Saturday, December 25, 2021

December 2021: How It Was


The Best Of December 2021 

1.  Oldies, but Goodie.  All About Iodine. Totally busts up breast tumors. Not just for women! Flouride is added to water and dental visits. And as iodine is removed from salt, bromine is added to bread and bakery products. This plugs the iodine receptors, halting the uptake of any available iodine.Without proper iodine levels, fluorine mimics iodine, and in the process, shuts down the thyroid; fluorine shuts down 72 known iodine pathways, resulting in hypothyroidism, people who can't remember their names, and teeth-rot. Iodine regulates potassium, which is critical for heart function, plays a vital role in nerve function and cellular integrity, supports muscles, increases alkalinity, and eliminates toxins. Iodine is essential for assimilation of other minerals (calcium, silica, and phosphorus), metabolism of fats, and for physical and mental development.   Supplementation during pregnancy will increase the child's IQ. "Sleepies" in the corners of the eyes reveal an iodine deficiency.

Guide to using iodine safely.  16 pages. Jeffrey Dach, MD

Another iodine safety guide. 156 pages. Dr. Chris Robin / Mary Jo Fahey.  Good index. (See p.74 for more about bromine.)

Jeffrey Dach, MD (podiatrist)

2.    Sofia Smallstorm discusses what the mRNA vaccines are doing to human biology. This shit is real folks! Wake the fuck up!

3.     Another Oldie, but Goodie!  Dr. Jerry Tennant MD. Interview with Mel on his old SANITAS channel inside this link… top ophthalmic surgeon, disabled… virus entered his eyes during LASIX surgeries (mask did not protect him!!!! Take that MASK enthusiasts!)… key to health is pH value of the body…. pH refers to voltage.  Low voltage = disease.

4.  Cory Lynn @ lays out how NGOs (Non Government Organizations — entities with special tax treatment!  — ) control the narrative. 1 hour, 57 minutes. 

5.  The Real Anthony Fauci. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. A 450 page book with 2200 footnotes and a QR code at the end of each chapter for footnote updates as the literature moves forward in time….  James Corbett interview #1675 with Robert F. Kennedy — RFK's voice is hard to listen to, but worth the effort. 1 hour, 3 minutes.

What can I say about this book? I don’t know where to begin, so I’m not even going to try, except to say that RFK is our new Rachael Carson, and this book is this era’s “Silent Spring”.

And Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats interviews RFK, Jr. Be sure to listen to the commentary after RFK leaves the interview, and the bumper music at the end of the show is right on point!   About 1 hour.

Tom Woods (Episode 2020) interviews Tony Lyons, publisher of RFK’s new book. Audio only.

6.     Dr. Peter McCullough is interviewed by Joe Rogan.  A classic!!! The full interview is posted many places…. Almost 3 hours. Best to read an accurate synopsis of what he said. I listened to the whole thing… McCullough is a highly respected and published cardiac MD from Texas, pro-vax, but totally outraged at the failure of those responsible for public health policy to provide an early treatment protocol, and then killing people with the prescribed protocol once hospitalized… has concluded this is an intentional evil. He actually treats real patients, so his observations are first-person reports.

Here is the FULL interview:

7.     A not too long article about the implosion of the American medical system.  Today’s doctors do not practice judgment, and it seems many of them don’t have this character trait!  “Judgment” - you either got it or you don’t!

8.  The Truman Show(#51) interviews Catherine Austin Fitts.  1 hour, 30 minutes.  One of Catherine’s better interviews…. She packs it all in here, what’s happening and what’s it all about…

9.  Who really assassinated Robert F. Kennedy in 1968?  Thane Eugene Cesar.

10.  Yes, ‘they’ are really sucking carbon dioxide from the air, primarily in mid-western agricultural lands, and liquifying it and piping it far away for ‘storage’ underground.  WTF?  Just like they mined salt water for the minerals to be shipped off planet — in Oblivion, starring Tom Cruise.

11.     Jay Weidner knocks it out of the ballpark again with Jonny Enoch…. Who are the ageless seers who oversee the planet throughout its eras…. Alchemy, Portals, Ancient Wisdom.  Not to be missed! 54 minutes.


12.     The title speaks for itself: “The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’”.  The Lancet is the most prestigious medical journal in the United Kingdom, and is in the top tier of international medical literature.

13.  Yet another use for Ivermectin… kicks (glioma) brain tumors. Dandon Song et al. J Cell Biochem. 2019 Jan.  Search it… there’s lots of scientific information out there about this.  Just goes to the theory that the root cause of some types of cancer is viral (or parasitic…. same thing).

14.  The theories outlined in Arthur Firstenberg’s “Invisible Rainbow” just keep getting proven…. Wireless communication frequencies, including 5G, is connected to coronavirus disease-19.

15.  Celeste SolomGraphene in Hydrogel (and in the Quantum Dot). It enters the body, self assembles, moves and swarms, cleaves to your tissue, including your neurological system.  33 kinds of nano robots have been observed, including scissors and pinchers.

16.  Remember that Harvard researcher, arrested for selling brain/nano interface technology to China?

17.  Stephanie Seneff strikes again with brilliant research, explaining how mRNA jabs compromise immunity and encourage many dis-ease conditions in the body to manifest.  I wish I could believe these consequences were "unintentional".

Madam Liang's Three Daughters

Reading Pearl S. Buck, “Madam Liang’s Three Daughters”, written in 1974.  3 daughters sent to the U.S., and one by one they return home, as all good Chinese do. Convinced of their superiority in all ways, they work as a hive. All making action toward their Leaders’ stated goals. Individualism is a problem……. This book so parallels what is happening in the U.S. today…. It makes the hair stand up on my arms!

Friday, December 10, 2021

Worser and Worser?

Things are not getting worse. It's just becoming more obvious.

Friday, December 3, 2021

November 2021: How it Was


The Best Links Of November 2021 


Berberine for Type 2 Diabetes. 500 mg. 2-3x a day with food. Allopathic drugs will lower blood sugar lab readings, but they 1) do nothing to address chronic conditions accompanying a diabetes diagnosis (high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, heart and kidney disease, and peripheral neuropathy), and 2) have side effects that are often not disclosed (nausea, diarrhea, weight gain, B12 depletion (increasing probability of neuropathy) heart failure, fractures, yeast and UTI infections.)  In 2008,10,000 patients were being treated with insulin or blood sugar-lowering drugs and monitored and evaluated for their risk of heart attack, strokes and death. The National Institutes of Health ended the study early because the medical intervention was leading to MORE deaths, heart attacks, and strokesBerberine lowers blood sugar, helps with weight loss, improves heart health. Fights diarrhea, intestinal parasites, and candida. Chinese medicine has used it for 2500 years. There are 2 peer reviewed studies demonstrate it lowered A1C, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.

(Also See: Minerals for the Genetic Code, p. 120…. Vanadium and Chromium affect insulin…)


2. BioEngineered Transhumanism. By Elana Freeland.

The HighersideChats. Hour 1.

We truly have a 6th sense. It is our connection to the non-material world. It communicates with the things that are outside our frequency fence… being outside our 5 physical senses, we cannot perceive them….. except through “knowingness".  Chakra energy vortices are instrumental in this sensory system, as are the pituitary gland and DNA. DNA is a 2-way transmitter.  Its energy source is scalar energy. It sends and receives information. This un-seeable scalar energy system connects the etheric body to the material body. It is “the human spirit” and a connector of our etheric spirit to Universal Consciousness. It is a goal of trans humanism to BREAK this connection, trapping the energy in the 3D physical matrix. 

3.  Rudolph Steiner.

An interview, summarizing Steiner’s legacy.


What does it mean to be human? 

4.  Real Virus Science

And the injuries and deaths keep piling up….

And this doesn’t even get into how these mRNA things are making us BORG.  Sounds like science fiction, but it’s not.  Morgellen’s Disease (remember that?) was the beta test for phase I: insert nano and make the body produce a synthetic living organism.  Now, we are on to the brain interface…. The nano lives inside and acts as an amplifier for the scalar energy between the DNA and the cloud…. 2 way communication. It knows what the DNA knows, and it instructs the DNA to do its bidding. Those who have been assimilated have no awareness that they have no free will and that their thoughts are not their own. This is terrifying.

THIS is a smoking gun. Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots change the STOP codons that terminate enzymes.  

All enzymes (which are protein strings composed by the DNA, mRNA, and ribosomes) terminate with either: 1) sulfur, 2) hydrogen, or 3) yttrium.  (All enzymes begin with methionine, which is an amino acid.) Minerals for the Genetic Code.

An enzyme is a biological catalyst that is usually a protein but could be RNA. The point of a catalyst is to increase the speed with which a reaction happens. And there are many, many enzymes that are encoded by the genome to make proteins or RNAs that speed up various chemical reactions to do thousands of different functions inside a cell.

Christopher P. Austin, M.D. 

Codon is the name we give a stretch of the three nucleotides, you know, one of A, C, G, or T, three of which in a row, that code for a specific amino acid, and so the genetic code is made up of units called codons where you have three nucleotides that code for a specific amino acid next to another three nucleotides, another three nucleotides, and another three nucleotides. And the cellular machinery, again the ribosome, that comes through and reads that genetic code, plugs in the correct amino acid that corresponds to each of the triplet code that's in the codon.

Lawrence C. Brody, Ph.D.

A stop codon is a trinucleotide sequence within a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule that signals a halt to protein synthesis. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) in a gene and the corresponding protein sequence that it encodes. The cell reads the sequence of the gene in groups of three bases. Of the 64 possible combinations of three bases, 61 specify an amino acid, while the remaining three combinations are stop codons. 


5.  The Good Earth trilogy, by Pearl S. Buck. On audiobook. 

6.  Oldies But Goodies.  The one that made me move from being a selective vaxxer to an anti-vaxxer.  And I did read Judyth Vary Baker’s
“Lee and Me”, as well as Ed Haslam’s “Doctor Mary’s Monkey” around the same time I first heard this Dr. Tent lecture. 

7.  What no one wants to discuss:  parasites.

What I take.

Friday, October 29, 2021

The Rona Chronicles, Part II: 18 months later

Mandatory vax for all fed employees and federal contractors or you’re fired.

“Let’s Go Brandon” huffed and puffed, demanding all employers of >100 enforce mandatory vax…. And then charged OSHA with making that regulation, which they have not done, and still, employers are mandating. Push back is working in some instances. Southwest, American, Delta and Amtrak are experiencing sick-outs. Southwest pilots want long term disability insurance. Last week, a vaxxed Delta pilot died of a heart attack while in flight; Delta denies.

Religious exemptions still valid, if they’ll accept them. Play the game.

Masks voluntary here in South Jersey.  Don’t see too many people wearing them. But in RED Tennessee, I see my Facebook friends all masked up.

Children in NJ and most other blue state schools must be masked. Makes me want to cry.

Scares about supply chain and collapse of the food production system. Who knows what is true? They say cargo ships are backed up, sitting, not being docked or unloaded. What’s the real story? Freeze dried food buckets sold out at the HealthRanger’s store for months. I bought a dehydrator.  I see no shortage here. Sometimes items aren’t in stock, but they eventually reappear. Still have not been to the big ShopRite since March 2020. I pay the jerk tax to shop local…. Tilton Market for meat and dairy, Bonterra’s for organic, I can’t remember the name of the vegetable and deli place in Somers Point (damn! Brain fart.). Just discovered Mazzeo’s for veggies, including organics. (Santori’s…. That’s the name!)

Young men with myocardial infections. Lots of heart attack deaths. Autoimmune Deficiency Enhancement kicking in, just as Geert vandal Bossche predicted in Spring of 2020. But it is denied. Vaxxed women seem to experience neurological issues.

Data seems to show that the hospitalized COVID patients are mostly fully vaxxed. It’s hard to find reliable data anymore.  Like they said in the corporate law department, If you don’t collect the data, it can’t be used against you later….

Hospitals are firing their unvaxxed staff… who worked mucho hours through the past 18 months! And were congratulated as heroes. And who did not get sick!  There is talk of replacing them with National Guard. And “traveling nurses”, who get paid a ridiculous amount of money to come fill staffing shortages.

Court cases are happening, but not in sufficient numbers. Fighting denial of religious exemptions, and the mandatory mandate. New York is a hot spot of litigation.

Ivy will take the jab to keep her TSA job. Ford already did…. Ivy let it slip. They won’t talk to me about vaccines.  Maybe I’ll give Shelle and Chris life insurance policies on their spouses.

Just as Andy Wakefield predicted, Pharma will abandon traditional vaccines because they no longer work, and that fact can’t be hidden much longer. So cut and run…. Into MRNA medicine.  No noise about measles, or whooping cough. Nada. No reports of influenza, in fact, just the opposite. It doesn’t exist any more. But there is minor noise this fall about getting your flu shot…. On top of your covid booster.

FDA Advisory Panel, made of medical people, recommends against the booster.  The political head of the FDA overrules them, and puts out the official recommendation: Get your booster!

Catherine Austin Fitts and Joseph P. Farrell did their quarterly report online, and basically just laughed. The old world is deteriorating.  William Shatner takes an 11 minute ride into space… and returns in tears of awe.

Joe Rogan publicly tears up Sanjay Gupta, CNN’s science guy about ivermectin in an interview.

Clif High says we are leaving the WOO

Thursday, October 28, 2021

October 2021: How it Was


Best links this month.

Alex Newman

Loss of a civilized society

Jon Rappoport needs to be on Joe Rogan’s show

If Joe took horse dewormer, then

Women consume horse urine... the Premarin story

The whole ball of wax

Why people buy the narrative..... what really happened....

We’re pretty much fucked

But wait....

“Fucking” can be a good thing!

Catherine Austin Fitts and Corey discuss vax passports


Frequency Wars. 

Odette Wilkins interview

Old info that won’t go away

Dr. Andrew Moulden

Secrets of Antarctica 

Jay Weidner 

Hershey’s chocolate syrup doesn’t freeze.

We are in transition in the birthing process

Dealing with toxic people

Obama family history

Jay Weidner 

400 year sun cycle....the Cross of Hendaye

Red pill 78 interviews Clif High

Jay Weidner interviews Clif High

The Patriot Nurse goes on a rant

 The status of Covid and its fallout.... the real science with lots of links

Sunday, October 10, 2021


Sanitas Interview. Mel Fabragas with Patrick McGean. Circa 2014.¬ify_version=UNVERSIONED&verify_sign=AiRZkCBPQd9f7o.yObnHki5G8s1tA06uJe0dUI76JwOgCRHmXXFIbN.c

I listened to this for YOU. And I annotated some of McGean’s statements by adding links.  McGean seems to have ongoing studies of people taking sulfur… he doesn’t go into a lot of detail, but references these study groups throughout his interview.  Here are my notes:

  • 1971 removed “sulfur” from peer reviewed journals about health.
  • McGean’s teenage son diagnosed with terminal cancer and sent home to die. Healed with sulfur.
  • Replace TUMS with sulfur to heal the gut.
  • First synthesized drug was aspirin in 1897 - Bayer. 80 tablets kills an adult elephant. Anti-pain drug.
  • Monsanto decimated Hawaii’s agriculture. 
  • 1860 began chemical fertilizers. Alzheimer. cold tar chemical fertilizer
  • 1938 decided to make fertilizer out of petroleum, a/k/a cold tar
  • Ebola, AIDS cropped up in the area this happened. Didn’t call it AIDS back then.
  • All modern diseases result from a missing mineral.
  • Put sulfur back and people get healthy and nicer… because they feel good.
  • Oxygen deficiency is the cause of cancer…. Proved by Warburg in Germany in 1931- he was Hitler’s personal doctor. This won him the Nobel Prize. Jewish.
  • Len Horowitz
  • 1954 - Ezra Taft Benson (Secretary of Dept. of Agriculture) - added a rider to the 1946 farms subsidy act, had to use chemical fertilizer to get paid for not growing things.
  • Sulfur causes mental clarity. Reduces anger, aggressiveness.
  • Can remove need for many Pharma drugs.
  • Take it (1 teaspoon in 4 oz of non-chlorinated water) every 12 hours and see what happens.
  • Is NOT a drug. Is a food. Crystal food. Derived from marine pine trees.. Louisiana pine trees. Pulp. Paper water — Chinese 10th century reference - wood pulp pulverized in water trough makes great paper. Makes hands soft when you make it. Concubines were told to bathe in the paper water!
  • 1946 beginning of MSM business in the U.S. Wouldn’t let them dump it in the river. Portland Oregon. ??? said he’d get rid of it for them. Crystal formed from a fiber in the pulp. The fiber holds paper together. We harvest the crystal. Best oxygen transport mechanism in the body.
  • 1900 only 3% of population died of cancer.
  • Sulfur, selenium and tellurium bring oxygen into the cells. Sulfur and selenium used to be in the soil. Tellurium is in the air where silver is mined. 1988-1978 not one case of cancer in Telluride, CO
  • Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease. Sulphur heals. Can recover from harm from aspartame. Michael J. Fox was the Pepsi spokesman and only drank diet. At 86 degrees aspartame turns into formaldehyde.  Morticians say they don’t have to use as much formaldehyde as they did in the past. Drink aspartame and it hits the body at 98.6 degrees. 
  • Sulfur makes girls beautiful and men less stupid.
  • 36:30 People regain eye contact. Nursing homes, autistic children.
  • Non profit “find the cure” organizations are about big bucks for the people who run the organizations. e.g., Autism Speaks. Cirrhosis Foundation CEO $750K a year.
  • SSRI drugs during pregnancy can cause autism. 1992 Rudy Tanzi  Proved autism and Alzheimer’s are heavy metal in the blood brain barrier. Nobel Prize.
  • McGean is a medical photographer. Born 1945. 7 years at the hospital. Declined free ride to medical school. SAW the bullshit. Photos of the pathology. Understood cell structure. Saw. Left medicine until son had cancer; saw 80 doctors. Oncology rounds. All said son would die. Stopped seeing doctors after he began taking sulfur. Hasn’t been to a doctor since.
  • Every disease matched to a mineral deficiency. Linus Pauling.  BYU 1990. (See link above.)
  • Acute situations need allopathic. Chronic situations do not.
  • Sulfur removes need for medical marijuana that is taken for pain.
  • Aspirin - irritates, ulcerates, walls of the arterial vessels. Milk does too, but to a much lesser degree.
  • Is there a too much sulfur issue? No. Stanley Jacobson gave 1/2 pound to inmates… got pasty poop and TP use skyrocketed. Doesn’t cause diarrhea; it’s fiber.
  • Improves vision.
  • “As we age, cells degenerate” is a lie. You need to take action to regenerate your cells.
  • Can remove need for insulin. 82 year old woman had no need after 3 years on insulin. Let the DOCTOR take you off a medication! (DISCLAIMER!!!)
  • Removes need for antidepressants
  • High blood pressure - 1/4 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt under tongue 30 minutes after taking sulfur cures. 
  • Statins reduce IQ. Began making statins after they had a test for cholesterol in 1975. Cholesterol is brain food. Without it, arteries don’t heal and brain deteriorates. Lymph makes blood. Blood cells die, and we make it again. Stephanie Seneff. Married to a younger man who could no longer go on hikes after starting statins. She researched. Interview with Mercola.  (Search for “Seneff Mercola Statin” - there are many interviews, here is one of them: " Capillary network of the heart has to regenerate; cannot happen without cholesterol. 
  • Viagra. No longer needed.
  • Oxygen to the body. Is in what you drink. Water. Sulfur is the transport. Removes trash. Chlorine destroys the benefit of sulfur. Chlorine ruins the hot water heater; has a filter. Can use this for your water with sulfur.


  • Sulfur isn’t mentioned in medical literature. See: “The CIA and the West Nile Virus” 2000. By Len Horowitz. (
  • Cells are made inside your body. Regenerate until they can’t. Cataracts, Glaucoma, are from trauma. You can’t regenerate cells.  
  • Test for sulfur… scars go away…. Tattoos go away too! Heals C-section scars.
  • Mineral sulfur - sulphur dioxide. Rotton egg smell. ???
  • Sulfur breaks hydrogen/oxygen bond and transports oxygen to cells and allows it to enter cells. 
  • Stephanie Seneff: sulfur deficiency is a contributing factor to obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Chron’s Disease, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, wasting disease.
  • Cause of death is dehydration. Cells can’t get oxygen needed to regenerate from water. Cells die and are not replaced. Can’t get oxygen for cellular repair from air we breathe. Only from water.
  • Pine pitch & vaseline. Organic sulfur in topical form. Is a product. (Web site not found.) 
  • Testimonial about mute autistic child gaining speech. May 2, 2014 (not found in a search…. But many other interesting podcasts.)
  • Sulfur helps detox heavy metals
  • Sulfur makes 146 different compounds by combining with 90 elements. Can’t form compound with itself or iodine. Too much iron or gold, sulfate is out. A sulfate is a combination of an element with sulfur.
  • 1938 vaccine researcher gave a test vax to his son (not polio) and son became lost in his mind. Description he gave is what we see with autism.
  • We began vaxing en mass after the war. Polio. Salk. “Polio is eradicated”. But what was happening in India? Mel adds that polio exploded after antibiotics. Killed gut bacteria. McGean says sulfur fixes recurring polio later in life after initial illness. Mel adds, It’s not the “germ”. It’s the terrain. McGean says, oxygen makes viruses go dormant. Makes terrain inhospitable to parasites. They are looking for anaerobic material. Invade cell and replicate.
  • Depression. Jon Stewart’s Daily Show. October 10, 2010. An Israeli guest from Harvard, a PhD teaching class on happiness… says, “Depression is a lack of sulfur.”  You recall your good memories…not the bad ones.
  • Water is more important than sulfur. Will sustain life. But won’t regenerate cells.
  • Arthritis. Pain leaves, mobility returns. Stop taking it and pain returns after a few days. Golf ball finger joints normalize. It’s all about inflammation.
  • Osteoporosis. Improves bone density.
  • Diabetes. Sulfur reduces blood sugar by 20%. Allows neurological healing. Have to also get a hold of your diet. Cinnamon bark from trees in Ceylon (not McKesson Isles) also reduces blood sugar by 20% and more.
  • Easier to change habits of the population through personal experience than to change the opinions of the 1% of the medical community.
  • It takes 7 years to change the makeup of your body.
  • Skin conditions. Acne, etc.  Is inflammation of the liver. Heals Hep C.
  • ADHD. Heals. Ritalin not needed. Interview of 480 inmates…. First drug: Ritalin. Many before age 6.
  • Glutathione? Is a sulfur based amino acid. So are (moving up the chain in complexity…): Methionine, Cystine, Taurine, Lysine, Valine.  Glutathione.  Endorphins.  B17/Laetrile.  With adequate sulfur, the body can make these things.
  • Need sulfur for sperm to penetrate ovum. Need it to poop well. 
  • Increase in lung cancer…. Breathing the air….. nothing to take the trash out of the air sacs and send to the toilet.
  • Allergies, asthma, emphysema? 74 year old had asthma living in NJ, Colorado, New Zealand and Hawaii…. Asthma all places, until he took sulfur.
  • 1:44 Eyes…. McGean’s specialty.  Take internally, and spray in eyes…. Pressure (glaucoma) never increased after treatment.  1 tsp. sulfur to 4 oz non-chlorinated water and spray.  Transports oxygen across avascular cells of the cornea. May sting a bit at first.  Dissolves cataracts. An artery goes from optics nerve to lens capsule. Around age 40 oxygen transfer stops. Lens capsule doesn’t get oxygen. This is the cataract.  Lens will clear once it gets oxygen again.
  • Hair. Stops falling out. Hair follicles get oxygen. Color and texture will change. 
  • Hydrate your cells and wrinkles go away. Sagging of the body/skin goes away. Women’s breasts firm up.  Creapy neck goes away.
  • Brush with sulfur 2x a day. Kills gingivitis
  • Eliminates pain. Does away with need for pain medication.
  • Eliminates ulcers. After 2 weeks, will see the change.
  • Cure sepsis. Mix baking soda and sulfur 1-1 in non-chlorinated water into a paste. Put on open wounds. Bed sores eliminated. Can also put pine pitch on open wounds to heal.
  • If you can’t take organic sulfur you are already dead. It is NOT “sulfa”. “Sulfa” drugs are synthetic.
  • Must drink non-chlorinated water… half your body weight in ounces daily. 12 hour cycle. When you get up, and right before you turn over to go to sleep.  Sulfur hurries you into the dream state.
  • Some see changes in 24 hours of first taking. Within 6 weeks people will notice you are changing physically. Hair color, attitude, the eyes…. 
  • We/our cells have become oxygen deprived over the past 100 years… resulting in disease of the body and mind.

Jennifer’s Unanswered Questions:

If sulfur comes from the crystallized fiber of pine bark, where does/did all the sulfur in the soil all over the earth come from?

How do I increase the size of my bladder so I can drink half my weight in ounces each day without having to pee every 10 minutes!?

What’s the difference between this pine bark sulfur and the yellow sulfur used to make gun powder?

Jennifer’s Personal Experience:

I began taking MSM in the late 1990’s at the suggestion of a M.D. who practiced Chinese and holistic medicine… for a pain in my wrist that was NOT due to a break or hairline fracture, and also arthritic type pains in my knees.  It worked.  I have taken small amounts off and on over the years, but apparently I was not taking enough, was using chlorinated water, and I was not drinking enough water throughout the day. And I didn’t realize that non-organic sulfur has caking agents added that reduce the efficiency of this mineral.  I began taking the organic sulfur in the amount and schedule suggested in this interview, and after 2 weeks, I see huge changes in my body and my mind. is where I purchased it.  A link to this interview was included with my receipt.
