Friday, May 31, 2024

The Fall of The Republic - Day 1


Guilty of 37 felony charges

Which trial? Hard to keep track.  This is the sex scandle/hush money trial.

People are numb. Like they were on JFK Day 1, or 911 Day 1.  Things will change.  Be the observer.

Man with machete attacking people inside a McDonalds in New York City.

Kids can’t play ball because “migrants” are camped out on the field.

There is no rule of law.  So many grounds for appeal.  But they want the drama.

Be the Observer….. Record for historical, primary sources.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Pruning the Lilac Bush


My gardener friend just told me when and how to prune a lilac bush.  Do it when you are picking blooms. Use garden shears and clip just above the notch in the branch.  New growth will spring from that notch and new blooms will grow from there next spring.  Blooms only grow on NEW growth.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

How It Was: May 21, 2024

NY highest court rules hospitals who refused treatment with ivermectin during the covid hysteria are not shielded from liability if sued.

(BUT noted JJR:  hospital and doctor liability are judged based on what the “standard of care” was at the time.  The standard of care during the plandemic was not ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin. So they’ll get off. )

The Reese Report on Substack has a fascinating podcast (1 hour 42 minutes) about the real history of the Russian empire, emphasizing it’s Christian heritage and culture. Taken down when the family was extinguished in July 1918 in a ritualistic fashion — reflecting customs of the Talmudic Jews, including sacrifice, torture and cannibalism.  The dark side of the Talmudic Jewish customs trace back to the Canaanites.   The Christian values narrative was changed by the Communist propaganda narrative, but the truth is deep within the DNA of the Russian people.  

The European Christian crusaders visited the land of the Talmudic Jews, and they learned the dark practices and beliefs. And they took that back to Europe with them.  Templars….  Freemasons….

I cannot make a link to this Substack, but it is titled: The Romanov Family with World War Now.  The name of the channel is: The Reese Report


I think Greg Reese is one of the few true investigative journalists actively putting good quality  information out there.

Monday, May 13, 2024



We talk. To one another. To ourselves. What do we talk about?

We dream. Alone. Can some souls join with others in self-awareness while the body is sleeping?

What forms the content in each state of being.  Are these being states the rules within 3-D environments?

When we wake-talk, we can talk about the content of the dreams we recall, what we saw on TV, or any screen, eating, what we’ve read, who we have interacted with, our emotions, our children, pets and significant others….  It usually is pulled from recent 3-D experiences, as well as internal self-chatter.

In dreams, we have the ability to create new environments; sometimes they have different rules. Or, the setting may be a familiar house or someplace physical where you have been.   I think we pull from deeper memories when in sleep, compared to the awakened state.

Why do we converse?

Meditation is to cease the conversation.  But then, we might suddenly receive a communication from someplace outside of your self-awareness.  It may be the answer to a question you have been been tormented by for a long time, or maybe for just a few hours or days.  Time has a different quality when in sleep, compared to the awakened state.

What is the difference between consciousness and self-awareness.  I recently heard the following;         Consciousness is the 3-D recognition of physical stimulus - your 5 senses. But self-awareness is the state of knowing. A buzz. An aliveness. Being able to connect dots and create the new. The recognition of the dimension of time, and knowing that observations of time change with time. This is self-awareness.
