Friday, June 19, 2009
Take TIme to Chill
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Jack Jackson
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hey Marilyn: does this jive w/ my soul chart?
Highlights include:
He was told to pay his dues, and he did, and he saw the inside workings of our planet and domineering culture. [One can see why Gaia wants to treat us like a flea..... JJR]
`you're trying to think like the people in the NSC back in Washington who have the big picture, who know what's going on in the world, who have all the secret information, and the experience to digest it. If they decide we should have someone in Bujumbura, Burundi, and that person should be you, then you should do your job, and wait until you have more experience, and you work your way up to that point, then you will understand national security, and you can make the big decisions. Now, get to work, and stop, you know, this philosophizing.'
"President Reagan has used it [this kind of 'trust the experts' "logic" JJR] on the American people, saying, `if you knew what I know about the situation in Central America, you would understand why it's
necessary for us to intervene.'"
we did this shit in Asia: Viet Nam.... Indonesia 1965 (800,000 dead).... in Central America: El Salvador (14 families de-capitalize $2-$5 billion moved to Miami & Switzerland).... Nicaragua 1981.... Guatemala.... in Africa (Angola.... )
The CIA people in San Salvador meet the police chiefs, and the people who run the death squads, and they do liaise with them, they meet them beside the swimming pool of the villas. And it's a sophisticated, civilized kind of relationship. And they talk about their children, who are going to school at UCLA or Harvard and other schools, and they don't talk about the horrors of what's being done. They pretend like it isn't true.
The CIA blatently lies. William Colby LIED to congress about Angola. Dan Metrione taught interrogation/torture for 7 years in Brazil and 3 years in Uruguay - it was called "The Public Safety Program" (one wire between the teeth and the other one in or around the genital)
[WAKE UP Americans! This is how the world saw (& still views) the US's role in Angola {JJR}:] At the end of this thing the Cubans were entrenched in Angola, seen in the eyes of much of the world as being the heroes that saved these people from the CIA and S. African forces. We had allied the U.S. literally and in the eyes of the world with the S. African army, and that's illegal, and it's impolitic. We had hired white mercenaries and eventually been identified with them. And that's illegal, and ,it's impolitic. And our lies had been visible lies. We were caught out on those lies. And the world saw the U.S. as liars.
We're talking about 10 to 20 thousand covert actions [the CIA has performed since 1961]. What I found was that lots and lots of people have been killed in these things.... Some of them are very, very bloody.... The people that are dying in these things are people of the third world.
[In case you have any questions about our government's agenda, consider this: {JJR}:] we have dominated [Central America] since 1820.... between 1900 and W.W. II, we had 5,000 marines in Nicaragua for a total of 28 years. We invaded the Dominican Republic 4 times. Haiti, we occupied it for 12 years. We put our troops into Cuba 4 times, Panama 6 times, Guatemala once, plus a CIA covert action to overthrow the democratic government there once. Honduras, 7 times. And by the way, we put 12,000 troops into the Soviet Union during that same period of time.
Dan Metrione: "I can teach you about torture, but sooner or later you'll have to get involved. You'll have to lay on your hands and try it yourselves.'
And when they would collapse, they would bring in doctors and shoot them up with vitamin B and rest them up for the next class. And when they would die, they would mutilate the bodies and throw them out on the streets, to terrify the population so they would be afraid of the police and the government. And this is what the CIA was teaching them to do. And one of the women who was in this program for 2 years - tortured in Brazil for 2 years - she testified internationally when she eventually got out. She said, `The most horrible thing about it was in fact, that the people doing the torture were not raving psychopaths.' She couldn't break mental contact with them the way you could if they were psychopath. They were very ordinary people.... [kind of like Lyndie England.... JJR]
or, this variation can be played w/ or w/o torture:
[When the U.S. doesn't like a government], they send the CIA in, with its resources and activists, hiring people, hiring agents, to tear apart the social and economic fabric of the country, as a technique for putting pressure on the government, hoping that they can make the government come to the U.S.'s terms, or the government will collapse altogether and they can engineer a coup d'etat, and have the thing wind up with their own choice of people in power. Now ripping apart the economic and social fabric of course is fairly textbook-ish. What we're talking about is going in and deliberately creating conditions where the farmer can't get his produce to market, where children can't go to school, where women are terrified inside their homes as well as outside their homes, where government administration and programs grind to a complete halt, where the hospitals are treating wounded people instead of sick people, where international capital is scared away and the country goes bankrupt... We created this force, it did not exist until we allocated money. We've armed them, put uniforms on their backs, boots on their feet, given them camps in Honduras to live in, medical supplies, doctors, training, leadership, direction, as we've sent them in to de-stabilize Nicaragua. Under our direction they have systematically been blowing up graineries, saw mills, bridges, government offices, schools, health centers. They ambush trucks so the produce can't get to market. They raid farms and villages. The farmer has to carry a gun while he tries to plow, if he can plow at all.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Edgar Cayce
281-41, 15 June 1939:
"What is thy God? Are thy ambitions only set in whether ye shall eat tomorrow, or as to wherewithal ye shall be clothed?Ye of little faith, ye of little hope, that allow such to become the paramount issues in thine own consciousness!
Know ye not that ye are His? For ye are of His making!
He hath willed that ye shall not perish, but hath left it with thee as to whether ye become even aware of thy relationships with Him or not."
5755-2, 19 June 1941:
"…though there may be worlds, many universes, even much as to solar systems, greater than our own that we enjoy in the present, this earthly experience or this earth is a mere speck when considered even with our own solar system.Yet the soul of man, thy soul, encompasses all in this solar system or in others.
For, we are joint heirs with that universal force we call God — if we seek to do His biddings."
Max Planck
"Clairvoyance, the ideal of the scientist, who studies all the processes of the physical world, stems solely from the fact that this world is nothing but an image of the real world created by the human mind.
Thus we see ourselves, throughout our lives, subject to a higher power whose essence remains inaccessible to the approach of exact science but which no enlightened mind can ignore.
For he who reflects not only on a scientific but a metaphysical level, there are only two possible attitudes between which he has no choice: fear and revolt or confident acceptance."