ratheyon is still in the news in 2010.... also who they were after when the plane went down over lockerbie, scotland because i worked in the united engineers building which was owned by ratheyon, and alot of parents in that building had kids blowin up, and we came in on monday and met "security". That department never went away!!!! (Ratheyon made patrioit missles. this was in the first gulf war......)
and the bombs reigned down in israel? as people TAPED their safe rooms to protect from chemical gas.....
ah --- first person history is sweet...
".....The recent death of Ted Stevens is a disturbing development. Some sources indicate that he was ready to reveal that Obama had given the green light to use weather weapons. And Stevens might have known; he was the Senator in 1988 that had to be “convinced” to allow his state to house the HAARP project. At the time, Stevens was insisting to detractors that the HAARP array could end fossil fuel dependence. Perhaps this is what he was led to believe, so he let the project sail through, until he later learned otherwise. Also on board the plane was former NASA administrator, Sean O’Keefe, who was enlisted by Stevens to help research the truth...."
- 2009 Venezuela drought
- Pakistan floods
- Russian heatwave
- In the U.S., Washington D.C. gets pounded with rain,
- and Montana gets a freak storm when its governor turns down stimulus money!
Zbigniew Brzezenski, author of, The Grand Chessboard
and Between Two Ages. Born into Polish nobility; a former National Security Advisor; and co-founder of The Trilaterial Comission with David Rockefeller. There is not a chance that he would have mentioned weather weapons in his books if they were not feasible. A key passage from Between Two Ages (1970) states, “Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”
and again.....
and again.....
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