NDAY, MAY 02, 2010
David Icke - WHAT'S THE TIME
And it is, isn't it? You've noticed yourself how much time you used to have and how soon you nowadays run out of time. You look up from whatever you're doing and the day's gone. You're kicking your shoes off on Friday evening and before you know it you're doing them back up on Monday morning.
Now, this is not just about getting older and losing faculties. EVERYBODY is noticing this phenomenon ... so has David Icke; let's hear what he has to say.
We are in the process of changing 'yugas' from a time of suppression and ignorance to one of far greater enlightenment. To Consciousness, these are merely two very different experiences and we can choose what experience we have by where in the vibrational cycle we choose to enter this reality.http://mikephilbin.blogspot.com/
There is no-one with a gun in another dimension saying get in that body or I shoot. We make the choice, from the expanded awareness of out-of-body Consciousness, to have different experiences.
That may be hard for the experiencing level to comprehend - 'You say I chose to experience this shit, no way' - but life looks very different in the realms of pure Consciousness than it does in the perceptional confines of the body-computer, especially in a world specifically manipulated to entrap humanity in purely five-sense reality.
For whatever reason, we all chose to be here for this time of the great transformation of human awareness and experience as we change vibrational epochs. Instead of feeling sorry for ourselves at all the challenges that have to be faced in this period, we need to focus and get on with what we have chosen to come here to do.
There are, and will be, so many challenges because the world created by the dying vibrational construct must collapse as its informational foundation is replaced by a new and higher vibrational era. If you change the software in a computer it is not going to decode the same images - 'world' - on the screen that the previous one did because the information is not the same. So it is with what is happening today with Planet Earth and the wider Universe.
One of the biggest challenges as we proceed will be coming to terms with the changing nature of time, because as the base resonance quickens, so will its decoded expression - time. [source DAVID ICKE]
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