Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The Government Can’t Do That


Bobbie Anne Cox is a high power New York real estate lawyer with 25 years of practice under her belt.  She jumped into a different practice area in 2020, when multitudes of clients came to her to try to save their rental properties from being taken from them.  You see, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) proclaimed a moratorium on evictions due to the COVID “crisis”, and when renters didn’t pay, and landlords couldn’t evict, the banks and mortgage companies foreclosed.  Bobbie’s clients were not the behemoth conglomerates like Black Rock or State Street.  These were ordinary people, who made or supplemented their income with rental units that they managed.  Bobbie said, “They can’t do that” and began her journey to become a Constitutional lawyer.  

In April 2022, Bobbie filed a lawsuit on behalf of a group of New York State legislators against New York Governor Kathy Hochul and her Department of Health to strike down a quarantine edict issued by the executive branch of government.  It is commonly referred to as The Quarantine Law.  The trial court struck down the law.  Here is their decision.  Hochul appealed, and the appellate court reversed the lower court, 5 - 0, allowing the Quarantine Law to stand.  The rationale was that the legislator plaintiffs have no “standing”.  Cox appealed to New York’s highest court, and as of March 13, 2024, is waiting to hear whether the court will hear the case.

The Quarantine law needs to be read to understand how outrageous and unconstitutional it.  First, the concept of “due process” has been eliminated.  And second, the executive branch of the state government has usurped the constitutional power of the legislative branch; when this happens, we call it “tyranny.”

This regulation dictates that anyone can be isolated or quarantined for a contagious disease, any place, any time, for as long as the state chooses.  Proof of illness or any threat is not required.  There is no provision for the detainee to object or appeal, except that the detainee may hire a lawyer and sue the state.

Mainstream media has not covered this case in any meaningful way.  This is in spite of press releases, press conferences, and many interviews with various of the plaintiffs and with Bobbie Anne Cox. There are significant legal issues in play here.  “But what happens in New York doesn’t affect me.” And “the regulation hasn’t been enforced yet, so what’s the big deal?” They say…. But know that the train is on the track that travels across state lines, and the engine is started.  Pay Attention.

Decision of the trial court:

Appellate court decision - the actual text of the Quarantine Law is on pages 11-13:


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Worms and Like-kind Critters


We religiously deworm our dogs, horses…. All our pets.  But we never deworm ourselves. The mere suggestion of doing so sends shivers of repulsion up and down the spine of so many people.  It’s funny how we think that the human biological organism is immune from what inflicts health problems on other biological organisms who share our environment.  The paradigm is shifting.  There is much evidence now that many cancers are merely nests of parasites.  Did you know ivermectin has been shown to cure certain types of brain tumors in humans?  Did you know it has been suggested that MS is brain parasites?
