Saturday, June 8, 2024

Rule of Law

It is significant.  Legally.  If rule of law is to survive, this is very good.  Now let’s see the courts’ decisions implemented in future behavior.  Accountability for what transpired is also happening…. Investigations have no enforcement capability.  Need grand juries.  Grand jury testimony is transcribed, exhibits are collected and “the record” is preserved.  If it goes to court, it must be turned over to the defense.  And all proceedings before a grand jury are CLOSED —- just like a courtroom trial jury —— same rules for jurors. 

Two Federal Circuit Court decisions have recently been handed down.  The Federal Circuit Court is between the Federal District Court and the SCOTUS.   State courts also have 3 levels, and they are all named differently.  The prosecution now has the ball in the 9th Circuit decision — will they appeal to SCOTUS?

The 9th Circuit Court ruled on appeal that the covid jab is not a vaccine because it does not prevent anything.  And a the Los Angeles school district cannot mandate this jab for employees.  The decision “distinguishes” the current situation from the famous SCOTUS Jacobson vs. Massachusetts 1905 decision.  That ruling upheld a mandate to be vaccinated against smallpox in order to prevent “transmission”.  The current 9th Circuit ruling does not overturn Jacobson, but it does make an important clarification — the government cannot force a substance into your body without PROOF that it prevents transmission.  The decision holds that this jab only claims to reduce symptoms, and that classifies it as a “medical treatment”…. Not a “vaccine”.  And it says “medical treatments” cannot be forced upon a person.  (Interesting implications for medical kidnappings and forced hospital protocols….) 

The 5th Circuit Court ruled on appeal that the District Court for the Southern District of Texas mistakenly threw out/refused to hear a case brought by physicians who spoke out against the narrative and were threatened with loss of their licenses.  Thus, this 1st Amendment case is brought back to life.

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