The Best Links Of November 2021
Berberine for Type 2 Diabetes. 500 mg. 2-3x a day with food. Allopathic drugs will lower blood sugar lab readings, but they 1) do nothing to address chronic conditions accompanying a diabetes diagnosis (high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, heart and kidney disease, and peripheral neuropathy), and 2) have side effects that are often not disclosed (nausea, diarrhea, weight gain, B12 depletion (increasing probability of neuropathy) heart failure, fractures, yeast and UTI infections.) In 2008,10,000 patients were being treated with insulin or blood sugar-lowering drugs and monitored and evaluated for their risk of heart attack, strokes and death. The National Institutes of Health ended the study early because the medical intervention was leading to MORE deaths, heart attacks, and strokes. Berberine lowers blood sugar, helps with weight loss, improves heart health. Fights diarrhea, intestinal parasites, and candida. Chinese medicine has used it for 2500 years. There are 2 peer reviewed studies demonstrate it lowered A1C, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.
(Also See: Minerals for the Genetic Code, p. 120…. Vanadium and Chromium affect insulin…)
2. BioEngineered Transhumanism. By Elana Freeland.
The HighersideChats. Hour 1.
We truly have a 6th sense. It is our connection to the non-material world. It communicates with the things that are outside our frequency fence… being outside our 5 physical senses, we cannot perceive them….. except through “knowingness". Chakra energy vortices are instrumental in this sensory system, as are the pituitary gland and DNA. DNA is a 2-way transmitter. Its energy source is scalar energy. It sends and receives information. This un-seeable scalar energy system connects the etheric body to the material body. It is “the human spirit” and a connector of our etheric spirit to Universal Consciousness. It is a goal of trans humanism to BREAK this connection, trapping the energy in the 3D physical matrix.
3. Rudolph Steiner.
An interview, summarizing Steiner’s legacy.
What does it mean to be human?
4. Real Virus Science
And the injuries and deaths keep piling up….
And this doesn’t even get into how these mRNA things are making us BORG. Sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. Morgellen’s Disease (remember that?) was the beta test for phase I: insert nano and make the body produce a synthetic living organism. Now, we are on to the brain interface…. The nano lives inside and acts as an amplifier for the scalar energy between the DNA and the cloud…. 2 way communication. It knows what the DNA knows, and it instructs the DNA to do its bidding. Those who have been assimilated have no awareness that they have no free will and that their thoughts are not their own. This is terrifying.
THIS is a smoking gun. Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots change the STOP codons that terminate enzymes.
All enzymes (which are protein strings composed by the DNA, mRNA, and ribosomes) terminate with either: 1) sulfur, 2) hydrogen, or 3) yttrium. (All enzymes begin with methionine, which is an amino acid.) Minerals for the Genetic Code.
An enzyme is a biological catalyst that is usually a protein but could be RNA. The point of a catalyst is to increase the speed with which a reaction happens. And there are many, many enzymes that are encoded by the genome to make proteins or RNAs that speed up various chemical reactions to do thousands of different functions inside a cell.
Christopher P. Austin, M.D.
Codon is the name we give a stretch of the three nucleotides, you know, one of A, C, G, or T, three of which in a row, that code for a specific amino acid, and so the genetic code is made up of units called codons where you have three nucleotides that code for a specific amino acid next to another three nucleotides, another three nucleotides, and another three nucleotides. And the cellular machinery, again the ribosome, that comes through and reads that genetic code, plugs in the correct amino acid that corresponds to each of the triplet code that's in the codon.
Lawrence C. Brody, Ph.D.
A stop codon is a trinucleotide sequence within a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule that signals a halt to protein synthesis. The genetic code describes the relationship between the sequence of DNA bases (A, C, G, and T) in a gene and the corresponding protein sequence that it encodes. The cell reads the sequence of the gene in groups of three bases. Of the 64 possible combinations of three bases, 61 specify an amino acid, while the remaining three combinations are stop codons.
5. The Good Earth trilogy, by Pearl S. Buck. On audiobook.
6. Oldies But Goodies. The one that made me move from being a selective vaxxer to an anti-vaxxer. And I did read Judyth Vary Baker’s
“Lee and Me”, as well as Ed Haslam’s “Doctor Mary’s Monkey” around the same time I first heard this Dr. Tent lecture.
7. What no one wants to discuss: parasites.
What I take.
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