Elephants in The Room
The elephant is in the room. Again.
Technical experts with the courage of their convictions said, 3 years ago, it will take 3 to 5 years to see what “these things” do to people. Well, we’re seeing. But the elephant still doesn’t want to talk about it.
Highly intelligent professionals somehow manage to not see hard statistical evidence, such as that presented by Ed Dowd. How can life insurance disability and death claim statistics, and state birth and death filings be fudged? These numbers say what they say, but they are not heard, or they are ignored. As are Department of Defense treatment statistics for various disorders amongst the military, pre and post the plandemic era.
I am thankful for my time in the late 70s and early 80s, doing medical malpractice work in the law firm. I also worked a federal grand jury investigation targeting Smith Kline for killing 52 people with their new wonder drug: Selacryn. I learned all about the FDA’s new drug application process, as well as post launch periodic reports. (They plead nolo contendre, paid their fine, and continued as though nothing happened ….) I saw the jury awards to parents of babies with brains burned out from the P in the DPT shots for both compensatory and punitive damages. The National Childhood Vaccine Act, removing all liability from harm due to negligence or product liability for vaccines on the CDC childhood schedule, wasn’t passed until 1986. (People should note that liability due to fraud was not removed by the 1986 Act.) My eyes were opened.
Back in the day, those whose bodies presented with clogged methylation channels, i.e., the could not detox poisons and contaminants as well as others…. Those were the ones who experienced the majority of the injuries. But we didn’t know that then….. MTHFR genetic defects and their manifestations weren’t known until the next century. And there is still much work to be done to understand this problem, and to educate medical professionals about how to manage health in a body so inclined. And there is also much to be done to connect the dots between those with the various MTHFR patterns and injuries from jabs and other toxins.
The 1986 Act negotiations yielded 2 concessions from pharma: 1) they would continue research on how to make safer vaccines and submit a report about this work to the federal government every 2 years, and 2) the creation of a system to report injuries and a mechanism for compensation would be created, thus VAERS was birthed. So how did that turn out? Well, a couple of years back, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s organization filed a FOIA request for evidence of the biannual reports to the feds. The request was ignored. He sued in federal court. The feds replied that they could find no evidence of any such report being made. As for VAERS and the Vaccine Court? Well, ask any medical professional about VAERS…. IF they are even aware that this is a thing, ask who can file a report and how is it done. I’m told the process takes in excess of an hour and requires copious documentation. No medical office got time for that. And people who know about VAERS generally do not know they can file a claim themself. (https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html) A CDC sponsored study by Harvard found that fewer than 10% of injuries are reported to VAERS. As for the vaccine court, by the time many parents of injured children discover that this exists, the statue of limitations has run out. A lawyer is needed to make a filing, and there are very few lawyers with the expertise or interest in taking such cases. Monetary compensation for current and future actual/compensatory damages is sparse, and awards are certainly not automatic. Most claims are rejected. (https://marketing.ccandh.com/cch-general-p1?utm_term=vaccine%20injury%20reporting&utm_campaign=Generic+Vaccine+Compensation&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=3069561370&hsa_cam=797720148&hsa_grp=41594592175&hsa_ad=442191221025&hsa_src=s&hsa_tgt=kwd-300315533702&hsa_kw=vaccine%20injury%20reporting&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvrfD9ayZhAMVTElHAR0N2gepEAEYASAAEgIlP_D_BwE)
Fast forward. MRNA technology is a whole different animal. This product damages not only those with MTHFR defects; it damages everyone. Classifying MRNA shots as vaccines required the definition of a “vaccine” to be changed. The COVID MRNA shot injects no disease vector into the body…. Not living or dead…. Nada. Instead, it instructs the body to manufacture a new protein. When the body encounters a substance it does not recognize, it tries to destroy it. Thus, autoimmune diseases. And the newly manufactured protein, i.e., “the spike”, disrupts the chemical pathways in the body in ways still not understood, and causes other proteins to misfold clog the flow of life at various points inside the organism. It is highly experimental.
God help us.
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