Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Running With Sissors
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Emily’s Brother
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Forms Of B9
Monday, February 10, 2025
Draft —
Minerals for the Genetic Code
Charles Walters
My attempt to simplify the chapter about Trace Minerals:
Minerals give proteins 3D structure and vibration.
Vitamins catalyze this 3D creation. They cause a reaction… make a chemical change…
Proteins become cells. Cells become our organs.
RNA tells the cell how to assemble the enzyme.
An amino acid is a simple protein.
A group of amino acids build an enzyme
RNA tells which sequence of amino acids need to string together to make an enzyme
Proteins & enzymes….
The START codon of each enzyme is:
Methionine. AUG
(A codon is a sequence of 3 nucleotides which form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule.)
ALL DNA and messenger RNA sequences begin with:
Methionine. AUG
Methionine is an amino acid.
An amino acid is organic compound.
Amino acids are the basic components of proteins.
RNA strings amino acids together to create proteins.
These create proteins needed to make enzymes that are needed to do act as a catalyst.
Enzymes carry minerals to where they are needed in the body. An enzyme is a substance produced by the body that acts as a catalyst …. They cause reactions…. Make a change in another substance in the body…
(If your body is deficient in a needed substance …. You may lack an enzyme needed to do a conversion to a substance needed to maintain health of the body. You may have a genetic tendency to be deficient in a particular mineral.)
The END codon of each enzyme is:
Sulfur UAA
Hydrogen UAG
Yttrium UGA
Having all 3 in the body can triple the lifespan of the body.
Selenomethionine is a good supplement to take.
It assures Selenium will govern
Every case of cancer is a selenium deficiency.
Yttrium is a second lethal deficiency.
(All cattlemen know this. They supplement their herds!)
Yttrium deficiency causes degenerative metabolic diseases: MS, Lou Gehrig’s/ALS, Alzheimer’s, sclerosis and Parkinson’s.
MS patients often respond to Bifidobacterium bifidum and bifidobacterium longum.
Yttrium deficiency causes the brain to suffer.
If yttrium isn’t available, Calcium will substitute, but is not a good substitute.
Yttrium and Boron are the same frequency.
Tumeric contains boron
Boron crosses the blood-brain barrier - heals the metabolic diseases
Yttrium is only absorbed via the action of bacteria in the gut. This bacteria needs yttrium to reproduce.
The metabolic diseases require:
Yttrium, Boron, Tumeric and max dose of Selenium.
Each Mineral has an acupuncture point.
Lanthanum carbonate for kidney dialysis:
It picks up calcium and phosphate
Calcium is a problem - it causes arteriosclerosis/hardening of the arteries in dialysis patients
Lanthanum is the most abundant mineral in the human genome.
Iridium displaces yttrium, boron or aluminum
Silicon deficiency is linked to ovarian cancer. This will heal the DNA - which is called a broken gene by allopathic medicine.
Proteins develop into 3D structures.
Minerals give the electromagnetic force needed to form 3D… They hold structure together.
Kidneys are governed by Sodium and a subatomic particle
Sodium and Iodine ration must be in balance - a long term imbalance means cells die with no replacement. Allopathic medicine can’t restart replacement… aging process accelerates`
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Bill Clinton’s Manipulation of the Federal Employee Headcount
From a Facebook Post.
I intuit that the hard data within this report is accurate. Would be very easy to derive these numbers from government personnel databases - are there many of these? Or is there one central database for human employees on the federal payroll? Same question regarding contractors, their headcount’s and dollars in and out. (Be careful of double counting.) Here goes:
Trump is Firing Government Employees, but He Learned from the Master: Bill Clinton and the Birth of the Deep State
As President Donald Trump announces plans to restructure the federal government and remove entrenched left-wing activist bureaucrats , the Left has reacted with outrage. Many claimed that such firings are an unprecedented attack on the civil service. However, history tells a different story. The blueprint for mass firings in the federal government was not drafted by Trump—it was authored by President Bill Clinton.
The Creation of Bill Clinton's Deep State
For the record, President Bill Clinton took drastic action upon entering office, firing all federal appointees and those reporting directly to them, reaching three levels deep into the management hierarchy. This included upper-level, middle-level, and lower-level managers. Such sweeping dismissals were unprecedented in modern history.
The stated reason for these actions was to reform government and make it more efficient. Under the guise of the 1993 "Reinventing Government Initiative," Clinton oversaw the termination of 377,000 federal employees. This initiative, led by then-Vice President Al Gore, was marketed as an effort to cut bureaucratic bloat. Clinton publicized that his administration reduced the government payroll from 2.15 million employees to 1.79 million by the end of his term (U.S. Office of Personnel Management). However, while he claimed to be trimming the size of government, he was in reality expanding it dramatically.
Rather than actually reducing the government’s reach, Clinton tripled its size by shifting millions of jobs to government contractors. This maneuver allowed his administration to hide the true expansion of government within the bureaucracy. The federal workforce, under his administration, effectively grew from 2.15 million to a staggering 9.1 million (Project On Government Oversight), all hired by liberal activist managers.
This restructuring was the foundation for what has become the “deep state”—an unelected bureaucratic class that exercises significant influence over government operations, often in opposition to elected leaders who challenge the status quo. The same entity that Trump is now attempting to confront was a product of Clinton’s drastic reshaping of the federal workforce.
Setting the Precedent for Trump’s Actions
The Democrats are framing Trump's efforts to remove government employees as radical and dangerous. Yet, Clinton, a Democrat, set the precedent for such dismissals. The key difference is that while Clinton’s actions were aimed at consolidating power within a left-leaning bureaucracy, Trump’s efforts have been directed at reducing that bureaucracy’s grip on governance and returning government to the people.
Trump’s battle against the entrenched federal workforce is not an attack on democracy—it is an attempt to undo a system that was carefully crafted over decades to resist conservative leadership. The idea that federal employees should be immune from accountability is a modern invention, and Clinton himself showed that mass firings could be justified in the name of reform.
As the debate over federal employment rages on, it is important to remember who first wielded the axe. Trump may be making headlines for firing government employees, but he is merely following in the footsteps of the master—Bill Clinton.
Why U.S. prisons are located outside of the country
I learned this information after 1) attending a panel discussion at the Philadelphia Constitution Center after 911, when outrage about housing prisoners at Guantanamo Bay was a hot topic, and 2) my study of the history of the doctrine of habeas corpus, the Patriot Act and the definition of “terrorism”.
Anyone in a federal prison can file a Writ of Habeas Corpus, demanding they be told of the crimes causing their incarceration, and that they be tried for said actions. This applies to anyone in federal prison, be they a citizen or not. Note that the Patriot Act nullified this option for prisoners accused of terrorism. Also note that there is no internationally recognized definition of the actions that are termed “terrorism”.
So, once a prisoner’s Writ is granted, and he is tried in a court of law, once found innocent, he is immediately released and can walk freely out of the courthouse. So, holding prisoners outside of the U.S. avoids the risk of setting very bad people, or people with ill intent toward the U.S., free on the streets of the U.S.,