hypnotheripst - for 40 years.
Councils are over: solar systems, galaxies, universes
[agrees w/ Wilcox's "management" concept - jj]
after a-bomb
decided to influence from the inside
cannot interfere: {prime directive is real!!!}
last 2 years haas been seeing - since 40's/50's - new souls, never before incarnated on earth. Have ET souls. Are physically human. have no karma. called these souls to help. they don't know their purpose.
regressions only include past when karma needs to be resolved. in years past, people always went into past lives.....
now getting people who never left the the source
or lived other planets, spaceships, dimensions
ones who came from god have no words to describe it
they can vibrate and shake.
vs. awayness; distance. don't like this feeling. have never left god before. asked "why did you leave?" they ALL say, "we answered the call and decided to go. did not know how hard it would be! are pure love and want to help...... get here and say, what was i thinking? energy here is heavy and dense. pulls them down.
as soon as you enter the body, you forget.
do not want to get here - say "i want to go home" and have since they were children. many of this first wave have tried suicide. have a sheath over soul so they will not accumulate karma. is like sticky fly paper.
second wave- are younger. are now in 30's, late 40's. channels of energy. are here just to be. don't have to do anything. are here just to generate energy. help raise frequency of earth. and people. energy emanates out of them. into people, and the earth.
are often not married. don't feel comfortable with it. many don't want children - that creates karma! many work from home.
2nd wave has had it easier psychologically. 3rd wave are new children coming in. DNA is being changed at this time, so we can adapt to frequency/vibrations of Earth as it changes. New children have DNA already changed. They are the hope/gift of the world. Get considered disruptive because they are bored. Are treated like children! Get it the first time. Don't like repetition. Give them challenges! Occupy their minds.
The NEW EARTH is being created. Laura Knight-Jedzik. We are in the middle of the wave. Began in 2003. Going into 4D/5D. 4D is time. We are in 5th dimension now.... not the earth, it is separating into 2 earths.... people will split..... some will stay with what they created..... new earth is beautiful, like paradise, step through and don't look back. has to do with raising frequency/vibrations. Earth is alive, it is evolving on its own. We are like fleas to earth. ETs have a Plan B - another planet to save humanity if we are that stupid to destroy it... the 2 earths occupy the same space now; will split. vibration/frequency must be right. human body must raise to match planet - can only do so fast so the body can handle it. Began 2003.... you will have physical symptoms as this occurs, then it stops, then it goes up another notch. don't know when this will happen. this is the first time in the history of the universe that this has happened --- they are watching to see if we can pull it off. Addie Kirkwood - vision: concept of things splitting - she saw the earth, began to pull apart like a cell dividing, and it breaks apart. New:"We did it!" Old:"Poor thing, she died believing all that." All will be where they need to be. We are coming to that time. Will be subtle. Things look different. Don't feel the same.
Gets same info from multiple clients.
Asks lots of questions....
feel ill, lasts a few days. high blood pressure. heart pallpatation, depression, diziness, headache, body aches and pains.
Barbara Marciniak: Bringers of the Dawn, 20 years ago, they talk about this transition time.
we go in/out of dimensions all the time. this isn't a bleed through..... like the Earth splitting...
she IS an information channel.....
she has been in this for 30 years.....
can't give a baby steak
energy of these pure beings.... in fetus energy of mother must be adapted.... or else miscarriage.... abductions are FOR adapting mother's body to receive energy needed to birth one of these spirits.
you create your reality. your life and everything in it. to go with new earth: to change your vibration - 1) get rid of karma; that is what holds you to old earth - you must forgive, release and let go. forgive yourself too. 2) get rid of fear. government, church, etc. think for yourself. don't give your power away. creating fear in another makes karma. obama is a light warrior.
time goes out on branches. nexus point. then it branches out again. you can control the future. focus on peace and harmony and you will have it. imagine power of group mind. it squares the power..... and we can change the future. we are doing it. wars should have started, but they have not.
government time travel is real - has been told to stay away from this. bob dean is correct. cloning. it is real. she does not want to focus on this.
simultaneous lives. are real.
does healing. teaches her process in 3 day class. web site support group. advanced classes if needed. is doing healings. australia. russia. students are able to heal. all kinds of diseases/broken bodies. this is what she is supposed to be doing now, spreading this information.... you do the regression first, and then the healing.... some want to keep their illness because it becomes their identity..... takes one session.