The Best Of December 2021
1. Oldies, but Goodie. All About Iodine. Totally busts up breast tumors. Not just for women! Flouride is added to water and dental visits. And as iodine is removed from salt, bromine is added to bread and bakery products. This plugs the iodine receptors, halting the uptake of any available iodine.Without proper iodine levels, fluorine mimics iodine, and in the process, shuts down the thyroid; fluorine shuts down 72 known iodine pathways, resulting in hypothyroidism, people who can't remember their names, and teeth-rot. Iodine regulates potassium, which is critical for heart function, plays a vital role in nerve function and cellular integrity, supports muscles, increases alkalinity, and eliminates toxins. Iodine is essential for assimilation of other minerals (calcium, silica, and phosphorus), metabolism of fats, and for physical and mental development. Supplementation during pregnancy will increase the child's IQ. "Sleepies" in the corners of the eyes reveal an iodine deficiency.
Guide to using iodine safely. 16 pages. Jeffrey Dach, MD
Another iodine safety guide. 156 pages. Dr. Chris Robin / Mary Jo Fahey. Good index. (See p.74 for more about bromine.)
Jeffrey Dach, MD (podiatrist)
2. Sofia Smallstorm discusses what the mRNA vaccines are doing to human biology. This shit is real folks! Wake the fuck up!
3. Another Oldie, but Goodie! Dr. Jerry Tennant MD. Interview with Mel on his old SANITAS channel inside this link… top ophthalmic surgeon, disabled… virus entered his eyes during LASIX surgeries (mask did not protect him!!!! Take that MASK enthusiasts!)… key to health is pH value of the body…. pH refers to voltage. Low voltage = disease.
4. Cory Lynn @ lays out how NGOs (Non Government Organizations — entities with special tax treatment! — ) control the narrative. 1 hour, 57 minutes.
5. The Real Anthony Fauci. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. A 450 page book with 2200 footnotes and a QR code at the end of each chapter for footnote updates as the literature moves forward in time…. James Corbett interview #1675 with Robert F. Kennedy — RFK's voice is hard to listen to, but worth the effort. 1 hour, 3 minutes.
What can I say about this book? I don’t know where to begin, so I’m not even going to try, except to say that RFK is our new Rachael Carson, and this book is this era’s “Silent Spring”.
And Greg Carlwood of The Higherside Chats interviews RFK, Jr. Be sure to listen to the commentary after RFK leaves the interview, and the bumper music at the end of the show is right on point! About 1 hour.
Tom Woods (Episode 2020) interviews Tony Lyons, publisher of RFK’s new book. Audio only.
6. Dr. Peter McCullough is interviewed by Joe Rogan. A classic!!! The full interview is posted many places…. Almost 3 hours. Best to read an accurate synopsis of what he said. I listened to the whole thing… McCullough is a highly respected and published cardiac MD from Texas, pro-vax, but totally outraged at the failure of those responsible for public health policy to provide an early treatment protocol, and then killing people with the prescribed protocol once hospitalized… has concluded this is an intentional evil. He actually treats real patients, so his observations are first-person reports.
Here is the FULL interview:
7. A not too long article about the implosion of the American medical system. Today’s doctors do not practice judgment, and it seems many of them don’t have this character trait! “Judgment” - you either got it or you don’t!
8. The Truman Show(#51) interviews Catherine Austin Fitts. 1 hour, 30 minutes. One of Catherine’s better interviews…. She packs it all in here, what’s happening and what’s it all about…
9. Who really assassinated Robert F. Kennedy in 1968? Thane Eugene Cesar.
10. Yes, ‘they’ are really sucking carbon dioxide from the air, primarily in mid-western agricultural lands, and liquifying it and piping it far away for ‘storage’ underground. WTF? Just like they mined salt water for the minerals to be shipped off planet — in Oblivion, starring Tom Cruise.
11. Jay Weidner knocks it out of the ballpark again with Jonny Enoch…. Who are the ageless seers who oversee the planet throughout its eras…. Alchemy, Portals, Ancient Wisdom. Not to be missed! 54 minutes.
12. The title speaks for itself: “The Lancet Scolds Those Claiming ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’”. The Lancet is the most prestigious medical journal in the United Kingdom, and is in the top tier of international medical literature.
13. Yet another use for Ivermectin… kicks (glioma) brain tumors. Dandon Song et al. J Cell Biochem. 2019 Jan. Search it… there’s lots of scientific information out there about this. Just goes to the theory that the root cause of some types of cancer is viral (or parasitic…. same thing).
14. The theories outlined in Arthur Firstenberg’s “Invisible Rainbow” just keep getting proven…. Wireless communication frequencies, including 5G, is connected to coronavirus disease-19.
15. Celeste Solom. Graphene in Hydrogel (and in the Quantum Dot). It enters the body, self assembles, moves and swarms, cleaves to your tissue, including your neurological system. 33 kinds of nano robots have been observed, including scissors and pinchers.
16. Remember that Harvard researcher, arrested for selling brain/nano interface technology to China?
17. Stephanie Seneff strikes again with brilliant research, explaining how mRNA jabs compromise immunity and encourage many dis-ease conditions in the body to manifest. I wish I could believe these consequences were "unintentional".
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