Sunday, March 29, 2020

New paradigms

     Smartphone = your identity. Tracks your location..... where you go, who you interact with
     Instant, worldwide, for everyone

     Telemedicine will be normal.
     Medical licenses will need to cross state system needed to track.
     What will happen to alternative medicine? Nutrition and avoiding Pharma drugs must have obvious consequences.

     Groceries.... virtual selection. Picked in the store and either delivered or curb side carry out.
     Amazon will come back.
     What will happen to wallmart?


     Virtual reality headsets to watch the game from your bad seats.

Medical tracking
     By smartphone. Where you go. Who you pass by...your phones swap it addresses. You go out, you could end up quarantined because you passed by someone who tested positive 3 days later.
     Where you may enter or travel. Does your chip have the correct info....are you up to date on your vaccinations? Had your annual allopathic checkup?

Friday, March 27, 2020

Human Rights

In American tradition, any time one of these rights get restricted in any way, its time for a serious discussion. THIS is the American Spirit.

Spoken from one whose father’s family was local when the constitution and bill of rights were created. A signer, Benjamin Rush, is rumored to be a blood relation. He wanted medical freedom to be included in the bill of rights.

Both sides of my father’s family go back to the 1600s in the Colonies. Pennsylvania.... phila and surrounding counties....

― Benjamin Rush “Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution the time will come when medicine will organize itself into an undercover dictatorship. To restrict the art of healing to doctors and deny equal privileges to others will constitute the Bastille of medical science. All such laws are un-American and despotic.”

I’m back

well well well
Deep subject


Things have changed

Can I post that link?
Is that allowed?
Sharing intellectual property. Do you own it? By whose authority is it owned?

Which brings us to new paradigms.

How communication for new paradigms here.
