Tuesday, June 11, 2024



C. A. Fitts recently published Whitney Webb’s treatise about the state of A I - digital in 2023, print in 2024.  As usual, Fitts pens a thoughtful introduction, and follows up Webb’s work with content about human beauty and enjoyment.  In her intro, she relates her personal experiences with the status of A I while traveling in the U.S. (hotel, car rental, airline), and horror story after major inconvenience, she leaves the impression that current A I falls short of providing service even close to the quality of human interaction. The human players in these transactions are powerless to explain or alter the mandates of the A I in charge of the system.

Webb’s message is laid out along the lines of Kissinger/Schmidt/Huttenlocher‘s  analysis - In their 2021 book, “The Age of A I”.  She summarizes these authors’ key thoughts, and adds her own insights — typically in the guise of push-back.

One of the points that sobered me is found on p. 27.  A I has no intention, morality, motivation or emotion.  It doesn’t hope, pray or feel, and cannot be reflective or have awareness.

All advice of the A I is based upon the material used to train the A I.  Its handlers control the knowledge base of the A I.  (Must it be trained in how to handle discrepancies in the knowledge base?)

A I is the “fact-checker”. Content is scanned real time to censor the unwanted and promote the narrative.  (Who controls the narrative?)  Repetition of the narrative becomes human beliefs.  The human is unaware that this is happening. S/he doesn’t realize free will has been eliminated. (Chemical castration of the brain also knocks out initiative to think differently.)

We are the last generation to have free will.

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