"If not for the Kodak company in Rochester New York, many of the government’s deliberate radiation releases may not have come to light. Not long after the Trinity Sight blast in Alamogordo, New Mexico, in June 1946, customers started complaining to the Kodak company in New York about fogged film. A scientist from Kodak realized that the film was packed in corn husks from Indiana. He took samples that were analyzed, and they were found to contain Iodine-131. Kodak complained to the government. Six years later, as people went about their lives in Rochester, they had no idea that the Geiger counter readings at the Kodak plant read 25 times higher than usual. Kodak complained again. After these two incidents, the government provided the Kodak corporation with maps and potential fallout zones for future tests. However, the people were never warned. Not by the government, or by Kodak. Dairy farmers never knew, children playing in snow saturated with radioactive fallout never knew, pregnant mothers never knew
An internal memo from Philip Morris in 1961 acknowledged the presence of strontium-90 in tobacco. The Surgeon General C. Everett Koop stated that radioactivity, rather than tar, accounts for at least 90% of all smoking-related lung cancers. The Center for Disease Control concluded "Americans are exposed to far more radiation from tobacco smoke than from any other source." U.S. patent no. 4,194,514 describes the process used to remove radioactive polonium from their products."
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Y due people knot no this?
We currently have the technology to create earthquakes and to set off volcanic eruptions. The weapons that have this capability are called tetonic weapons. This is a quote from Secretary of State under Bill Clinton(William S. Cohen) ..." Others are engaging even in an ecotype of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com/tectonic_weapons.html
More DNA Resolution
"The History of DNA and the Human Race"
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto, to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Portland, Oregon.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
We would give anything to void the rules of free choice, to show ourselves in a way that would allow proof that we’re actually here. But on this planet of free choice, it is you who must open that door to us. We stand like the angels we are in your lives, walking the whole duration with you. At the point in which you are born on this planet, the angels surround the area of your birth, then they stay with you until your last breath. In those beginning weeks, you might see the infant with wide eyes actually looking at the angels! The infant will point, or sometimes even smile at them, even at two or three weeks old, because the infant recognizes us. All of you did it, indeed, in those early days where there is so much change and so much to get used to being so fresh out of the womb, the angels are a comfort to the infant. Do you remember? [Kryon smile] Then slowly that reality slips from you. Slowly. But many of you have seen it when the infant looks into what you call empty space and is pleased with what he sees.
These are the same angels who are with you now. They don’t age, you know? But you do. They have been with you all your lives; they walk beside you; they came in with you; they’ll leave with you. And if you never speak to them, they will say nothing. For that is the agreement. But oh, dear Human Beings, if you just give us one little space of intent, and you say, “Dear God, show me that I’m loved,” you open the floodgate. For this is when we enter your lives to the degree you will allow us. This is when we will give you what you ask for, beginning the synchronicity, the teaching, the hand-holding, and the end of feeling all alone. This is when we fill you up to such a degree that you will not be concerned with disease or age or drama. And all you will see is the promise of who you are. This has always been the way of it since the day we began, for our job is to allow awareness that you are part of us.
The message is sacred
There are still those who wonder about this process of channelling. It works best when the channeller is clear. It works when the bias of being a singular Human is set aside. It is the way of it and has always been the way of it. All scripture on the planet has been written by Humans. Take a look at how this works, Human Being, for you, by yourselves, are responsible for all the prophecy and all the good things that you would find in those words that comfort you, that you say are from God. And so it is again that we come before you with information that is given in this sacred, ancient way.
The information given this evening for those who are in the room is given in what you would call real time. Those who are listening and hearing in what these sitting here call their future know how this works. However, this linear track of time is not our reality. We are quantum, so therefore we can see the potential of who is looking at this page, even though it hasn’t happened yet for those who sit in front of me. What it means is that the message, although all about history, is still a personal one and we invite you to feel the ancient truth of it, for we know whose eyes are on the page.
All of the information I give now has at some point been given in the last 20 years within the Kryon channelling. But we have never given you this synopsis, for we are starting to summarize subjects for simplicity, for clarity, so that they begin to be less obtuse and more present in your reality. Plain speaking and plain words are what clear channelling is able to bring you.
The information of today’s teaching
This is the gift to us, that you would sit and let us wash your feet. And while my partner gives you information, the third language will be present in all the hearts here. Some of those who are listening and reading in your future will be touched as well. For we know who you are as your ears hear these words, for we see you there. We see your faces and we see the light that you have as well. It is no accident that with free choice you are willing to have this communication enter your lives this day.
Let the information given today be passed to many. This information we give now is about the lineage of DNA… from the start of DNA to the present. We will speak of the way it occurred on the planet, the way it works, the way it changed, and the things that you need to know around it in this new energy to get you to the place where you can begin to use it as it was designed.
In this teaching, we must start where my partner started even today in his lecture series. For much of what he taught in these last hours is going to be covered here. However, for those who are just joining us through transcription, we will start at the beginning… such is the way you live in a linear world. We start with history of DNA and humanity.
What’s all this about DNA?
The question has been asked, “Kryon, why is it you speak so much of DNA? It is a biological attribute of the Human body. It is the blueprint for the Human genome. It writes the chemistry for all of the genes, over 30,000 of them. But why would you speak of this? You don’t speak of molecular substances or chemistry, so why would you speak of DNA? Instead, speak to us about spiritual things.”
The above criticism has been spoken by many. They have a strong spiritual quest, but their disappointment is seen and they don’t understand why we speak of DNA, seemingly a physical attribute of the Human. So let me finally explain, dear ones, if you are one of those, that it is time to reveal your DNA for what it is.
DNA is the core element of who you are, both physically and spiritually. If you had to choose a place where the Higher-Self dwells, it’s in your DNA. The Akashic Record, that blueprint of everything you ever were, is in the DNA. All of the lifetimes, all of your spiritual growth, all of your talents over eons of your lives, is there. The karma that you came in with and that many of you have dismissed is there. The record of that enlightened action is there.
Your Human spiritual history is there, written in the quantum parts. Some of you understand this to the degree that you know you were Lemurian. If you feel this way, you know the incredible profundity of what’s inside you. That is the reason we speak of these things. It’s very hard for a Human to believe this, for it means that much of what you have felt was “outside of yourself” is actually inside. But this follows the teaching of the masters, and of Kryon, that you are a piece of the creator, and the processes of mastery are within you.
The science of DNA
It has only been in the last few years that science has given you the proof of what we are going to speak of now. We have alluded to this in the past and now we’ll just say it straight out so that there is no mystery about what science is puzzling over: Your DNA is over three billion chemicals strong. Each molecule of DNA, which is a loop, has over three billions chemicals within it. It is a molecule so small that you need an electron microscope to see it.
The Human Genome Project, a scientific endeavor, has revealed a mystery: Only 3% of the DNA chemistry does anything! We speak of the protein-encoded portion of the DNA parts. It alone produces over 30,000 Human genes. These genes are the blueprint of life that you were looking for. But only 3% of DNA is the entire gene-producing scenario. Three percent does it all, everything the project was looking for. Over 90% of the chemistry of observed DNA, therefore, is a mystery, for it seems to have no function that is obvious. There is no observable system, symmetry, or biological purpose seen within the 90% of the chemistry. It has no chemical codes as the protein-encoded parts do. It seems random in nature, and some have even called it “junk DNA.”
Some biologists are convinced that this part of DNA is left over chemistry from the evolutionary process and is no longer used by the Human Being. There is no code, and it seems to do nothing. Therefore, the tendency is to ignore it. It’s useless.
A group of ancients makes an astounding discovery: Left on the beach by a time traveler is an amazing wireless stereo system. The small, efficient speakers are pumping out the most amazing rhythms, and the men are mesmerized by it all. They don’t dare touch it, but they sit and enjoy the music, not understanding how it is being produced or anything about the gleaming equipment before them.
After many days, they begin to look deeper into the seeming magic of it all. They are curious, for curiosity is the main trait of the Human Being. They begin to analyze it. They look it over, again, not daring to touch it, and the elders finally announce to all that they have figured it out.
They see the CD player, the main amplifiers, and the processors that are sitting with the speakers... lots of equipment. The speakers, however, are where the audio is coming from, and so it is the speakers that are seemingly doing all the work.
The tribe comes together and they announce their findings: Advanced space creatures have landed and left some of their equipment. The wise men of the tribe can’t figure out what everything does, but two small items are responsible for the wonderful music they are hearing. The rest of the equipment is a mystery, and must simply be space junk that isn’t related to the music.
The parable speaks for itself. What is not understood as “part of the whole” is discarded due to ignorance. Hidden within this example is even more than you think. It’s not just the incredible technology to play the music that is not seen. What about the creation and composition of the music? What about those who recorded it, and the incredible resources that went into even getting it to the CD player? What about the history of music itself, and the evolvement of rhythms over the centuries? There is a giant, intellectual secret hiding in the sand before them and they only see the speakers, since that is the only thing “making noise.”
Evolution and what you call Mother Nature (Gaia) work together and are very efficient when it comes to Human biology and to life in general. Whether it’s the appearance of photosynthesis at just the right time on the planet, or the way the Human genome has evolved, the system throws away things that are not needed. The 90% of DNA that is not understood is not junk. Hardly! Instead it is the processor and the instructions driving the part that is understood. It is processing the music that is being played by the 3%.
I will tell you what it is specifically, and in the revelation yet again I want you to ponder what it could mean to you personally. Ninety percent of your DNA is literally the quantum blueprint of your divinity. It is the blueprint of your Akash. It is the record of all lifetimes, all things accomplished, all growth, all epiphany, and all failure. For those of you who called yourselves Lemurians, it represents a vast amount of experience on the planet, all the way from the beginning, which we are going to speak of.
Things in a quantum state are not logical in 3D. Quantum physics makes very little sense to the linear thinker, and you are linear. Therefore, the “bias” you carry is this very fact: That your reality is based in only a few of the dimensions that the Universe enjoys. Until the “rest of the picture” reveals itself, most likely due to your scientific quests, you will only see the limited reality you sit within. Things outside of 3D will remain a mystery, seemingly to be random and chaotic instead of logical and systematic. Your DNA carries with it your spiritual blueprint, and all the instructions for who you are. All of that is in the 90%, which is quantum.
Therefore, the discussion of DNA is the discussion of your creation, your Akashic record, and your spiritual lineage. This is why we are concentrating on it.
Human consciousness… 3D?
It’s time to connect these things and think about the bigger picture: Within that 90% of quantum DNA is Human consciousness. The consciousness of humanity is not measureable with codes and genes. It is outside the purview of chemistry and continues to be something that science sees as a mysterious result of how biology comes together… again, there is no understanding of what creates the “whole Human.” Within Human consciousness there is your ability to talk to DNA, to control it, to work with it, and to become part of it. This is what we have taught from the beginning. Therefore, one of the largest secrets of your own reality is your ability to be in charge of your own body and its basic functions.
Now, according to new science, even some of the processes of the planet itself are seen to be affected by Human thought. Are you starting to get the picture? The 90% of your DNA may actually be part of something larger than your own personal biology.
One of the first things we ever told you is that consciousness moves the earth. Consciousness is what is responsible for the vibration of the planet, and you have always been able to change what you have thought was something unrelated to you… the reality of what happens on your planet. When you begin to understand this truth, you will absolutely understand that Gaia responds to YOU!
So, these are the workings of it, spoken in a clear fashion. It’s only because of the development of the Human genome and the revelation of the 90%, which seems to do nothing, that allows us to speak of what it really does. It’s going to make sense to science at some point in time. The hint: When they take a look at that 90% and they begin to study it as non-coded engrams, they will begin to see that the largest part of DNA is really signal modifiers to the 3%, which is the engine that drives the biology of the Human body.
The puzzle of the Human body’s weakness
One month ago we spoke of this issue: Here you are at the top of the DNA evolutionary ladder on planet Earth, and you have a system that is weak… far weaker than you would expect it to be. This is a review.
Your cellular structure does not represent what was given to you originally. Rather than evolving, the quantum portion of your DNA has devolved in response to Human consciousness (the driver of your reality). The fact is that your immune system doesn’t work very well! Many major diseases and viruses on the planet go right around it. Did you notice? You can’t even stop a common cold.
There’s a problem here, you might say, and there is! For the 90% of your DNA that’s supposed to be quantum is only 30% efficient. We gave you that information some time ago, but for this lesson, I give you it again so that the logic of this teaching is succinct.
Briefly, I’ll say this: How does it make you feel to know that you could have cancer in your system and your body will never tell you? You’ve got to go to a medical expert and have a technical test to find out what your body is doing! What kind of a system is that? The self-diagnostics that have been built into the Human Being simply don’t work well. Cancer is the result of an incompatibility of the Human body to cope with modern food. The result creates signals that are not congruent with how the body is supposed to work… balanced division of cells in a manner that is balanced with the chemistry of what it takes in as food. Instead, the body produces abnormal growth… tumors that eventually devour the entire organism.
Cancer is not a virus, and it isn’t contagious. Instead, it’s an imbalance… an allergy to modern society. The body’s immune system isn’t really involved at all, for cancer appears to all the body’s defenses as normal cells doing what they always do. They are not, for they are specifically cancerous, but they have “learned” to hide within cellular structure. A quantum consciousness creates a system of “knowing” that alerts the body to imbalance. The result is that you would know right away that there was a problem, but you don’t since the system isn’t working as designed.
Another attribute of quantum DNA behaving as it should is the creation of a much, much longer Human life span. The body doesn’t want to age! It wants to live! This is basic survival, so it is able, through an intuitive process, to create an intelligent scenario regarding the division of cells. Without this quantum enhancement, the body’s cellular clock simply counts days and goes with the cycle of the moon. It doesn’t know any better. It’s not working as designed.
Some of the ancients, indeed, lived lifetimes two and three times as long as yours. It depended on where they were and how much of the quantumness they had lost. Know this: The eventual successful life extension processes being developed on this planet will all have one thing in common… the increased signals to the DNA to return to a more quantum state. You call it “activating the DNA.”
A quantum consciousness is one that is “one with everything” and would absolutely know if cells were running wild and inappropriate growth was threatening health. But your immune system won’t alert you. Something is broken, but you have grown up in this reality, so the logic of what I’m saying escapes you. If you spend enough time hanging upside down, soon your body will object to walking or the whole idea of it. Eventually, everyone simply hangs upside down and starves, having forgotten how to walk. Walking is something that only the masters could do, or so the thought develops. Therefore, nobody walks. This is simply the way Human reality develops over time, and this is what we are challenging daily in this new energy.
When nerves are severed in your spinal cord, there’s a chemistry that races to that area and keeps them from growing back together. Did you know that? The process itself is known by science and even has a name! It’s just the opposite of what you want, and seems contrary to the logic of how a body should work. Something is broken.
Starfish can grow back an arm, and you can’t. How does that feel, being at the top of the evolutionary ladder? All of this because the “blueprint” that creates the genes is not functioning as designed.
But it used to…
Let me take you back to the beginning.
The creation of your quantumness… the creator in you
Here it is, laid out so that anyone can see it and hear it and all of the attributes of it you need to hear, in plain language. One hundred thousand years ago, there were up to 17 kinds of Human Beings in development. Just like the variety of nature would call for regarding some of the other animals and mammals, there was the built-in variety that Gaia provides for in the survival of a species. Just as there are dozens of kinds of monkeys, and a tremendous variety in so many other animals on the planet, a variety of humans was also in progress. But if you noticed, there is only one kind of Human today. Oh, there are different colors and a variety of facial attributes, but only one kind. There is not the typical kind of differences you find in nature. You don’t have the kinds with tails, and the ones without. You don’t have the super small, hairy ones in one continent next to the super tall, spotted ones in another. Something happened.
Go back with me 100,000 years and you’ll see that documented by science who discovered this anomaly within the last decade. They are seeing the same thing. Counterintuitive to all biological evolutionary forces, something happened to create only one kind of Human Being, and it happened about 100,000 years ago.
Now be prepared, for some of you hearing and reading this are not going to like it. This was the lecture of today by my partner, and I’m going to give it to you again for those whose eyes are on the page, or ears are listening to this transcription. Listen: A beautiful thing happened… beautiful! Something happened by design, and you were waiting for it with me, when you were creating the planet, dear ones. When you were with me watching it cool down, you knew this would happen. A divine plan was in progress.
In your own galaxy, called The Milky Way, you have a cluster of stars called the Seven Sisters. It represents seven stars, one of whom has a planetary arrangement around it. You have called this arrangement and those coming from this solar system the Pleiadians. These are the ones who visited Earth 100,000 years ago, and it didn’t take them very long to get here.
This Humanoid race is semi-quantum, just like you. That is to say that within their consciousness there is a meld of 3D and quantum. There is no time; there is no space; there is no distance. They willed themselves here and they appeared. It is an advanced race that is spiritual, and it is spiritually graduate in nature. This isn’t going to make sense to you, since it’s out of the spiritual system you think is real. So let’s just say that their spirituality is mature, beautiful, and totally appropriate. They arrived on schedule, by design, and on purpose.
They came to plant the seeds of quantum, divine DNA within one of the types of Human Being of the 17 types in development on Earth. They stayed for as long as it took. You should know that this took over 100,000 years, and they stayed. Slowly, all of the other kinds of Human Beings dropped away, and only one was left… the kind with the seeds of the creator. The kind that exists today.
This is the original and divine creation story given to you on purpose in a beautiful way by Spirit. It was an anointed time and I would like to tell you, souls who are here, that long before Lemuria, when you looked upon this potential scenario, you knew it was good. Intuitively, you feel it and know it, for you are firmly related to those in another star system who gave you this great gift.
The Pleiadian brothers and sisters look like you. They do not have lizard skins; they do not have strange arms and legs, funny eyes or large heads. They have no agenda and are not controlling Human thought. They’re a bit taller, but they look like you! There’ll come a day, when it’s proper and correct and appropriate, when they will show themselves. It won’t be in your lifetime, for they are waiting for a specific vibration on the planet for that. But when arrive to greet you, they’re going to get out of their crafts and look just like you! Then you will know that what I say here is accurate and true for they are watching as I give this message, and are smiling with the appropriateness of delivering it to those who need to hear it this way.
Listen to me: There is no conspiracy here. No one did anything to Earth or to humanity that you didn’t plan. There is no control issue here and nothing is hiding. By design and on purpose Spirit allowed them, by invitation, to come and give you this gift. The only planet of free choice moved from the Pleiadians system to this solar system and literally to the earth. Biological beings slowly gained their quantum DNA and spiritually was born. Nothing happens fast with God, did you notice? God is slow and the earth is patient. But Humans have trouble with the “slow” concept. They want spiritual things to happen quickly, and the mythology shows this.
It’s controversial, this information, and those listening and reading now don’t have to believe it. This information is not critical to having your light shine on Earth. If it does not ring true to your soul, then pass it by. But understand that somehow there is God in you. Perhaps it isn’t necessary for you to know how, but feel the creator at work in your DNA.
The controversy will rage, and it should not be forced on anyone. It is not evangelical, and it is only for you to see it as a part of the big picture. But this is where your seed biology came from and I have just given you truth.
Oddly enough, there will still be those who wish to go with the mythology that God came to the earth quickly and within a few days presented the entire spiritual system to the planet. They really don’t want to think that the eye-rolling story of space aliens coming to Earth has anything to do with God, or the spiritual nature of a Human Being. It’s ridiculous to them! As my partner says, “They like their talking snake story.” Then that is what they should have, for hidden history should not be something that keeps a Human from his faith or takes away his belief.
Slowly, the first civilization on the planet was born and it was called Lemuria. Know this: It was not an advanced civilization in the way you think about “advanced.” But they had something you should know about. Their quantum DNA was at 90%, not 30% as yours is today. All the quantumness of their DNA was activated, for that is what the Pleiadians passed on to them. Lemuria was the oldest civilization on the planet, the one that was the most long lasting, which never saw war.
It was eventually broken up only because the oceans and seas rose. As I have described to you before, they became a sea-faring people and scattered to the many parts of the earth. Ironically, some made it to far away continents and science sees them as actually starting there, instead of traveling from somewhere else.
Lemurians were the original Human society on the planet, and they were located where the Pleiadians originally landed, on the top of the highest mountain on Earth, as measured from the bottom to its top… currently the largest island of Hawaii, where the Lemurian “canoes” are buried. Hawaiian elders will tell you today that this is the lineage of Hawaii, that the Pleiadians came there, for it is what they teach as how humanity began.
Lemurians had a quantum understanding of life, and they knew in their DNA all about the solar system. A quantum DNA, working at 90%, creates a consciousness that is one with the universe. One of the most ancient of your spiritual beliefs on the planet asks you to be one with everything. It’s not an accident. I’ll get to that in a moment.
The remnants of Lemuria are gone, covered by water a long time ago. You’re not going to have proof of this, for nature has buried is completely and it is now only available to be felt in those places that were Lemuria but never covered by water. And if any of you should happen to go there with pure intent, the ancestors will come to you and will say, “Welcome home.”
Here is some historical advice: Do not place so much attention on Atlantis. Atlantis was much, much later, and there were actually three of them, and much confusion around what was there, and what happened there. Which one do you want to talk about? Atlantis did not play near the role that those in metaphysics and esoteric teachings wish to assign upon it. Oh, it was important, but one of them is not ancient at all! It was so recent, off the Greek Isles, and was even reported within the history that you see today from the Greeks. Humans have a dramatic interest in civilizations that get destroyed quickly. It creates further mythology, creating ideas that Atlantis was one of the most advanced civilizations. It wasn’t. Lemuria was, but in consciousness only.
Lemuria was not an advanced technical society, for it had no technical abilities at all. Yet they knew how to heal with magnetics. It was in their DNA, you see? It was intuitive information. Quantum DNA produces quality intuitive information. Being one with the Universe, they knew all about DNA. Doesn’t everyone? [Kryon smile] They even knew the shape of it… all without a microscope. That’s what quantum DNA does.
The ancients knew!
Lemurians knew much due to the quantum DNA they carried, thanks to the Pleiadians. They knew all about the solar system, and about the galaxy in general. They looked at the stars and understood what was there. This created a seemingly advanced society, but without any technical advancement as you now have.
Long after the Lemurians were gone, thousands of years later, there is vast evidence that ancients still had this knowledge. Today’s modern version of Human history doesn’t give credibility to the 30,000 years of advanced humanity that were Lemurian. You barely even see Humans existing 10,000 years ago. That will change with new discovery and time.
However, what you do see is that as little as 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, the ancients still had knowledge of the stars… far more than you realize. Most of the ancient civilizations of Earth knew about the Galactic Alignment that is coming in the “era of 2012.” We have told you that this Galactic Alignment has already begun. You see it as 2012, and we see it as 1998. Do the math with modern computers and telescopes and you will see that 2012 is only a gross estimate from cultures without your technology. So with this in mind, you will find that you are sitting in the energy of the Galactic Alignment as we speak.
This alignment is a 26,000-year cycle that the ancients knew about it! How is this possible, you might ask? For when you rewind history to only a few hundred years ago, you find “modern science” having totally lost all this knowledge! The earth was flat, the sun went around the earth, and almost all the intuitive knowledge of how the body worked was totally gone.
The ancients had DNA that was working in a quantum way, as inherited from Lemuria, without telescopes or computers. They knew. They knew about the solar system, equinoxes, eclipses, and planetary movement. They even knew you were in a larger group called the galaxy. So I ask you, what happened? We reveal the obvious, that you slid backwards in a very significant way, and only recently.
When we speak this way, there are always those who want to believe that some force other than humanity was responsible for “taking your knowledge away” and leaving you wounded. This is the Human Being denying that they control the vibration of Earth. Free choice is honored by Spirit, and the whole idea of you being here is to examine where this planet will go depending on what Humans do. The splitting of Lemuria and the fragmenting of Human society created many ways to lose what was a collective consciousness. As long as the societies had a quantum community, there was a confluence of understanding. When they split up, slowly, over time, the most intuitive knowledge accepted for centuries simply died. If you doubt that, then how do you explain that the ancients knew what only “modern astronomy” has given you in the last few years?
This is the process where the DNA that used to be at a 90% level was slowly reduced to 30%. Indeed, that’s what you have today. You have literally started over. You lost the quantum intuitive knowledge, that intuition, the absolute understanding of where your seed came from, how the body works, and the Pleiadian experience was gone… lost.
Humans forgot basic astronomy, and they didn’t even think the earth was a globe. All this wonderful intuition went away about the working of the Universe and the Human DNA. Now you have a shift at hand, and you are slowly pulling yourself up from where you are today. I’m going to tell you what is different today, and with it, we are almost complete.
The great shift
The lineage and history of DNA started from a precious creation that was appropriate, with the integrity of the angelic realm, and anointed with a sacred purpose. Through free choice, it declined as Humans accepted a lower consciousness state. Mythology is filled with dramatic stories of the “fall of mankind,” but there were no devils involved, only the process of free choice within humanity.
You sit in a shift. You sit in an age you call New Age, but it isn’t new. Instead, it is a remembrance of the ancient knowledge, and the ways of Lemuria. It is, therefore, a return to a Lemurian state, and it’s about time. This is what you call the new energy, and the shift is upon you that allows for gifts to begin a slow and purposeful enhancement of consciousness on this planet. But as we have discussed, it must start within your own DNA.
Oh, Human Being, listen to me: This is the crux of why you’re here. It is what we teach in this day, that the DNA, that quantum sacred part of you, is laying there ready to be enhanced with your pure intent. All that Kryon brought in magnetic service to you was to service this planet in a way where the magnetics could shift and communicate to your DNA. This new communication is a result of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence and the combination of moving into a new Gaia energy that the Galactic Alignment is creating. It gives the potentials of a return to a state that you deserve… a Lemurian state of awareness, a state where war is not an option and health is intuitive. The Mayans spoke of it! This is the highest vibration that Gaia has ever seen, and you sit in the ramp-up of it all. This was their 2012 information, and it is not taught that way by many.
Bring Human consciousness to match that vibration and your DNA will start to increase in its efficiency. It will begin to be quantum again. You’re going to start to see it in many ways and we’ve spoken of this as well. Look for the signs that Humans are evolving. This evolvement process is starting with what you have called the Indigo children. These children of new consciousness are very different, did you notice? It’s all about how much of the quantum DNA they are using, in contrast to how linear you are! The clash between the quantum and the linear has only just begun! If you think there are issues now with the new children, just wait until they have their children! Humans are changing.
Within this “New Age,” you are potentially bringing back an original energy, slowly, that was designed for today. It is time for you to return to the quantum state, which is the spiritual state that the Pleiadians gave to you, and it starts now.
At the moment, you fight a battle on the earth between old and new energy and the new energy is winning. Make no mistake that the old energy will be with you for some time. It continues to create issues that you see as problems, but are actually a “quantum clean-up.” As you clean up your economy, and you’re not done, you will see the ways of a new paradigm of being, of structuring, but it’s going to take some time. Do not fear what it will do, for it will emerge just like you knew it would emerge… one of the strongest on Earth, filled with integrity. It will potentially represent a new paradigm that makes sense for a new age. Count on that, and Indigo adults will help you to design it. New concepts will leap over existing thought, and bring a revolution in the way life can be on the planet.
All this is part of a Human evolvement in consciousness that you can see in your DNA. “Kryon, is a scientist going to be able to put this under a microscope and see it?” No. Regardless of what you have been told, they will not see a change in DNA. The current microscope is 3D. So I say to the scientists this: When you develop the quantum lens, you will see it, for you will actually see the chemistry in the 90% random areas. It will glow under the influence of the quantumness and you will know I’m right. Then it will change colors with the activations you are creating and you will be able to see and track it. But at the moment, you have no quantum lens. There is no device for measuring the quantumness of the Universe that exists on the planet, but you’re getting close. And when you do, the first revelation can be seen within your own biology. Here is another hint. Continue to examine things in an entangled state, for this is the beginning of the true quantum state that you can alter with 3D technology.
These are the things we wish to bring you today, and these are the things of the teaching for the day. All through this, we’ve been hugging you. Why do we bring these things to you? Why do we care? Because as family, you are beginning to discover a great secret… that your core souls are related to the Universe, and that your Higher-Selves are angelic and forever. Humanity is beginning to come full circle. Very slowly, and through the next three lifetimes, you may actually create a new earth. These are the potentials we told you about 20 years ago.
You wouldn’t have missed this, dear Human Being. You are reading this because of it. You are part of the solution to peace on Earth. I know you. There will be a certain percentage of those reading and listening who, in these next years, will come see me. There will be a transition that is not new to you. It is a life transition that is appropriate and beautiful. For an old soul, it’s something you’ve done many times, so many you can’t even count. And you will come back to the planet after that, and then you will come back yet again, because you’re not going to miss this! You’ve spent eons working on this planet, and you’re not going to miss this.
This is the shift you have asked for, that you’ve waited for, and that you have prayed for. Many in this room will live out their normal lives, but are coming back with a higher level of DNA efficiency than you left with. We’ll say it again. If you wish to see Human evolution, watch these Indigo children. For they are going to develop into an even more frustrating group than they are now! And some of YOU will be THEM, when you return.
[Kryon smile]
I wouldn’t say these things unless they were accurate and true. See the clarity of the channel today. Feel in your own innate sense the truth of it all. Be aware that you are dearly loved. It is the reason we are here.
We metaphorically collect the bowls of the tears we shed in joy as we wash your feet. We invite you in the room with us now to carry on this energy of Spirit. Let us sit with you for a moment before you rise and leave. Let it be known that this day Spirit really was here… to meet the brother and the sister, to wash your feet with respect, that you would let us do such a thing as this… to be with you for an hour and to love you like we are doing.
And now you know our secret. This entire meeting was arranged so that we could just sit with you, and we have.
And so it is.
"The History of DNA and the Human Race"
Portland, Oregon, August 29, 2009, As channelled by Lee Carroll for Kryon
The information below is free and available for you to print out, copy and distribute as you wish. Its Copyright, however, prohibits sale in any form except by the publisher
To help the reader, this channelling has been rechannelled [by Lee and Kryon] and added onto, to provide even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in Portland, Oregon.
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.
We would give anything to void the rules of free choice, to show ourselves in a way that would allow proof that we’re actually here. But on this planet of free choice, it is you who must open that door to us. We stand like the angels we are in your lives, walking the whole duration with you. At the point in which you are born on this planet, the angels surround the area of your birth, then they stay with you until your last breath. In those beginning weeks, you might see the infant with wide eyes actually looking at the angels! The infant will point, or sometimes even smile at them, even at two or three weeks old, because the infant recognizes us. All of you did it, indeed, in those early days where there is so much change and so much to get used to being so fresh out of the womb, the angels are a comfort to the infant. Do you remember? [Kryon smile] Then slowly that reality slips from you. Slowly. But many of you have seen it when the infant looks into what you call empty space and is pleased with what he sees.
These are the same angels who are with you now. They don’t age, you know? But you do. They have been with you all your lives; they walk beside you; they came in with you; they’ll leave with you. And if you never speak to them, they will say nothing. For that is the agreement. But oh, dear Human Beings, if you just give us one little space of intent, and you say, “Dear God, show me that I’m loved,” you open the floodgate. For this is when we enter your lives to the degree you will allow us. This is when we will give you what you ask for, beginning the synchronicity, the teaching, the hand-holding, and the end of feeling all alone. This is when we fill you up to such a degree that you will not be concerned with disease or age or drama. And all you will see is the promise of who you are. This has always been the way of it since the day we began, for our job is to allow awareness that you are part of us.
The message is sacred
There are still those who wonder about this process of channelling. It works best when the channeller is clear. It works when the bias of being a singular Human is set aside. It is the way of it and has always been the way of it. All scripture on the planet has been written by Humans. Take a look at how this works, Human Being, for you, by yourselves, are responsible for all the prophecy and all the good things that you would find in those words that comfort you, that you say are from God. And so it is again that we come before you with information that is given in this sacred, ancient way.
The information given this evening for those who are in the room is given in what you would call real time. Those who are listening and hearing in what these sitting here call their future know how this works. However, this linear track of time is not our reality. We are quantum, so therefore we can see the potential of who is looking at this page, even though it hasn’t happened yet for those who sit in front of me. What it means is that the message, although all about history, is still a personal one and we invite you to feel the ancient truth of it, for we know whose eyes are on the page.
All of the information I give now has at some point been given in the last 20 years within the Kryon channelling. But we have never given you this synopsis, for we are starting to summarize subjects for simplicity, for clarity, so that they begin to be less obtuse and more present in your reality. Plain speaking and plain words are what clear channelling is able to bring you.
The information of today’s teaching
This is the gift to us, that you would sit and let us wash your feet. And while my partner gives you information, the third language will be present in all the hearts here. Some of those who are listening and reading in your future will be touched as well. For we know who you are as your ears hear these words, for we see you there. We see your faces and we see the light that you have as well. It is no accident that with free choice you are willing to have this communication enter your lives this day.
Let the information given today be passed to many. This information we give now is about the lineage of DNA… from the start of DNA to the present. We will speak of the way it occurred on the planet, the way it works, the way it changed, and the things that you need to know around it in this new energy to get you to the place where you can begin to use it as it was designed.
In this teaching, we must start where my partner started even today in his lecture series. For much of what he taught in these last hours is going to be covered here. However, for those who are just joining us through transcription, we will start at the beginning… such is the way you live in a linear world. We start with history of DNA and humanity.
What’s all this about DNA?
The question has been asked, “Kryon, why is it you speak so much of DNA? It is a biological attribute of the Human body. It is the blueprint for the Human genome. It writes the chemistry for all of the genes, over 30,000 of them. But why would you speak of this? You don’t speak of molecular substances or chemistry, so why would you speak of DNA? Instead, speak to us about spiritual things.”
The above criticism has been spoken by many. They have a strong spiritual quest, but their disappointment is seen and they don’t understand why we speak of DNA, seemingly a physical attribute of the Human. So let me finally explain, dear ones, if you are one of those, that it is time to reveal your DNA for what it is.
DNA is the core element of who you are, both physically and spiritually. If you had to choose a place where the Higher-Self dwells, it’s in your DNA. The Akashic Record, that blueprint of everything you ever were, is in the DNA. All of the lifetimes, all of your spiritual growth, all of your talents over eons of your lives, is there. The karma that you came in with and that many of you have dismissed is there. The record of that enlightened action is there.
Your Human spiritual history is there, written in the quantum parts. Some of you understand this to the degree that you know you were Lemurian. If you feel this way, you know the incredible profundity of what’s inside you. That is the reason we speak of these things. It’s very hard for a Human to believe this, for it means that much of what you have felt was “outside of yourself” is actually inside. But this follows the teaching of the masters, and of Kryon, that you are a piece of the creator, and the processes of mastery are within you.
The science of DNA
It has only been in the last few years that science has given you the proof of what we are going to speak of now. We have alluded to this in the past and now we’ll just say it straight out so that there is no mystery about what science is puzzling over: Your DNA is over three billion chemicals strong. Each molecule of DNA, which is a loop, has over three billions chemicals within it. It is a molecule so small that you need an electron microscope to see it.
The Human Genome Project, a scientific endeavor, has revealed a mystery: Only 3% of the DNA chemistry does anything! We speak of the protein-encoded portion of the DNA parts. It alone produces over 30,000 Human genes. These genes are the blueprint of life that you were looking for. But only 3% of DNA is the entire gene-producing scenario. Three percent does it all, everything the project was looking for. Over 90% of the chemistry of observed DNA, therefore, is a mystery, for it seems to have no function that is obvious. There is no observable system, symmetry, or biological purpose seen within the 90% of the chemistry. It has no chemical codes as the protein-encoded parts do. It seems random in nature, and some have even called it “junk DNA.”
Some biologists are convinced that this part of DNA is left over chemistry from the evolutionary process and is no longer used by the Human Being. There is no code, and it seems to do nothing. Therefore, the tendency is to ignore it. It’s useless.
A group of ancients makes an astounding discovery: Left on the beach by a time traveler is an amazing wireless stereo system. The small, efficient speakers are pumping out the most amazing rhythms, and the men are mesmerized by it all. They don’t dare touch it, but they sit and enjoy the music, not understanding how it is being produced or anything about the gleaming equipment before them.
After many days, they begin to look deeper into the seeming magic of it all. They are curious, for curiosity is the main trait of the Human Being. They begin to analyze it. They look it over, again, not daring to touch it, and the elders finally announce to all that they have figured it out.
They see the CD player, the main amplifiers, and the processors that are sitting with the speakers... lots of equipment. The speakers, however, are where the audio is coming from, and so it is the speakers that are seemingly doing all the work.
The tribe comes together and they announce their findings: Advanced space creatures have landed and left some of their equipment. The wise men of the tribe can’t figure out what everything does, but two small items are responsible for the wonderful music they are hearing. The rest of the equipment is a mystery, and must simply be space junk that isn’t related to the music.
The parable speaks for itself. What is not understood as “part of the whole” is discarded due to ignorance. Hidden within this example is even more than you think. It’s not just the incredible technology to play the music that is not seen. What about the creation and composition of the music? What about those who recorded it, and the incredible resources that went into even getting it to the CD player? What about the history of music itself, and the evolvement of rhythms over the centuries? There is a giant, intellectual secret hiding in the sand before them and they only see the speakers, since that is the only thing “making noise.”
Evolution and what you call Mother Nature (Gaia) work together and are very efficient when it comes to Human biology and to life in general. Whether it’s the appearance of photosynthesis at just the right time on the planet, or the way the Human genome has evolved, the system throws away things that are not needed. The 90% of DNA that is not understood is not junk. Hardly! Instead it is the processor and the instructions driving the part that is understood. It is processing the music that is being played by the 3%.
I will tell you what it is specifically, and in the revelation yet again I want you to ponder what it could mean to you personally. Ninety percent of your DNA is literally the quantum blueprint of your divinity. It is the blueprint of your Akash. It is the record of all lifetimes, all things accomplished, all growth, all epiphany, and all failure. For those of you who called yourselves Lemurians, it represents a vast amount of experience on the planet, all the way from the beginning, which we are going to speak of.
Things in a quantum state are not logical in 3D. Quantum physics makes very little sense to the linear thinker, and you are linear. Therefore, the “bias” you carry is this very fact: That your reality is based in only a few of the dimensions that the Universe enjoys. Until the “rest of the picture” reveals itself, most likely due to your scientific quests, you will only see the limited reality you sit within. Things outside of 3D will remain a mystery, seemingly to be random and chaotic instead of logical and systematic. Your DNA carries with it your spiritual blueprint, and all the instructions for who you are. All of that is in the 90%, which is quantum.
Therefore, the discussion of DNA is the discussion of your creation, your Akashic record, and your spiritual lineage. This is why we are concentrating on it.
Human consciousness… 3D?
It’s time to connect these things and think about the bigger picture: Within that 90% of quantum DNA is Human consciousness. The consciousness of humanity is not measureable with codes and genes. It is outside the purview of chemistry and continues to be something that science sees as a mysterious result of how biology comes together… again, there is no understanding of what creates the “whole Human.” Within Human consciousness there is your ability to talk to DNA, to control it, to work with it, and to become part of it. This is what we have taught from the beginning. Therefore, one of the largest secrets of your own reality is your ability to be in charge of your own body and its basic functions.
Now, according to new science, even some of the processes of the planet itself are seen to be affected by Human thought. Are you starting to get the picture? The 90% of your DNA may actually be part of something larger than your own personal biology.
One of the first things we ever told you is that consciousness moves the earth. Consciousness is what is responsible for the vibration of the planet, and you have always been able to change what you have thought was something unrelated to you… the reality of what happens on your planet. When you begin to understand this truth, you will absolutely understand that Gaia responds to YOU!
So, these are the workings of it, spoken in a clear fashion. It’s only because of the development of the Human genome and the revelation of the 90%, which seems to do nothing, that allows us to speak of what it really does. It’s going to make sense to science at some point in time. The hint: When they take a look at that 90% and they begin to study it as non-coded engrams, they will begin to see that the largest part of DNA is really signal modifiers to the 3%, which is the engine that drives the biology of the Human body.
The puzzle of the Human body’s weakness
One month ago we spoke of this issue: Here you are at the top of the DNA evolutionary ladder on planet Earth, and you have a system that is weak… far weaker than you would expect it to be. This is a review.
Your cellular structure does not represent what was given to you originally. Rather than evolving, the quantum portion of your DNA has devolved in response to Human consciousness (the driver of your reality). The fact is that your immune system doesn’t work very well! Many major diseases and viruses on the planet go right around it. Did you notice? You can’t even stop a common cold.
There’s a problem here, you might say, and there is! For the 90% of your DNA that’s supposed to be quantum is only 30% efficient. We gave you that information some time ago, but for this lesson, I give you it again so that the logic of this teaching is succinct.
Briefly, I’ll say this: How does it make you feel to know that you could have cancer in your system and your body will never tell you? You’ve got to go to a medical expert and have a technical test to find out what your body is doing! What kind of a system is that? The self-diagnostics that have been built into the Human Being simply don’t work well. Cancer is the result of an incompatibility of the Human body to cope with modern food. The result creates signals that are not congruent with how the body is supposed to work… balanced division of cells in a manner that is balanced with the chemistry of what it takes in as food. Instead, the body produces abnormal growth… tumors that eventually devour the entire organism.
Cancer is not a virus, and it isn’t contagious. Instead, it’s an imbalance… an allergy to modern society. The body’s immune system isn’t really involved at all, for cancer appears to all the body’s defenses as normal cells doing what they always do. They are not, for they are specifically cancerous, but they have “learned” to hide within cellular structure. A quantum consciousness creates a system of “knowing” that alerts the body to imbalance. The result is that you would know right away that there was a problem, but you don’t since the system isn’t working as designed.
Another attribute of quantum DNA behaving as it should is the creation of a much, much longer Human life span. The body doesn’t want to age! It wants to live! This is basic survival, so it is able, through an intuitive process, to create an intelligent scenario regarding the division of cells. Without this quantum enhancement, the body’s cellular clock simply counts days and goes with the cycle of the moon. It doesn’t know any better. It’s not working as designed.
Some of the ancients, indeed, lived lifetimes two and three times as long as yours. It depended on where they were and how much of the quantumness they had lost. Know this: The eventual successful life extension processes being developed on this planet will all have one thing in common… the increased signals to the DNA to return to a more quantum state. You call it “activating the DNA.”
A quantum consciousness is one that is “one with everything” and would absolutely know if cells were running wild and inappropriate growth was threatening health. But your immune system won’t alert you. Something is broken, but you have grown up in this reality, so the logic of what I’m saying escapes you. If you spend enough time hanging upside down, soon your body will object to walking or the whole idea of it. Eventually, everyone simply hangs upside down and starves, having forgotten how to walk. Walking is something that only the masters could do, or so the thought develops. Therefore, nobody walks. This is simply the way Human reality develops over time, and this is what we are challenging daily in this new energy.
When nerves are severed in your spinal cord, there’s a chemistry that races to that area and keeps them from growing back together. Did you know that? The process itself is known by science and even has a name! It’s just the opposite of what you want, and seems contrary to the logic of how a body should work. Something is broken.
Starfish can grow back an arm, and you can’t. How does that feel, being at the top of the evolutionary ladder? All of this because the “blueprint” that creates the genes is not functioning as designed.
But it used to…
Let me take you back to the beginning.
The creation of your quantumness… the creator in you
Here it is, laid out so that anyone can see it and hear it and all of the attributes of it you need to hear, in plain language. One hundred thousand years ago, there were up to 17 kinds of Human Beings in development. Just like the variety of nature would call for regarding some of the other animals and mammals, there was the built-in variety that Gaia provides for in the survival of a species. Just as there are dozens of kinds of monkeys, and a tremendous variety in so many other animals on the planet, a variety of humans was also in progress. But if you noticed, there is only one kind of Human today. Oh, there are different colors and a variety of facial attributes, but only one kind. There is not the typical kind of differences you find in nature. You don’t have the kinds with tails, and the ones without. You don’t have the super small, hairy ones in one continent next to the super tall, spotted ones in another. Something happened.
Go back with me 100,000 years and you’ll see that documented by science who discovered this anomaly within the last decade. They are seeing the same thing. Counterintuitive to all biological evolutionary forces, something happened to create only one kind of Human Being, and it happened about 100,000 years ago.
Now be prepared, for some of you hearing and reading this are not going to like it. This was the lecture of today by my partner, and I’m going to give it to you again for those whose eyes are on the page, or ears are listening to this transcription. Listen: A beautiful thing happened… beautiful! Something happened by design, and you were waiting for it with me, when you were creating the planet, dear ones. When you were with me watching it cool down, you knew this would happen. A divine plan was in progress.
In your own galaxy, called The Milky Way, you have a cluster of stars called the Seven Sisters. It represents seven stars, one of whom has a planetary arrangement around it. You have called this arrangement and those coming from this solar system the Pleiadians. These are the ones who visited Earth 100,000 years ago, and it didn’t take them very long to get here.
This Humanoid race is semi-quantum, just like you. That is to say that within their consciousness there is a meld of 3D and quantum. There is no time; there is no space; there is no distance. They willed themselves here and they appeared. It is an advanced race that is spiritual, and it is spiritually graduate in nature. This isn’t going to make sense to you, since it’s out of the spiritual system you think is real. So let’s just say that their spirituality is mature, beautiful, and totally appropriate. They arrived on schedule, by design, and on purpose.
They came to plant the seeds of quantum, divine DNA within one of the types of Human Being of the 17 types in development on Earth. They stayed for as long as it took. You should know that this took over 100,000 years, and they stayed. Slowly, all of the other kinds of Human Beings dropped away, and only one was left… the kind with the seeds of the creator. The kind that exists today.
This is the original and divine creation story given to you on purpose in a beautiful way by Spirit. It was an anointed time and I would like to tell you, souls who are here, that long before Lemuria, when you looked upon this potential scenario, you knew it was good. Intuitively, you feel it and know it, for you are firmly related to those in another star system who gave you this great gift.
The Pleiadian brothers and sisters look like you. They do not have lizard skins; they do not have strange arms and legs, funny eyes or large heads. They have no agenda and are not controlling Human thought. They’re a bit taller, but they look like you! There’ll come a day, when it’s proper and correct and appropriate, when they will show themselves. It won’t be in your lifetime, for they are waiting for a specific vibration on the planet for that. But when arrive to greet you, they’re going to get out of their crafts and look just like you! Then you will know that what I say here is accurate and true for they are watching as I give this message, and are smiling with the appropriateness of delivering it to those who need to hear it this way.
Listen to me: There is no conspiracy here. No one did anything to Earth or to humanity that you didn’t plan. There is no control issue here and nothing is hiding. By design and on purpose Spirit allowed them, by invitation, to come and give you this gift. The only planet of free choice moved from the Pleiadians system to this solar system and literally to the earth. Biological beings slowly gained their quantum DNA and spiritually was born. Nothing happens fast with God, did you notice? God is slow and the earth is patient. But Humans have trouble with the “slow” concept. They want spiritual things to happen quickly, and the mythology shows this.
It’s controversial, this information, and those listening and reading now don’t have to believe it. This information is not critical to having your light shine on Earth. If it does not ring true to your soul, then pass it by. But understand that somehow there is God in you. Perhaps it isn’t necessary for you to know how, but feel the creator at work in your DNA.
The controversy will rage, and it should not be forced on anyone. It is not evangelical, and it is only for you to see it as a part of the big picture. But this is where your seed biology came from and I have just given you truth.
Oddly enough, there will still be those who wish to go with the mythology that God came to the earth quickly and within a few days presented the entire spiritual system to the planet. They really don’t want to think that the eye-rolling story of space aliens coming to Earth has anything to do with God, or the spiritual nature of a Human Being. It’s ridiculous to them! As my partner says, “They like their talking snake story.” Then that is what they should have, for hidden history should not be something that keeps a Human from his faith or takes away his belief.
Slowly, the first civilization on the planet was born and it was called Lemuria. Know this: It was not an advanced civilization in the way you think about “advanced.” But they had something you should know about. Their quantum DNA was at 90%, not 30% as yours is today. All the quantumness of their DNA was activated, for that is what the Pleiadians passed on to them. Lemuria was the oldest civilization on the planet, the one that was the most long lasting, which never saw war.
It was eventually broken up only because the oceans and seas rose. As I have described to you before, they became a sea-faring people and scattered to the many parts of the earth. Ironically, some made it to far away continents and science sees them as actually starting there, instead of traveling from somewhere else.
Lemurians were the original Human society on the planet, and they were located where the Pleiadians originally landed, on the top of the highest mountain on Earth, as measured from the bottom to its top… currently the largest island of Hawaii, where the Lemurian “canoes” are buried. Hawaiian elders will tell you today that this is the lineage of Hawaii, that the Pleiadians came there, for it is what they teach as how humanity began.
Lemurians had a quantum understanding of life, and they knew in their DNA all about the solar system. A quantum DNA, working at 90%, creates a consciousness that is one with the universe. One of the most ancient of your spiritual beliefs on the planet asks you to be one with everything. It’s not an accident. I’ll get to that in a moment.
The remnants of Lemuria are gone, covered by water a long time ago. You’re not going to have proof of this, for nature has buried is completely and it is now only available to be felt in those places that were Lemuria but never covered by water. And if any of you should happen to go there with pure intent, the ancestors will come to you and will say, “Welcome home.”
Here is some historical advice: Do not place so much attention on Atlantis. Atlantis was much, much later, and there were actually three of them, and much confusion around what was there, and what happened there. Which one do you want to talk about? Atlantis did not play near the role that those in metaphysics and esoteric teachings wish to assign upon it. Oh, it was important, but one of them is not ancient at all! It was so recent, off the Greek Isles, and was even reported within the history that you see today from the Greeks. Humans have a dramatic interest in civilizations that get destroyed quickly. It creates further mythology, creating ideas that Atlantis was one of the most advanced civilizations. It wasn’t. Lemuria was, but in consciousness only.
Lemuria was not an advanced technical society, for it had no technical abilities at all. Yet they knew how to heal with magnetics. It was in their DNA, you see? It was intuitive information. Quantum DNA produces quality intuitive information. Being one with the Universe, they knew all about DNA. Doesn’t everyone? [Kryon smile] They even knew the shape of it… all without a microscope. That’s what quantum DNA does.
The ancients knew!
Lemurians knew much due to the quantum DNA they carried, thanks to the Pleiadians. They knew all about the solar system, and about the galaxy in general. They looked at the stars and understood what was there. This created a seemingly advanced society, but without any technical advancement as you now have.
Long after the Lemurians were gone, thousands of years later, there is vast evidence that ancients still had this knowledge. Today’s modern version of Human history doesn’t give credibility to the 30,000 years of advanced humanity that were Lemurian. You barely even see Humans existing 10,000 years ago. That will change with new discovery and time.
However, what you do see is that as little as 4,000 to 5,000 years ago, the ancients still had knowledge of the stars… far more than you realize. Most of the ancient civilizations of Earth knew about the Galactic Alignment that is coming in the “era of 2012.” We have told you that this Galactic Alignment has already begun. You see it as 2012, and we see it as 1998. Do the math with modern computers and telescopes and you will see that 2012 is only a gross estimate from cultures without your technology. So with this in mind, you will find that you are sitting in the energy of the Galactic Alignment as we speak.
This alignment is a 26,000-year cycle that the ancients knew about it! How is this possible, you might ask? For when you rewind history to only a few hundred years ago, you find “modern science” having totally lost all this knowledge! The earth was flat, the sun went around the earth, and almost all the intuitive knowledge of how the body worked was totally gone.
The ancients had DNA that was working in a quantum way, as inherited from Lemuria, without telescopes or computers. They knew. They knew about the solar system, equinoxes, eclipses, and planetary movement. They even knew you were in a larger group called the galaxy. So I ask you, what happened? We reveal the obvious, that you slid backwards in a very significant way, and only recently.
When we speak this way, there are always those who want to believe that some force other than humanity was responsible for “taking your knowledge away” and leaving you wounded. This is the Human Being denying that they control the vibration of Earth. Free choice is honored by Spirit, and the whole idea of you being here is to examine where this planet will go depending on what Humans do. The splitting of Lemuria and the fragmenting of Human society created many ways to lose what was a collective consciousness. As long as the societies had a quantum community, there was a confluence of understanding. When they split up, slowly, over time, the most intuitive knowledge accepted for centuries simply died. If you doubt that, then how do you explain that the ancients knew what only “modern astronomy” has given you in the last few years?
This is the process where the DNA that used to be at a 90% level was slowly reduced to 30%. Indeed, that’s what you have today. You have literally started over. You lost the quantum intuitive knowledge, that intuition, the absolute understanding of where your seed came from, how the body works, and the Pleiadian experience was gone… lost.
Humans forgot basic astronomy, and they didn’t even think the earth was a globe. All this wonderful intuition went away about the working of the Universe and the Human DNA. Now you have a shift at hand, and you are slowly pulling yourself up from where you are today. I’m going to tell you what is different today, and with it, we are almost complete.
The great shift
The lineage and history of DNA started from a precious creation that was appropriate, with the integrity of the angelic realm, and anointed with a sacred purpose. Through free choice, it declined as Humans accepted a lower consciousness state. Mythology is filled with dramatic stories of the “fall of mankind,” but there were no devils involved, only the process of free choice within humanity.
You sit in a shift. You sit in an age you call New Age, but it isn’t new. Instead, it is a remembrance of the ancient knowledge, and the ways of Lemuria. It is, therefore, a return to a Lemurian state, and it’s about time. This is what you call the new energy, and the shift is upon you that allows for gifts to begin a slow and purposeful enhancement of consciousness on this planet. But as we have discussed, it must start within your own DNA.
Oh, Human Being, listen to me: This is the crux of why you’re here. It is what we teach in this day, that the DNA, that quantum sacred part of you, is laying there ready to be enhanced with your pure intent. All that Kryon brought in magnetic service to you was to service this planet in a way where the magnetics could shift and communicate to your DNA. This new communication is a result of the 1987 Harmonic Convergence and the combination of moving into a new Gaia energy that the Galactic Alignment is creating. It gives the potentials of a return to a state that you deserve… a Lemurian state of awareness, a state where war is not an option and health is intuitive. The Mayans spoke of it! This is the highest vibration that Gaia has ever seen, and you sit in the ramp-up of it all. This was their 2012 information, and it is not taught that way by many.
Bring Human consciousness to match that vibration and your DNA will start to increase in its efficiency. It will begin to be quantum again. You’re going to start to see it in many ways and we’ve spoken of this as well. Look for the signs that Humans are evolving. This evolvement process is starting with what you have called the Indigo children. These children of new consciousness are very different, did you notice? It’s all about how much of the quantum DNA they are using, in contrast to how linear you are! The clash between the quantum and the linear has only just begun! If you think there are issues now with the new children, just wait until they have their children! Humans are changing.
Within this “New Age,” you are potentially bringing back an original energy, slowly, that was designed for today. It is time for you to return to the quantum state, which is the spiritual state that the Pleiadians gave to you, and it starts now.
At the moment, you fight a battle on the earth between old and new energy and the new energy is winning. Make no mistake that the old energy will be with you for some time. It continues to create issues that you see as problems, but are actually a “quantum clean-up.” As you clean up your economy, and you’re not done, you will see the ways of a new paradigm of being, of structuring, but it’s going to take some time. Do not fear what it will do, for it will emerge just like you knew it would emerge… one of the strongest on Earth, filled with integrity. It will potentially represent a new paradigm that makes sense for a new age. Count on that, and Indigo adults will help you to design it. New concepts will leap over existing thought, and bring a revolution in the way life can be on the planet.
All this is part of a Human evolvement in consciousness that you can see in your DNA. “Kryon, is a scientist going to be able to put this under a microscope and see it?” No. Regardless of what you have been told, they will not see a change in DNA. The current microscope is 3D. So I say to the scientists this: When you develop the quantum lens, you will see it, for you will actually see the chemistry in the 90% random areas. It will glow under the influence of the quantumness and you will know I’m right. Then it will change colors with the activations you are creating and you will be able to see and track it. But at the moment, you have no quantum lens. There is no device for measuring the quantumness of the Universe that exists on the planet, but you’re getting close. And when you do, the first revelation can be seen within your own biology. Here is another hint. Continue to examine things in an entangled state, for this is the beginning of the true quantum state that you can alter with 3D technology.
These are the things we wish to bring you today, and these are the things of the teaching for the day. All through this, we’ve been hugging you. Why do we bring these things to you? Why do we care? Because as family, you are beginning to discover a great secret… that your core souls are related to the Universe, and that your Higher-Selves are angelic and forever. Humanity is beginning to come full circle. Very slowly, and through the next three lifetimes, you may actually create a new earth. These are the potentials we told you about 20 years ago.
You wouldn’t have missed this, dear Human Being. You are reading this because of it. You are part of the solution to peace on Earth. I know you. There will be a certain percentage of those reading and listening who, in these next years, will come see me. There will be a transition that is not new to you. It is a life transition that is appropriate and beautiful. For an old soul, it’s something you’ve done many times, so many you can’t even count. And you will come back to the planet after that, and then you will come back yet again, because you’re not going to miss this! You’ve spent eons working on this planet, and you’re not going to miss this.
This is the shift you have asked for, that you’ve waited for, and that you have prayed for. Many in this room will live out their normal lives, but are coming back with a higher level of DNA efficiency than you left with. We’ll say it again. If you wish to see Human evolution, watch these Indigo children. For they are going to develop into an even more frustrating group than they are now! And some of YOU will be THEM, when you return.
[Kryon smile]
I wouldn’t say these things unless they were accurate and true. See the clarity of the channel today. Feel in your own innate sense the truth of it all. Be aware that you are dearly loved. It is the reason we are here.
We metaphorically collect the bowls of the tears we shed in joy as we wash your feet. We invite you in the room with us now to carry on this energy of Spirit. Let us sit with you for a moment before you rise and leave. Let it be known that this day Spirit really was here… to meet the brother and the sister, to wash your feet with respect, that you would let us do such a thing as this… to be with you for an hour and to love you like we are doing.
And now you know our secret. This entire meeting was arranged so that we could just sit with you, and we have.
And so it is.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I pay to be spied on?
It's kind of like your husband abandoning you and then using money from your paycheck to put a private investigator on your ass, and to buy you a new car with an internal voice activated microphone and GPS monitoring. "Yes dear, just put that bill in the pile and I will pay it. Of course, I will pay the bills in your name first, so that your credit rating remains higher than mine. No problem....." And of course, he tells you, "I am not abandoning you."
The people paid their governments for this? To be spied on? And to be convinced, "we'd rather fight them over there than here." If I hear anyone say that again I may punch them in the face. War is bullshit. John Dear taught me that global thermonuclear war is not thinkable. It is insanity.
Feeling a little angry today Jen?
Need to take a picture of me on a leash, and publish it with this post.
Ug. Need to go out and have a good time. Later.....
"ECHELON was capable of interception and content inspection of telephone calls, fax, e-mail and other data traffic globally through the interception of communication bearers including satellite transmission, public switched telephone networks (which carry most Internet traffic) and microwave links.'"
The people paid their governments for this? To be spied on? And to be convinced, "we'd rather fight them over there than here." If I hear anyone say that again I may punch them in the face. War is bullshit. John Dear taught me that global thermonuclear war is not thinkable. It is insanity.
Feeling a little angry today Jen?
Need to take a picture of me on a leash, and publish it with this post.
Ug. Need to go out and have a good time. Later.....
We have been compromised....
The NSWBC is a coalition of more than 60 whistleblowers who have come together from a host of U.S. agencies, including the CIA, DHS, DOJ and NSA. Among the NSWBC's members are Daniel Ellsberg, who exposed the Pentagon Papers; Russ Tice, a former NSA intelligence analyst who helped to expose the Bush Administration’s illegal domestic spying program; as well as Edmonds, a former FBI language specialist who exposed major national-security breaches within the bureau.
Here is the original quote:
One aspect of what Mr. Tice is referring too are programs initiated in the 1970s during the Ford administration involving the CDC's Epidemic Intelligence Service in conjunction with the defense intelligence agency and which seek to coverup and obscure from the American public a disastrous outbreak of tick-borne disabling diseases which were modified in laboratories in the early 1950's and tested in nature at various sites. These infections largely involve 'cocktails' of modified lyme disease spirochetes and altered animal babesias. They are disabling and lead to subacute chronic brain infection. Part of the program is convincing people who have these conditions that they actually are afflicted with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. This program involves leading scientists affiliated with the CDC, the Infectious Disease Society of America, and shockingly enough for people who are familiar with the controversies surrounding lyme disease, scientists who pose as antiestablishment figures.
It was sanitized.
Galactic Superwave?
Paul LaViolette
is interviewed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan - 2 hours - July 2009 in Greece
regarding his galactic superwave theory - we are in the "eye" of the storm....
gravity wave, cosmic ray debris - coming toward us @ the speed of light..... again
leaves proof in ice core samples on earth
data/physical evidence follows the mayan calendar cycle....
physics have changed..... those on the forefront, like LaViolette, disagree on many points, (e.g., LaViolette does not believe black holes exist.....)
He formed The Starburst Foundation to study this phenomena
Kerry and Bill say this about LaViolette and his work:
Dr Paul LaViolette is the measured counterpart to Patrick Geryl, whose interview we have released simultaneously. A brilliant and maverick astrophysicist, Paul is best known for his research into a new theory of matter he calls Subquantum Kinetics - based on systems theory, which he studied for his PhD thesis - and for his carefully argued hypothesis, first formulated in 1983, that our galactic center periodically emits devastating waves he termed superwaves.
Galactic superwaves are intense cosmic ray particle bombardments that originate from the center of our Galaxy, and that last for periods of up to a few thousand years. Paul explains that astronomical and geological evidence indicates that the last major superwave impacted our solar system around 12,000 to 16,000 years ago, and produced abrupt changes of the Earth's climate.
The land animal extinction episode which occurred during this interval was the worst in several million years, and Paul estimates that approximately one or two superwaves strong enough to trigger an ice age are presently on their way to us from their birthplace at the galactic core... 23,000 light years away. Paul states that there is a real chance that one such event could arrive within the next few decades. Importantly - because they travel at the speed of light - we would not see them coming.
Paul explains that less intense superwaves, which recur with considerable frequency, could also pose a threat. He cites evidence that the galactic center has erupted as many as ten times in the last 2,000 years, the most recent event occurring about 700 years ago. While these low intensity events could have passed unnoticed in earlier centuries, today they could be extremely hazardous. The EMP [electromagnetic pulse] accompanying such a superwave could knock out electrical power grids and communication networks on a global scale. Consequently, argues Paul, study of this phenomenon deserves a very high priority, and he founded The Starburst Foundation to do this.
Of some considerable interest is the testimony from our insider source Jake Simpson, who told us in October 2008 that there was a 'wave' coming - but that it would not arrive here for quite a few years: possibly around 2017-2020. When asked how he knew, his response was that highly advanced and classified superluminal [faster-then-light] craft had been out to "take a look", and had then returned to report back with the information. Jake told us that the effect could either be cataclysmic, or "just a puff of wind"... and that exactly what would happen, and when, was simply not known.
Of interest also is the anonymous testimony from a senior Electrical Engineer, whose wife contacted us in April 2009 to report an anticipated major breakdown of national power supplies a few years from now. These reports - and others (such as that from Dan Sherman) - all weave together to form an unsettling picture. While we have said separately that we do not agree with Patrick Geryl's conclusions, it does seem that the Earth, and the human race, may possibly be in for a bit of a rough ride... from a number of different causes.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Star Trek Medical Device....to free energy
Rife studied …
[Cancer], Tetanus, typhoid, gonorrhea, syphilis, staphylococci, pneumonia, streptococci, tuberculosis, sarcoma, carcinoma, leprosy, polio, cholera, actinomycosis, glanders, bubonic plague, anthrax, influenza, herpes, cataracts, glaucoma, colitis, sinus, ulcers, lock-jaw bacillus, and many other virus bacteria and fungi.
[ He was successful — using simple electronic equipment — in destroying them all without any significant side effects. The reason he was so successful was that his microscope allowed him to watch the living pathogens while he subjected them to resonate energy. ]
Researchers would achieve marvelous results for a period of time, then, suddenly the system would fail to produce much of anything. Even from one day to the next. This seems to still be "somewhat" true with our meager equipment and attempts at repeatability. It's not so much a failure of the technology; but, appears to be an atmospheric variation and other surrounding conditions. Changes in atmospheric pressure, temperature, magnetic earth fields and other surrounding natural forces affect electronics in strange ways.
A suggested approach is to begin at 20 Hz and work up in 10 cycle increments. … It is suggested (that) a beginner should avoid frequencies above 5,000 Hz. Interestingly, an amazing number of pathogens seem to respond in the low range from 20 Hz to 900 Hz.
A duration of 3-minutes is standard protocol while searching or scanning for a usable frequency.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
"Many people have written to ask for links to the modified engine that operates on 20% fuel and 80% water - which was very effectively demonstrated at the recent Barcelona and Amsterdam conferences. This site is an excellent resource. We can confirm that the motor works exactly as described, and the technology is simple in concept. The website is in German (with automated English translation) but three of the four embedded videos are in English. We do urge people to check this out: modifications can be made in a basic workshop with no exotic materials involved. This really does work."
..... from Project Camelot . net
..... from Project Camelot . net
Here we go Again.... LHC
Here comes the Large Haldron Collider.... CERN.....
starts up end of October? not certain.... testing continues...
walk through the plan.... they do have a project plan to follow once they start the thing up, don't they?
who writes the logic for the plan..... who does the risk management...... what is this person's name?
black holes? time anomalies?
starts up end of October? not certain.... testing continues...
walk through the plan.... they do have a project plan to follow once they start the thing up, don't they?
who writes the logic for the plan..... who does the risk management...... what is this person's name?
black holes? time anomalies?
What's In Those There Stored Procedures?
Researching Melaleuca... many stories,
just don't let them in your bank account!
how will you do transactions with them? what are consumer options for making purchases?
does your bank have a mechanism to prevent a check from clearing twice? THINK - e-transactions are not CHECKS - they are on a data feed "tape" or other electronic media. The tape can be mistakenly, or purposefully - re-sent by the vendor - or re-run @ the bank.
(market your bank BASED on the strength of its in-house/audited-with-ethical-standards IT systems!!!! Customers will flock to you!!!!)
(i have/can write programming logic....have/can written stored procedures.....audited logs of stored procedure and scheduled task activity -- and can think of many validation tests that each transaction must pass before it is accepted, and if accepted, the 2 systems need to do a "handshake". that final electronic conversation is often lost.... need a LOG to write lost handshake transactions..... THIS is why you never outsource your IT programmers, which virtually all U.S. corporations have done. Corporate American has no idea what happens when they use SAP, Peoplesoft, or whichever financial accounting package, or other pre-packaged software. What's in those there stored procedures? but what do I know? I only began working in the information technology field in 1982.... my daughters DOS Prompt was Bart Simpson's head! All written in autoexec.bat - for those of you who remember that one!)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Boys & their Toys
who writes the news today?
for which market?
who defines the markets?
(then sell your pitch @ making them give you their money, loyalty, allegiance, etc.!)
who CREATES markets?
as dan rather's teenage son walked his friend through the living room on the way up to room, he pointed to the man on the sofa, and he said, "That's Dan Rather. We usually see him on the 6:30 evening news." And he kept walking....
Ah, those boys and their toys. Don't miss it!
(The article even references Colin Powell's speech to the UN re: we need to go to war against Iraq. And he got BUSTED because of Microsoft Word's little "metadata problem"....)
Happy Tuesday....
for which market?
who defines the markets?
(then sell your pitch @ making them give you their money, loyalty, allegiance, etc.!)
who CREATES markets?
as dan rather's teenage son walked his friend through the living room on the way up to room, he pointed to the man on the sofa, and he said, "That's Dan Rather. We usually see him on the 6:30 evening news." And he kept walking....
Ah, those boys and their toys. Don't miss it!
(The article even references Colin Powell's speech to the UN re: we need to go to war against Iraq. And he got BUSTED because of Microsoft Word's little "metadata problem"....)
Happy Tuesday....
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This one is for you Oliver!
"The educated elites in the Arab world are now as alienated as the educated elites in the United States."
It can be dangerous to publicly connect the dots...
I koud bee a world cultures teacher - ???
["danger will robinson.... danger....... danger"]
Training.... Education.... all for a reason.....
Why r u here, now, with your skill set?
NO time for new training.
Time is OVER, and on "my" side.
All must ask.
How shall we witness?
It can be dangerous to publicly connect the dots...
I koud bee a world cultures teacher - ???
["danger will robinson.... danger....... danger"]
Training.... Education.... all for a reason.....
Why r u here, now, with your skill set?
NO time for new training.
Time is OVER, and on "my" side.
All must ask.
How shall we witness?
Friday, October 2, 2009
Quentin Crisp

When I read the list of Quentin Crisp's publications, I understood why cousin Barbara knew all about him, and had evidence of correspondence with this "Englishman in New York", as Sting described him....
" I don't take coffee, I take tea, my dear.... I like my toast done on one side.... be yourself no matter what they say.... "
" I don't take coffee, I take tea, my dear.... I like my toast done on one side.... be yourself no matter what they say.... "
- Lettering for Brush and Pen, (1936), Quentin Crisp and A.F. Stuart, Frederick Warne Ltd. Manual on advertising fonts.
- Colour in Display, (1938) Quentin Crisp, 131 pages, The Blandford Press. Manual on the use of colour in window displays.
- All This And Bevin Too (1943) Quentin Crisp, illustrated by Mervyn Peake, Mervyn Peake Society ISBN 0-9506125-0-2. Parable, in verse, about an unemployed kangaroo.
- The Naked Civil Servant, (1968) Quentin Crisp, 222 pages, HarperCollins, ISBN 0-00-654044-9. Quentin Crisp's witty and wise account of the first half of his life.
- Love Made Easy, (1977) Quentin Crisp, 154 pages, Duckworth, ISBN 0-7156-1188-7. Fantastical, semi-autobiographical novel.
- How to Have a Life Style, (1975), Quentin Crisp, 159 pages, Cecil Woolf Publishing, ISBN 0-900821-83-3. Elegant and insightful essays on charisma and personality.
- Chog: A Gothic Fantasy, (1979), Quentin Crisp, illustrated by Jo Lynch, 165 pages, Methuen, ISBN 0-413-39490-5. Dark novel about the household of a ruinous stately home.
- How to Become a Virgin, (1981) Quentin Crisp, 192 pages, HarperCollins, ISBN 0-00-638798-5. Second installment of autobiography, describing the fame his first book and its dramatisation brought.
- Doing It With Style, (1981) Quentin Crisp, with Donald Carroll, illustrated by Jonathan Hills, 157 pages, Methuen, ISBN 0-413-47490-9. A guide to thoughtful and stylish living.
- The Wit and Wisdom of Quentin Crisp, (1984) Quentin Crisp, edited by Guy Kettelhack, Harper & Row, 140 pages, ISBN 0-06-091178-6. Compilation of Crisp's essays and quotations.
- Manners from Heaven: a divine guide to good behaviour, (1984) Quentin Crisp, with John Hofsess, Hutchinson, ISBN 0-09-155810-7. Insightful instructions for compassionate living.
- How to Go to the Movies (1988) Quentin Crisp, 224 pages, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 0-312-05444-0. Movie reviews and essays on film.
- The Gay and Lesbian Quotation Book: a literary companion, (1989) edited by Quentin Crisp, Hale, 185 pages ISBN 0-7090-5605-2. Anthology of gay-related quotes.
- Resident Alien: The New York Diaries (1996) Quentin Crisp, 225 pages, HarperCollins, ISBN 0-00-638717-9. Diaries and recollections from 1990-94.
- Dusty Answers, (unpublished) edited by Phillip Ward. Quentin Crisp's final collection of writings, which will include his collected poetry and script of his one-man show.
- Hamlet (1976) .... Polonius
- The Bride.... Dr. Zalhus
- The Equalizer .... Ernie Frick (episode, First Light (1987)
- Ballad of Reading Gaol (short) (1988) .... Narrator
- Resident Alien (movie) (1990) (autobiography) .... Himself
- Topsy and Bunker: The Cat Killers (1992) .... Pat the Doorman
- Orlando (1992) .... Queen Elizabeth I
- Philadelphia (1993) (uncredited) .... Guest at Party
- Red Ribbons (1994) (Video) .... Horace Nightingale III
- Aunt Fannie (1994) (Video) .... Aunt Fannie
- Natural Born Crazies (1994) .... Narrator
- To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar (1995) .... New York pageant judge
- "Taylor Mead Unleashed",(documentary-1996) Himself. Sebastian Piras director
- Little Red Riding Hood (1997) (voice) .... Narrator
- Famous Again (1998)
- Men Under Water (1998) .... Joseph
- Barriers (1998) .... Nathan
- Homo Heights (1998) .... Malcolm
- American Mod (2002) .... Grandma
- Domestic Strangers (2005) .... Mr. Davis
2009 Tribeca Film Festival: John Hurt revisits the role of Quentin Crisp.... don't miss it!
Space Dust
best article on the photon belt i have seen....
Pinch Me.
It's that time again.
Like when the news reported "Pirates on the high seas...." last fall.
The quiet before the gathering storm.
The powers-that-be rattle their chains and make lots of noise.
Their fear making machines are cranked into high gear.....
this is what "they" have been taught to do.
By whom?
and never forget....
i have faraday genes!
and tesla was in awe of faraday!!!
tesla NEVER repeated a lecture twice. he did his science, verified his findings, published and presented. Then he moved on. He saw no need to restate the obvious! BUT, in London, he was bribed to repeat the lecture he had just given in new york - by allowing him to SIT in the Chair given to Michael Faraday at the Royal College. He got to sit there as long as he desired, and then he repeated his lecture, happily, having negotiated a satisfactory arrangement! .... the art of getting to Yes!
"One day sir, you may tax it." Michael Faraday's reply to William Gladstone, then British Minister of Finance, when asked of the practical value of electricity....."Work. Finish. Publish." — his advice to the young William Crookes".....The important thing is to know how to take all things quietly." .....Regarding the hereafter, "Speculations? I have none. I am resting on certainties."
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