What is there to say about mothers? They are people. But unlike the other sex, they (usually) have an intensely strong (hormonal) instinct to nurture and protect their young. But they can only do so within the confines of their “normal” and the depth and quality of their education, training and life experiences.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Ramblings suited for a public audience
70 hit me hard.
Loving Linwood.
Fearing the future.
Family worries me.
Tired of cooking. Need a personal chef!
What say I of this world? The pubic reality? This is what C. A. Fitts calls …. She has names for them…. Like public reality and the real world. You must navigate both. Don’t be naive.
Minnie and Callie are well.
A solitary life.
Expecting a new book order from thriftbooks.com - listened to a greg carlwood interview where both speakers listed their top 10 Alternative Health books. Ordered a few from this list, which turned out to be 20 titles. Some are not available. Other are hundreds of dollars. Ancient wisdom. It would be a shame to lose it.
Creating the new. What can I do to assist creation of a few new paradigms? “Paradigm” refers to s scientific/technical belief/truism. The allopathic/pharma model will die a slow but horrible death. Within 10 years out, it will be obvious that someone wants a lot of humans to die. And they are having great success, but they greedily cry for more. Must disregard them and move on…. They don’t make it easy…. But that will change.
Need to order the new RFK, Jr./Brian Hooker book on “Vaxxed vs,. UnVaxxed”. I listened to a Brian Hooker interview about it last night. The data needs to be looked at. There should be policy implications.
Also should blog the report about decline in infant mortality during pandemic years. They will say, “It’s because they never left home”. And return to their version of the narrative. To these types, it’s not a problem until it’s a problem. Then they are typically gobsmacked.
5 million crossed the border since Biden took office 3 years ago. 110,000 in New York City, coming in at a rate of 10,000 per month. Chicago O’Hare airport housing hundreds….. how do you provide hygeine, meals, laundry, etc. for hundreds of people IN an airport? Today, Biden says those who fail initial asylum screening need to stay in Texas. If you live in Texas, it’s time to move.