Sunday, March 2, 2025

Milt’s Best Lesson


I was in my late teen-age years, in the early 1970’s.  It was early evening at my grandparents’ house, and a movie I really wanted to see was coming on the television.  I wasn’t sure my grandfather, sitting in his usual chair in front of the TV, and beside the lit fireplace, would be receptive.  But he said, ‘OK, put it on.”

I Heard The Owl Call My Name.

He and I watched it.  I don’t recall anyone else being around.  I was quite spellbound by the story of a young priest, dispatched to minister in a wilderness town amongst the American Indians… he became very sick, and when he heard the owl call his name, the indigenous elders explained the meaning to him.  His time had come.

At least that’s how I remember the story…. I will watch it again and see if my memory is intact.

But here is the lesson:  Milt was a churchgoing and deeply religious Methodist man.  He and his multitude of brothers and sisters always met at the church in downtown Chester on Sunday.  Frequently, I would go with him and my grandmother.   After the indigenous elder said his peace, Milt turned to me and said:

“There are many ways to find God.  There are many paths.  It matters not so much how we get there, but that we do.”


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Running With Sissors

Shelle always like that book.... Running With Sissors. 

Dysfunctional Families. I hate to break it to you, but who the hell doesn't have a dysunctional family story. Some of us just have more such stories than do other people. 

Father Knows Best was the myth of the 50's. The 60's had Andy Griffith. I mean, who didn't want a wise and kind dad like Andy? And then came The Brady Bunch. The story of what constitutes a "normal" family has beed carefully crafted and sold to us through media consumption, educational materials, as well as observed Sunday behavior amongst the gathered community when the children in each family were groomed and well behaved. 

My father told me and George that we gave our kids too much. He complained that we never made them really work for something material that they wanted. I think he was right. I wonder if it would have been different if I had a husband who performed as a breadwinner, and I was the one at home. Yes, we could afford to have one parent at home, given the salary I was able to bring in. Back then, degrees mattered. To a large extent, they still do. 

But degrees are not a guarantee of success. What you make at a "job" is pretty much related to the skills you bring to the table. Entrapneurs are different... with great risk comes great reward. But don't expect someone else is going to finance your leap off a cliff.... you need alot of skin in the game if you want to win. At age 45, I saw the need for an advanced degree and returned to earn a MBA while working full time at a job that demanded more than 40 hours a week. The skill building pursuit never ends if you want to stay relevant. 

Shall I write about my alcoholic father and my bipolar mother? Shall I tell you the story of how I lost the love of my life due to him not being able to tolerate my mother's antics? Or the trauma he witnessed in me during alcohol related drama scenes? That's all the detail you're going to get.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Emily’s Brother

I listened to my late 20s/early 30’s physical therapist tell me about her brother, who is severely autistic and cared for by the parents. She is the only sibling. And will not take on that responsibility. To do so is a full time job that requires respite care for you to restore your sanity. She is married and wants to have a family… the brother doesn’t tolerate babies or children… they cry or whine and that triggers him and he “goes off”. And he’s not a full grown man. Her mother can pinpoint the day he became autistic. This is a crime against humanity.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Forms Of B9

FOLATE, FOLIC ACID, FOLINIC ACID, METHYLFOLATE – WHATS THE DIFFERENCE? April 25, 2019 A common question I receive in clinical practice is about folic acid supplementation. What type of folate is best? How much should I take? Why should I take it? Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9 that is plentiful in dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, and cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. It is essential for DNA production, correct cell division, activating B12, reducing homocysteine levels and supporting the synthesis of SAMe for healthy mood and joints. In pregnancy, folate and other B vitamins help to reduce the risk of spinal bifida. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate that is often in supplements and in fortified foods such as cereals. There is a gene, called MTHFR, that helps produce an enzyme that converts a portion of folate and folic acid into folinic acid. Folinic acid is then converted into the active form methylfolate, which is used by our cells to perform the functions mentioned above. For those with normal MTHFR gene variants, 500mcg of folic acid is recommended to reduce the risk of spinal bifida in a growing foetus. However, if an individual has a MTHFR gene mutation, then dietary folate and folic acid supplements may not be converted to the active forms such as folinic acid and methylfolate sufficiently, which can increase the risk of birth defects, miscarriage, increased homocysteine levels and clotting. There is debate about what form of folate should be taken in individuals with more serious MTHFR gene mutations. It is generally agreed upon that folinic acid or methylfolate (activated folates) supplementation is more suitable for those with MTHFR gene mutations as these forms have already undergone metabolism. For those with normal MTHFR gene variations, then folic acid is still suitable. For further information about which folate to supplement, speak to a healthcare professional who is familiar with folate metabolism and MTHFR genes. This article does not constitute health advice, always speak to your registered healthcare professional before supplementing

Monday, February 10, 2025


Draft — 

Minerals for the Genetic Code

Charles Walters

My attempt to simplify the chapter about Trace Minerals:

Minerals give proteins 3D structure and vibration.

Vitamins catalyze this 3D creation.  They cause a reaction… make a chemical change…

Proteins become cells. Cells become our organs.

RNA tells the cell how to assemble the enzyme.

An amino acid is a simple protein.

A group of amino acids build an enzyme

RNA tells which sequence of amino acids need to string together to make an enzyme

Proteins & enzymes….

The START codon of each enzyme is:

Methionine. AUG

(A codon is a sequence of 3 nucleotides which form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.)

ALL DNA and messenger RNA sequences begin with:

Methionine. AUG

Methionine is an amino acid.

An amino acid is organic compound.  

Amino acids are the basic components of proteins.

RNA strings amino acids together to create proteins.

These create proteins needed to make enzymes that are needed to do act as a catalyst.

Enzymes carry minerals to where they are needed in the body.  An enzyme is a substance produced by the body that acts as a catalyst …. They cause reactions…. Make a change in another substance in the body…

(If your body is deficient in a needed substance …. You may lack an enzyme needed to do a conversion to a substance needed to maintain health of the body.  You may have a genetic tendency to be deficient in a particular mineral.)

The END codon of each enzyme is:

Sulfur UAA

Hydrogen UAG


Yttrium UGA

Having all 3 in the body can triple the lifespan of the body.

Selenomethionine is a good supplement to take.

It assures Selenium will govern 

Every case of cancer is a selenium deficiency.

Yttrium is a second lethal deficiency.  

(All cattlemen know this. They supplement their herds!)

Yttrium deficiency causes degenerative metabolic diseases: MS, Lou Gehrig’s/ALS, Alzheimer’s, sclerosis and Parkinson’s.

MS patients often respond to Bifidobacterium bifidum and bifidobacterium longum.

Yttrium deficiency causes the brain to suffer.

If yttrium isn’t available, Calcium will substitute, but is not a good substitute.

Yttrium and Boron are the same frequency.

Tumeric contains boron

Boron crosses the blood-brain barrier - heals the metabolic diseases

Yttrium is only absorbed via the action of bacteria in the gut. This bacteria needs yttrium to reproduce.

The metabolic diseases require:

Yttrium, Boron, Tumeric and max dose of Selenium.

Each Mineral has an acupuncture point.

Lanthanum carbonate for kidney dialysis: 

It picks up calcium and phosphate

Calcium is a problem - it causes arteriosclerosis/hardening of the arteries in dialysis patients

Lanthanum is the most abundant mineral in the human genome.

Iridium displaces yttrium, boron or aluminum 

Silicon deficiency is linked to ovarian cancer.  This will heal the DNA - which is called a broken gene by allopathic medicine.

Proteins develop into 3D structures.

Minerals give the electromagnetic  force needed to form 3D… They hold structure together.

Kidneys are governed by Sodium and a subatomic particle

Sodium and Iodine ration must be in balance - a long term imbalance means cells die with no replacement.  Allopathic medicine can’t restart replacement… aging process accelerates`

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Bill Clinton’s Manipulation of the Federal Employee Headcount


From a Facebook Post.

I intuit that the hard data within this report is accurate. Would be very easy to derive these numbers from government personnel databases - are there many of these? Or is there one central database for human employees on the federal payroll?  Same question regarding contractors, their headcount’s and dollars in and out. (Be careful of double counting.)  Here goes:

Trump is Firing Government Employees, but He Learned from the Master: Bill Clinton and the Birth of the Deep State

As President Donald Trump announces plans to restructure the federal government and remove entrenched left-wing activist bureaucrats , the Left has  reacted with outrage. Many claimed that such firings are an unprecedented attack on the civil service. However, history tells a different story. The blueprint for mass firings in the federal government was not drafted by Trump—it was authored by President Bill Clinton.

The Creation of Bill Clinton's Deep State

For the record, President Bill Clinton took drastic action upon entering office, firing all federal appointees and those reporting directly to them, reaching three levels deep into the management hierarchy. This included upper-level, middle-level, and lower-level managers. Such sweeping dismissals were unprecedented in modern history.

The stated reason for these actions was to reform government and make it more efficient. Under the guise of the 1993 "Reinventing Government Initiative," Clinton oversaw the termination of 377,000 federal employees. This initiative, led by then-Vice President Al Gore, was marketed as an effort to cut bureaucratic bloat. Clinton publicized that his administration reduced the government payroll from 2.15 million employees to 1.79 million  by the end of his term (U.S. Office of Personnel Management). However, while he claimed to be trimming the size of government, he was in reality expanding it dramatically.

Rather than actually reducing the government’s reach, Clinton tripled its size by shifting millions of jobs to government contractors. This maneuver allowed his administration to hide the true expansion of government within the bureaucracy. The federal workforce, under his administration, effectively grew from 2.15 million to a staggering 9.1 million (Project On Government Oversight), all hired by liberal activist managers.

This restructuring was the foundation for what has become the “deep state”—an unelected bureaucratic class that exercises significant influence over government operations, often in opposition to elected leaders who challenge the status quo. The same entity that Trump is now attempting to confront was a product of Clinton’s drastic reshaping of the federal workforce.

Setting the Precedent for Trump’s Actions

The Democrats are framing Trump's efforts to remove government employees as radical and dangerous. Yet, Clinton, a Democrat, set the precedent for such dismissals. The key difference is that while Clinton’s actions were aimed at consolidating power within a left-leaning bureaucracy, Trump’s efforts have been directed at reducing that bureaucracy’s grip on governance and returning government to the people.

Trump’s battle against the entrenched federal workforce is not an attack on democracy—it is an attempt to undo a system that was carefully crafted over decades to resist conservative leadership. The idea that federal employees should be immune from accountability is a modern invention, and Clinton himself showed that mass firings could be justified in the name of reform.

As the debate over federal employment rages on, it is important to remember who first wielded the axe. Trump may be making headlines for firing government employees, but he is merely following in the footsteps of the master—Bill Clinton.

Why U.S. prisons are located outside of the country


I learned this information after 1) attending a panel discussion at the Philadelphia Constitution Center after 911, when outrage about housing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay was a hot topic, and 2) my study of the history of the doctrine of habeas corpus, the Patriot Act and the definition of “terrorism”.

Anyone in a federal prison can file a Writ of Habeas Corpus, demanding they be told of the crimes causing their incarceration, and that they be tried for said actions.  This applies to anyone in federal prison, be they a citizen or not.  Note that the Patriot Act nullified this option for prisoners accused of terrorism. Also note that there is no internationally recognized definition of the actions that are termed “terrorism”.

So, once a prisoner’s Writ is granted, and he is tried in a court of law, once found innocent, he is immediately released and can walk freely out of the courthouse.  So, holding prisoners outside of the U.S. avoids the risk of setting very bad people, or people with ill intent toward the U.S., free on the streets of the U.S., 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

When and How to Take Supplements

DRAFT ---  need to fact check and add more

Why is this information not UP FRONT for people who take supplements?  I learned much of this years after taking various things at the wrong time and in the wrong way.

1.  An empty stomach is generally defined as more than 1 hour before food and no less than 2 hours after food.

2.  In general, take supplements WITH food.  There are exceptions: 

-- Fiber is taken on an empty stomach. And once ingested, sufficient high quality water needs to be consumed.

-- an amino acid taken to solve an issue is taken alone and on an empty stomach, e.g., Lysine for herpes/cold sores.

-- parasite cleanses need an empty stomach.

3.  Chew tablets, or grind them up.  Don't swallow them whole.

4.  You can open capsules and dump the contents in or on your food.

5.  Fat soluble vitamins MUST be taken WITH fat - this includes Vitamins A, D E and K.

6.  Mineral supplements require fat and sufficient stomach acid to be broken down and utilized.  (Always put butter on your vegetables!  Apple cider vinegar or a vinegar based salad dressing before the meal raises stomach acid.)

7.  The essential water soluble vitamins need to be taken in a natural form.  Vitamins synthesized in a lab, or not from plants, are not the same thing, and can cause problems for many people who cannot process them.

-- B1 (thiamine)

-- B2 (riboflavin)

-- B3 (niacin)

-- B5 (pantothenic acid)

-- B6 (pyridoxine)

-- B7 (biotin)

-- B9 (folate)

-  B12 (Methylcobalamin or Adenosylcobalamin - in buffered form, dissolve under the tongue)

-- C (absorbic acid is SYNTHETIC and the cheapest and most common form in processed foods and beverages and low cost vitamin supplements.  Instead, look for Rose Hips, Liposomal, or Plant/Herbal based ingredients)

Friday, January 17, 2025

Homeless in California


Years ago, the Democratic legislature in CA passed the following legislation, and the Demoncratic governator signed it.

In order for a non-profit organization focused on the homeless to receive state aid, they may NOT refuse services to homeless persons who are actively addicted to/using alcohol or drugs. Sobriety may not be a condition of receiving services.

Note that the state does virtually no government sponsored homeless services - it has been outsourced to non-profits.

Additionally, shoplifting product totaling under $1000 gets a person a ticket with no consequence.  Prior to this legislation, this act would have been a felony offense.  The perpetrator can easily sell his take to a “fence” and make $300 a day.

THIS is why the homeless situation has mushroomed in the formerly great state of CA.

Life Lessons - Choosing a Significant Other


From personal experience and observation:

Before settling on a significant other, understand their childhood.  If it was unhappy, abusive, neglectful or traumatic, don’t do it.

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Cosmic Hatfields and McCoys

Lee Merritt On Sons of Liberty podcast - rumble -

9:30 Acts (Chapters 2, 1? and 16) talks about Phrygia 

(in present day Turkey. Right by Babylon. Birthplace of the Talmud.)

2:23 Glatfelter, 2011 study, who owns the world. Switzerland.  

37 million corporations registered in the world. Actually owned by 147 companies. Forbes said these 147 owned by 10 big banking firms.  The 10 banking firms  are owned by 4 hedge funds controlled by 150 men.

15: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - notes from 1954 meeting.  First year of Bilderberg.   Notes found stuck in a xerox machine. 

To Understand how humans behave, Elite looked (or planned to look?)  at credit card data, bar codes, metadata - fuck with a commodity (e.g. price of meat, etc.) and see how consumer habits change.  IN THE 1950s!!!  This tech didn’t exist then! 

Worried about overpopulation. This ides goes back to time of Plato. Can’t control too many, what to do about it?  Moral issues were raised at the meeting, but in view of natural selection, people who don’t use their intelligence are no better than animals who don’t have intelligence.  Are beasts of burden by choice and consent.  Benevolent slavery and genocide are the answer to controlling population.  

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE. Psychopaths. No empathy.

18:24  Westworld  Delores says to her robot companion: 

“You don’t understand, these people talk like us, look like us, walk like use, but they aren’t us”

You have to find and define the enemy in war.  Rule off military intelligence. 

19:24  To identify these people, follow the history of symbolism.  It isn’t about any religion, skin color, or national identity. They hide their presence among us.  Rise to the top of every profession. Look back in time.  Springmeyer talks about the 12 families.  These are lesser families. Clinton, Rockefeller’s, Rothchilds.  Everyone recognizes Schwab, Fauci, Gates, etc. Real puppeteers are in the shadows.  Pepo ORSINI is at top of black nobility - head of this clan descends from Julius Caesar.  13 families - Zoroastorians - black nobility. Tom Cruise married Katie Holmes at the ORSINI mansion in Italy - he is this bloodline. 

22:30 Linguistics, genetics, written history, family history, blood typing.

All black nobility trace to the Pharoahs.  As do European royalty.  All presidents through Bush Jr. come from Merovingians, Clovis (father of Charlemene).  (   500 A.D. First King of the Franks - consolidated fiefdoms under One king; solidified concept of inheritance of kingship through the bloodline.) Both U.S. presidential candidates typically from this bloodline, e.g., Skull and Bones politicians/candidates.  Burke’s Peerage books recorded lineage of nobility in England and Ireland. 1826.  ( ) The one who wins the U.S. presidency is the one with the most royal blood.   Presidents are selected.

25:00  Language and blood of Pharoahs not from Egypt.  Came from Phrygia.  Symbolism.  5000 BC through 1100 BC.  Kerodis wrote about it.  False money system and legal system dates to Phrygia.  Worshiped Sipoline - mother of all gods.  Sexualized and deeply religious.  Votive items were clay vaginas. First to coin money. To use gold and silver. To do commerce - using money.  To conquer distant lands must have medium of exchange that isn’t barter. Legalese - Hammurabi (  )was from this region - Babylonia.  King Midas - turned river into gold due to wealth - came from here.  Where Alexander (considered King of Greece and Babylon) conquered, Phrygians followed.  When Phrygia dissolved in 1100 BC, leaders changed their name and moved West. And became Lydians - Philadelphia.  Became the Etruscans in Italy.  Became the Roman elite.  To the east, migrated around the Black Sea around Khazar - became Khazarians.  Herodotus (450 BC) wrote the history of when Phrigia fell.  ( ) Predated Pharoahs.  Tough warriors.  Equestrian elite.  

30:50  People are ruled by bloodlines not indigenous to their land.  Leaders are linguistically, religiously/socially and genetically distinct from this time forward.  (Not all Khazarian Jews are of this bloodline. Only their leaders.)

2024 Olympics - Phrygian hats.  Also from French Revolution. Statutes of Paris of Troy wears it.  (He wasn’t Greek, he was Phrygian.)  Pink Pussy Hats of the pro abortion movement.  Soft hat.  Different colors.  Smurfs wear them.  Top flops over, mostly to the front.  E Pluribus Unum is a Phrygian phrase.   U.S. Senate seal has the cap in RED.  In middle, over the flag - ALWAYS ABOVE the flag!  At the bottom - the crossed axes is also a Phrygian symbol on government seals - take vines that can be made into whips and wrap around axes.  cross them.  8 states have Phrygian hat on their seal (Iowa, New York…)

35:37  all medical and science publishers are controlled by the intelligence services.  This is how the COVID narrative was controlled.  In WW2 time, British government/MI6 owned the largest such publisher.  Merged with Germans after the war.  Springer Nature now #1 science/medical.  Pergamon Press (founded by Robert Maxwell in 1951 ).  Pergamon is alter of sacrifice in Anatolia - which was Phyrgia.  (  ) The alter fell into ruins and in 1800s German archeologists took friezes from the alter back to Germany and recreated it there - Nuremberg rally building, Hitler stands in front.  Is in a German museum today.  Brass bull is on the floor of Pergamon alter.  Two columns on the side.  2008 DNC nomination of Obama was in front of a Pergamon alter. 

39:00  Phrygian scale of music.  Pink Floyd.  “Set the controls for the heart of the sun.”  E and A scale. We can only go back in modern history to 5000 BC.  First pharoah lineage began 3200 BC   Came on the scene about the same time as the Phoenicians -  Phyragians are not all Anakhnazi Jews in Khazaria - they go in and take over the ruling house. Kiev.  Brought names with them.  Rhineland and Caucus theories.   Around the Black Sea, in Turkey - then moved up to Khazaria.

42:35  Putin interview with Tucker.  Began russian history in 850.  Putin learned from Solzhenitsyn.  One of his books (never translated or published outside of Russia - “200 Years Together” (  ) tells this hidden history. Bulgarians, Persians and Russians got together then.  Silk Road crimes.  These people murdered and stole from traveling merchants and prized monetary wealth - silver and gold. Child sacrifice. Said Abrahamic religion had to be adopted.  Chose Judiac.  But they imported Babylonian scholars to teach Talmud.   It is NOT Torah based Judaism.  Babylon is a sister to Phrygia.  Ancient bloodline war.

Moved west after this.  This bloodline is associated with Rh- blood type.  Maybe A.  They hide within. There are other markers in the blood below blood type. One of these sub markers shows in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Ukraine. A little in Spain and Portugal.  Very little in Russia or Scandinavia, England or Ireland.


Georgia state capital has a Phrygian cap on a Columbia statute.

52:  Pedophilia and cannibalism  are loose in the world today.  Robert Maxwell, Gislane’s father - Pergamon Press. Disneyland, Max Iger, CEO names son Robert Maxwell Iger.  

Pyramid symbol.  Look for Phrygian symbols to see where they hide.  Hierarchy and compartmentalism.  This is how they keep it secret.  Only a few people know the whole truth. BiBi is near the top of this pyramid.  Ukrainian oligarchs fund Nazis and create this war with Russia..  The people are victims.  In Israel too.  ACE-2 pathway needed in COVID not as sticky in Anakanasi , Amish and Basque genetics don’t go down as hard.  Loyola was a Basque - Rh- Jesuits.  Rh- people have been tested due to genetic diseases more than others.  COVID testing allows them to find the tribe.

1:01  Where did Romans come from? Emperors were Etruscans.  Language only recently discovered.  Came from Lydia.  Who came from Phyrigia. Leaders not genetically or linguistically to native Italians.  True everywhere they went. 

Queen Elizabeth said she was related to Dracula.  Also said she was Jewish.  Khazarian mafia.  Just a pass through from the Phyragians.

Jay Parker - satanic ritual abuse survivor.  Arden DE (where Biden was raised) Practice the “old religion” quietly in their house.  Child torture to keep children from taking family business outside of the house.  Sacrifice first male child to Bal. Mother told family stories.  Long line of witches -  Amalokites - references are in biblical stories.  Moses was escaping Pharoahs/Phyragians.  His mother said: “We are one of the families who escaped from Saul, and went to Phyrgia”

1:05 Real people have empathy for one another and for all life. Humans can’t realize there are “people” who are not like us.  In Navy medicine - were taught 4% are psychopaths - have no human empathy. Torture animals. They recognize each other and cooperate for mutual interest- usually highly intelligent.  We cannot recognize them.  Needed to keep psychopaths off submarines… doctors were taught to recognize these traits.   Politicians.  Surgeons.  Like control over people.  

How to take back control from these people.  Is a spiritual war.  We are being manipulated.  Top of most all organized churches are these people. These people Move money and paper around.  Don’t create or produce anything.  If we don’t cooperate with them…. They cannot create ANYTHING.

Cosmic Hatfields and McCoys.

We need to become independent of their control. Self sufficient. Grow food. Energy independence. Industrialization has helped put the noose around our neck.  (But isn’t ALL bad.) We lose ability to survive alone. 

1:17: Aluminum in ground is killing heirloom seeds!  Only GMO will grow.  But there are antidotes.  We don’t have to physically fight them.  They want us to physically fight one another.  We need to make them irrelevant.  Show people how to heal self and they will stop going to the dr. - will only be needed for trauma.  Same for banking system.  Allowing ourselves to be stolen overseas. This is much more than a 21st century blow up in Ukraine.  

1:21:  BiBi quote “We control the Congress of the U.S.”

Palestinians are now called the Amalekites.( many biblical citations in this article - descendants of Noah.  Cannanites )  Biblically, they were to be destroyed.  This is where Saul got into trouble - he didn’t exterminate them. This is much more than revenge for October 7th.
