Thursday, February 18, 2016

2016 so far

the biological entity, under attack.

paradigms  crumble.   All at  once..

medical issues --- pharma controls --- doctors are 'trained' to follow the official guidelines for whatever.  cancer cures abound.  neurological and autoimmune diseases explode in numbers..... doctors suicided for understanding nagalese.  cancer centers.  vaccines: killing them softly!!!

external enviornmental toxins
-oil based anything
-cleaning materials
-clothing treatments

the american political process dies.
SCOTUS Scalialia dies.  Some suspect assassination.  Leaves the court equally divided, 4-to-4, on the  liberal/conservative party lines....  conservatives, strict interpretation scholars, had a majority of 5 prior to his death during sleep while vacationing at a west TX hunting resort, owned by a man with political ties......  And on and on it goes.

world war III looms on the Syrian/Turkish border

our skies are freakish.  White haarped lines above.  'haarped' needs to become a new verb in the English language.  seriously!
