1958: General Abdul Karim Kasim pulled a coup,
proclaimed a Republic of Iraq,
granted autonomy to the Kurds,
instituted land reform,
and legalized the Communist party.
Dulles said Iraq is the most dangerous place in the world.
1963 - the CIA backed Bathe party pulls a coup.
1968 - another coup, by CIA backed Saddan Heussein.
in 1980, Heussein invades Iran,
and when the Persians begin to win by '82,
the US. sends $5.5 billion during Reagen's watch.
.Between 1986 and '89, the US sent live cultures, computers, and weapons.
Iraq detailed this in their 2992 report to the UN
The US expunged 8,000 pages of this report to lock down this information.
and the beat goes on..... the beat goes on......
Blackwater...... Xe......
Saturday, August 28, 2010
The New Phoenix Project
Listen my children, and you will hear.
Of the midnight ride of: your government tax dollars at work......
This must be a part of the new curriculum...
Listen my children, and you will hear.
Of the midnight ride of: your government tax dollars at work......
This must be a part of the new curriculum...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Evolutionary Leaders - 8/31/20-10
if i were in LA i would attend this event.
awesome souls!
was in the presence of a few of them at haverford college this past fall.
join as an evolutionary leader ---- you will not go away disappointed!
Michael Faraday illustrated that magnetism and motion produce energy..... electricity it is called.
the need to blog....
why do we write? we are so vain that we think others want to read what our mind needs to dump?
why do i write here? in cyberspace, for all to see? because i am vain? because i am reaching out for interaction? a need to share something? to experience a push back?
multi-thousand dollar fish tanks in high rise apartments costing $19 million to "own", with maintenance contracts. what a business to be in!
20 somethings who do not grow up.
we expect them to follow a "pattern" that has only been in effect since the 1940/50's?
does no one read history?
am i really over-educated?
why do i write here? in cyberspace, for all to see? because i am vain? because i am reaching out for interaction? a need to share something? to experience a push back?
multi-thousand dollar fish tanks in high rise apartments costing $19 million to "own", with maintenance contracts. what a business to be in!
20 somethings who do not grow up.
we expect them to follow a "pattern" that has only been in effect since the 1940/50's?
does no one read history?
am i really over-educated?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Paradigm Change, Defined
"The old processor & operating system that we upgraded from recognized and ran duality based-programs...concepts based in isolated, separated & polarized extremes. Our new processor operates on the frequency of zero-point, scalar wave & unity concepts."
"Scalar wave frequency is the frequency of free choice. It is a neutrally participating energy wave which corresponds to intent, and by which, alters the state of electromagnetic particles. These particles, when programmed with intention, combine or cluster with like-energies to form a pattern of energy that superimposes itself into physical form."
...... Lauren D. Blago
"Scalar wave frequency is the frequency of free choice. It is a neutrally participating energy wave which corresponds to intent, and by which, alters the state of electromagnetic particles. These particles, when programmed with intention, combine or cluster with like-energies to form a pattern of energy that superimposes itself into physical form."
...... Lauren D. Blago
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Morning Ramblings
i index my dreams, and now put them on my pillow so i can pick whichever one i want and do a replay.
what if they had a war and no one came?
no one sent supplies?
they all "lit up". 4/20, you know? except it is 12/12! -- total nonsense.....
or is it? read this on 12/12 and see where we are?
stream of consciousness..... used to be a technique.....
i WAS so literary, and CHANGED so.... down the rabbit hole,
into churchward's camp.
JCR intro'ed me. through books and mags. and an open mind.
i student taught a class on "cultural anthropology" at upper darby high school for christs sake -- i basically MADE up the curriculum, and they let me teach it! they all smoked pot in that class. but not in front of me.
what is true anymore?
the paradigm of western science IS shifting!
the 3-D IS NOT real -- is not all there is.
our "reality detecting instruments" only detect realities we know are there!!!!
kind of funny, huh?
ghostbusters were on to something!!! (All things BILL MURRAY!!!!)
the observer affects the observed.
like how to end war.
grandmamma always told you, "be careful what you wish for!"
we run our program all day and all night....
on our mind computer.....
the difference between a machine and a man is: the man CAN break his program; the machine cannot.
free will.
man can STOP and say NO MORE and walk away....
no more war. or violence.
please end duality. we get it now.
what if they had a war and no one came?
no one sent supplies?
they all "lit up". 4/20, you know? except it is 12/12! -- total nonsense.....
or is it? read this on 12/12 and see where we are?
stream of consciousness..... used to be a technique.....
i WAS so literary, and CHANGED so.... down the rabbit hole,
into churchward's camp.
JCR intro'ed me. through books and mags. and an open mind.
i student taught a class on "cultural anthropology" at upper darby high school for christs sake -- i basically MADE up the curriculum, and they let me teach it! they all smoked pot in that class. but not in front of me.
what is true anymore?
the paradigm of western science IS shifting!
the 3-D IS NOT real -- is not all there is.
our "reality detecting instruments" only detect realities we know are there!!!!
kind of funny, huh?
ghostbusters were on to something!!! (All things BILL MURRAY!!!!)
the observer affects the observed.
like how to end war.
grandmamma always told you, "be careful what you wish for!"
we run our program all day and all night....
on our mind computer.....
the difference between a machine and a man is: the man CAN break his program; the machine cannot.
free will.
man can STOP and say NO MORE and walk away....
no more war. or violence.
please end duality. we get it now.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
new kinds of chemtrails in philly
went out today.
vitamin d level is down! lol!
weird skies over s. of town looking toward the west, from the delaware river's edge.
white trails --- at odd angles, like big tunnels of swirling white, going at a 45 degree, or sharper/upward angle -- across the sky, behind the horizontal, not quite normal looking clouds.
no planes to be seen. no trails spreading. they are just there.
but i cannot sit to watch because i itch!
after many days of very clear sky.
but my study has not been exactly scientific.......
i do not record my observations daily, as i should....
vitamin d level is down! lol!
weird skies over s. of town looking toward the west, from the delaware river's edge.
white trails --- at odd angles, like big tunnels of swirling white, going at a 45 degree, or sharper/upward angle -- across the sky, behind the horizontal, not quite normal looking clouds.
no planes to be seen. no trails spreading. they are just there.
but i cannot sit to watch because i itch!
after many days of very clear sky.
but my study has not been exactly scientific.......
i do not record my observations daily, as i should....
terrorism in 1991....TIME TO STAND!
ratheyon is still in the news in 2010.... also who they were after when the plane went down over lockerbie, scotland because i worked in the united engineers building which was owned by ratheyon, and alot of parents in that building had kids blowin up, and we came in on monday and met "security". That department never went away!!!! (Ratheyon made patrioit missles. this was in the first gulf war......)
and the bombs reigned down in israel? as people TAPED their safe rooms to protect from chemical gas.....
ah --- first person history is sweet...
".....The recent death of Ted Stevens is a disturbing development. Some sources indicate that he was ready to reveal that Obama had given the green light to use weather weapons. And Stevens might have known; he was the Senator in 1988 that had to be “convinced” to allow his state to house the HAARP project. At the time, Stevens was insisting to detractors that the HAARP array could end fossil fuel dependence. Perhaps this is what he was led to believe, so he let the project sail through, until he later learned otherwise. Also on board the plane was former NASA administrator, Sean O’Keefe, who was enlisted by Stevens to help research the truth...."
- 2009 Venezuela drought
- Pakistan floods
- Russian heatwave
- In the U.S., Washington D.C. gets pounded with rain,
- and Montana gets a freak storm when its governor turns down stimulus money!
Zbigniew Brzezenski, author of, The Grand Chessboard
and Between Two Ages. Born into Polish nobility; a former National Security Advisor; and co-founder of The Trilaterial Comission with David Rockefeller. There is not a chance that he would have mentioned weather weapons in his books if they were not feasible. A key passage from Between Two Ages (1970) states, “Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”
and again.....
and again.....
New World Order & Weather Weapons – New Phase of Global Warfare
Posted on Pakalert on August 15, 2010
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