Still, it grows and prospers. It cares not that it is below 32 degrees Farenheight, or that it just withstood a Noreaster..... it lives --- in a parallel universe in the back yard. Sweet.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Ah Ha!
At 3 a.m., he grasps a new paradigm.... no one to tell..... runs to library and finds person to whom he explains his discovery -- just KNOWING that person is capable of, and has done the analysis, and connected the dots laid out in the explanation just bestowed upon him, with the nature of life..... and person says, "Dr. L., Are you OK." And it takes him 20 years to simplify his story so that people can know that the world of cellular biology, quantum physics, the science of consciousness -- have all merged...... Listen if you dare. If you are even braver, focus and tell your own paradigm busting story!
Where have I been?
For a month? For a year? For 3 years? For 10 years?
Asleep my dears, asleep. I have been asleep.
Unable to keep the hands of others out of my pockets.
They even found the pockets I was not wearing.
And these people believe my support of them is owed to them.
I, who worked my entire life - as they lazed in bed....
smoking their ganja, which I did not partake but for which I paid.
Lines of white for ALL @ Christmas w/ the in-laws --- but first, make sure the Mama doesn't see us running up the stairs one at a time for our treat.....
What a fool I was.
Working LONGER HOURS to get recognized and paid mo' money...
so the interest on their consumer debt could be kept up with.....
"But this is how everyone lives" I am told,
as I know in the pit of my intelligent gut that this is NOT SO.
How does one keep it going when past the point of no return?
Play the health card. Does not need to be a conscious act my dears....
The cells know when their daily dose of sugar, fat and THC is threatened....
All the while, insulting me and speaking badly of me behind my back.
Why did I bring this on myself?
It was just a bad nightmare, and it is over.
For a month? For a year? For 3 years? For 10 years?
Asleep my dears, asleep. I have been asleep.
Unable to keep the hands of others out of my pockets.
They even found the pockets I was not wearing.
And these people believe my support of them is owed to them.
I, who worked my entire life - as they lazed in bed....
smoking their ganja, which I did not partake but for which I paid.
Lines of white for ALL @ Christmas w/ the in-laws --- but first, make sure the Mama doesn't see us running up the stairs one at a time for our treat.....
What a fool I was.
Working LONGER HOURS to get recognized and paid mo' money...
so the interest on their consumer debt could be kept up with.....
"But this is how everyone lives" I am told,
as I know in the pit of my intelligent gut that this is NOT SO.
How does one keep it going when past the point of no return?
Play the health card. Does not need to be a conscious act my dears....
The cells know when their daily dose of sugar, fat and THC is threatened....
All the while, insulting me and speaking badly of me behind my back.
Why did I bring this on myself?
It was just a bad nightmare, and it is over.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Rise Above Duality
It's now clear that the price of energy and food will skyrocket upwards, in the U.S., and across the word. Nothing happens fast. (But I can tell you Walmart food prices are up this week - 20 cents on this item, 30 on the next.....)
So, as the human beings stratified in the "lower socioeconomic" groups [read: little education or money and no wealth] spend up to 50% of their "income" on energy and food. The "upper socioeconomic" humans may spend up to 10% of their "income" on these same two items.
So if we have a weekly income of $100, the "poor" will spend up to $50 to eat, get to work, and stay warm or cool. If we have an income of $1000 per week, the "rich" will spend $100 on food an energy to get them through the week.
Hummmm..... where do you think this is gonna head IF we don't turn it AROUND. Dare to rise above duality!
So, as the human beings stratified in the "lower socioeconomic" groups [read: little education or money and no wealth] spend up to 50% of their "income" on energy and food. The "upper socioeconomic" humans may spend up to 10% of their "income" on these same two items.
So if we have a weekly income of $100, the "poor" will spend up to $50 to eat, get to work, and stay warm or cool. If we have an income of $1000 per week, the "rich" will spend $100 on food an energy to get them through the week.
Hummmm..... where do you think this is gonna head IF we don't turn it AROUND. Dare to rise above duality!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Here the news, straight from Venice Beach, CA, where the Simpsons are created.
You heard it here first? Who cares - only care that you heard it.
Pretty creepy, heh?
You heard it here first? Who cares - only care that you heard it.
Pretty creepy, heh?
Do you have 11 minutes to change the world?
After all, it has been proven that it takes only the square root of 1% of the population to make a SHIFT....
and this:
Will you take the challenge?
After all, it has been proven that it takes only the square root of 1% of the population to make a SHIFT....
and this:
Will you take the challenge?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
F You
F you darlings.
Dare to rise above duality.
The only thing you can control is your reaction.
And some of us are not doing a very good job.
Dare to rise above duality.
The only thing you can control is your reaction.
And some of us are not doing a very good job.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Economic Hitmen and their Juntas
All done in the name of patriotism. Get those soldiers' emotions pledged to god and country and you're rollin'... make fear the enemy and teach them that they are keeping their families safe, and paving the way for a better way of life for the world.... EVERYONE should have OUR values, and they they will prosper, just like us. [Well, look at us @ the end of 2010, about 1 week away from the economic crash.] Whatever works to mobilize the troops and achieve the objective..... When will the TIPPING POINT come to make plain to humanity, that in WAR, no one wins..... No one. Just stop it. Now. Dare to rise above DUALITY and claim your place on the next rung...
"Back in 1933, two-time Medal of Honor winner General Smedley Butler astounded his audience: "I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American Republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912.
I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested... Looking back on it, I feel I could have given Al Capone a few hints." " I spent thirty-three years and four months in the military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. During that period, I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism."
Monday, November 1, 2010
For Linda - 1955 Montgomery, Alabama
The Long Walk Home
Watch the trailer here - is a good summary of the situation and the movie:
Watch the trailer here - is a good summary of the situation and the movie:
Sunday, October 31, 2010
watermanfiles --- cliff high's 10/20/2010 webbot report, part 2
Part 1 is here:
Please read Part 1 before reading this continuation.... Thanks.
Listen for yourself:
We continue.... November 8-11th: The Tipping Point
this event is bigger than the false flags, wars, election frauds that have happened over last 60 years....
it will change how people perceive that the world operates....
run on precious metals begins
8/15 report - this new report is more of the same
reference: kerry [cassidy's] interview with george green interview
gold market: $1370/oz. (allow for spot price, fees, etc.) Can buy today @ $1433 per George Greene
american populace is spark of what ignites this thing
obama's schedule has changed. 9th up to 5th, now up to 11/4, he leaves for far east (india) & orient tour. back 14h. H. Clinton and Geitner, Bernake & their minions will be gone too.
--G-20 meetings - began 10/27 - agenda: resolve currency crisis and finalize nov. agenda. Chinese v. U.S. currency war ongoing NOW. Agenda: IMF Reform. China wants tariffs to be a violation of WTO. Currency reserves. 11/10-11 meeting in Seoul, South Korea.
--AZ goes to court 11/1 - Bill 1070 right of the state to remove illegals from AZ. When will Opinion come out?
--Foreign nationals can join in AZ court ruling, and there will be 11 participating.
--11/2 election fall out
REPORT: data continues to point to US populace as the spark. army and military complex in context with America. a connection with Israel. military leaders get reward for serving their masters. high ranking general gets decoration but large force overwhelmed by smaller energy and ranking general will be dismissed due to bad words.
marker: gold and precious metals will be the focus at the last minute before the entities involved go into the tipping point... look for gold spike/metal rush and then a military event/action related to the metals.
America is cross linked over to spacegoatfarts - space related activity will be related to illnesses and disruption - also oil volcano illnesses - resentment about handling builds over winter.
false flag attack America and/or Israel
those who launch are waiting for the currency destruction before lanching the war
.... japanese stuff, fulford [?doesn't vet well?], china has dumped the $; japan still holds lots of $$$; japan doesn't like the fed; japan could launch economic war
This US/&or/Israeli war won't go as planned. All Israeli jets will be destroyed almost instantly. Israel is afraid japan's war will be blamed on them!
a purge of the minons - imploding the obama administration, triggering market reaction - fallout prevents fed from being able to manage economic system - it will SHUT DOWN for a while, and will take weeks for some of the fallout to maifest..... won't know about it the day it happens...
data supports 2+ months intense language global systemic economic meltdown while political/constitutional crisis in america appears - appearing to place the constitution in jeapordy.
2nd senerio: elections a disaster for the parties - politics comes unglued due to fraud in the system. makes opportunity for TPTB to institute new control structure - patrioit generals - but things may not go as TPTB plans, and they lose control.... higher education will shut down - university stuff is part of the culture: football, the whole culture of it..... no $ will collapse it.
next phase - as early as December, educational system pays the toll with bad results.... colleges & universities mostly. American elite will show the fraud, as they try to prop it up financially, thereby exposing their corruption.... Retirement and health care system - Nov. - March - economic collapse - no access to medicine - deaths. (e.g., need insulin.... etc.) older people will drop into despair. suicides of older people will hit news. TPTB expect this to happen, and a certain % will be shut down this way!
Ownership will be enforced with guns. Many will opt for a violent response by summer 2011 - march with torches! TPTB will be caught in the ACT. French economic issues were predicted over past 2 years by webbot... nov thru spring shows american revolution coming. watch france as social order breaks up - see milestone - someone will emerge - underground official becomes visible, is in leadership - AS banks collapse and US gov't attacks its people. things are days away when french official emerges.... Watch France.....
Remember, Part 1 is a pre-requisite.... Please read it first. Thanks.
Please read Part 1 before reading this continuation.... Thanks.
Listen for yourself:
We continue.... November 8-11th: The Tipping Point
this event is bigger than the false flags, wars, election frauds that have happened over last 60 years....
it will change how people perceive that the world operates....
run on precious metals begins
8/15 report - this new report is more of the same
reference: kerry [cassidy's] interview with george green interview
gold market: $1370/oz. (allow for spot price, fees, etc.) Can buy today @ $1433 per George Greene
american populace is spark of what ignites this thing
obama's schedule has changed. 9th up to 5th, now up to 11/4, he leaves for far east (india) & orient tour. back 14h. H. Clinton and Geitner, Bernake & their minions will be gone too.
--G-20 meetings - began 10/27 - agenda: resolve currency crisis and finalize nov. agenda. Chinese v. U.S. currency war ongoing NOW. Agenda: IMF Reform. China wants tariffs to be a violation of WTO. Currency reserves. 11/10-11 meeting in Seoul, South Korea.
--AZ goes to court 11/1 - Bill 1070 right of the state to remove illegals from AZ. When will Opinion come out?
--Foreign nationals can join in AZ court ruling, and there will be 11 participating.
--11/2 election fall out
REPORT: data continues to point to US populace as the spark. army and military complex in context with America. a connection with Israel. military leaders get reward for serving their masters. high ranking general gets decoration but large force overwhelmed by smaller energy and ranking general will be dismissed due to bad words.
marker: gold and precious metals will be the focus at the last minute before the entities involved go into the tipping point... look for gold spike/metal rush and then a military event/action related to the metals.
America is cross linked over to spacegoatfarts - space related activity will be related to illnesses and disruption - also oil volcano illnesses - resentment about handling builds over winter.
false flag attack America and/or Israel
those who launch are waiting for the currency destruction before lanching the war
.... japanese stuff, fulford [?doesn't vet well?], china has dumped the $; japan still holds lots of $$$; japan doesn't like the fed; japan could launch economic war
This US/&or/Israeli war won't go as planned. All Israeli jets will be destroyed almost instantly. Israel is afraid japan's war will be blamed on them!
a purge of the minons - imploding the obama administration, triggering market reaction - fallout prevents fed from being able to manage economic system - it will SHUT DOWN for a while, and will take weeks for some of the fallout to maifest..... won't know about it the day it happens...
data supports 2+ months intense language global systemic economic meltdown while political/constitutional crisis in america appears - appearing to place the constitution in jeapordy.
2nd senerio: elections a disaster for the parties - politics comes unglued due to fraud in the system. makes opportunity for TPTB to institute new control structure - patrioit generals - but things may not go as TPTB plans, and they lose control.... higher education will shut down - university stuff is part of the culture: football, the whole culture of it..... no $ will collapse it.
next phase - as early as December, educational system pays the toll with bad results.... colleges & universities mostly. American elite will show the fraud, as they try to prop it up financially, thereby exposing their corruption.... Retirement and health care system - Nov. - March - economic collapse - no access to medicine - deaths. (e.g., need insulin.... etc.) older people will drop into despair. suicides of older people will hit news. TPTB expect this to happen, and a certain % will be shut down this way!
Ownership will be enforced with guns. Many will opt for a violent response by summer 2011 - march with torches! TPTB will be caught in the ACT. French economic issues were predicted over past 2 years by webbot... nov thru spring shows american revolution coming. watch france as social order breaks up - see milestone - someone will emerge - underground official becomes visible, is in leadership - AS banks collapse and US gov't attacks its people. things are days away when french official emerges.... Watch France.....
Remember, Part 1 is a pre-requisite.... Please read it first. Thanks.
Friday, October 29, 2010
tipsy turvy
"Has there ever been a Ponzi scheme so brazen? There has not.” Open your eyes... it is happening in front of you, & the info IS availabe 2 u.... but most of you are not financially literate enough to understand what this really means..... I knew there was a reason the Universe sent me to earn an M.B.A.!!! - and I'm seeing folks, this keeps flowing into a brick wall, which is RIGHT IN FRONT OF US.... pay attention....
May 2010. The mainstream press is dead.
August 2010.
What Obama has attempted to do is to wipe a complete economic collapse under the rug and maintain the status quo so that the current elite class in the United States remains in control. The “people” see this ploy and are furious. Those that screwed up the United States economy should never make another important decision about it yet they remain firmly in control of policy. The important thing in any functioning democracy is the turnover of the elite class every now and again....We look at how the government steers the economy in China and sneer. How are we so different right now?
October 2010. The tipping point has arrived....
Sunday, October 24, 2010
You hold the vibratory key that escorts so many into a portal, a place of safety and it is in this place of safety that you will lift them so they do not stumble. You will lift them by drinking for them, by sleeping for them, by praying for them, by holding the fire light for them. You will lift them in your song, in your laughter and in your playful manner because that is what you have always done.
10/20/10 Cliff High Webbot Report - November 8-11 TIPPING POINT
Listen for yourself:
Also see:
Cliff's own update moves event up to kick off early @ 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday 11/5/2010
November 8-11 event. The longer the event, the bigger it will be.... 10 - 1000x bigger than 911. The NOV tipping point. 30,000 - 30 million people could be involved with this extrapolation.... Randy Weaver, WACO, Oklahoma City, 911 designed to impact the psyche (i.e., BELIEF system - make FEAR) We did not BUY the last bail out - 1000-1 against -
G-20 (was G-8, G-7) economic summit (alledgedly about the economy) now.... hosted by a non G-8 country..... held in Soeul, S. Korea. Obama is going on tour! Is leaving the 5th, to return the 14th. He is going to the Orient. China has a central bank which is NOT private like the U.S. Federal Reserve.... agendas: 11/11 main meeting. resolved global currency FLOW. Chinese currency v. US. Fed Reserve Note. Trying to redo IMF. China says tarrifs on their goods violates WTO. Banks want to go to China to take advantge of 400 million chinese with cell phones - GROWTH market..... (market in the US is saturated.) Will also discuss currency reserves - bonds, gold, etc.
Arizona court date for appeals begins 11/1 re: illegal immigration. US trying to overturn state law against immigration - Senate Bill 1070 - (states rights again....)
Vatican will have to make a big payoff. $10 billion owed to Europeans..... just came out in news (??? need to find this story)
"coagulation of paper debt comes to surface - planetary currency crisis.... will change how world perceives that it operates...."
Japan NOW in the news, has problems with China - currency problems - China dumped much of its $$$; Japan still holds $$$, so Japan DOES NOT want $$$ devalued. False flags, Wars, election fraud, COMBINED over last 60 yrs. etc. not be as significant as this event.
As goes the $$$, so goes the world.
WebBot project written in same language as PROMIS, and was TO HELP investment houses!
"currency destruction wave will wash your life away. be prepared to be a currency cast away."
U.S. has been taken over. we are occupied. they use ADMIRALTY law to imprison us.
the show is getting ready to start.
the solar system (sun) changes will impact the earth.
direct and indirect solar influences will affect and alter all humanity
10/27/10 this begins....
will sudden climate change, food crop shortages, ocean disruption, atmoospheric gauss, including floods
"stability of the global economy which is constraining and holding back zionist attack on iran will be removed."
because it is connected to the jet fuel israel purchased..... they must act now or the fuel is trash.
"unanticipated social shock coming to US after elections b/c of death of the $ and the Fed., not because of the elections"
doesn't say world currency will replace it...
"the speed of the shock thru american people and politic body.... will catch most of the world, including the US, unaware...."
why is england investing in earthquake training?
only 8 people have died in Great Britian over past 1000 years from earthquakes.
points in the data connect to
"the language points to data indicating earthquakes due to scalar and hyper-dimensional weapons..... earthquakes, melt infrastructure, collapse bridges"
physical changes to ocean currents; they will actually become visible.
earth changes will continue to affect global infrastructure thru winter 2010 thru summer of 2011
N. hemisphere may have winter till June
roads canals harbors marina, ports, stockyards, resorts in mountains/beach, conference centers, cemetaries, railsystems, electric-systems, pipelines
satellite systems controlling cell phones affected by dense water vapor in sky - you will see
coastal areas - waves and earth movement
in Nov, manifests... food distribution systems - will not be able to TRANSPORT the food because of changed weather systems.
Nov 8-11 has emotional impact
only 10% comes from earth changes
after 11/11, earth changes become more of an issue.
earth/climate shifts partially (20%) resposible for economic collapse
Sun/space anomolies affects weather thru Fall 2011
then there will be clues indicating alien wars and all things space related will start showing up.
Russia - flooding, damn break, 1 week of rainfall will = 3 years normal rainfall
Rain affects Turkey, British Isles, French coastal areas
One hit, and then another hit to Britian and France.
News about rescuers and military divers getting people out of water (The Tunnel under the Channel?)
Earthquakes will cause floods in France to get worse
technology - causing our own demise (AGAIN jr)
we are gettin ready to be in the cosmic timeferame that last time caused extinction... 12,000-13,000 year cycles - time it takes to cross the galactic plane
a siberian couple
associated with a new kind of electric - alternative energy
will need to be relocated because of the climate issue - this will thrust them on to the world stage
older report referenced this also -
southern indian ocean, and will go 90 degrees east of this to find new land. central location - land will rise from ocean floor. "what once was upon a time, will again be visible.
move the Fed into position of being irrelevant. grows more as november passes. fed will not matter in our lives. Highest hits on "Fed" in 7 years of the webbot report. this webbot project was designed to help FINANCIAL INDUSTRY.
lack of digital cash. bank holidays. (august report said - no money available)
1st bank holiday: (where?) central bank - will effect entire country.
will happen before the elections in the U.S.
mainstream media will start covering currency/financial issues last week of October.
U.S. now has worst unemployment anywhere in western culture; the reserve currency is the cause of this.
Politicians will be summoned from their beds into secret meetings re: the $ had a heart attack.
November. The press will know this.
crisis of the $ resusitation will trigger its collapse; will open flaws/cracks in international monetary system - everyone will see it. press will be b/t rock and a hard spot - but reporters are not free to report! info will be available, but they cannot report it.
arguso radio --- discusses financial corruption ---
because of this turmoil, death of high ranking minions of bankers blown up by car bombs may not be reported. telling cell owners "get out" - talking about dirivitives. fall out of the banks will cause them to close. this month:
as of 10/15 - 10/20 bank closings: Jefferson City, MO. Chesterfield, MO. Eletha, KN (Sprint Corp - near Kansas City) - Shoreline, WA, Crawfordville, FL.
400 banks around world are requesting global currency
"will be precipitated by derivative crash"
"currency problems 11/8, in NE and in the West will have currency trouble."
criminal investigations of bankers and politicians start 11/8
involves highest administration branch
will lead to criminal activity by central banks - (expect some murders)
waves of unemployment starting in advertising, media, entertainment, packaging plants, printing......
part 2 next week.
Also see:
Cliff's own update moves event up to kick off early @ 2:30 p.m. Pacific Time on Friday 11/5/2010
And this:
which as of NOW (11/5/2010) announces an interview with Cliff High to be released @ 8:00 p.m. PST -- and says, "Due to the importance of the material that will be covered on this show, the present economy, and significant dates/events in November, this show will be available to everyone in its entirety at no cost. Call it our VERITAS-TWO-YEAR-ANNIVERSARY PRESENT to the world, if you like."
November 8-11 event. The longer the event, the bigger it will be.... 10 - 1000x bigger than 911. The NOV tipping point. 30,000 - 30 million people could be involved with this extrapolation.... Randy Weaver, WACO, Oklahoma City, 911 designed to impact the psyche (i.e., BELIEF system - make FEAR) We did not BUY the last bail out - 1000-1 against -
G-20 (was G-8, G-7) economic summit (alledgedly about the economy) now.... hosted by a non G-8 country..... held in Soeul, S. Korea. Obama is going on tour! Is leaving the 5th, to return the 14th. He is going to the Orient. China has a central bank which is NOT private like the U.S. Federal Reserve.... agendas: 11/11 main meeting. resolved global currency FLOW. Chinese currency v. US. Fed Reserve Note. Trying to redo IMF. China says tarrifs on their goods violates WTO. Banks want to go to China to take advantge of 400 million chinese with cell phones - GROWTH market..... (market in the US is saturated.) Will also discuss currency reserves - bonds, gold, etc.
Arizona court date for appeals begins 11/1 re: illegal immigration. US trying to overturn state law against immigration - Senate Bill 1070 - (states rights again....)
Vatican will have to make a big payoff. $10 billion owed to Europeans..... just came out in news (??? need to find this story)
"coagulation of paper debt comes to surface - planetary currency crisis.... will change how world perceives that it operates...."
Japan NOW in the news, has problems with China - currency problems - China dumped much of its $$$; Japan still holds $$$, so Japan DOES NOT want $$$ devalued. False flags, Wars, election fraud, COMBINED over last 60 yrs. etc. not be as significant as this event.
As goes the $$$, so goes the world.
WebBot project written in same language as PROMIS, and was TO HELP investment houses!
"currency destruction wave will wash your life away. be prepared to be a currency cast away."
U.S. has been taken over. we are occupied. they use ADMIRALTY law to imprison us.
the show is getting ready to start.
the solar system (sun) changes will impact the earth.
direct and indirect solar influences will affect and alter all humanity
10/27/10 this begins....
will sudden climate change, food crop shortages, ocean disruption, atmoospheric gauss, including floods
"stability of the global economy which is constraining and holding back zionist attack on iran will be removed."
because it is connected to the jet fuel israel purchased..... they must act now or the fuel is trash.
"unanticipated social shock coming to US after elections b/c of death of the $ and the Fed., not because of the elections"
doesn't say world currency will replace it...
"the speed of the shock thru american people and politic body.... will catch most of the world, including the US, unaware...."
why is england investing in earthquake training?
only 8 people have died in Great Britian over past 1000 years from earthquakes.
points in the data connect to
"the language points to data indicating earthquakes due to scalar and hyper-dimensional weapons..... earthquakes, melt infrastructure, collapse bridges"
physical changes to ocean currents; they will actually become visible.
earth changes will continue to affect global infrastructure thru winter 2010 thru summer of 2011
N. hemisphere may have winter till June
roads canals harbors marina, ports, stockyards, resorts in mountains/beach, conference centers, cemetaries, railsystems, electric-systems, pipelines
satellite systems controlling cell phones affected by dense water vapor in sky - you will see
coastal areas - waves and earth movement
in Nov, manifests... food distribution systems - will not be able to TRANSPORT the food because of changed weather systems.
Nov 8-11 has emotional impact
only 10% comes from earth changes
after 11/11, earth changes become more of an issue.
earth/climate shifts partially (20%) resposible for economic collapse
Sun/space anomolies affects weather thru Fall 2011
then there will be clues indicating alien wars and all things space related will start showing up.
Russia - flooding, damn break, 1 week of rainfall will = 3 years normal rainfall
Rain affects Turkey, British Isles, French coastal areas
One hit, and then another hit to Britian and France.
News about rescuers and military divers getting people out of water (The Tunnel under the Channel?)
Earthquakes will cause floods in France to get worse
technology - causing our own demise (AGAIN jr)
we are gettin ready to be in the cosmic timeferame that last time caused extinction... 12,000-13,000 year cycles - time it takes to cross the galactic plane
a siberian couple
associated with a new kind of electric - alternative energy
will need to be relocated because of the climate issue - this will thrust them on to the world stage
older report referenced this also -
southern indian ocean, and will go 90 degrees east of this to find new land. central location - land will rise from ocean floor. "what once was upon a time, will again be visible.
move the Fed into position of being irrelevant. grows more as november passes. fed will not matter in our lives. Highest hits on "Fed" in 7 years of the webbot report. this webbot project was designed to help FINANCIAL INDUSTRY.
lack of digital cash. bank holidays. (august report said - no money available)
1st bank holiday: (where?) central bank - will effect entire country.
will happen before the elections in the U.S.
mainstream media will start covering currency/financial issues last week of October.
U.S. now has worst unemployment anywhere in western culture; the reserve currency is the cause of this.
Politicians will be summoned from their beds into secret meetings re: the $ had a heart attack.
November. The press will know this.
crisis of the $ resusitation will trigger its collapse; will open flaws/cracks in international monetary system - everyone will see it. press will be b/t rock and a hard spot - but reporters are not free to report! info will be available, but they cannot report it.
arguso radio --- discusses financial corruption ---
because of this turmoil, death of high ranking minions of bankers blown up by car bombs may not be reported. telling cell owners "get out" - talking about dirivitives. fall out of the banks will cause them to close. this month:
as of 10/15 - 10/20 bank closings: Jefferson City, MO. Chesterfield, MO. Eletha, KN (Sprint Corp - near Kansas City) - Shoreline, WA, Crawfordville, FL.
400 banks around world are requesting global currency
"will be precipitated by derivative crash"
"currency problems 11/8, in NE and in the West will have currency trouble."
criminal investigations of bankers and politicians start 11/8
involves highest administration branch
will lead to criminal activity by central banks - (expect some murders)
waves of unemployment starting in advertising, media, entertainment, packaging plants, printing......
part 2 next week.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Education? What a misnomer - this institution is also DEAD and smelly.
Teachers teach the curriculum. Period.
New Law of the Land
Sounds like the Soviet Union's system that I learned about in school!
(You see where that institution went!)
When I walked into a 9th grade classroom in 1981 to teach, no one handed me a curriculum!
And there was no mandate that I teach what was in the textbook (that the students could not read).
That has SO turned around in only 30 years..... think about it!
Who is grabbing for control? Who edits the curriculum?
Education? Academic Freedom?
wanna talk about cold fusion research and the murder of Gene Malove, who resigned his hallowed position due to lack of integrity in the research. Cold fusion is real. 60 Minutes aired it in 2 segments...... as the story unfolded they had to do a follow up to their initial bombshell report.... but "we" don't remember, or know what Education is anymore......
New Law of the Land
Sounds like the Soviet Union's system that I learned about in school!
(You see where that institution went!)
When I walked into a 9th grade classroom in 1981 to teach, no one handed me a curriculum!
And there was no mandate that I teach what was in the textbook (that the students could not read).
That has SO turned around in only 30 years..... think about it!
Who is grabbing for control? Who edits the curriculum?
Education? Academic Freedom?
wanna talk about cold fusion research and the murder of Gene Malove, who resigned his hallowed position due to lack of integrity in the research. Cold fusion is real. 60 Minutes aired it in 2 segments...... as the story unfolded they had to do a follow up to their initial bombshell report.... but "we" don't remember, or know what Education is anymore......
The Old Economy Is Broke.... and it Ain't Comin' Back Kids
per Ellen Brown.... who is a very good financial analyst/commentator.
(Come on girls, she's a WOMAN --- you can comprehend this!)
but most of the population cannot comprehend the basic financial principals involved,
and they either play the program saying, "this is too complex for me to understand",
or the one insisting "who cares?"
And of course there are the ones who shake their heads as they pretend to understand --
they cannot see how fast this will play out.... - that is 7.76 JOBS cost $70 Million???
" There is lots of bitterness out there with the straight shooting finance people. Many of them find themselves unemployable....I actually had a BS HR person tell me I was not flexible enough. I wanted to tell this idiot that I knew where flexibility got me and it was an orange jumpsuit."
do you want a sink full of water?
or a faucet you can turn on or off, as you desire it?
per Ellen Brown.... who is a very good financial analyst/commentator.
(Come on girls, she's a WOMAN --- you can comprehend this!)
but most of the population cannot comprehend the basic financial principals involved,
and they either play the program saying, "this is too complex for me to understand",
or the one insisting "who cares?"
And of course there are the ones who shake their heads as they pretend to understand --
they cannot see how fast this will play out.... - that is 7.76 JOBS cost $70 Million???
" There is lots of bitterness out there with the straight shooting finance people. Many of them find themselves unemployable....I actually had a BS HR person tell me I was not flexible enough. I wanted to tell this idiot that I knew where flexibility got me and it was an orange jumpsuit."
do you want a sink full of water?
or a faucet you can turn on or off, as you desire it?
Ooops.... there crumbles the medical field.....
A real world, grown-up type, example of why your mother told you,
"Be careful what you wish for...."
A real world, grown-up type, example of why your mother told you,
"Be careful what you wish for...."
Evolutionary Pioneers
The material zenith of this Civilization has peaked.
what is "material"? don't you know that in 1925, quantum physics told us that everything is energy. It goes by many names, The Field, The Mind of God, God..... each soul is a node of the interconnected Web of entangled CONSCIOUSNESS.
energy is consciousness? yes.
matter is merely our perception of light as it bounces off of energy that spins in a particular way...
don't try to put God in a box by a definition of what s/he is.
which belief system causes us to want to give God a gender?
we are each a hologram of the other. when one of us hurts, so do we all. when one of us rejoices, so do all the rest. and we are at the Tipping Point of human consciousness' totality - it is tipping Another Direction. the old systems which no longer serve us will not exist, because the Human Consciousness Space will empower them no longer. they will simply cease to be. Blip. End of Program. Install newbelief.exe and let it run!
(How many Americans dream of working hard to own their own home.... How many 20 somethings know their credit score will never catch up with what is required to function in American society today... What is happening to the concept of property ownership? How many women know their college loans will still need payments long after their biological clock has ticked. It just doesn't work anymore. See: we are more than half-way there!!!)
Before the collapse,
comes the co-creation.
That is the gentle path.
what is "material"? don't you know that in 1925, quantum physics told us that everything is energy. It goes by many names, The Field, The Mind of God, God..... each soul is a node of the interconnected Web of entangled CONSCIOUSNESS.
energy is consciousness? yes.
matter is merely our perception of light as it bounces off of energy that spins in a particular way...
don't try to put God in a box by a definition of what s/he is.
which belief system causes us to want to give God a gender?
we are each a hologram of the other. when one of us hurts, so do we all. when one of us rejoices, so do all the rest. and we are at the Tipping Point of human consciousness' totality - it is tipping Another Direction. the old systems which no longer serve us will not exist, because the Human Consciousness Space will empower them no longer. they will simply cease to be. Blip. End of Program. Install newbelief.exe and let it run!
(How many Americans dream of working hard to own their own home.... How many 20 somethings know their credit score will never catch up with what is required to function in American society today... What is happening to the concept of property ownership? How many women know their college loans will still need payments long after their biological clock has ticked. It just doesn't work anymore. See: we are more than half-way there!!!)
Before the collapse,
comes the co-creation.
That is the gentle path.
Yo Jack!
When you send an email, signed "anonymous", I cannot respond by simply addressing my reply to "Jack".... the program is not that sophisticated yet!!!! Almost, but not quite....
Friday, October 15, 2010
Heavy Metal
Price of Gold
12/31/2000 - $272
12/31/2001 - $278
12/31/2002 - $346
12/31/2-03 - $435
12/31/2004 – $437
12/31/2005 – $516
12/31/2006 – $636
12/31/2007 – $834
12/31/2008 – $880
12/31/2009 – $1,096
12/31/2010 -
and silver is up to $23 ????
12/31/2000 - $272
12/31/2001 - $278
12/31/2002 - $346
12/31/2-03 - $435
12/31/2004 – $437
12/31/2005 – $516
12/31/2006 – $636
12/31/2007 – $834
12/31/2008 – $880
12/31/2009 – $1,096
12/31/2010 -
and silver is up to $23 ????
Thursday, October 14, 2010
A Class About Terrorism
What is terrorism?
What is a "false flag" attack.
How do cultural beliefs affect one's view of "current events"?
How can the emotions be manipulated through the use of words with a +/- "connotation"
What role do emotions play in terrorism?
What is Zionism?
They say you have to be 18 to view this, to which I say, "Poppycock"
Palestine - occupants driven from land after World War 2. [See :47]
1946 King David Hotel Bombing
[the year before Israel became a nation. see 1st person witness /:// jr]
purpose: make the world focus on YOU
91 dead; 54 of them innocent bystanders; 28 British; 17 Jews; 41 Arabs
1954 Lavon Affair a/k/a Operation Suzanna
FAILED firebombing in Cairo, Alexandria to be blamed on Muslims to disrupt Egyptian/U.S./British cozy relations.
1967 USS Liberty Ambushed
Israel ambushes in 2 hour attack; U.S. Navy ordered to Stand Down.
34 U.S. dead; 171 seriously injured
Also see:
1994 Cave of the Patriot's Massacre
American Jew walks into Hebron mosque and open fires on 300 worshipers; kills 30 Palestineans and militant Jews build him a shrine.
[8:44 Amy Goodman from reports Netanyahu has said 911 was good for Israel..... ]
5 Dancing Israelis
all work for a moving company.
[11:12 Dan Rather reports] truck filled with explosives recovered from George Washington Bridge
[11:47} 6th & King Streets - white van exploded - with pix of Twin Towers in flames; Suspects apprehended. Are Israeli, and they work for a moving company; the owner of the company leaves for/flees-to Israel 3 days after 9/11 [i.e., as soon as planes are allowed to fly again....] The company, Urban Moving Systems, a front for the Mossad.
Larry Silverstein & Frank Lowry, Zionists, sign a 99 year lease for the Twin Tower real estate, and insure it very well for terrorism - this is early 2001. Everyone in NY knows the buildings are full of asbestos and are a problem [must remediate: encapsulate, remove ---- all $$$$]. On 9/11, Larry misses his daily breakfast with the boys in the North Tower @ Windows on the World - he had a dermatologist's appointment....
What is terrorism?
What is a "false flag" attack.
How do cultural beliefs affect one's view of "current events"?
How can the emotions be manipulated through the use of words with a +/- "connotation"
What role do emotions play in terrorism?
What is Zionism?
They say you have to be 18 to view this, to which I say, "Poppycock"
Palestine - occupants driven from land after World War 2. [See :47]
1946 King David Hotel Bombing
[the year before Israel became a nation. see 1st person witness /:// jr]
purpose: make the world focus on YOU
91 dead; 54 of them innocent bystanders; 28 British; 17 Jews; 41 Arabs
1954 Lavon Affair a/k/a Operation Suzanna
FAILED firebombing in Cairo, Alexandria to be blamed on Muslims to disrupt Egyptian/U.S./British cozy relations.
1967 USS Liberty Ambushed
Israel ambushes in 2 hour attack; U.S. Navy ordered to Stand Down.
34 U.S. dead; 171 seriously injured
Also see:
1994 Cave of the Patriot's Massacre
American Jew walks into Hebron mosque and open fires on 300 worshipers; kills 30 Palestineans and militant Jews build him a shrine.
[8:44 Amy Goodman from reports Netanyahu has said 911 was good for Israel..... ]
5 Dancing Israelis
all work for a moving company.
[11:12 Dan Rather reports] truck filled with explosives recovered from George Washington Bridge
[11:47} 6th & King Streets - white van exploded - with pix of Twin Towers in flames; Suspects apprehended. Are Israeli, and they work for a moving company; the owner of the company leaves for/flees-to Israel 3 days after 9/11 [i.e., as soon as planes are allowed to fly again....] The company, Urban Moving Systems, a front for the Mossad.
Larry Silverstein & Frank Lowry, Zionists, sign a 99 year lease for the Twin Tower real estate, and insure it very well for terrorism - this is early 2001. Everyone in NY knows the buildings are full of asbestos and are a problem [must remediate: encapsulate, remove ---- all $$$$]. On 9/11, Larry misses his daily breakfast with the boys in the North Tower @ Windows on the World - he had a dermatologist's appointment....
Friday, October 8, 2010
Is Facebook Cliff High's Toy?
Holy mother of Gaia....
Cliff High, @, is onto something interesting.....
Who is using Facebook with Cliff's alogirithms to predict future events?
Ditto for Twitter.
But when you predict, do you focus, thereby giving intent to physical manifestation of the event you observed in your mind.....
Thank you Regina Meridith, for this idea, from your blog.
Here is Cliff High's latest interview - 9/2010
Wingmakers interview with Cliff High can be found here
Cliff High, @, is onto something interesting.....
Who is using Facebook with Cliff's alogirithms to predict future events?
Ditto for Twitter.
But when you predict, do you focus, thereby giving intent to physical manifestation of the event you observed in your mind.....
Thank you Regina Meridith, for this idea, from your blog.
Here is Cliff High's latest interview - 9/2010
Wingmakers interview with Cliff High can be found here
Monday, October 4, 2010
Zappa speaks:
"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."
----Frank Zappa, musician and cultural iconoclast
----Frank Zappa, musician and cultural iconoclast
A Previously Unrecognized Form of Energy
dna affects the creation of matter
remove the dna, and matter, in its 3-D state, remains
human dna is communicating with our world, creating it....
Reference the work of:
But what about this:
t-rays disrupt dna? what if humans are unable to communicate? to create?
Well, it could be a huge joke on "THEM"
if our inability to make matter causes their institutions to crumble....
Read More
remove the dna, and matter, in its 3-D state, remains
human dna is communicating with our world, creating it....
Reference the work of:
Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, founder of the International Institute of Biophysics, at Neuss, Germany, and Dr. Bruce Lipton, of the University of Wisconsin, both confirm that modern science now realizes and recognizes that our DNA structures directly reflect our consciousness.
But what about this:
t-rays disrupt dna? what if humans are unable to communicate? to create?
-----Backscatter X-ray Machinesl....@125 U.S. airports...doesn't actually emit X-rays, but little tested T-rays, or THz waves (terahertz waves), which is radiation that is positioned between microwaves and infrared rays on the electromagnetic spectrum'...remember these are Israeli machines with Chertoff, the dual israeli citizen as major owner who was promoting these machines, so was it more than just profit, given the technology is well known to irradiate people? Boian Alexandrov, of the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory, however, has a very decided opinion regarding the dangers of T-rays: He tells us that T-rays tear apart human DNA....Alexandrov, and his team at Los Alamos, say that although the forces that T-rays exert are small, their resonant effects can "unzip" DNA strands, tearing them apart, thus creating bubbles in the strands that significantly interfere with gene expression and DNA replication. And whatever that means, it doesn't sound good.
Well, it could be a huge joke on "THEM"
if our inability to make matter causes their institutions to crumble....
Read More
Time Defined
time is the effect of gravity, i.e., torsion spin of energy creating 3 D reality, pushing down as it spirals toward the crystal core, which attracts its electromagnetic energy.
As the energy changes, so does the body computer, which gets its programming from the central sun of their planetary home. And the suns are merely responding to the frequencies/vibrations/waves/cosmic energy - put out by their local black hole.......
As the energy changes, so does the body computer, which gets its programming from the central sun of their planetary home. And the suns are merely responding to the frequencies/vibrations/waves/cosmic energy - put out by their local black hole.......
The World of Real Estate Just Changed....
Grayson blamed the massive foreclosure problems largely on the electronic shortcut called MERS. "The banks simply digitized mortgage titles into a privatized system, called the Mortgage Electronic Registry System (or MERS)," he said. "And it did the transfers by trading Excel spreadsheets among the banks and trusts, rather than endorsing the notes as required by their own contracts, by state real estate law and by IRS rules." He stated that 60 million properties are recorded in the name of MERS -- 60% of the mortgages in the USA, and 97% of the loans made between 2005 and 2008......For all those mortgages filed in the name of MERS, say these courts, the chain of title has been irretrievably broken. Humpty Dumpty has had a great fall and cannot be put back together again.
"There will be a head-slapping moment when title carriers, attorneys, judges and administrative agencies and clerks suddenly realize that the monster created on Wall Street has its equivalent in the public records of counties across the nation. I doubt if more than 6-7% of all the foreclosures in the past 10 years have resulted in clear title delivered to anyone. And the only corrective instrument can come from the original owner. That homeowner is sitting in the catbird seat and doesn't know it."
MERS is simply an electronic data base. On its website and in assorted court pleadings, it declares that it owns nothing. It was set up that way intentionally so that it would be "bankruptcy-remote," something required by the credit rating agencies in order to turn the mortgages passing through it into highly rated securities that could be sold to investors. MERS not only has no assets; it has no employees. The thousands of people enlisted to sign affidavits on its behalf are merely conduits. The arrangement satisfied the ratings agencies, but it has not satisfied the courts. Increasingly, judges are holding that if MERS owns nothing, it cannot foreclose, and it cannot convey title by assignment so that the trustee for the investors can foreclose. MERS breaks the chain of title so that no one has standing to foreclose. The homes are effectively owned free and clear.
A major title insurance company has already said it will not insure title to properties foreclosed upon by GMAC until further notice.
banks sell these loans back and forth to each other and the promissory note accompanies the sale, so when foreclosure takes place by the "servicing agent", its not done by the holder of the note. In fact, title has also been questioned, who is the owner of the property.....
Servicers perform billing and collections on home loans. When borrowers default, the firms handle the foreclosure process. Affidavits lay the legal foundation for a foreclosure by attesting that the borrower is delinquent and that the lender is entitled to seize the home. Details of the JPMorgan case were reported earlier last week by the Financial Times.
Lawyers in Florida and New York, among other states, have halted foreclosures and evictions by showing affidavits were faulty. Attorneys general in Texas, Iowa and Illinois have started investigations into mortgage practices at GMAC Mortgage following last week’s revelations. California has ordered the company to prove its foreclosures are legal or halt them. [Note by JJR: California is NOT one of the "23 states" that require review by the Courts before foreclosure and eviction..... so this IS bigger than the "23" states!]
If the documents are shown to be false after a home has already been resold by a bank, that casts doubt on who is the rightful owner, said O. Max Gardner III, an attorney at law firm Gardner & Gardner PLLC in Shelby, North Carolina, who has represented homeowners in fighting foreclosures and has cases pending against JPMorgan....
“Now there are enough disputes out there about ownership of loans that the judges are starting to feel like they need to hold the financial institutions to the basic rules of evidence.”.....
Read More....OMG! It just keeps getting better and better: Read This One:
...REMICS were newly invented in 1987 as a tax avoidance measure by Investment Banks. To file as a REMIC, and in order to avoid one hundred percent (100%) taxation by the IRS and the Kentucky Revenue Cabinet, an MBS REMIC could not engage in any prohibited action. The "Trustee" can not own the assets of the REMIC. A REMIC Trustee could never claim it owned a mortgage loan. Hence, it can never be the owner of a mortgage loan....."
Is your pension or retirement fund invested in REMIC's? If so, subtract some dollars..... where is this one gonna spin to next????
or this: banks have lost track of promissory notes signed by the was put into MERS and original documents were lost/destroyed....which means that in 45 out of the 50 states they lack the legal right to foreclose. There are 60 million homes which banks loaned money on, and now they might not be able to legally get the property back if the homeowner defaults! Another colossal problem for the banks is the trillions of dollars in mortgages bundled into securities.Remember, the banks were giving anyone who could fog a mirror a mortgage which allowed them to create and sell lucrative mortgage backed securities.
So, there are trillions of dollars in mortgage backed securities that now could have NO backing!
Would you like to be the pension fund manager who bought that security? Do you think this just might cause an accounting problem for the banks?
Do you think this could push some of the big banks into bankruptcy?
Will there be another financial meltdown and government rescue?
Sixty-two million mortgages are now held in the name of MERS, a ploy that the banks have realized won’t work; so Plan B has been to try to fabricate documents to cure the defect. Enter the RoboSigners, a small group of people signing thousands of documents a month, admittedly without knowing what was in them. Interestingly, it wasn’t just one bank engaging in this pattern of coverup and fraud but many banks, suggesting the sort of “organized crime” that would qualify under the RICO statute.....Only the beneficiaries—the investors who advanced the funds—can claim ownership. And the mortgages had to have been recorded in the name of the beneficiaries the year the Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) closed. The problem is, who ARE the beneficiaries who advanced the funds? In the securitization market, they come and go. Properties get sold and resold daily.
The Kanjorski amendment—which slipped past lobbyists largely unnoticed—allows federal regulators to preemptively break up large financial institutions that pose a threat to U.S. financial or economic stability.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
small doses of history: iraq
1958: General Abdul Karim Kasim pulled a coup,
proclaimed a Republic of Iraq,
granted autonomy to the Kurds,
instituted land reform,
and legalized the Communist party.
Dulles said Iraq is the most dangerous place in the world.
1963 - the CIA backed Bathe party pulls a coup.
1968 - another coup, by CIA backed Saddan Heussein.
in 1980, Heussein invades Iran,
and when the Persians begin to win by '82,
the US. sends $5.5 billion during Reagen's watch.
.Between 1986 and '89, the US sent live cultures, computers, and weapons.
Iraq detailed this in their 2992 report to the UN
The US expunged 8,000 pages of this report to lock down this information.
and the beat goes on..... the beat goes on......
Blackwater...... Xe......
proclaimed a Republic of Iraq,
granted autonomy to the Kurds,
instituted land reform,
and legalized the Communist party.
Dulles said Iraq is the most dangerous place in the world.
1963 - the CIA backed Bathe party pulls a coup.
1968 - another coup, by CIA backed Saddan Heussein.
in 1980, Heussein invades Iran,
and when the Persians begin to win by '82,
the US. sends $5.5 billion during Reagen's watch.
.Between 1986 and '89, the US sent live cultures, computers, and weapons.
Iraq detailed this in their 2992 report to the UN
The US expunged 8,000 pages of this report to lock down this information.
and the beat goes on..... the beat goes on......
Blackwater...... Xe......
The New Phoenix Project
Listen my children, and you will hear.
Of the midnight ride of: your government tax dollars at work......
This must be a part of the new curriculum...
Listen my children, and you will hear.
Of the midnight ride of: your government tax dollars at work......
This must be a part of the new curriculum...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Evolutionary Leaders - 8/31/20-10
if i were in LA i would attend this event.
awesome souls!
was in the presence of a few of them at haverford college this past fall.
join as an evolutionary leader ---- you will not go away disappointed!
Michael Faraday illustrated that magnetism and motion produce energy..... electricity it is called.
the need to blog....
why do we write? we are so vain that we think others want to read what our mind needs to dump?
why do i write here? in cyberspace, for all to see? because i am vain? because i am reaching out for interaction? a need to share something? to experience a push back?
multi-thousand dollar fish tanks in high rise apartments costing $19 million to "own", with maintenance contracts. what a business to be in!
20 somethings who do not grow up.
we expect them to follow a "pattern" that has only been in effect since the 1940/50's?
does no one read history?
am i really over-educated?
why do i write here? in cyberspace, for all to see? because i am vain? because i am reaching out for interaction? a need to share something? to experience a push back?
multi-thousand dollar fish tanks in high rise apartments costing $19 million to "own", with maintenance contracts. what a business to be in!
20 somethings who do not grow up.
we expect them to follow a "pattern" that has only been in effect since the 1940/50's?
does no one read history?
am i really over-educated?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The Paradigm Change, Defined
"The old processor & operating system that we upgraded from recognized and ran duality based-programs...concepts based in isolated, separated & polarized extremes. Our new processor operates on the frequency of zero-point, scalar wave & unity concepts."
"Scalar wave frequency is the frequency of free choice. It is a neutrally participating energy wave which corresponds to intent, and by which, alters the state of electromagnetic particles. These particles, when programmed with intention, combine or cluster with like-energies to form a pattern of energy that superimposes itself into physical form."
...... Lauren D. Blago
"Scalar wave frequency is the frequency of free choice. It is a neutrally participating energy wave which corresponds to intent, and by which, alters the state of electromagnetic particles. These particles, when programmed with intention, combine or cluster with like-energies to form a pattern of energy that superimposes itself into physical form."
...... Lauren D. Blago
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Morning Ramblings
i index my dreams, and now put them on my pillow so i can pick whichever one i want and do a replay.
what if they had a war and no one came?
no one sent supplies?
they all "lit up". 4/20, you know? except it is 12/12! -- total nonsense.....
or is it? read this on 12/12 and see where we are?
stream of consciousness..... used to be a technique.....
i WAS so literary, and CHANGED so.... down the rabbit hole,
into churchward's camp.
JCR intro'ed me. through books and mags. and an open mind.
i student taught a class on "cultural anthropology" at upper darby high school for christs sake -- i basically MADE up the curriculum, and they let me teach it! they all smoked pot in that class. but not in front of me.
what is true anymore?
the paradigm of western science IS shifting!
the 3-D IS NOT real -- is not all there is.
our "reality detecting instruments" only detect realities we know are there!!!!
kind of funny, huh?
ghostbusters were on to something!!! (All things BILL MURRAY!!!!)
the observer affects the observed.
like how to end war.
grandmamma always told you, "be careful what you wish for!"
we run our program all day and all night....
on our mind computer.....
the difference between a machine and a man is: the man CAN break his program; the machine cannot.
free will.
man can STOP and say NO MORE and walk away....
no more war. or violence.
please end duality. we get it now.
what if they had a war and no one came?
no one sent supplies?
they all "lit up". 4/20, you know? except it is 12/12! -- total nonsense.....
or is it? read this on 12/12 and see where we are?
stream of consciousness..... used to be a technique.....
i WAS so literary, and CHANGED so.... down the rabbit hole,
into churchward's camp.
JCR intro'ed me. through books and mags. and an open mind.
i student taught a class on "cultural anthropology" at upper darby high school for christs sake -- i basically MADE up the curriculum, and they let me teach it! they all smoked pot in that class. but not in front of me.
what is true anymore?
the paradigm of western science IS shifting!
the 3-D IS NOT real -- is not all there is.
our "reality detecting instruments" only detect realities we know are there!!!!
kind of funny, huh?
ghostbusters were on to something!!! (All things BILL MURRAY!!!!)
the observer affects the observed.
like how to end war.
grandmamma always told you, "be careful what you wish for!"
we run our program all day and all night....
on our mind computer.....
the difference between a machine and a man is: the man CAN break his program; the machine cannot.
free will.
man can STOP and say NO MORE and walk away....
no more war. or violence.
please end duality. we get it now.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
new kinds of chemtrails in philly
went out today.
vitamin d level is down! lol!
weird skies over s. of town looking toward the west, from the delaware river's edge.
white trails --- at odd angles, like big tunnels of swirling white, going at a 45 degree, or sharper/upward angle -- across the sky, behind the horizontal, not quite normal looking clouds.
no planes to be seen. no trails spreading. they are just there.
but i cannot sit to watch because i itch!
after many days of very clear sky.
but my study has not been exactly scientific.......
i do not record my observations daily, as i should....
vitamin d level is down! lol!
weird skies over s. of town looking toward the west, from the delaware river's edge.
white trails --- at odd angles, like big tunnels of swirling white, going at a 45 degree, or sharper/upward angle -- across the sky, behind the horizontal, not quite normal looking clouds.
no planes to be seen. no trails spreading. they are just there.
but i cannot sit to watch because i itch!
after many days of very clear sky.
but my study has not been exactly scientific.......
i do not record my observations daily, as i should....
terrorism in 1991....TIME TO STAND!
ratheyon is still in the news in 2010.... also who they were after when the plane went down over lockerbie, scotland because i worked in the united engineers building which was owned by ratheyon, and alot of parents in that building had kids blowin up, and we came in on monday and met "security". That department never went away!!!! (Ratheyon made patrioit missles. this was in the first gulf war......)
and the bombs reigned down in israel? as people TAPED their safe rooms to protect from chemical gas.....
ah --- first person history is sweet...
".....The recent death of Ted Stevens is a disturbing development. Some sources indicate that he was ready to reveal that Obama had given the green light to use weather weapons. And Stevens might have known; he was the Senator in 1988 that had to be “convinced” to allow his state to house the HAARP project. At the time, Stevens was insisting to detractors that the HAARP array could end fossil fuel dependence. Perhaps this is what he was led to believe, so he let the project sail through, until he later learned otherwise. Also on board the plane was former NASA administrator, Sean O’Keefe, who was enlisted by Stevens to help research the truth...."
- 2009 Venezuela drought
- Pakistan floods
- Russian heatwave
- In the U.S., Washington D.C. gets pounded with rain,
- and Montana gets a freak storm when its governor turns down stimulus money!
Zbigniew Brzezenski, author of, The Grand Chessboard
and Between Two Ages. Born into Polish nobility; a former National Security Advisor; and co-founder of The Trilaterial Comission with David Rockefeller. There is not a chance that he would have mentioned weather weapons in his books if they were not feasible. A key passage from Between Two Ages (1970) states, “Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”
and again.....
and again.....
New World Order & Weather Weapons – New Phase of Global Warfare
Posted on Pakalert on August 15, 2010Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Halliburton PROFIT @ 83% increase last quarter?
Shortly after the Government's discovery of the methane and oil leaks was leaked to the media Thad Allen sent a sharply worded letter to BP confirming the statements of the anonymous government official.
Given the current observations from the test, including the detected seep a distance from the well and undetermined anomalies at the well head, monitoring of the seabed is of paramount importance during the test period....As a continued condition of the test, you are required to provide as a top priority access and coordination for the monitoring systems, which include seismic and sonar surface ships and subsea ROV and acoustic systems.
When seeps are detected, you are directed to marshal resources, quickly investigate, and report findings to the government in no more than four hours.
I direct you to provide me a written procedure for opening the choke valve as quickly as possible without damaging the well should hydrocarbon seepage near the well head be confirmed.
The letter from Thad Allen revealed that the multiple statements BP has given to the media over the last few days claiming that there where no signs oil leaking from the sea floor were all outright lies.
communications 101
you ask someone a question.
they answer.
you don't understand.
they get annoyed at you for not being one with their mind.
barbara hand-clow. 5/31/20-10. Summary. jj night 6 of galactic underworld, began 1999. things started to go fast. technical acceleration.
day seven is next year. things will go faster. may be a mystical acceleration. new state of consciousness.
people see truth now.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Famous Quotations on Banking....
Gulf toxicity
All things Laura!
a Project Camelot Productions interview.
this is a brilliant woman, beholden to no one.
she is a rabbit hole traveler.
go with her, as she takes you DOWN, and then back up, and
then DOWN another path..... connect the dots....
her research skills and documentation are impeccable.
whoaaaa! Too many security people in the u.s.!!!!! says the WASHINGTON POST.
gulf info
Gulf toxicity
All things Laura!
a Project Camelot Productions interview.
this is a brilliant woman, beholden to no one.
she is a rabbit hole traveler.
go with her, as she takes you DOWN, and then back up, and
then DOWN another path..... connect the dots....
her research skills and documentation are impeccable.
"I live like a little turtle," she said. "I turn on C-SPAN and I think, these old coots have no idea what people are going through!" she said. "When I hear the stupid remarks of people like Orrin Hatch, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! You think we are all sitting home on our sofas popping bonbons in our mouths for $269 a week? What a hoot." ----- As part of our Bearing Witness 2.0 project, HuffPost is rounding up stories of former middle class people struggling to stay afloat in the recession. If you have a story to tell, please e-mail it to
whoaaaa! Too many security people in the u.s.!!!!! says the WASHINGTON POST.
Hang out with drunks, become a drunk. Duh!!! info
Sunday, July 18, 2010
And in the end.... the love you take, is equal to the l-o-v-e, you make.....
hell hath come to south louisiana
How many in Louisiana cared?
Darth Cheyney
What really happened in Laurel Canyon in the 1960's? Was rock-and-roll done to us?
What if parents cannot feed their kids?
Gulf Water explodes when being tested!
ppm of oil/petroleum - normal is zero - 5 ppm would be his expectation
katrina key - 16ppm oil/petro
orange beach - 29 ppm
gulf shores - from kids playing in water hole -51 ppm -
gulf shores/swimmers:66ppm -
gulf shores/sand/walkers: 211ppm
orange beach /kids playing - 221 ppm
dauphin island marina, near boom: added organic solvent like he did with other samples; EXPLODED
More Gulf toxicity info...... from riki ott, marine biologist -
Why do women go to war? Why are they not balancing their men??
The world should outlaw unmanned drones!
Sacred geometry.
hell hath come to south louisiana
How many in Louisiana cared?
Darth Cheyney
What really happened in Laurel Canyon in the 1960's? Was rock-and-roll done to us?
What if parents cannot feed their kids?
Gulf Water explodes when being tested!
ppm of oil/petroleum - normal is zero - 5 ppm would be his expectation
katrina key - 16ppm oil/petro
orange beach - 29 ppm
gulf shores - from kids playing in water hole -51 ppm -
gulf shores/swimmers:66ppm -
gulf shores/sand/walkers: 211ppm
orange beach /kids playing - 221 ppm
dauphin island marina, near boom: added organic solvent like he did with other samples; EXPLODED
More Gulf toxicity info...... from riki ott, marine biologist -
Why do women go to war? Why are they not balancing their men??
The world should outlaw unmanned drones!
Sacred geometry.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Joseph Goebbels employed a simple, but highly cynical set of rules.
* There is no truth, only what people believe to be true.
* Control people’s perceptions of the world and you can control their beliefs.
* A big lie is as believable as a small one.
* Tell people what they want to hear; give them simple solutions to complex problems, enemies on whom they can blame their discontents, and promises to satisfy their narrow aspirations…
* There is no truth, only what people believe to be true.
* Control people’s perceptions of the world and you can control their beliefs.
* A big lie is as believable as a small one.
* Tell people what they want to hear; give them simple solutions to complex problems, enemies on whom they can blame their discontents, and promises to satisfy their narrow aspirations…
~ Joseph Goebbels
Nazi propaganda minister
Nazi propaganda minister
jj's genestock (so far):
?? Sir Joshua Reynolds. None of us can be directly descended from him (as he had no children) He had 11 brothers and sisters: The parents were Samuel Reynolds and Theophila Potter and the 12 children were: Humphrey (b. 1712); Robert; Mary (1716); Anne (1717); Jane (1718); Elizabeth (1720); Joshua (1723); Robert (1724);
Theophila (1725); Samuel (1727); Frances (1729); Martyn (1731).
"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing … a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods."
Aldous Huxley, 1959
Thursday, July 15, 2010
We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now. In this unfolding conundrum of life and history there is such a thing as being too late. Procrastination is still the thief of time. Life often leaves us standing bare, naked and dejected with a lost opportunity. The 'tide in the affairs of men' does not remain at the flood; it ebbs. We may cry out desperately for time to pause in her passage, but time is deaf to every plea and rushes on. Over the bleached bones and jumbled residue of numerous civilizations are written the pathetic words: 'Too late.' There is an invisible book of life that faithfully records our vigilance or our neglect. 'The moving finger writes, and having writ moves on...' We still have a choice today; nonviolent coexistence or violent co-annihilation.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King
View full size (AP Photo/Dave Martin)The Discoverer Inspiration drilling platform operates in the area of the Deepwater Horizon disaster on the Gulf of Mexico, Tuesday, July 13, 2010. BP officials have placed a containment cap over the leak in hopes that the flow of oil will be diminished.
Faster and faster the world "turns"
I do not write - for several reasons
(one is fear of being read and screamed at.
need to work at unleashing this demon......
the other reason goes along with this thread.....)
things move too fast; change is rampant
paradigms are shifting, as is Our Mother
writing is too slow; language constricts
words do not truly capture experience,
though some writing styles can approach making a common dream.....
interpretations differ amongst readers
no one has time or interest to read my crazy ramblings
I can document how my mind moves though.... the dots I archive.... in this format.
Safe for public consumption. Vet and share. Use your skills to do that.....
Tis a game; a simulation. We are electromagnetic creatures - in the physical at least.
We are light.
A blast of the brightest X-rays ever detected from beyond our Milky Way galaxy's neighborhood temporarily blinded the X-ray eye on NASA's Swift space observatory earlier this summer, astronomers now report. The X-rays traveled through space for 5-billion years before slamming into and overwhelming Swift's X-ray Telescope on 21 June.
The blindingly bright blast came from a gamma-ray burst, a violent eruption of energy from the explosion of a massive star morphing into a new black hole.
"This gamma-ray burst is by far the brightest light source ever seen in X-ray wavelengths at cosmological distances," said David Burrows, senior scientist and professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State University and the lead scientist for Swift's X-ray Telescope (XRT).
Although the Swift satellite was designed specifically to study gamma-ray bursts, the instrument was not designed to handle an X-ray blast this bright.
"The intensity of these X-rays was unexpected and unprecedented" said Neil Gehrels, Swift's principal investigator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He said the burst, named GRB 100621A, is the brightest X-ray source that Swift has detected since the observatory began X-ray observation in early 2005.
Now here is one of the more intelligent things I have heard said about the Gulf situation [jj]:
Wells said the test delay was ordered by National Incident Commander Thad Allen, who wanted to make sure everyone was clear on the steps involved and what the data gathered during the test might mean.
"This test is so important a decision was taken to give them another 24 hours to make sure this was the best possible test procedure we could execute," he said. But Wells declined to say that the company would definitely proceed with the "shut in" of the new cap, which was its planned course a day before.
The Vatic Project - It sounds like Allen is an excellent project manager! jj
Wow. For your musical entertainment! jj
Did you know "they say" that only human beings make music?
It is one reason other species are in awe of us.
(one is fear of being read and screamed at.
need to work at unleashing this demon......
the other reason goes along with this thread.....)
things move too fast; change is rampant
paradigms are shifting, as is Our Mother
writing is too slow; language constricts
words do not truly capture experience,
though some writing styles can approach making a common dream.....
interpretations differ amongst readers
no one has time or interest to read my crazy ramblings
I can document how my mind moves though.... the dots I archive.... in this format.
Safe for public consumption. Vet and share. Use your skills to do that.....
Tis a game; a simulation. We are electromagnetic creatures - in the physical at least.
We are light.
© NASA/Swift/Stefan Immler
The brightest gamma-ray burst ever seen in X-rays temporarily blinded Swift's X-ray Telescope on 21 June 2010. This image merges the X-rays (red to yellow) with the same view from Swift's Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope, which showed nothing extraordinary. (The image is 5 arcminutes across.)
The brightest gamma-ray burst ever seen in X-rays temporarily blinded Swift's X-ray Telescope on 21 June 2010. This image merges the X-rays (red to yellow) with the same view from Swift's Ultraviolet/Optical Telescope, which showed nothing extraordinary. (The image is 5 arcminutes across.)
The blindingly bright blast came from a gamma-ray burst, a violent eruption of energy from the explosion of a massive star morphing into a new black hole.
"This gamma-ray burst is by far the brightest light source ever seen in X-ray wavelengths at cosmological distances," said David Burrows, senior scientist and professor of astronomy and astrophysics at Penn State University and the lead scientist for Swift's X-ray Telescope (XRT).
Although the Swift satellite was designed specifically to study gamma-ray bursts, the instrument was not designed to handle an X-ray blast this bright.
"The intensity of these X-rays was unexpected and unprecedented" said Neil Gehrels, Swift's principal investigator at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. He said the burst, named GRB 100621A, is the brightest X-ray source that Swift has detected since the observatory began X-ray observation in early 2005.
Now here is one of the more intelligent things I have heard said about the Gulf situation [jj]:
Wells said the test delay was ordered by National Incident Commander Thad Allen, who wanted to make sure everyone was clear on the steps involved and what the data gathered during the test might mean.
"This test is so important a decision was taken to give them another 24 hours to make sure this was the best possible test procedure we could execute," he said. But Wells declined to say that the company would definitely proceed with the "shut in" of the new cap, which was its planned course a day before.
The Vatic Project - It sounds like Allen is an excellent project manager! jj
Wow. For your musical entertainment! jj
Did you know "they say" that only human beings make music?
It is one reason other species are in awe of us.
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