Thursday, March 6, 2014


The brown sound.  Hit that note, and people crap themselves.  OOOHHHH --- put it in a rabbit foot size trinket with a button and market it for constipation!!!!

Tune in.  Vibrate in resonance with the oscillation of the wave, and you're there.....  are 'time travelers' merely 'dimension hoppers' -- who can detach from a frequency and retune - hit resonance, and 'quantum jump'?

The human being is an electromagnetic creature.  Its behavior can be completely controlled.  This is a fact jack.  And you think 'people' aren't using this to further THEIR self-interest?

Saddaam's crack military troops laid down their weapons in the desert and cried like babies to be captured by daddy bush's forces..... What do you think that was about?

The Quadrivium: numbers, geometry, music and astronomy.  This unlocks the 'secrets' of 'matter' --- light/information/consciousness spins, forming a shape:  as the shape moves/vibrates, it creates form.

tetraheddron, cube, octaheron, dodecahedron, isoahedron

The same musical note, blasted through sand in a sifter, forms the same pattern each and every time...

What is the force that MOVES the light, which spins ---- what causes the straight line of light to bend and spin?  Which creates sound, that forms into matter.

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