From the Journal:
3- 8-2020
Corona virus
Economy jerks
Like a body
Having a grand mal seizure.
Is it a coincidence that a shit
load worth of derivatives mature 7-2-2020?
IF the WHO declares a pandemic before this date, then a derivative time bomb
goes off.
Day 3
Corona virus
Financial reset?
Day 4
Got hair done.
They are ordered to shut down at 8 p.m.
I got the last appointment!
Am I losing my mind?
Day 5
Went to Santori’s farm market & Petsmart with Betty
Feeling like news of martial law.
Military vehicles in cities.
Day 6
NJ governor says “Stay home”
Jon Rappoport says “PCR tests are unreliable.”
Whispers of martial law
Gun sales soar
Groceries being restocked except for toilet paper
Shore towns tell visitors to stay out.
Only 2000 tests are being processed, per day
How many labs are doing this work?
3 day wait for test results
Day 8
Martial law seems inevitable.
No one is on the streets.
The sabbath with no churches open
Day 9 (Monday)
No bath.
Tanks on the street in Baltimore & Aramingo & Lehigh in Philly
Day 13 (Friday)
C – do rose hips
Liposomal – 1 to 2 teaspoons per day – is fat soluble
Day 16 (Monday)
Lock down to continue through 4-30-2020, at least
Social distancing now the norm
Free money forthcoming for all
Day 22? Losing track. (Sunday)
War with Iran or Venezuela
Warrant out for Marduro as a drug trafficker
Food issues to come
Masks recommended by the CDC
Trump says, “I won’t wear one”
Can’t go into CVS in Miami without the mask
It feels lik 9-1-1
Day 27 (Good Friday)
Mask mandatory to do commerce in NJ
Shoprite shelves empty at 11 a.m.
Plastic barrier between customer and cashier
They still take cash
Gas under $2/gallon everywhere
Roadblocks on i-95 in Rhode Island and Delaware
Day 28 (Saturday)
RFKennedy, Jr. has called out Bill Gates
RFK opposes 5G
The science must be there
Authority Bias. (reference, logical fallacies)
But he is credible
Credible people: James Corbett,
Kerry Cassidy, RFK,Jr.
Man pulled off bus and manhandled by cops because he had no mask
Riot in Savannah Georgia Walmart
CBS caught showing multiple “wag the dog” photos of crises scenes.
In a past life I was a gnostic medicine woman.
Red Yellow Green phone app determines where you may move
You’re in a BOX!
(Birdbox. On Netflix, 6 months ago. Predictive programming)
The Unibomber was right.
Read Urantia.
Richie from Boston
Government giving firearms to civilians
Day 29 (Easter)
Sheep. I am surrounded by fucking sheep.
Philadelphia rescinds mask on public transit mandate
After video or removal of a man from a bus (by cops) goes viral
Texas declares church an essential service
Ideological Subversion (from the Communist playbook):
1. Demoralize. 15-20 years. ‘educate’ a generation. Exposure to true information will not be credible to these people.
2. Destabilization 2-5 years. Bad: food, medicine, F:ghkleconomy, defense systems, foreign relations. Promise them money.
3. CRISIS. 6 weeks.
4. Normalization. E.g., tanks roll in (to Czechoslovakia). THIS is your new normal. Violent change in economy and government.
Americans don’t like to hear unpleasant things.
Day 31 (Tuesday)
Michigan residents socially distance to protest the lockdown
California governor says schools will do social distancing
New buzzword: “PPE”
Personal protection equipment
New heroes:
Doctors and nurses
Why does the media give Fauchi so much air time?
Another new buzzphrase: “track and trace”
This is worse than Groundhog’s Day!
Rita Wilson (Tom Hanks’ wife) recouped from the RONA with a malaria drug
Nausea, vertigo, more research is needed!
END of Month 1.
On Day 33 I made my first mask. To date, I have not spent one penny on any mask. Note, I live in a state where our governator has mandated masks as a condition of transacting commerce.
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