Monday, January 31, 2022

January 2022: How it Was

The COVID Narrative Collapses

It is NOT safe.  

Insurance Payout data shows Deaths up 40% for 18-64 age group. 

Autoimmune attacks against your own organs

Senator Ron Johnson holds a hearing.  It is revealed that counts of diagnostic codes corresponding to vax injury conditions were run against Department of Defense military health data.  1.7 million in 2016-2020.  22 million in 2022.


Fetal deaths…. 3,147 reports (a 3,834% increase) in VAERS as of 12/31/2021.

A medical doctor describes what each shot in the series does to the body… (4:44)

It is NOT effective.   

Dr. Robert Malone. Truth about Pfizer clinical trial data that got him canceled by Twitter.

In Germany:

The Courts have “had it”.. 


SCOTUS decisions cancel OSHA mandate, and uphold Medicaid/Medicare provider requirement.

Texas federal district court halts Biden’s Executive Order mandating federal employees do the jab with a temporary injunction.

New York court rules against Mask Mandates

Meanwhile, in England:

The People have “had it”.

Dr. David Martin lays out the case and drafts a template for an 8 count indictment of:

Mr. Alex Azar, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Dr. Ralph Baric, FDA, CDC, NIAID, Moderna and Pfeizer. 1. Acts of Domestic Terrorism resulting in death of American Citizens. 2. Conspiring to commit acts of terrorism. 3. Conspiring to criminal commercial activity. 4. Funding and Creating a biological weapon. 5. Market manipulation and allocation. 6. Lying to Congress. 7. Interlocking directorates.  8.  Seditious conspiracy.

A convoy of 50,000+ trucks converges in Ottawa to demand immediate end to all mandates in Canada and resignation of the government.

Pfizer headquarters in Paris under attack from citizens.

The BioSecurity State

How it all Began…. Simulations…. Preparation to keep us safe.  The state of emergency was declared, and the gameplan developed in the aftermath of simulations was put into play.  Very significant information. Completely explains the nature of the unified global response.

The push for digital identity will continue. Here is Corey Lynn’s thorough analysis of how Mr. Global is proceeding.  If they don’t succeed with vaccine passports, they will move to bio-identification requirements for interacting with the world.  “In short, once you have submitted to getting your digital identity QR code, you have opened the door for them.”

To keep your money safe… inching toward digital identity

Adventures in Transhumanism

Transhumanism: How Far Is Too Far?

Geopolitics.   Russia again.

Paul Craig Roberts nails it.

Creepy Technology


Human trials of brain - computer interface begin (publicly)…

Chapter 2: Under the Ionized Sky. Elana Freeland

Are 5G and COVID related?

5G rolls out. TMobile and AT&T don’t care if it causes airline altimeters to malfunction.


China’s Killer Robots Replace Soldiers in Tibet

The U.S. has lost its military superiority… Russia and China have hypersonic weapons, and we don’t….


You can’t make this shit up!

Lab monkeys escape in truck crash and infect woman who tried to befriend one

A wall around the White House?

It’s not going back to “normal”.

Our reality has changed.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Are We Burning Books Yet?

 From Judyth Vary Baker.....

Are we burning books yet? Read some quotes from RFK Jr's The Real Anthony Fauci, backed by facts: p. 132: Fauci first terrified us about AIDS, stating, "...someone with AIDS or at risk of AIDS... does not necessarily have to have intimate sexual contact... just the ordinary close contact normal  interpersonal relationships... Something less than truly sexual contact can give you this disease." Fauci's words created mandates to isolate AIDS sufferers from their families and loved ones as "...people went to fear and panic." It took decades for us to realize Fauci was wrong, for "There have been zero cases of AIDS spread by ordinary close contact." (p. 133) But the media loved the story and Fauci, charming Pres. Reagan, became the AIDS Czar. "Fauci was now the gatekeeper for almost all AIDS research..." Fauci promised to "quickly produce drugs and vaccines to banish AIDS." He was now "farming out drug research to a network of...principal investors...effectively controlled by pharmaceutical companies."(p. 135) In essence, from now on , American science became largely financed by Big Pharma. Scientists not working for Big Pharma and not contributing to Big Pharma's drugs-for-profit approach saw their funds dry up. Grants vanished. From the 1990's on, "doing science" for Big Pharma and not upsetting Dr. Fauci, who could ruin your reputation, became the standard in the USA. When a great cancer researcher I respected -- Peter Duesberg-- opposed Fauci's control, his papers could no longer get published and his many grants and awards ceased. For the next three decades, Duesberg wasn't able to get his cancer research papers published. Cancer research became focused on Big Pharma chemotherapy, and billions of dollars are still pouring in, while cancer research without Big Pharma's backing has been starved out. A "Medical Cartel" of Big Pharma, "hospital systems, HMO's and insurers, the medical journals and public health regulators" are backed by lobbying, the media, and scientists who are essentially salesmen to Congress, the government, and all its regulatory agencies now runs "science" in  our country.  Public opinion must be kept on the Medical Cartel's side, to keep the cash flowing. That means censorship. That means removing dissenters on YouTube. That means blocking a Twitter account. "...Fauci played a key historic role in elevating this cohort to dominate public health policy."(p. 135)

  Of concern is that anyone with an unwanted opinion or unpleasant facts must remain very careful and very quiet so they don't get punished. Freedom of speech has a hard time existing in  The Land of the Free where science is for sale, and billions of dollars are more important than the lives of millions of human beings. I was banned from cancer research for protesting the use of ignorant "volunteer"prisoners to test a biological weapon that was designed to give them a lethal lung cancer. To this day, I am threatened by those who have spread the word that I personally  injected prisoners, or that I helped develop AIDS. I was fooled by appeals to my "patriotism" and dazzled by famous cancer specialists and doctors who promised my career would be spectacular. I know there are many ways to cure cancer, but they are cheap and Big Pharma would lose their trillion-dollar chemo-cut-and-burn cancer treatment industry. Now a book has come forth that rips open all the old wounds. Yes, we could have cured cancer! Instead, half of our deaths are still caused by cancer.

  I wish that the book had stopped at page 135.

   But it goes on, to page 449, a litany of horror stories that must be told: Fauci's experiments on helpless orphan babies and children and his indescribably cruel experiments on beagle puppies are just the tip of the iceburg. The boards that vote to approve vaccines are filled with scientists whose careers are in the hands of Big Pharma. 

   The end of Chapter Three of Kennedy's book sets the stage for all that happened to set us up for the present disastrous medical situation, where vaccines are offered as the (lucrative and only) answer to all our illnesses: on p. 139, we learn that one of the MANDATORY shots that American children (not Swedish children, not Chinese children, not children in India or Russia --just American children) MUST TAKE -- the Wyeth version of the rotavirus vaccine -- was approved by a unanimous vote of the FDA's five voting committee members, four of whom had "financial conflicts with the four pharmaceutical companies, Sanofi, Merck, Wyeth, and Glaxco, that were developing versions of the vaccine." All versions would end up getting approved. In 2000, "working group committee members, a Congressional committee reported, showed that "seven out of ten ... committee members who voted to approve the vaccine in June 1998 had financial ties to the pharmaceutical companies that were developing" versions of the vaccine.

  Chapter Three ends with FIVE PAGES of 122 evidence files and sources in TINY print. Kennedy has done his homework.

   Fauci's same habits of terrifying the people, insisting on quarantines, separating sufferers from their families, and proclaiming that only vaccines are the answer, came to affect the entire world in 2020-2021.  This is the same man who never could develop an AIDS vaccine, though he made sure that we, the taxpayers, paid Big Pharma billions while trying to do so. Trolls, possibly your family doctor who gets a kickback for having a high percentage of clientele taking 'the' vaccine, and Big Pharma executives alike are busy supporting Anthony Fauci's efforts. They are well-compensated for doing so, and they have the backing of frightened Americans. The same frightened Americans who gave 2020 away to fear. The same Americans who gave away peace and many human rights after 9-11. The same frightened Americans who are letting their loved ones die alone in nursing homes as I write these words.

    Are you ready for a new shot every 90 days? Please roll up your sleeve.

   If I lose friends over this post, it just proves that Darwin's Laws are still in effect. As President Franklin Delano Roosevelt told us, "The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself."

   You can order The Real Anthony Fauci on Amazon. You can get my book, which describes the development of cancer as a biological weapon, and how Lee Oswald, who protected this CIA-backed endeavor, was blamed and framed for JFK's assassination-- an assassination that Lee called "The Big Event" --as can be heard in my 2003 documentary "The Love Affair" aired by The History Channel, well before CIA's E. Howard Hunt said that this was the name of the CIA's OP to kill Kennedy (with a little help from a lot of their friends). When you buy my book -- or RFK Jr's (Amazon) -- you help us keep going! You can get LEE HARVEY OSWALD AND ME --586 pages, Hardcover, 8 pages in color, on archival quality paper-- for yourself, your local library, for your children-- by sending $40 --or $50, if you'd like it autographed-- to PayPal using JFKCONFERENCE@YAHOO.COM. Half the net proceeds go to help finance the annual JFK Conference! 

   Spread the truth.

   It's good for your health. Hope it's good for mine.



 < 3 love, Judyth 



   photos: (1) RFK Jr.  (2) his book (3) Dr Anthony Fauci, as Fauci says, 

"Omicron is not something to be taken lightly."  Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci [speaks on]the latest surge of omicron, the need to continue with vaccinations and booster shots and mask wearing. Dr. Fauci also discusses revising quarantine times for workers." (Quarantine time has been reduced from ten days to five, for the sake of the economy, Fauci said).  (4) Lee Harvey Oswald and Me -  (your support is appreciated in this big year of action!
