The COVID Narrative Collapses
It is NOT safe.
Insurance Payout data shows Deaths up 40% for 18-64 age group.
Autoimmune attacks against your own organs
Senator Ron Johnson holds a hearing. It is revealed that counts of diagnostic codes corresponding to vax injury conditions were run against Department of Defense military health data. 1.7 million in 2016-2020. 22 million in 2022.
Fetal deaths…. 3,147 reports (a 3,834% increase) in VAERS as of 12/31/2021.
A medical doctor describes what each shot in the series does to the body… (4:44)
It is NOT effective.
Dr. Robert Malone. Truth about Pfizer clinical trial data that got him canceled by Twitter.
In Germany:
The Courts have “had it”..
SCOTUS decisions cancel OSHA mandate, and uphold Medicaid/Medicare provider requirement.
Texas federal district court halts Biden’s Executive Order mandating federal employees do the jab with a temporary injunction.
New York court rules against Mask Mandates
Meanwhile, in England:
The People have “had it”.
Dr. David Martin lays out the case and drafts a template for an 8 count indictment of:
Mr. Alex Azar, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Dr. Ralph Baric, FDA, CDC, NIAID, Moderna and Pfeizer. 1. Acts of Domestic Terrorism resulting in death of American Citizens. 2. Conspiring to commit acts of terrorism. 3. Conspiring to criminal commercial activity. 4. Funding and Creating a biological weapon. 5. Market manipulation and allocation. 6. Lying to Congress. 7. Interlocking directorates. 8. Seditious conspiracy.
A convoy of 50,000+ trucks converges in Ottawa to demand immediate end to all mandates in Canada and resignation of the government.
Pfizer headquarters in Paris under attack from citizens.
The BioSecurity State
How it all Began…. Simulations…. Preparation to keep us safe. The state of emergency was declared, and the gameplan developed in the aftermath of simulations was put into play. Very significant information. Completely explains the nature of the unified global response.
The push for digital identity will continue. Here is Corey Lynn’s thorough analysis of how Mr. Global is proceeding. If they don’t succeed with vaccine passports, they will move to bio-identification requirements for interacting with the world. “In short, once you have submitted to getting your digital identity QR code, you have opened the door for them.”
To keep your money safe… inching toward digital identity
Adventures in Transhumanism
Transhumanism: How Far Is Too Far?
Geopolitics. Russia again.
Paul Craig Roberts nails it.
Creepy Technology
Human trials of brain - computer interface begin (publicly)…
Chapter 2: Under the Ionized Sky. Elana Freeland
Are 5G and COVID related?
5G rolls out. TMobile and AT&T don’t care if it causes airline altimeters to malfunction.
China’s Killer Robots Replace Soldiers in Tibet
The U.S. has lost its military superiority… Russia and China have hypersonic weapons, and we don’t….
You can’t make this shit up!
Lab monkeys escape in truck crash and infect woman who tried to befriend one
A wall around the White House?
It’s not going back to “normal”.
Our reality has changed.