All curled up in the den, reading, on a cold winter morning. In comes the mother. TV goes on and the dum dum dum THUMP of solitaire begins. It will continue all day. The morning TV news anchor, blond and bubbly, reports GOOD NEWS: Chemotheraphy boosts fertility!!!! So of course I have to comment on that..... Jesus F'ing Christ!!! Another use for chemo drugs!!!! OMG. And the mother says, with disgust aimed at me, "Well you know, they sometimes come up with some good things!" I upped and left the room.....
One other TV commentary before I go.... I still like to watch CBS Sunday Morning. The show has been taken over, it's not what it once was, but nevertheless, it still has good stories on artists and musicians, and sometimes other subjects. Anyhow, the show goes off, and the talking news heads of Sunday Morning TV begin..... one after another, demonizing Russia. One commentator, interviewee, show after the other. Repeat Repeat Repeat..... and it IS
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