Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Significant Publication


now this looks to be pretty damned significant. andy wakefield said on a very recent interview on thehighersidechats.com that pharma walked from antibiotic R&D because the bugs outsmarted them....changed too rapidly.... So pharma walked. .vaccine failure because existing vaxes target and are only effective against OLD strains. Will do the same walk with vaccines. whooping cough and mumps, likely also measles, are no longer effective.... we don't even get to the safety question. If they aren't effective, then the vax is pulled.... what will pharma's next quest be? "personalized medicine targeting YOUR dna"??



Could some vaccines drive the evolution of more virulent pathogens? Conventional wisdom is that natural selection will remove highly lethal pathogens if host death greatly reduces transmission. Vaccines that keep hosts alive but still allow transmission could thus allow very virulent strains to circulate in a population. Here we show experimentally that immunization of chickens against Marek's disease virus enhances the fitness of more virulent strains, making it possible for hyperpathogenic strains to transmit. Immunity elicited by direct vaccination or by maternal vaccination prolongs host survival but does not prevent infection, viral replication or transmission, thus extending the infectious periods of strains otherwise too lethal to persist. Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Righteous Anger?


Energy must go to supporting others, to those who have credibility on the world stage.

(Who these people are is changing....)

Do not be distracted by emoting injustices on either side of the spectrum. This is energy being purposefully misdirected. You are being distracted. Your displaced energy only goes to feed those entities who consume loosh

What can YOU do?

It is an injustice to another soul when you spend energy trying to divert their energy to the fuel that feeds your extremist rage. Is it righteous anger? That’s what they are calling the rage of those who have personally experienced discrimination.... which takes many forms.... there are many descriptive and accurate reports of these situations. Righteous anger.

We must all name that emotion when we feel it... and find one tiny thing, or many big things... that you can do to support the outcome you want to see.

What do you want? THAT is a good question. Each life needs a mission statement. What are you here to learn? To accomplish?

Franko’s saving grace is the good he did for so many children. Now what will be his 2nd act?

My mission is to show how to take/make action. But before one is ready to expend energy on making action, there must be awareness that this a a necessary direction if one desires to support  humanity and all earth’s organic creatures. But this must not be achieved by trying to bend the will of another soul. We all have our own unique journey. Respect of this FACT is required in order for a being to remain in the world of human beings. We fight for our race.

DO Not go bAck and edit this stream of conscience

Monday, April 19, 2021

What might have been? What will be?

I have reverted to writing most of my Ramblings in a Word document because of fear of sharing. Fear of becoming a targeted individual. Fear of ridicule. Fear of getting something wrong and being called out for misleading. Always beating myself up. Undervaluing my worth. Fear of not being able to point to my "source". Fear of my source being discounted.

When I was beginning to transition from the paralegal to the information technology career, I was given an interesting premonition from a surprising source. While at the law firm, I entered the IT world by studying the FOCUS database query language. I read that damned programmers' manual from cover to cover, front to back and back to front, multiple times..... as my toddler played on the floor, my nose was in the book and not on the baby.... I attended vendor seminars to learn more every chance I got.... and at one seminar, after the presentation I went up to the speakers to ask a question about how to move forward in this new career, and one of the presenters said to me, "I see you as the organizer of some kind of speakers' bureau. That is your future." This was 1983. Before the internet age. Sean David Morton was still on the loose, roaming Area 51 with John Lear and calling in to Art Bell, the only station within reach of Sean's technology, to broadcast his sightings. Or something like that.... Podcast? Is that an actors' group of dolphins or whales? Well, since this time, and since my "retirement" in 2008, I have listened to a lot of online podcasts and interviews, but have yet to organize any of them....

(P.S. I queried the firm's client/matter and billing/revenue databases and developed a report showing profitability, one, by type of law and two, by billing partner. They liked it, and ran it regularly for a long time..... maybe they still run it, or some variation thereof. Then I developed the "Billable Hours Report", showing each lawyer's "billable hours", "nonbillable hours", and "sick vacation and leave time" with a line total, for any selected period of time... a month, year to date, etc. At that time, lawyers were expected to log a minimum of 1600 billable hours per year.)

At about the same time, the firm's systems programmer, Ben, handed me a 5 1/4" floppy disk, saying, "I hear the guy behind this is going places." The label read: Microsoft Windows 1.0.  Oh, if I had only paid attention and acted on that advice.... what might have been!!!

So I listen and listen, and periodically blog, and continue to feel totally unorganized. And frustrated, that I can't keep all I learn in my head with instant recall.
