased bacterial transfection from gut to blood. GcMAF stimulates macrophages through a different mechanism than LPS without the negative effects of LPS. LPS and GcMAF cannot stimulate macrophages simultaneously - it is one or the other. Affinity of macrophages for GcMAF is higher than for LPS. GcMAF will induce a "good" phagocytosis without the bad IL-1 and TNF-alpha release. "Bad" macrophage activation by LPS is diminished by the competitive action of GcMAF in the macrophages.
  • de Meirleir uses 100 nanogram (1/10,000 of an mg) in 1ml serum. Editor's Note: This is different than potency which is 100ng in .25ml
  • Can be done IV or SC once per week at dose of 25-100ng per week. The Dose depends on how activated the immune system is and the VDR genetics. If a patient is a low responder genetically and has low activation of complement in the immune system, the dose might be 100ng per week. Otherwise, much lower dosages may be used. Treatment duration is 5-40 weeks with 15 week being the average.
  • Symptoms such as fatigue, sleep quality, pain, neurocognitive function, recovery/less payback, digestive problems, and orthostatic intolerance improved in over 50%. Of 108 patients, 68 of these had noticeable improvement. Of these, 44 of the 68 had decrease in fatigue.
  • Risks - GcMAF is natural and normal people produce it. T-cell activation in patients with a Th1 -> Th2/Th17 shift could in theory develop or increase auto-immunity. That said, it has not happened once in his cases. He did have a few people that developed autoimmune thyroid conditions; but that is not uncommon in the normal patient group that he sees.
  • Patients with increased TGF-b1, high IL-6, high ANA, and thyroid antibodies are temporarily excluded.
  • Overstimulation with GcMAF can lead to IRIS - immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. IRIS has been seen in the past in HIV. In HIV, this is rarely discussed given the severity of the condition they are treating. IRIS occurs when the immune system is heavily damaged by viruses other co-infections are present. The immune cells start to regenerate and the immune system produces an exaggerated response to the co-infections. It is not the GcMAF itself but the result of significant co-infections. IRIS has been replicated in mice.
  • 20-30% of GcMAF CFS patients experience IRIS. It is more common in those with co-infections and in those with activated T-cells or a low number of T cells.
  • de Meirleir monitors IRIS with C4a, cytokines, CD25, and HLADR+.
  • Attempts to prevent IRIS with a broad screen for fungal, viral, intracellular bacteria, and parasites.
  • Start with a low dose and titrate up slowly. In 7 patients that had IRIS, de Meirleir found active Babesia.

Current Status
To learn about my personal experience and response to GcMAF, visit my GcMAF Log page.
Nagalase Testing
Health Diagnostics and Research Institute
5406 Bordertown Ave
Suite 2300
South Amboy, NJ 08879
The cost of testing is about $65.
There are numerous resources on GcMAF available. Rather than try to go into great detail here, as I am still learning about GcMAF myself, I have provided some additional resources below that have significant information on GcMAF.
If you have experience with GcMAF, I'd appreciate hearing from you. If you have additions or corrections to the information here or additional information that I should share here, please Contact Me.
Note: I am not an expert on GcMAF therapy. This information is being provided to share my personal experience with this option only. All medical decisions should be discussed with your doctor. is intended to share my personal experience in recovering from my own chronic illness.  Information presented is based on my journey working with my doctors and other practitioners as well as things I have learned from conferences and other helpful resources.  As always, any medical decisions should be made only with the guidance of your own personal medical authority.  Everyone is unique and what may be right for me may not be right for others.   
- See more at:

One of the world's most lucrative industries, spending on cancer drugs reached an all-time high last year, as it was valued at more than $100 billion. Spending on cancer drugs increased 6.5 percent annually over the past five years and is expected to continue growing at a rate of 8 percent each year through 2018, according to figures provided by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics.

That spending is highly concentrated, as the US and five of Europe's largest countries account for nearly two-thirds of the entire market.

This means that billions and billions of dollars are secured by Americans being diagnosed with cancer.

That's one profitable industry; however, it could all be completely dismantled by one thing: a cure.

As Mike Adams recently reported, "A universal cancer cure would destroy the profitability of the highly lucrative cancer industry and collapse the American Cancer Society, hospitals, oncology clinics and pharmaceutical companies that depend on chemotherapy revenues to stay profitable."

This means that anyone moving closer to developing a cure for cancer would be considered an extreme threat to the medical establishment and likely stopped at any cost.

With that in mind, the mysterious deaths and disappearances of several natural health doctors throughout Florida is as suspicious as it is concerning.

If anyone was close to finding a universal cure for cancer and would ensure the public had access to it, it would likely be natural health doctors, or naturopaths, as they're less likely to prescribe drugs and more likely to try and heal the body naturally using holistic medicine and nontoxic approaches.

Breakthroughs using this type of medicine are extremely "controversial," as they threaten everything that the medical-industrial complex stands for, i.e. costly chemotherapy treatments and cancer drugs.

Doctors leading this type of research are routinely raided and shut down by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), after which they're treated like criminals and their reputations smeared.

This is typically orchestrated against doctors who are considered a threat by the medical establishment.

Renown holistic doctor found dead one week after FDA raids clinic

This seems to be the case with Dr. James Jeffrey Bradstreet, who was recently found dead after his body was discovered floating in a North Carolina river with a single gunshot wound to the chest. Bradstreet, a renowned physician known for his skepticism of immunizations (particularly the MMR vaccine), and his progressive autism research, was raided by the FDA one week before his mysterious death. The details of the raid remain largely unknown.

Personally affected by autism, as both his son and stepson were diagnosed with the condition, a significant portion of Dr. Bradstreet's work was dedicated to this cause. He even testified twice before the U.S House of Representatives about the link between vaccines and autism.

As Natural News' reported, leading up to his death, Dr. Bradstreet was working with a little-known molecule that occurs naturally in the human body. GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), which is the GC protein after it combines with vitamin D in the body, has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer.

It's also believed to be capable of treating and reversing autism, HIV, liver/kidney disease and diabetes.

Dr. Bradstreet was working with a naturally occurring compound that may be the single most effective thing in the immune system for killing cancer cells

In an interview on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, Dr. Ted Broer, an internationally recognized health and nutrition expert also based in Florida, describes how cutting edge Dr. Bradstreet's work was, as well as a discovery he made that very well may have placed him in great danger and could have been the motive for his suspected murder.

The alternative doctors who went missing and/or were killed, were reportedly "interlocked" through Dr. Bradstreet and Dr. Gonzalez's extensive research on autism, and what's causing autism, according to Dr. Broer.

Dr. Gonzalez, a renown holistic cancer treatment pioneer who helped thousands overcome the disease through alternative medicine, died of an apparent heart attack just one month after Dr. Bradstreet's body was discovered floating in a river.

Internationally recognized health and nutrition doctor reveals possible motive for Bradstreet's death

Dr. Broer stated in the interview:

This information I'm about to give you right now is extremely controversial and a bunch of people have exited the planet who were working with it.

This information has been around for awhile. They knew the information they were working with and they were basically being very, very careful, supposedly. And some of them were being accused of using GcMAF, and the FDA apparently raided several of their offices several weeks before they committed suicide or suddenly died.

It's going to sound complicated, but I'm going to break this down for everybody super, super easy tonight. When you first hear these terms they're going to sound weird to you.

GC protein is a protein in the body that's used by macrophages in the body. What it does is, macrophages in the body are the ones that kill cancer cells, they stop cytokines storms and can be involved in cytokines storms, we'll explain all these terms in a few minutes. 

After defining GcMAF and how it's formulated, Dr. Broer reiterates that it's "probably the single most effective thing in the immune system to kill cancer cells."

However, what Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues discovered is that the immune system is being compromised by a compound called "nagalase."

Nagalase is an enzyme/protein that's made by cancer cells and viruses causing immunodeficiency syndromes and has also been linked to autism as well as a "host of other problems," Dr. Broer explains.

Doctors found dead and/or went missing felt that nagalase was being introduced to the body through vaccines 

"What ends up happening is when the GC protein cannot be converted to McGAF, the entire immune system is compromised."

Some of the doctors who wound up dead or missing believed that the nagalase protein/enzyme was being introduced intentionally into the body either virally or directly through vaccines.

"This is such incredibly damning information to the entire medical profession and the immunological profession and those folks that [sic] are producing immunizations, that apparently they didn't want these guys around," Dr. Broer said.

"I'm not saying what happened to these guys, I'm just saying they're not on this planet anymore."

Doctor compares cancer-causing nagalase to stealth bomber 

Nagalese blocks the GC protein from attaching itself to vitamin D, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job and therefore causing cancer and other serious diseases. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can spread rapidly.

Remarkably, there's a significant amount of research available on nagalase and the GcMAF protein. Citing a chapter from The GcMAF Book by Dr. Tim Smith, MD, Dr. Broer said:

Nagalase is like a stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb.

How precise? Nagalase locates and attacks one specific two-electron bond located only at the 420th amino acid position on a huge protein molecule, one of tens of thousands of proteins, each containing millions of electrons. 

This is like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from 6,000 miles away. More astonishingly, if that is possible, nagalase never misses its target, so there is no collateral damage.

Nagalase is being found in super high concentrations in autistic children

Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also learned that the nagalase protein was not present in children at birth but was somehow introduced into autistic children, they felt, during the immunization process.

Before his death, Dr. Bradstreet treated 1,100 patients with GcMAF with an 85 percent response rate – something that was deemed impossible by the medical community.

After reintroducing GcMAF (which had been blocked by nagalase), 15 percent of Bradstreet's autistic patients were no longer autistic, as all of their symptoms were completely eradicated.

Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on the healing effects of GcMAF, 20 of which pertain to the treatment of cancer. Research suggests that GcMAF can also cure or effectively treat Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as reduce cancerous breast, prostrate and kidney tumors.

Stay tuned as Natural News continues to uncover more on this investigation.


Learn more:

Gardasil Links

When we see the term “cancer vaccine” in connection with the HPV (human  papilloma virus) vaccine Gardasil we may naturally assume that  it prevents cervical cancer, yet there is no evidence whatsoever that this is the case. (1)  On the contrary, the term is incorrect because unbelievable though it may sound Gardasil may actually cause cancer. This fact is being ignored by Merck the manufacturer and other promoters including doctors and health authorities.


Information in the package insert states that the vaccine has not been tested for carcinogenicity. (2) Why has this not been done?  Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!  There appears to be no official requirement for vaccines to be tested for carcinogenicity and no incentive for manufacturers to do so.  Many experts consider that vaccines are conducive towards the dramatic worldwide increase in cancer cases.


A normal phenomenon in virology is that virus strains which have been removed are replaced by new ones.  It is not known by anyone, including the vaccine manufacturer  whether the new virus strains are more carcinogenic than the original ones which have been removed.
The chief editor of the Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association, immunologist Charlotte Haug writes about several unanswered questions including that of replacement in her article “We Need to Talk about HPV Vaccination – Seriously”:
Abhorred vacuum.There is another serious question that may be answered sooner:  what effect will the vaccine have on the other cancer-causing strains of HPV? Nature never leaves a void, so if HPV-16 and HPV-18  are suppressed by an effective vaccine, other strains of the virus will take their place. The question is, will these strains cause cervical cancer?
Results from clinical trials are not encouraging. Vaccinated women show an increased number of precancerous lesions caused by strains of HPV other than HPV-16 and HPV-18. The results are not statistically significant, but if the trend is real – and further clinical trials should tell us in a few years – there is reason for serious concern. (3)
In an article in the New England Journal of Medicine  “ Human Papilloma Virus Vaccination – Reasons for Caution”,  Dr. Haug again poses the question of replacement:
“How will the vaccine affect other oncogenic strains of HPV? If HPV-16 and HPV-18 are effectively suppressed, will there be selective pressure on the remaining strains of HPV? Other strains may emerge as significant oncogenic serotypes”. (4)
Replacement was obviously one of several  unanswered questions when FDA, Merck and the Norwegian government signed a contract which involved research studies on  thousands of young Norwegian schoolgirls. The agreement was that Gardasil would be approved in US under the condition that extensive research projects were carried out in Norway. There was implication of corruption in connection with introduction of Gardasil in the childrens’ vaccination program. (5)
The contract includes this statement from FDA to Merck:
“You have committed to conduct a study in collaboration with the Norwegian Government, if GARDASIL  is approved in the European Union and the Government of Norway incorporates HPV vaccination into its national guidelines, to assess the impact of HPV vaccination on the following in Norway … to assess whether administration of GARDASIL will result in replacement of these diseases due to vaccine HPV types with diseases due to non-vaccine HPV types.” (6)


It is worrying to note that many cases of abnormal Pap smears, cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer are registered after Gardasil vaccination. Reports from VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System regarding HPV vaccines are regularly published by SaneVax.(7)  The numbers registered with VAERS may be as low as one percent of the actual cases.


One of the most disturbing observations which deserves serious investigation  concerns the considerable potential  increase in risk of cancer after Gardasil vaccination for those who have been pre- exposed to the human papilloma virus. 

Sanevax writes:
Peer-reviewed analysis and studies many of them on the FDA, NCI and CDC web sites point out the dangers of many of the vaccine ingredients including the potential for the HPV vaccines to increase the risk for pre-cancerous lesions if adolescents have been previously exposed to the human papillomavirus and then get vaccinated: 44.6% increase post Gardasil.
Judicial Watch writes in their Special Report “Examining The FDA’s HPV Vaccine Records”:
A chart in the committee’s report revealed that efficacy in subjects already exposed to “relevant HPV types” had an observed efficacy rate of -44.6%. The disturbing efficacy rate raises questions as to who should be receiving the vaccine, and why the FDA allows Gardasil to be administered without prescreening for HPV. The outcomes that can result from pre-exposure are disconcerting and deserve far more attention.(8)


It is dangerous and  unethical of promoters to recommend Gardasil  when it is unknown whether there has been prior exposure to HPV infection. In an obvious attempt to encourage  thousands of young people to get vaccinated with Gardasil it is widely published that the vaccine should be given prior to sexual relations because HPV infection is sexually transmitted.  This is not necessarily the case. The promoters hide the fact that HPV may be transmitted from mother to child and has been detected in the placenta and in umbilical cord blood.(9)


The recent discovery of yet one more potentially cancer causing element connected to Gardasil sent shock waves across the world. This is the story which lead to its discovery:
A sexually naive girl developed acute juvenile rheumatoid arthritis at age 13 within 24 hours after  the third Gardasil injection and her blood sample – tested two years later – was found to be positive for HPV DNA by a local clinical laboratory. On request for more information by her mother  the Sanevax team contracted  an independent laboratory  for analysis of 13 samples of Gardasil, all from different lots.
The results showed that all the samples contained recombinant (genetically  modified) HPV DNA which was firmly attached to the aluminium adjuvant. (10)

The consequences of the presence of recombinant HPV DNA which is  considered a biohazard are unknown and may be horrific. The pathologist Dr. Lee stated:
“Based on medical literature and some of the FDA/Merck’s own publications, adventitious (coming from an outside source) DNA in an injectable protein-based vaccine may increase the risk of autoimmune disorders and gene mutation which may lead to malignancies.” (10)
Merck’s Gardasil product inserts stated “No viral DNAs in the vaccine” – until April 2011 when the line was glaringly absent from U.S. product inserts. (10)
It is shocking to see that FDA admits that it is generally impossible to remove DNA contaminants from vaccines. (11)
On contacting the authorities about the worrying discovery of recombinant HPV DNA in Gardasil, Sanevax received a prompt reply from the Department of Health referring to a statement by the CHMP  (European Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use) that  the presence of recombinant DNA fragments does not represent a case of contamination and is not considered to be a risk to vaccine recipients. (12)
No supporting documentation whatsoever has been provided to support this statement!
It is reasonable to assume that the vaccine would not have gained approval had the manufacturers informed the authorities of the presence of the aluminum bound gene manipulated DNA due to potential health risks.
The following issues which may be connected to increase of cancer risk should have been seriously addressed and results from unbiased studies presentedbefore the vaccine was approved:
  • Lack of carcinogenicity testing of the vaccine
  • Replacement
  • Increase in cancer risk for those previously exposed to human papilloma virus
  • Presence of recombinant DNA (rDNA)
These important studies have not been presented.  Gardasil should therefore immediately be withdrawn from the market until satisfactory documentation has been provided.
When vaccine critics maintain that the vaccine is dangerous and that it should never have been approved the response from promoters is often a request  for evidence of proof to support the statements.

It is not vaccine critics who must provide evidence that vaccines are dangerous;  it is the vaccine promoters’  responsibility to prove that vaccines are safe and effective and that the benefits outweigh the risks.”  – Marcella  Piper-Terry



by Tony Isaacs
(The Best Years in Life) While the number of deaths and serious adverse events reported due to Merck's controversial Gardasil vaccine continues to grow alarmingly, the true number of people who have been killed or injured by the deadly vaccine is likely far higher. The truth about Gardasil has been deliberately hidden through a trail of deception, cover-ups, ignorance and under-reporting that dates back to the very inception of the vaccine.
The first key deception occurred during Gardasil trials. Instead of using a “saline solution” as the placebo, Merck used the vaccine's carrier agent minus only the HPV virus components. In addition to sodium chloride and water, the placebo also contained aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate.
Aluminum is a dangerous toxic metal. Even small amounts are deposited in the brain and it has been linked to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease as well as memory loss and speech problems which mimic those diseases. It has also been linked to colic, rickets, gastrointestinal problems, interference with the metabolism of calcium, extreme nervousness, anemia, headaches, decreased liver and kidney function, osteoporosis and softening of the bones, and aching muscles.
Side effects and severe allergic reactions listed for aluminum include rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, nausea, slow reflexes, and vomiting.

Although polysorbate 80 is used as a food additive to increase the water solubility of flavoring oils, injection is quite different. According to the Polysorbate 80 Material Safety Data Sheet, it may be carcinogenic as well as mutagenic. When injected into prepubescent rats, polysorbate 80 caused abnormal growth of reproductive organs and made the rats sterile. When used intravenously with vitamins it has been known to cause anaphylactic shock.

Sodium borate is widely known as for its use as a roach pesticide. The U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health have declared sodium borate to be a dangerous poison. Due to deaths from its use for disinfecting wounds and cleaning nurseries, its medical use had been discontinued – until Gardasil came along. Listed side effects include: vomiting, diarrhea, skin rash, blisters, collapse, coma, convulsions, drowsiness, fever, lack of desire to do anything, low blood pressure, decreased urine output, sloughing of the skin, twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet.
Many of the side effects for aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate coincide with those of the Gardasil victims who have been injured and killed by the vaccine.  Thus it comes as no surprise that the side effects for the Gardasil vaccine in Merck's trials were no greater than those of the toxic placebo they selected.
An analysis of the actual trial data for Gardasil reveals that a shocking 73.3 percent of the participants who received Gardasil acquired a new medical condition ranging from flu-like symptoms to paralysis. Almost 60% had systemic reactions. Though the “placebo” recipients had similar results, obviously no mere saline solution would have produced even a fraction of such reactions. The results would likely have been even higher if the study had lasted longer than 15 days.

The lack of dangers in the prescribing information furnished to doctors by Merck and the VAERS requirement that only serious and life-threatening events be reported both likely play big roles in the under-reporting of Gardasil reactions. Doctors are reluctant to report deaths and injuries from anything they administered or performed in the first place, and the lack of information and guidelines have insured that they are far less likely to report anywhere near all the adverse reactions from Gardasil.

Other factors which help skew the picture of Gardasil dangers include:

*The rate of deaths and adverse reactions are reported as a percentage of doses distributed, not doses actually administered.

*Gardasil is given in a series of three injections. Thus the number of adverse reactions per number of patients is triple the adverse events per injection.

*Many parents are not aware of the definition of adverse event or that they can file their own VAERS report.

Disturbingly, already reported deaths and reactions may be being hidden or altered to be attributed to other causes. When SANEVAX looked at the latest reported VAERS totals, they discovered that five previous death cases are now inexplicably missing.  In October, 2011 the organization Judicial Watch announced that they had uncovered 26 additional deaths due to Gardasil after a freedom of information request was finally processed.

Another Gardasil danger which has also been largely hidden and ignored is the danger presented to young women who have already been infected with HPV. Despite the fact that girls (and boys) can be exposed to HPV viruses from birth onwards, there is no screening required and not even a recommendation for screening before a young woman reaches the age of 21.

In a paper Merck submitted to the FDA on young women who tested positive for the HPV strains 16 or 18, the facts are alarming. Protection against the HPV virus for young infected women was much worse than if they had not been vaccinated at all.  According to the paper, infected women had who were given Gardasil had a 44.6% increased risk of abnormal cervical cell development than did non vaccinated women.

The true magnitude of Gardasil’s harm and dangers could be horrendous. Reports for other vaccines deaths and adverse reactions are estimated to represent no more than 10% of the actual totals. With Gardasil, estimates range as low as only 1%.

If 10% are reporting, there could be as many as 890 deaths and 205,000 adverse events. If only 1% are actually reported, there could be 8,900 deaths and 2,050,000 adverse events.
Behind Gardasil's trail of deception is a very large and mostly hidden trail of tears. Parents and the general public richly deserve to be told the full truth to keep that trail from leading to an ever larger ocean of suffering.
To learn more about the dangers of Gardasil and other vaccine dangers, see the SANEVAX, INC. website:
For related articles, see:
What Would I Do If Forced To Be Vaccinated Against My Consent? - by Dr. Ken

In addition to information furnished to the author by SANEVAX, INC. president Norma Erickson, sources included:
About the author
Tony Isaacs is a natural health advocate and researcher and the author of books and articles about natural health including Cancer's Natural Enemy.  Mr. Isaacs articles are featured at Natural News, the Health Science Institute's Healthiertalk website, CureZone, the Crusador online, AlignLife, the Cancer Tutor, the American Chronicle and several other venues. Mr. Isaacs also has The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to avoid prescription drugs and mainstream managed illness and live longer, healthier and happier lives naturally. In addition, he hosts the Yahoo Oleandersoup Health group of over 3500 members and the CureZoneAsk Tony Isaacs - Featuring Luella May forum. Mr. Isaacs and his partner Luella May host The Best Years in Life Radio Show every Wednesday evening on BlogTalk Radio.
You can also find articles by Tony Isaacs at:
See also:
