Sunday, October 31, 2010

watermanfiles --- cliff high's 10/20/2010 webbot report, part 2

Part 1 is here:
Please read Part 1 before reading this continuation.... Thanks.
Listen for yourself:

We continue.... November 8-11th: The Tipping Point
this event is bigger than the false flags, wars, election frauds that have happened over last 60 years....
it will change how people perceive that the world operates....
run on precious metals begins
8/15 report - this new report is more of the same
reference: kerry [cassidy's] interview with george green interview
gold market: $1370/oz. (allow for spot price, fees, etc.)  Can buy today @ $1433 per George Greene
american populace is spark of what ignites this thing
obama's schedule has changed. 9th up to 5th, now up to 11/4, he leaves for far east (india) & orient tour. back 14h. H. Clinton and Geitner, Bernake & their minions will be gone too.
--G-20 meetings - began 10/27 - agenda: resolve currency crisis and finalize nov. agenda. Chinese v. U.S. currency war ongoing NOW.  Agenda: IMF Reform. China wants tariffs to be a violation of WTO. Currency reserves. 11/10-11 meeting in Seoul, South Korea.
--AZ goes to court 11/1 - Bill 1070 right of the state to remove illegals from AZ.  When will Opinion come out?
--Foreign nationals can join in AZ court ruling, and there will be 11 participating.
--11/2 election fall out
REPORT: data continues to point to US populace as the spark. army and military complex in context with America. a connection with Israel. military leaders get reward for serving their masters. high ranking general gets decoration but large force overwhelmed by smaller energy and ranking general will be dismissed due to bad words.
marker: gold and precious metals will be the focus at the last minute before the entities involved go into the tipping point... look for gold spike/metal rush and then a military event/action related to the metals.
America is cross linked over to spacegoatfarts - space related activity will be related to illnesses and disruption - also oil volcano illnesses - resentment about handling builds over winter.
false flag attack America and/or Israel
those who launch are waiting for the currency destruction before lanching the war
.... japanese stuff, fulford [?doesn't vet well?], china has dumped the $; japan still holds lots of $$$; japan doesn't like the fed;  japan could launch economic war
This US/&or/Israeli war won't go as planned. All Israeli jets will be destroyed almost instantly. Israel is afraid japan's war will be blamed on them!
a purge of the minons - imploding the obama administration, triggering market reaction - fallout prevents fed from being able to manage economic system - it will SHUT DOWN for a while, and will take weeks for some of the fallout to maifest..... won't know about it the day it happens...
data supports 2+ months intense language global systemic economic meltdown while political/constitutional crisis in america appears - appearing to place the constitution in jeapordy.
2nd senerio: elections a disaster for the parties - politics comes unglued due to fraud in the system. makes opportunity for TPTB to institute new control structure - patrioit generals - but things may not go as TPTB plans, and they lose control.... higher education will shut down - university stuff is part of the culture: football, the whole culture of it..... no $ will collapse it.
next phase - as early as December, educational system pays the toll with bad results.... colleges & universities mostly. American elite will show the fraud, as they try to prop it up financially, thereby exposing their corruption....  Retirement and health care system - Nov. - March - economic collapse - no access to medicine - deaths. (e.g., need insulin.... etc.) older people will drop into despair. suicides of older people will hit news. TPTB expect this to happen, and a certain % will be shut down this way!
Ownership will be enforced with guns. Many will opt for a violent response by summer 2011 - march with torches! TPTB will be caught in the ACT.  French economic issues were predicted over past 2 years by webbot... nov thru spring shows american revolution coming. watch france as social order breaks up - see milestone - someone will emerge - underground official becomes visible, is in leadership - AS banks collapse and US gov't attacks its people.  things are days away when french official emerges.... Watch France.....

Remember, Part 1 is a pre-requisite.... Please read it first.  Thanks.

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