Dr. Henry Early, 9/22/21, interviews Odette Wilkens (Attorney with focus on tech contracts), President & General Counsel of Wired Broadband Inc., MBA Finance) on Energetic Health Radio. https://www.americaoutloud.com/5g-towers-while-we-were-in-lockdown-laws-were-broken/
Technology has the ability to improve life for individuals and the society as a whole. But when it causes physical harm, a line must be drawn. People are not receiving information they need to know.
What is 5G? A marketing term. Faster speeds! Smart appliances. Driverless cars. Internet of things. But in spite of marketing blitz, people aren’t demanding it yet. Electromagnetic frequency band… 600-850 MHz. Can go up to 6 Ghz…. 40 Ghz…. 60 Ghz. 60 Ghz is used by military for crowd control. Causes burning skin, and makes people flee.
Wired is faster than wireless. By comparison, 5G is a turtle. 2-hour HD movie… download via 5G vs fiberoptics… 14 minutes vs. 38 seconds. Fiberoptics drive 5G. Fiberoptics lines run down the street and connect to poles with 5G towers on top, which broadcast the 5G signal. Chattanooga, TN is totally wired with fiberoptics; fastest city in the U.S. Fiberoptics are immune to hurricanes. 5G towers blow down.
At 60 Ghz, you see disassociation of oxygen from red blood cells, and oxygen molecules are removed from water (causing hypoxia).
5G towers went up en masse after the covid lockdown began. (in April 2020)
FCC did no environmental assessment study on 5G. Don’t know if it’s safe. National Environmental Policy Act requires a study by federal agencies if proposal could have environmental impact. Exemption has been given to 5G (in the 1996 Telecommunications Act?).
In 2019 an American Indian tribe sued FCC because no environmental review of impact of towers to be put on Indian land. Resulted in significant ruling by DC Circuit Court of Appeals (The D.C. Circuit's prominence and prestige among American courts is second only to the U.S. Supreme Court because its jurisdiction contains the U.S. Congress and many U.S. government agencies, and therefore it is the main appellate court for many issues of American administrative law and constitutional law.” Wikipedia). FCC blanket exemption for 5G was undone. The court vacated this 5G deployment order because the FCC “acted in an arbitrary capricious and illogical manner” by failing to examine evidence. BUT 5G has continued the roll out, unabated. The DC Appeals Court gave no timeline by which the FCC must comply with the court ruling, to do the study. It’s been 2 years…. https://www.cadc.uscourts.gov/internet/opinions.nsf/4001BED4E8A6A29685258451005085C7/$file/18-1129-1801375.pdf
OTARD (Over the Air Reception Device) Rule. FCC was challenged in the D.C. Circuit Court. OTARD was used as satellite dishes on top of homes to “receive” transmissions. New rulemaking by FCC: began January 2021, effective in March 2021, finalized in July. Anyone can contract with a telecom company to erect a commercial grade cell tower on their home to receive and transmit. No notice to neighbors. No consent. Injury has no legal remedy. All local laws, regulations, zoning regs, HOA rules do not apply. Radiation emitting tower on your property is now legal. Federal preemption. Children’s Health Defense Fund (Robert F. Kenndy Jr.’s organization) filed suit against FCC. Amicus brief (https://wireamerica.org/case-21-1075-amici-curiae-brief/) filed in support of CHD opposing amendment to OTARD rule. Wired Broadband, Safe Technology Minnesota….68 organizations joined in the brief. (As of September 2021, oral argument has not been scheduled.) https://scientists4wiredtech.com/2021/02/chd-v-fcc-lawsuit-re-otard-rules/
The decision in “this one” (i.e., the Indian challenge to placement of towers on their land, discussed above) has international repercussions. DC Circuit Court of Appeals case brought by CHD and Environmental Health Trust vs. FCC opposing exposure limits. FCC sets radiation exposure limits…. Were set in 1996. Have not been revised since then. 6 years ago, the FCC opened up to see if exposure limits should be looked at. 2019 closed that docket; nothing to see here. Had received thousands of peer reviewed studies showing harm, as well as hundreds of comments from people injured (including death) from EMF radiation. The Court said the FCC violated Administrative Procedure Act, which says agencies must look at comments and make a reasoned determination. FCC never engaged in this. Remanded back to FCC to do review the comments and address exposure limits. Big victory. https://scientists4wiredtech.com/2019/08/federal-court-overturns-fcc-order-bypassing-environmental-review-for-4g-5g-wireless-small-cell-densification/
In spite of these 2 victories, the FCC and the wireless industry proceed rolling out 5G unabated.
Who enforces their decisions? Need to put pressure on federal representatives to make the FCC comply with court rulings. (I will draft a communication to send to my senators and representatives!)
Ionized and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation makes your body heat up. Xrays, gamma rays. Acknowledged to cause damage. FCC position is that non-ionizing radiation does not cause damage.
On top floor of apartment building in NYC. All concentrated over her. Electrical surges up neck and into head. IBS breathing difficulties, persistent nausea and vomiting. Sleeps in her hallway to get relief. Cannot afford to move. Doctor confirmed wireless transmitters caused this. Others in her building with similar symptoms, who had the same doctor, caused him to see the pattern.
Police lieutenant in Queens. Bought a house with his life savings… comes back from vacation, 4 wireless towers erected right outside his house. Arrythmia, insomnia. Heart scans showed no problem with his body. Sister became nauseous; her cancer doctor told her to leave to prevent her cancer from coming back. First floor tenants left. He left and moved in with a relative.
Smart meters installed. Woman had to leave the building, and left New York due to burning skin.
An arm of the WHO classified EMF radiation as a class 2B carcinogen in 2011… based on 2G and 3G. FDA commissioned largest study in world, $25 million, to study 2G and 3G cell phone radiation. National toxicology program, study on rats, concluded DNA damage, brain tumors and heart tumors. Ramazzini Institute also did a study (https://www.saferemr.com/2018/03/RI-study-on-cell-phone.html) and replicated the results of the previous study. FDA told FCC there’s nothing to see… you’re fine.
Insurance companies do not cover EMF damage. They place it as high risk. “Off the Leash” Unfettered and unconstrained. Can’t put a limit on the risk, so they don’t cover it.
Keep it off your body, and at a distance – 3 to 6 feet. Turn router off at night. Don’t invest in 5G appliances or equipment. Put phone on airplane mode when not in use. Buy a meter to monitor frequencies. https://safelivingtechnologies.com/ sells a monitoring meter you can carry with you – Safe and Sound Pro2.
info@wiredbroadband.org She will link you with a local 5G or safetechnology group.
Educate local officials of obligation to protect your health and safety. FCC and federal government will not do this!
1996 Telecommunications Act gives FCC its power, says “placement, construction and modification” of wireless devices is to be within control of the local government. It also IT STATES that local governments can’t discriminate against telecom providers. You need a local wireless/communications ordinance. Mandate it go underground… so that there is no discrimination! Telecommunication Act says cell towers can only be erected if there is a substantial gap in service, and they must use the least intrusive means possible. Which means don’t put it outside your window! Make them prove there is a substantial gap!
Need to stop deployment until safety studies are done. Senator Blumenthal Senate hearings. Telecom industry said there have been no 5G safety studies. (https://www.blumenthal.senate.gov/newsroom/press/release/at-senate-commerce-hearing-blumenthal-raises-concerns-on-5g-wireless-technologys-potential-health-risks)
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