Joseph P. Farrell recently released a new book….
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Plasma is Intelligent Life
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
You Don’t Own Your Stocks and Bonds The Great Taking. David Webb.
UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) statutes were changed is all 50 states between 1994 and 2004. Previously, for 400 years, stocks and bonds were personal property. You bought it, you owned it. If the broker you used to buy the security went bankrupt, the security was transferred to you, intact.
The UCC statutory changes gave title to the security to the broker/dealer - you do not own the security, but you do have a contractual claim to its value. Ownership of the security is now subject to the rules of contract law. You now merely purchase a “security entitlement” when you buy a stock or bond from a broker.
If/When the broker/dealer goes bankrupt, title to the stocks and bonds that you though YOU own are now tied up up in the bankruptcy…. Because the broker/dealer is the legal owner of these assets. You only have a claim of ownership under contract law, or “beneficial ownership”. Once the “secured creditors” are paid, the bankruptcy court may reimburse you with a pro-rata share of the security’s value. All of these changes were put in place when bankruptcy laws were revised in 2005.
(Willkie, Farr & Gallagher, a big-ass law firm, issued a memorandum in 2008 regarding the Bear-Stearns bankruptcy. It explained that new statutes prevented a “stockbroker” or “commodities broker” from filing Chapter 11, which allows reorganization of a bankrupt entity’s finances. Only Chapter 7, liquidation, was possible. Thus, J.P.Morgan bought Bear-Stearns for $2 a share.)
You should know that the securities you buy from a broker are held in a pool. The only entity who knows that YOU bought the security is the broker/dealer. There is no stock certificate or bond in existence with your name on it. These are “book entry” or “paperless” securities. The securities are said to be held in the Street Name. (As in “Wall Street”!) And in the event of the Custodian’s insolvency, you are entitled to recover only a pro-rate share of your investment.
Even in the event of fraud, the secured creditors recover their losses before you, the purchaser of the security, is compensated. This change in bankruptcy law was enacted in 2005. “Safe harbor” protected bankruptcy trustees from fraudulent transfer of client assets to creditors. The failure of Lehman Brothers cemented this principle into case law. J.P.Morgan was both the custodian and the secured creditor who took client assets. Prior to 2005, this would have been a fraudulent taking. The opinion from the U.S.D.C. Bankruptcy court distinguished Morgan as a member of the “protected class” of secured creditors, who was entitled to take client assets because, basically, they were too big to fail.
The Depository Trust Company (DTC) actually OWNS all securities in the U.S. It is valued at $542 trillion. All broker/dealers and custodians transfer their holdings to the DTC, in pooled form. Only the broker/dealers and custodians have a record that YOU made a purchase. The DTC, the legal owner, has no such record. In European countries, the equivalents of the U.S.’s DTC are the Central Securities Depositories (CSD), which roll up to EuroClear in Belgium. In 2014, an international clearing house was created, joining the DTC and the CDS. This permits virtually instant transfer of assets if required to maintain solvency of large institutions. This international clearing house also maintains derivative contracts, thus, the huge $542 trillion number.
The Central Clearing Party (CCP) is is the international clearinghouse for all derivative trades, and the counter party on all derivative contracts. One no longer knows the credit-worthiness of the counter party to one’s contract. There are plans for what happens if the CCP fails, i.e., how to “reset”. The old system will not be “fixed”. A new system will be created.
(Catherine Austin Fitts will be releasing an interview with David Webb in January. Catherine is not in complete agreement with David’s analysis of the situation. I can’t wait to hear. ALSO, David Webb’s .pdf of “The Great Taking” has more detail than the documentary film linked above. You can find a free download of the .pdf at David is a retired hedge fund manager. He relates his history and experience in the first portion of the film. He left the U.S. and now resides in Sweden.)
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Rabbit Holes
Peter Russell
The division became unrepairable when science and the church defined their territory. Science was to study Things - referred to “scientists” as Natural Philosophers. Matters of the Mind was left to the Church.
The MIND pertains to: Intuition, Memory, Imagination, Perception, Sensation, Heart, Feeling, Emotions, Thinking, Reasoning.
Copernicus said the earth revolves and also orbits the sun, in 1543. 60 years later, Galialo…. Kepler…. Identified orbits and elliptical patterns. 40 years later, Newton. Then Max Plank. Each age embodied a “Paradigm”. A paradigm involves accepted beliefs within a scientific field. That is THE definition of the word.
Anomalies of the Denial of Consciousness: Remote Viewing, Reincarnation, Healing, Consciousness. The first 3 are not yet accepted. The Last, Consciousness, is ignored. We try to explain Consciousness using words that are relevant only in the world of Matter.
Living Beings “see” the image in the mind’s eye… it came in through the senses, and formed the image, based on entrenched perceptions. We perceive 1/10th of a second behind reality.
Kant understood Space and Time. Space and Time are variable.\\
Our world is only Our experience. Our Experience is not an accurate representation of the world.
Matter is not solid. An atom is 99.9% empty space. Waves form particles… and vice-versa. Matter only exists in the Mind.
Tools of Creativity. Control Them. Desire, Wish, Belief, Thought, Imagination, hearing, seeing, speaking, feeling, acting.
Removal from the Ego and the stream of time are needed.
“Ascension” is not entwined worth the present personality, and physics prevents us from going there in our current form.
A quantum monad has no history; it has only character`
Saturday, December 9, 2023
“Vindictive people often try to draw others into their world.” - Advice of Today
No one to talk to? So talk to the page. Write. You love to write. Your failure to produce a writing of substance, and to share it widely, is your own damned fault. But it’s not too late. But you just have to focus on a topic and audience. It’s like the mission statement of a project plan. I am not good at maintaining a focus. Except that I like to write.
My writing mentors in this life were: Oliver Caldwell Biddle and Frederick C. Ballard, Sr. Both partners at Ballard Spahr Andrews and Ingersoll, where I worked as a litigation paralegal for a few years. I was right out of school, like 22 years old. Fred Ballard mentored young lawyers in the firm in the craft of writing. Oliver challenged me to write a Memo of Fact for a petition for certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court. I also worked with David L. Cohen and Helen Pudlin, but with them I was slave labor. Fred and Oliver saw me a a resource worth developing.
I could publish a book of shorts. Short essays or stories on one particular topic. I already have a lot of these in this blog. Those newly arrived senior citizens will be the audience. Turning 70 hit me hard.
I don’t pay much attention to the political narrative. I’ve given up on that. I hear…. Israel/Gaza, Iran, Taiwan/China, the Biden show, MAGA nonsense, christian issues (they seem to have a lot of them…. How about Live and Let Live?).
Tucker split, ignored his contract, and immediately started his own show. There has been no consequence that is publicly known about why this was allowed to happen. Whey didn’t his employer go after him?
Bad dream this morning. Was at 222 with Vicki. She was looking at the HBO and Netflix movies, and deciding what she wants for breakfast. Eggs and scrapple. But I have no scrapple. She tells me I can just run to the store to buy some. That thought, that exertion, shuts me down and I physically collapse.
I walk into the kitchen. There is a tile floor, with 12 x 12 beige squares. There is a cut and a deep hole in one of the tiles. And then, in 2 or 3 tiles. And then, two hole tiles are GONE with deep shafts descending into darkness.
I wake up. End of dream.
Betsy sent me a card. “Thinking of You” “I know your relationship sucked, but I also know it doesn’t mean a myriad of emotions will likely visit these next days. Embrace each one of them and know it’s Okay. Xo”
Do I blog the mother story? Or do I just leave it alone and bury it? Well, I don’t think it is appropriate to relate the story here, publicly. So I won’t.
So how the hell will I get myself (and all my animals and material things worth keeping) to Roanoke? I just cannot envision where I would live…. House, in-law suite, condo, townhouse, apartment, senior living village or facility. I just can’t vision it yet. Make a list of the obstacles. Then develop a plan to overcome each. Just thought of one as I sit here: Callie the calico cat - can be Shelle’s responsibility to take home. One down, ? To go…. I need to have the steps laid out in my head before proceeding. And I must KNOW who I can depend on for support
Contribution. What contribution can I make? I can cook. I can do the bookkeeping. I know alot about natural health options and practices. I make and distribute colloidal silver to those in want or need.
Friday, December 1, 2023
Herbs from Charity
Just got a big order from Charity's 40% off sale. Some new stuff to try. Went to look up info for one tincture on her site, and she has removed virtually all the information you'd expect a herbologist to give you. And that she used to give you. But I guess this is a necessary legal protection in the U.S. Such a shame. (The truth IS out there..... You just have to search for it....)
Tumeric Drops
Red Clover
Offered to Shelle/Ivy. From the legume family. I can’t eat legumes, so I don’t want to dose myself up with this. Would be better used by a younger woman, still fertile…
Daily Vital Minerals
Monday, November 27, 2023
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Ramblings for public consumption
12:22 pm - November 23, 2023
Doing a deep dive on Communism…. 1905 and 1917 in Russia…. Trotsky financed by Jacob Schiff and his buddies on Wall Street.
FreeMasons of the Scottish Rite….. A brotherhood… The cabal…. The Illuminati…. The Central Bank bankers… they finance this
Those who are not of the Freemasons’ Brotherhood…. Who gain power… Are eliminated…………… (JFK and the Tszar, Honest Abe, George Washington, etc.) John Wilkes Booth was a Freemason. As was Andrew Johnson (succeeded Honest Abe), LBJ, Edward M. House (advisor to Woodrow Wilson), Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, Mortimer Schiff, Issac Seligman…… Roosevelts, Morgans, Ben Franklin.
The lower level masons are the loyal army who has no idea about the big picture, nor do they care.
They breed, train and finance the troops….. they take control of the curriculum and teacher training…. They Manage the Depopulation Program using a myriad of tactics.
Monday, October 23, 2023
More About Mothers
I just asked Siri to call Ruben. She said, "I don't know your Mom. I don't know who you are, but you can tell me in Settings."
What Is?
What is this thing called consciousness? Where does it go when I sleep? Why is there a wall between sleeping and waking thoughts and visions? Where did these masses of matter called organic bodies come from? Why do they malfunction and cease to be? Why do people battle over belief systems?
Sunday, October 8, 2023
The Picture
My friend through many lifetimes, John, passed in 2015. One of the things he left to me was his Outback, which he purchase the year before his death, because he knew I always wanted an Outback. John’s high school graduation picture, encased in a 4 x 6 picture protector, always rode with me in the driver’s side door pocket.
I had the car detailed on Thursday, and on Friday, I noticed that the picture was missing. I was very upset, and went back and forth about, should I call Jose at the car detailing shop… fat chance the photo would be found, right? After much deliberation, I finally left a message on Jose’s machine last night.
Jose just drove up to my house, knocked on the door, and handed me the picture. How about that????
Thank you John! I know you are watching.
Friday, September 8, 2023
What is there to say about mothers? They are people. But unlike the other sex, they (usually) have an intensely strong (hormonal) instinct to nurture and protect their young. But they can only do so within the confines of their “normal” and the depth and quality of their education, training and life experiences.
Ramblings suited for a public audience
70 hit me hard.
Loving Linwood.
Fearing the future.
Family worries me.
Tired of cooking. Need a personal chef!
What say I of this world? The pubic reality? This is what C. A. Fitts calls …. She has names for them…. Like public reality and the real world. You must navigate both. Don’t be naive.
Minnie and Callie are well.
A solitary life.
Expecting a new book order from - listened to a greg carlwood interview where both speakers listed their top 10 Alternative Health books. Ordered a few from this list, which turned out to be 20 titles. Some are not available. Other are hundreds of dollars. Ancient wisdom. It would be a shame to lose it.
Creating the new. What can I do to assist creation of a few new paradigms? “Paradigm” refers to s scientific/technical belief/truism. The allopathic/pharma model will die a slow but horrible death. Within 10 years out, it will be obvious that someone wants a lot of humans to die. And they are having great success, but they greedily cry for more. Must disregard them and move on…. They don’t make it easy…. But that will change.
Need to order the new RFK, Jr./Brian Hooker book on “Vaxxed vs,. UnVaxxed”. I listened to a Brian Hooker interview about it last night. The data needs to be looked at. There should be policy implications.
Also should blog the report about decline in infant mortality during pandemic years. They will say, “It’s because they never left home”. And return to their version of the narrative. To these types, it’s not a problem until it’s a problem. Then they are typically gobsmacked.
5 million crossed the border since Biden took office 3 years ago. 110,000 in New York City, coming in at a rate of 10,000 per month. Chicago O’Hare airport housing hundreds….. how do you provide hygeine, meals, laundry, etc. for hundreds of people IN an airport? Today, Biden says those who fail initial asylum screening need to stay in Texas. If you live in Texas, it’s time to move.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
The Party
The party has a platform. An agenda. A list of objectives supporting a new way of being. Of organizing the collective.
The party captures as many state, federal and local governmental positions may possible. Then the party inventories its capture: Chief executive (POTUS), the US Senate, 4 of the 9 SCOTUS justices, “X” federal appellate judges, “Y” federal district court judges, “X” state governors, “Y” state legislatures, etc.
Then the party develops a project plan. Which objective is assigned to whom, or to what group of captives. Then, the one assigned the task formulates action plans.
That’s how its done.
Happy Easter.
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Victorian England Becomes Woke
Watching the Netflix series, Bridgerton, about the social norms of introducing the debutante into the matrimonial meat market in Victorian England. But there is an oddity…. There are many major roles played by black actors and actresses. The acting is FINE and the accents are PERFECT, but something feels off. There were no black upper crust players in Victorian England. Does this make me a racist, because I notice this historical inaccuracy? Is it politically incorrect to even mention it?
We Sit on The Precipe
We sit on the precipe/precipice of a new era. Many will lose everything material in their lives. Others will manifest a grand fortune.
Precipe is a legal term. It is a writ commanding one to do or to not do something. Kind of like an injunction - will research if there is a link in the concepts/terms.
What does your writ say? What must you do? What must you not do?
Out with the old. “Oak tree nuts” were mentioned in a conversation with a friend. How many people today KNOW what an “oak tree nut” is, or what it looks like? I grew up with an oak tree, so I know about oak tree nuts. No need to put the term in quotations. It is what it is.
You must not:
Remember the old.
Defy medical authority
You must:
Virtue signal
Tuesday, March 14, 2023
Money is a complex topic. This story could go SO MANY directions. I could write about what money means to ME. My history with money …. How much I’ve had, when and what I did with it. What it was like to have none. The banking industry. My awakening to how money is created. My comprehension of the U.S. banking system’s history —- economic history literacy. That would be a good course to develop right now! If only I could sustain a focus on a single topic for long enough to complete it.
The Netflix series, the “deMedici’s” , was very interesting; it told about how the Italian diMedici family controlled the European banking system by placing currency exchanges within each country, using the network of the Catholic Church, run by the Pope and his administration at The Vatican. Mid 1400’s through early 1500’s. Their reign spanned 3 generations. The story also illuminates the relationships between the Italian city/states, the Vatican and France. Gun powder and cannons were just becoming a thing in the late 1400s.
The book, The Rich Are Different, by Susan Howatch, explained the 1929 Economic Crash and the significance of the federal legislative reforms that followed. The LONG novel follows the life of a poor boy turned Wall Street Investment banker. Both his professional deal-making life and his tragic personal life are explored. The gambling casino nature of the banks’ handling of deposits blew up, and a banking run totally collapsed the banks. There was no FDIC insurance. The federal government passed a number of new statutes to regulate the industry, including the separation of commercial and investment banking. Plainly stated, banks could no longer gamble with customer deposits. (But that law was revoked under the Clinton administration.) The book has a sequel, which follows the next generation of this wealthy family - it’s called Sins of the Father. The soap-opera nature of the characters’ development, entwined with a picture of how the financial system worked at that time, holds the attention! The prose is awesome - I kept a blank bookmarked in the book so I could record new vocabulary words. It’s a vocabulary expand-or, for sure!
My MBA degree taught me very little about money. The focus was on calculating industry standard ratios from financial statements to ascertain where to invest, and how to successfully grow a business and maximize profit. Punching the business calculator’s buttons to determine the Future Value of Money and similar statistics that could be incorporated into a report to management. Razzle-Dazzle them with your brilliance because you know which buttons to push.
Part of my BIG awakening, circa 2007ish, came from John Perkins’, Confessions of An Economic Hitman. The realizations that sprung from this book came into my bubble at the same time the 911 Lie became obvious. I also recall watching Natalie Portman in the movie, V for Vendetta. I also read Naomi Klein’s, Shock Doctrine to complete the picture behind my formerly closed eyes. The comprehension of the sinister nature of the U.S. Government became a part of my mindset at this time.
Then came the 2008 financial crash. With my MBA and my new revelations about money and about our merged corporate/governmental system (some would call it fascism), I did not know how the hell recovery was possible. I researched the real estate scams, the illegal foreclosures, the recording of title transfers in Excel spreadsheets rather that county courthouses. It was amusing to try to engage a real estate professional into a conversation about this. Economic social activism made it possible to make home loans to people who had no ability to pay. And so the Federal Reserve pumped money into the banks coffers to cover their losses and to allow business to continue forward. Very few failed. The infusion of capital from the U.S.Treasury and Federal Reserve was know as “quantitative easing”, an the details of who was given how much remained hidden from the public for years.
Then came the 2023 fiasco, now 6 days in. Here is the best description of our present conundrum: Mar 14, 2023 Status
And here is the history…. Of our debt based money system, and who sits at the top of the pyramids.
March 2023: How it was
Ah, the Ides of March are upon us. Tomorrow.
Bank failure
J6 lies uncovered…. Released by the House and revealed by Tucker
Train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio
FTX crypto goes bust
Ukraine war with Russia…. $$$billions from Biden to Zelensky, by executive decree
The Twitter Files ….. Matt Taibbi
The Green Agenda - 15 minute cities, green energy: solar and wind, electric vehicles…
That’s as far back as my “narrative memory” goes. Recording the current headline news, the “Shreik-O-Meter, is interesting. I should go back through my Ramblings and old blog posts and publish as a .pdf. But where would I publish it? It would be longer than a single blog. It could be multiple blog entries…. But they’d have to follow one another, chronologically.
Almost bought silver a month or two back. But I didn’t. Should have. “The only safety you have is in your head.”
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Frampton Genealogy
Sunday, January 29, 2023
January 2023: How It Was
It has been a whole year since my last confession/post.
When we left off last year this time, the Canadian truckers were rolling across Canada, heading toward the capitol city. Then the Canadian government froze the bank accounts of the truckers and anyone who supported them….. accessed bank records and ordered freezes….
Jab narrative continues to chant “Safe and Effective”, even though, a year ago, it was clear that it was/is not. Seems I hear of a death almost daily now. Luckily, most are in the news…. The news that the sheep don’t see/hear. Military has rescinded the mandate. Exploring what to do with those dismissed due to non-compliance. I guess they need unshotted and trained replacements for those who are dead/sick/not feeling well/a ticking time bomb.
WW3 seems imminent. Doomsday clock at 90 seconds till midnight. U.S. is the aggressor.
Spike protein slated to be incorporated into the food supply.