Tuesday, May 21, 2024

How It Was: May 21, 2024



NY highest court rules hospitals who refused treatment with ivermectin during the covid hysteria are not shielded from liability if sued.

(BUT noted JJR:  hospital and doctor liability are judged based on what the “standard of care” was at the time.  The standard of care during the plandemic was not ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin. So they’ll get off. )

The Reese Report on Substack has a fascinating podcast (1 hour 42 minutes) about the real history of the Russian empire, emphasizing it’s Christian heritage and culture. Taken down when the family was extinguished in July 1918 in a ritualistic fashion — reflecting customs of the Talmudic Jews, including sacrifice, torture and cannibalism.  The dark side of the Talmudic Jewish customs trace back to the Canaanites.   The Christian values narrative was changed by the Communist propaganda narrative, but the truth is deep within the DNA of the Russian people.  

The European Christian crusaders visited the land of the Talmudic Jews, and they learned the dark practices and beliefs. And they took that back to Europe with them.  Templars….  Freemasons….

I cannot make a link to this Substack, but it is titled: The Romanov Family with World War Now.  The name of the channel is: The Reese Report

FOUND IT:  https://gregreese.substack.com/p/the-ritual-regicide-of-the-romanov?r=jjvh4&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true

I think Greg Reese is one of the few true investigative journalists actively putting good quality  information out there.

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