Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Breakthroughs to energy-resource justice
Interview with Jeane Manning
by Chester Ptasinski

An excerpt
Jeane Manning is an award-winning Canadian author. In 1981 she learned about a network of inventors, engineers and scientists who research non-conventional energy generators with the goal of giving humankind clean energy abundance. Since 1986 she has traveled extensively – interviewing key people in the field and attending energy conferences about breakthrough energy systems that could replace oil and nuclear fission reactors.
Manning’s books are published in six languages. The most recent, co-authored with industrial scientist Joel Garbon, won a silver medal in the international Independent Publishers’ 2009 Outstanding Book of the Year competitions. Its title is Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-Leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World. Jeane Manning was interviewed for Share International by Chester Ptasinski.

Share International: The subtitle of your new book covers a broad scope. What do you mean by “how quantum-leap new energy inventions can transform our world”?
Jeane Manning: That refers to the implications of breakthrough energy-converting inventions – for people, ecosystems and the economy. Sweeping changes become possible. So the subtitle refers to social, economic, cultural, financial as well as environmental transformations.
Transformation in this context means democratization of creative scientific exploration. Today there’s energy apartheid on Earth. The ‘haves’ can power electronics, appliances, homes, greenhouses and workplaces and buy fuel for transportation without hesitation, while ‘have-nots’ don’t have access to fuels and reliable electricity or can’t afford them.
However, the disparity can be eliminated by turning toward radically different energy sources. Experimental devices show that tapping into ambient background energy or other sources for low-cost, clean energy abundance, is possible. These possibilities open the door to new energy systems that can be fairly accessed by all.
Furthermore, the emerging science underlying new energy and new propulsion technologies can also be applied to fields ranging from architecture to health. Understanding the background energy of the universe will open us to vast heights of knowledge.
SI: Your book begins with the down-to-earth here and now, so let’s do the same. What does “new energy” mean?
JM: When my co-author and our colleagues use the term to describe an invention or an area of research, it means a leap forward to a new understanding of how to tap into a clean energy source – usually a previously unrecognized source.
New energy is defined by the advocacy group New Energy Movement as a class of innovative and super-efficient low-cost, clean, decentralized energy systems that includes a variety of quantum-leap new inventions. They have the potential to replace today’s polluting energy technologies and clean up Earth. New energy systems are practical and can be developed with relatively small research and development budgets, but have usually been unacknowledged by mainstream scientists and their followers in the media.
New energy does not refer to incremental improvements to existing technologies. We’re not talking about solar, wind turbines or geothermal (although we encourage their use). Nor are we talking about standard technologies of the hydrogen fuel cell industry. Standard energy alternatives are expensive, intermittent or unwieldy compared to the potential of outside-the-box new energy alternatives.

The New Energy Movement is not aligned with industry advertisements that frame the expansion of the nuclear fission industry as clean or new energy. That’s dishonest propaganda, and nuclear fission being sold as clean energy technology drives me up the wall. The problem of disposing of radioactive waste has not been solved by that industry. Building nuclear power plants is expensive and involves using 19th century technology – consuming fuel to create steam to drive turbines. Not new.
Meanwhile, we have an opportunity to go in a fuel-less direction. There’s compelling evidence for a variety of clean local approaches arising from original thinking and experimentation with working prototypes. The best approaches work in harmony with nature. Unfortunately, much of the research is languishing in under-funded laboratories.
SI: How about some examples?
JM: To keep it simple I’ll mention just a few of the many types of innovations that we write about. They include:
• Energy converters that innovatively manipulate magnetic fields to create electricity.
• Crystal Converters, which convert background energy to electricity without using moving parts or batteries.
• Water-as-fuel inventions that resonate water molecules, with hydrogen released super-efficiently at point of use to provide power.
• Breakthroughs in cold fusion, now known as Low Energy Nuclear Reactions.
• Solid-state (no moving parts) devices in which electronic circuitry and materials resonate with cosmic background energy.
• Sonofusion – using sound frequencies to create tiny bubbles that implode and release an excess of energy.
• Vortex technologies – working with rather than against natural motions.

SI: Hasn’t cold fusion been dismissed as junk science?
JM: The class of tabletop experiments that 20 years ago were labeled ‘cold fusion’ may be something other than standard fusion of atomic nuclei – but not junk science.
Whatever they’re named, those experiments have been replicated internationally, which is a scientific success. However, the disinformation campaign against that field has been even more successful. So yes, it’s dismissed by hot-fusion establishment physicists who count on the millions of dollars they’re collectively paid for working on their expensive particle accelerators. Their dismissal is glib, because they expect fusion in a metal lattice (palladium) to act the same as fusion in hot plasma and release radioactivity as happens in their accelerators.
Elsewhere, tenacious scientists continue cold fusion research. Japan, Israel and Italy have the most advanced programs, and Russia, China, France, South Korea and India are spending on cold fusion too. Their successes involve real outputs of excess energy, unlike the huge particle accelerators. It’s quite a contrast.
Transmutation of elements happens in some of these experiments. That could possibly be applied to cleaning up radioactive waste. We don’t know how cost-efficient it would be, because none of the new-energy scientists have been able to get funding to pursue it further. Vested interests are instead committed to encasing the wastes in glass or some other established method.
SI: You mentioned a wide spectrum of research and you name many more types in Breakthrough Power. Do the various inventions have anything in common?
JM: They are parts of an exciting creative field whose time has come. Underlying many of the inventions is emerging science that’s evolutionary, in contrast to materialistic, reductionist science. We see it as science of a higher mind. Many of the new approaches involve a study of how the universe really works. Examples are the work of Nassim Haramein, seen at www.TheResonanceProject.org, and the rediscovery of concepts of past thinkers such as Dr Walter Russell and John Worrell Keely* who was perhaps 200 years ahead of his time with his “sympathetic vibratory physics”.
*[Interviewer’s note: Helena Blavatsky discusses the occult significance of Keely’s work in her 1888 book The Secret Doctrine, Volume 1].

The energy revolution will eventually be seen as part of a revolution in consciousness. The old paradigm is about competition and belief in energy resource scarcity. The new paradigm is about co-operation. The new worldview will have to be about laying down arms – an end to the days of physical conflict. It can be the biggest revolution in human consciousness ever – from warring to caring.
SI: How could that happen?
JM: I hope that as the new science reveals the incredible interconnectedness of all life, that understanding will be the foundation for humankind’s new story.
Energy-resource abundance itself can be a powerful tool for building a higher civilization. It’s not a cure-all, but it is a levering and leveling tool that’s becoming available at the right time.
SI: A higher civilization – on Earth?
JM: Does it sound too idealistic in a time of increasing violence? Consider this: our era is changing fast, and while something is in motion you have the opportunity to change its direction. You can’t turn a parked car without forcing it, but when it’s moving swiftly a mere tug on the steering wheel can result in an entirely different destination.
SI: Quantum physics talks about “zero point energy”. Is that a basis for the energy revolution?
JM: Zero point energy experiments sometimes deal with a force called the Casimir force, which pushes things together at the very small level – billionths of a meter. But tiny machines aren’t likely to convince us to support a new-energy revolution.
The mainstream view of zero point energy usually limits the concept to something like “vibrational energy retained by molecules even at a temperature of absolute zero”. Not very inspiring, just a jittering movement of atoms, and that definition doesn’t cover the unknown source of extra power that pours into some of the experimental apparatus. Perhaps zero point energy is just one indication of something bigger – a primordial and more powerful field underlying physical reality.
SI: As a final question, can you reveal something about the “bigger picture”?
JM: I’ve seen ample evidence that the human family aspires to become more than what it is now. And anyone tuned into a source of inspiration intuitively knows that a higher civilization on Earth is possible. I expect it will flourish first with energy justice – peoples everywhere having access to low-cost heating and cooling, irrigation, clean drinking water, communication technology, education opportunities.
A more peaceful world can result from energy abundance and equality of opportunity. In such a setting, availability of leisure time unleashes human creativity in the arts and sciences. A new field of education can start, with vital parts of the curriculum being knowledge of subtle energies and how to live in harmony with nature.
Architecture can be transformed with new materials resulting from processes in research areas such as fractional hydrogen. Cities anywhere on the planet could be aesthetically pleasing cultural centers with quiet streets – no noisy fuel-burning transportation – and soaring translucent buildings. Any excess heat can be converted into electricity and cooling with the new technology. And conversely no one needs to shiver in a cold apartment.
A reprieve from the struggle for survival could give beleaguered humans a chance to find out who they really are – a most gratifying lifelong process.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why We Moved Out of Analog to Digital...

An introduction to New Technologies (Part I)

by Patrick Redmond

Patrick Redmond graduated with a Doctorate in History from the University of London, England in 1972. He taught at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, then at Adhadu Bello University in Kano, Nigeria before joining IBM. He worked in IBM for 31 years before retiring. During his career at IBM he held a variety of jobs. These included; from 1992 until 2007 working at the IBM Toronto lab in technical, then in sales support. He has written two books and numerous articles. Here is a presentation he gave in Toronto on April 13, 2008. 

* * * 

I want to thank Yvon for inviting me here to talk about new technologies. What I’m going to do is give you an introduction to three technologies that are becoming more and more important. The first is RFID chips, the second genetic engineering, and the third synthetic biology. This will give you an understanding of what is happening and where science is going. 

We will start with RFID chips: 

So what are they? They are Radio Frequency Identification Devices. An RFID is a microchip with an attached antenna. The microchip contains stored information which can be transmitted to a reader and then to a computer. 

RFID’s can be passive, semi-passive or active. Active RFID’s have an internal power source such as a battery. This allows the tag to send signals back to the reader, so if I have a RFID on me and it has a battery, I can just send a signal to a reader wherever it is. They can receive and store data, and be read at a further distance than the passive RFID’s. The batteries can only last a short while. But the current batteries in the RFID’s can last for over a hundred years, because of their self-generating power. Ultrawideband (UWB) allows the small battery operated RFID tag to be sensed over fairly wide areas. For instance, GE Aircraft Engines in Ohio has installed five readers in the factory and it covers over 30,000 square feet so they can track everything within that area with only the five readers. That gives you an idea of the distance that can be covered by an RFID tag that might be on you or on equipment. 

An RFID held by a pair of tweezers 

The readers can transmit over telephone or by internet to computers and they use satellites as well. For example, Digital Angel has signed contracts with satellite providers to transmit their data for military personnel location beacons (PLBs). These beacons use the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system. This system has some 400,000 digital beacons around the world and it’s rising to some 900,000. By the year 2009 they plan to have a GL stationary satellite system that will enable them to find the location and details of any beacon. You may sometimes see these at night; the GO stationary systemscan track any beacon. Skiers sometimes use them so that they can be identified, and sailors as well, if they become lost at sea they will be able to be tracked. Anything that has an RFID tag can be tracked by a reader or a computer. 

An example of such transmission is a chip sold by Zarlink. This chip is implanted in a person; it tracks problems and if one is detected, it alerts the doctor who uses a two way RF link to interrogate and adjust the implanted device. Semi-passive RFIDs have an internal power source that let them monitor environmental conditions, such as temperature and shock, but they still require RF energy from the reader to respond. 

Passive RFID’s do not have a power source but use a signal sent by the scanner to power the microchip circuit to transmit back their stored information. Passive RFID’s are getting very small. Hitachi a few years ago produced a chip (called the mu chip) that was the size of a pencil point; if you take a pencil and put it on a piece of paper you get a little dot. That’s how small they’re getting. In 2007 Hitachi came out with a chip that was even smaller, they call it RFID powder. They are just like the talcum powder you would put on a baby. 

Somark Innovations in Jan 10, 2007 announced an invisible RFID ink. This can be applied to cattle, prime cuts of meat, military personnel and it can be read through hair. 

I brought along a couple of the larger size chips, and this particular chip I got from Gillette fusion blades. I bought one of the blades and you can see that on one side what looks like a bar code and if you open it up you can see parts of a RFID chip on the back. This one here is from the Gap. One of my daughters went to the Gap; they put the tag directly on the clothing and the instructions just say to remove before washing and wearing. If you put it up to the light you will see the RFID chip inside it. These chips are quite small and can be put on the back of labels. They would not be noticeable in badges or ID cards; they could even be put in the eye of a person, they are that small. 

In order for chips to be useful, they have to have a unique product number and because of this, MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) started developing some standards. It’s called the AutoID Center. They then passed it on to the AutoID Group within the Uniform Clothes Council. It will assign codes and publish specifications, so if you have a company, government agency, or church you can contact these people and they will give you a set of numbers. 

So let’s say there are three or five people in this room wearing the same white hat and each one of them has a chip on it with a different number. We could differentiate everything even if you’re all wearing the same clothes, it doesn’t really matter because everything has a unique number. MIT has the architecture of participation called EPC Global so if you go on Google and type in EPC Global and you will come up with the website they will give you instructions on how to apply and get chips. So if you want to chip yourself, your family, relatives, company or anything like that; you can do it. 

It works with people who want to use this technology. One of many companies who sell the chip is called, Technic Imitations. If you have a company and you go to one of their presentations, they will give you books like this that tell you what the chips look like, how they work, the types that are sold, and what the readers look like. They will help you install chips in your company. It’s a very big business and it’s spreading very quickly. 

When you use active or passive chips, active chips have advantages when you want to track items or people over longer distances. Soldiers can have active chips so they can be tracked via satellite wherever they might be in the battlefield. You can get one for your car, so you can be tracked if you are on the 407 or something. 

Passive ones suffice if you are only interested in tracking over shorter distances. For example, in a sea container coming in from China, every box and every item within the box can have a chip on it. A reader can track all the items as a box passes through it. In a warehouse it is used to ensure the right shipments go to the right places. A man carrying a skid on a forklift can have the goods inside the box verified without even opening it. 

They are using the chips to track inventory in order to be able to monitor what items are going where, if the right items are in the truck, etc. The passive chips are being put on devices to ensure they are valid. 

There’s a lot of counterfeit drugs being produced and sold over the internet. Viagra is one of the most commonly counterfeited ones although there are many others. To ensure that people get the correct drugs they sometimes put chips on the containers so when you’re buying them you know that you are buying the correct drug. 

Chipping farm animals is now required by the government 

RFID’s are a great economic help to a company because they reduce theft and loss. They also streamline inventory, reduce turnaround time and handling. They’ve allowed companies to adjust production in response to inventory levels and to respond on demand. That’s why companies are interested, because of these big economic benefits and efficiency. 

When you go to Wal-Mart, Best Buy, the U.S. Military and many other agencies around the world, you will see that they are all implementing RFID chips on items and increasingly on people. 

The recent growth of the RFID industry has been staggering: From 1955 to 2005, cumulative sales of radio tags totaled 2.4 billion; in 2007 alone, 2.24 billion tags were sold worldwide and analysts project that by 2017 cumulative sales will top 1 trillion–generating more than $25 billion in annual revenues for the industry. 

We’re starting to see chips being implemented in credit cards, debit cards and passports, driver’s licenses, health cards, and many other things. Increasingly they are being used to monitor people as well as items. RFID tags embedded into clothes and personal belongings allow people to be tracked and monitored in shopping malls, libraries, museums, sports arenas, elevators, and restrooms. American Express has them on their blue cards. They are announcing plans to place people-tracking readers in stores to track customers movements and observe their behavior. If you bought something with your credit or debit card, they will know what items you bought and if the items were chipped, they will know what you were buying. In this way they will be able to track you. 

In 2006, IBM received a patent approval for an invention called, "Identification and tracking of persons using RFID-tagged items." One stated purpose was to collect information about people that could be "used to monitor the movement of the person through the store or other areas." 

When somebody enters a store a reader "scans all identifiable RFID tags carried on the person," and correlates the tag information with sales records to determine the individual’s "exact identity." A device known as a "person tracking unit" which then assigns a tracking number to the shopper "to monitor the movement of the person through the store." 

If I had three readers in this room, I could scan everybody in one second and I would know right away who’s here; so it would scan that quickly. The computers are getting quite sophisticated and capable of doing large numbers of scans at any given time. One company recently announced a computer that reads data transactions at 200 million/second, an incredible number. 

Here’s an example of how they are being used in companies; a few oil companies have given their employees smart cards so that they know where they are at any time of the day. This ensures that people do not go where they are not authorized to go. They will see how many times an individual might go to the washroom or outside to have a cigarette; things like that. It allows continuous tracking of people, and so more and more companies are thinking it’s a novel idea. 

In early 2007, the American government complained to the Canadian government that they were tracking American contractors who were visiting Canada by placing loonies ($2.00 Canadian coins) with tiny RFID transmitters in their pockets. And a CIS officer when confronted with this said: "Ah, give us a break! You might want to know where the individual was going, what meetings he’s attending, who he’s talking with and everything like that." So if they wanted they could track people with chipped loonies. 

The University of Washington students, faculty and staff are being tracked as they move around the site so the details of where they’ve been, what they’re doing and with whom, will be stored in their database. One of the professors at the University was asked, "Will you check on this student?" so he checked on him and said, "Oh, he’s on the fourth floor just standing outside room 452 and now he’s moving into the classroom." 

In London you can buy a monthly pass to the transit cars that have an RFID on it and if you link the bus pass to a person’s name you can track where this person is on the bus and subway system throughout London, England. Last year the police were getting four requests a month and now they are getting close to 100. 

Just last week the London police announced that they were putting RFID chips on all of the 31,000 police in London. Now this may be on their ID card, they did not say if they were going to put them directly on their body, but they were getting chipped; it was published in the Daily Mail. Some of the police were complaining that they "are going to know where we are at any time, we won’t be able to go into a coffee shop and get a donut." All 31,000 police in London now have RFID’s so if they ever need to stop or control people they can direct 1,000 troops immediately to the scene. 

In Southern China they’re implementing RFID readers in the city of Shenzhen to track the movement of citizens; all citizens have an ID card with a chip so they can identify who is in what part of the city at any point in time. 

RFID readers in a library 

The chips and National ID cards that they are trying to bring in now contain not only a number, but also a person’s work history, education, religion, ethnicity, police record and reproductive history. The United States has been trying to implement the National ID card for a few years now and there are strikes going on in different states as they try to resist this National ID that will identify everyone in the country. 

Canada is adding a Real ID to the license plates and we don’t hear anything about it, its being done a lot more secretly than it is in the States where there is a lot of public debate. The increase of the use of RFID chips is going to require a increased rate of the UBF spectrum, as a result in the United States they’re going to stop using the UBF spectrum of the VHF frequency in 2009 and everything is going to go digital. You may have seen that on television in the United States. 

Canada is going to do the same thing, they’ll say it still works, and instead of the antenna on your roof you’ll use a black box. The reason they’re doing this is that the UBF and VHF analog frequency are being used for the chips, so they don’t want to overload the chips with television signals, because the chips signals will now be receiving those frequencies. 

A friend of mine from Quebec says his cows have a chip embedded under the skin. All farm animals have to be chipped and he says he’s no longer allowed to kill as many cows as he wants. He was given a limit of two cows that he could kill and use only for the farm. All the others had to be sold to particular companies who could control those cows and get food from them. So he could only kill two and the others he had to sell to a supermarket chain. 

People are being chipped now. There’s a trend that they’re promoting in the media in terms of chipping people; they’re saying why not chip children for safety, so we can protect them, especially if they’re in the hospital then nobody could steal the newborn babies. Why don’t we chip the sick, then if someone has a heart attack and falls on the floor, we can read the signal in the chip and send someone to help them. We should chip the military so we would be able to know where the soldiers are and if they’re alive. After we could chip people on welfare so we could make sure they’re not cheating the government. Then we can chip all the criminals so that we could control them, and we’ll chip workers because a lot of them goof off at work. Then we’ll chip all the pensioners because they’re just taking money from us; and after that we’ll chip everyone else. 

Some 800 hospitals in the United States are now chipping their patients. You can turn it down, but it’s available. Four hospitals in Puerto Rico have put them in the arms of the Alzheimer’s patients, and it only costs about $200 per person. 

The Baja Beach Club in Barcelona gets patrons chipped. A BBC reporter went the club and got himself chipped. He said it was like getting a needle in your arm; they just rubbed it with some antiseptic and put a chip in. Because it was fairly small, he said it didn’t hurt too much and he had it inside him so whenever he ordered he would just move his arm and pay for it. The reader on the bar would read the signal and since he had his bank account information on the chip on his arm it would deduct the money from his bank account. 

Nigel Gilbert of the Royal Academy of Engineering said that by 2011 you should be able to go on Google and find out where someone is at any time from chips on clothing, in cars, cell phones, and inside many people themselves. 

Chips are becoming more and more sophisticated. Nature Magazine reported recently that a drug containing microchips has been developed that will release drugs at the right time and amount. They can put a chip in you and release drugs so you don’t have to take a pill every day. This particular one that they’re selling lasts for over 140 days, you just have to get chipped three times a year with this drug and it releases it every day automatically. We will probably start hearing more about things like this in the near future. 

In 2006, LifeScience.com said that European researchers have developed neuro-chips, they’ve coupled together living brain cells in silicone circuits and done a lot of experimentation on rats and snails. An electrical signal from a neuron is recorded in the chips transistors, while the chip’s capitulators stimulate the neurons. They can create neuro-stimulators and use them to alleviate pain and lessen the debilitating effects of Parkinson’s disease. 

The mu chip is only .05 ml in length 

There are gastric stimulators that can treat obesity, they would make you feel hungry so you wouldn’t want to eat anymore, it would just be necessary to put a chip in your brain that would connect and send signals. In another study, neuro-chip implants were developed and are being used on violent prisoners. They were implanted with the microchip (but they didn’t know they were implanted), and when the implant was set at 160 megahertz’s all the subjects became lethargic and slept about 22 hours a day. The implants ended all aggression in violent prisoners. Another interesting application is a silicone chip implant that mimics the hippocampus, the area of the brain known for creating memories. If successful, the artificial brain prosthesis could replace its biological counterpart, enabling people who suffer from memory disorders to regain the ability to store new memories. It’s being developed by Professor Berger at the Center for Neural Engineering at the University of Southern California. 

They’re working on rats and monkeys, so if applied to humans what this could do is restore your short-term memory which people lose as they get older, or it could replace your existing short-term memory with artificial short-term memory. 

Applied Digital Solutions has a Verichip that is compatible with human tissue and can be used on implantable pacemakers or put defibrillators in artificial joints. It can be injected using a syringe and used as a sort of bar code in security applications. That’s seen as one of the easy ways to implement chips in people through injections. They could very easily inject it via a flu shot or a vaccine. 

Verichip is working on a glucose microchip that would determine glucose levels. You wouldn’t have to draw blood to monitor glucose level. All you need is to have the doctor read your chip and your information and tell what your blood levels have been for the past month or two. 

IBM has demonstrated a tiny device that measures heart rate and is able to sense when a person wearing it is in distress, after which it will call a cell phone for immediate help. The distress signal is sent wirelessly via Bluetooth. 

Zarlink has developed the first swallowable camera capsule which uses Zarlink’s RF transmitter to relay real-time images from the gastrointestinal tract. Our MICS (Medical Implant Communication Services) platform is designed with in-body communication systems that will improve patient care, lower healthcare costs, and support new monitoring, diagnostic and therapeutic applications. 

Currently the chip uses 100 hair-thin electrodes that sense the electro-magnetic signature of neurons firing in specific areas of the brain in, for example, the area that controls arm movement. The activity is translated into electrically charged signals and are then sent and decoded using a program, which can move either a robotic arm or a computer cursor. According to the Cyberkinetics’ website, three patients have been implanted with the BrainGate system. The company has confirmed that one patient (Matt Nagle) has a spinal cord injury, while another has advanced ALS. 

This shows that human thoughts can be converted into radio waves and used by paralyzed people to create movement. 

Matt Nagle sends the thoughts to a computer to decipher. He can turn his TV on or off, change channels, and alter the volume. (BBC 2005) He can also move his arms and pick up things. 

In addition to real-time analysis of neuron patterns to relay movement, the Braingate array is also capable of recording electrical data for later analysis. A potential use of this feature would be for a neurologist to study seizure patterns in a patient with epilepsy. 

Braingate is currently recruiting patients with a range of neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases, so if you want a computer chip in your brain you can just go on the website and volunteer. 

What are the problems about these new technologies? Let me just give you a brief explanation. Chips are going to end privacy. There’s a website called Spychips.com operated by Katherine Albrecht; they research the use of RFID’s by different companies. They have been warning people about them because chips that have economic or health data could get that data stolen. 

The New York Times in October of 2006 said that any card that doesn’t require swiping (in other words that doesn’t have a chip in it), is vulnerable to un-authorized charges and put people at risk for identity theft. You can buy scanners in electronics stores for $60 or more that can read the information on the chip. 

They are finding that once implanted in people, chips can be damaging to our health. For example, the body of a rodent who was tested started rejecting some chips and started a development of cancer. Also there is a danger of viruses; you are all familiar with software viruses on your computers, imagine if you got a virus in your chip that deletes your information in your chip. 

If chips can disseminate medicine then they can disseminate other things too; anything put inside a microchip can be activated by a signal. And finally, with this technology, subliminal mind control becomes possible. I went on to Google and did a search on mind control; you might find it interesting to check that yourself. I read one on patents; there are patents that exist for mind control. This is what one states: non-aural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain. This is patent number 5,159,703 1992. 

Another explains a device that can be placed in the auditory cortex of the brain. This device allows the following process: someone speaks into a microphone, the microphone then has the sounds coded into microwaves which are sent to the receiver in the brain and the receiver device will transform the microwaves back so that the person’s mind hears the original sounds. In other words, a person with this device in their head will hear whatever the programmers send via microwave signals. (Phillip L. Stoklin took out patent number 4,858,612 on this.) 

What do things like this mean to people of faith? You know from the Apocalypse, which is the last book of the Bible, that microchips are unacceptable to God. 

Chapter 13, Verses 16-17: "And he (the beast) shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freeman and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." 

Chapter 16, Verse 2: "The first angel poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a sore and grievous wound upon men who had the character of the beast; and upon them that adored the image thereof." 

Chapter 20, Verse 4: "And I saw seats; and they sat upon them; and judgment was given unto them; and the souls of them that were beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and who had not adored the beast nor his image, nor received his character on their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." 

If people have chips they will be tracked wherever they are. And there is a reasonable expectation that their bodies will be controlled and manipulated, as this technology is increasingly refined. Their minds will also be manipulated, they can certainly be made or induced to follow whatever people want them to follow. It’s quite conceivable that they could be made to denounce God also.
Patrick Redmond

Patrick Redmond

Sunday, January 24, 2010

wisdom from the past..... have vision!

'The Evolution of Matter' and 'The Evolution of Forces' on CD
 Years ago, I had been told by several people, that the US government frequently removes books they deem dangerous or 'sensitive' from libraries. Some are replaced with sections removed or rewritten so as to 'contain' information that should not be available to the public despite the authors intent. A key example was during the Manhattan Project when the US was trying to finalize research into atomic bombs. They removed any books that dealt with the subject and two of them were by Dr. Gustave Le Bon since they dealt with both energy and matter including radioactivity. I had been looking for these two books for many years and fortunately stumbled across two copies for which I paid about $40.00 each. I couldn't put down the books once I started reading them. Such a wealth of original discoveries, many not known or remembered today. / Page 88 - Without the ether there could be neither gravity, nor light, nor electricity, nor heat, nor anything, in a word, of which we have knowledge. The universe would be silent and dead, or would reveal itself in a form which we cannot even foresee. If one could construct a glass chamber from which the ether were to be entirely eliminated, heat and light could not pass through it. It would be absolutely dark, and probably gravitation would no longer act on the bodies within it. They would then have lost their weight. / Page 96-97 - A material vortex may be formed by any fluid, liquid or gaseous, turning round an axis, and by the fact of its rotation it describes spirals. The study of these vortices has been the object of important researches by different scholars, notably by Bjerkness and Weyher. They have shown that by them can be produced all the attractions and repulsions recognized in electricity, the deviations of the magnetic needle by currents, etc. These vortices are produced by the rapid rotation of a central rod furnished with pallets, or, more simply, of a sphere. Round this sphere gaseous currents are established, dissymetrical with regard to its equatorial plane, and the result is the attraction or repulsion of bodies brought near to it, according to the position given to them. It is even possible, as Weyher has proved, to compel these bodies to turn round the sphere as do the satellites of a planet without touching it. / Page 149 - "The problem of sending a pencil of parallel Hertzian waves to a distance possesses more than a theoretical interest. It is allowable to say that its solution would change the course of our civilization by rendering war impossible. The first physicist who realizes this discovery will be able to avail himself of the presence of an enemy's ironclads gathered together in a harbour to blow them up in a few minutes, from a distance of several kilometres, simply by directing on them a sheaf of electric radiations. On reaching the metal wires with which these vessels are nowadays honeycombed, this will excite an atmosphere of sparks which will at once explode the shells and torpedoes stored in their holds. With the same reflector, giving a pencil of parallel radiations, it would not be much more difficult to cause the explosion of the stores of powder and shells contained in a fortress, or in the artillery sparks of an army corps, and finally the metal cartridges of the soldiers. Science, which at first rendered wars so deadly, would then at length have rendered them impossible, and the relations between nations would have to be established on new bases."


Sunday, January 17, 2010

history repeats again

HISTORY IS REPEATING ITS-SELF.. Just different times, different methods of warfare, different people.. SAME CAUSE AND EF
Posted By: watcher51445 <Send E-Mail>

Date: Saturday, 16-Jan-2010 06:31:06

HISTORY IS REPEATING ITS-SELF.. Just different times, different methods of warfare, different people.. but the CAUSE AND EFFECT will ultimately prove to be the same..
1-05-04. snip: This entire scenario of these "Weapons of Mass Disinformation," effects our very freedoms and liberties. These individuals Re-Wrote History which was designed as de-education, and the format for; joblessness, homelessness is designed to take our individual liberties, individual Rights, Rights to, and of Self Defense, Rights to own property, Rights of Self Determination, Rights of Self Governance, Rights to Lawful Defense of injurious Acts of Others, and/or Lawful Prosecution for injury caused by others with intent to cause harm to "a un-informed, dis-informed public"..

We are currently involved in a International Banking War. SCALAR TECHNOLOGY the weapons of choice used on "the un-suspecting, dumbed down "Ordinary People" [per Clinton etal]
The Muslims call it the Fourth Crusade. We (Historical Researchers-Teachers-Writers-Ex-Law Enforcement-Ex Service Oriented who took our Oath Seriously) remember the Third Crusade from History. What is not much remembered is what happened when King Richard returned from the Crusades. King John had taken the people hostage, denying all rights, liberties, freedoms and courts of justice. When King Richard returned, the Magna Charta was put into place to forever guarantee those Rights, Liberties, Freedoms and Justice to The English People. Through the years, the Magna Charta was elaborated further, more rights and freedoms were added. This, Ms. Mary became "The Law of the Land." The same "Law of the Land" as recognized here in the United States of America in our VIth Amendment to the Constitution, contained in the Bill of Rights.
Your question would be: Who caused this current International Banking War?
A. The U.S. Federal Reserve Banking System, The U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve Banking System Corporations of the English Rothschild Banking Corporation, abusing their powers created by Act of Congress December 23, 1913 and December 24, 1919.
The U.S. Fed. R. Banking System and the U.S. Foreign Federal Reserve Banking Systems, have abused their Congressional Limitations of Powers by heavy handed use of predatory banking, fiat money, and outright Fraudulent Banking Practices designed to "overthrow" the United States of America and her allies with Counterfeit Prime Bank Gold Instruments written on our Gold Collateral Property known as "The One Time Only "Bonus Commodity Contract 3392 and Cert. of Indebtedness of Peru "181" held in Trust. Murder of the CEO of Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing, Ltd; Nevada ID # 1707-85 "Russell Herrmann aka "Herrman" aka "Herman" was thought the remedy to the English Rothschild's Banking Problems. No. It was not the "remedy" it was the beginning of their worst nightmare. The murdered individual had no ownership, what-so-ever in the old BONUS 3392-181. Only 24.4 percent was assigned into the before-mentioned Corporation on December 31st 1988 for the term period until December 31st 1992.
The CEO was murdered on or about August 29, 1994 by those thinking he had "ownership" when in fact, if any one cared to review the Documents Sections of record at
http://www.theantechamber.net/#VKD they would find The Codicil to Russell's Will specifically identifying the 24.4 percent. Unfortunately; No one wants to take the time to "read".. every one wants a "quick fix" and educational background in a "three sentence document" or the ADS (attention deficit syndrome) commences.
snip: Currently; Laws are once again being passed MAKING CORPORATIONS ABOVE THE LAW. Well, all I can say if this happens... THE PEOPLE, WILL ONCE AGAIN; LOCK AND LOAD.
This brings back to memory recall to what Russell said on November 17, 1993 after we brought him home from the KIDNAPPING & TORTURE event of October 28, 1993. This is a quote from his statement:
"When the American People finally wake up and discover what the Federal Government's Corporations and Agencies has really been done to them; I would not want to be a member of Congress, a member of the U.S. Senate, a president of the united states, a state senator or congressman, a state governor, in law enforcement, or even the local dog catcher. When the American People wake up; They will build scaffolds on the Capitol Steps, give them a fair trial, take the bastards out and hang them by the neck until they are dead. It will take another 200 years before they get up the courage to try this again against the American People." end quote.
What has been done? Alan Greenspan of the U.S. Federal Reserve in his capacity as Chairman acting pursuant to those "powers granted by Congress"..
Breached those Powers by "assisting the establishing of the Euro Dollar Systems to operate against the U.S. Dollar." continued at source http://www.theantechamber.net/V_K_Durham/WmDisinformation.html
The Haiti Earthquake - You Need To Know Where It Came From
By Dick Eastman 1-15-10
They had the motive and the means to create this earthquake. None of the properties or people were important to the interests that I know were responsible for the 9-11 deaths, the steering of Katrina and, yes, the December 2004 Sumatra magnitude 9 earthquake and Indian Ocean Tsunami where wave 100 ft high in places and at least 50 ft high along a 60 mile stretch of the coast of Sumatra --76,000 deaths and 100,000 homes destroyed.
I have put some 2005 articles below. They give my reasons for believing the Sumatra quake was the result of weaponized earthquake generation -- as I am convinced the Haiti quake was too.
I have gathered some articles from 2005 that I think will shed much light on the earthquake of January 12, 2010. (Remember, Clinton' Sec of Defense stated five years before that both weather warfare and earthquake-making weapons already existed in hands outside the US -- he did not say who -- I know the weather tech is in Israeli hands.
That is all I have time for now. Read the articles below -- I think you will be convinced.
One last thought -- the Haiti quake is over -- don't let it distract us from economic and war atrocities still in the works -- they may yet be prevented. What is needed is a world-wide repudiation of the power , the claims upon us, and the position and wealth of Globalist international crime. If you can help the Haitians do so -- but let us go after the entire global network that believes their power gives them the right to create disasters like this at their own caprice. Haiti was murdered as a distraction --
DON'T LET YOURSELF BE DISTRACTED FROM BRINGING DOWN THE MONEY POWER AND THE MONEY POWER'S [article continues http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=164799
Another Investigative Reporter, JOE VIALLS writes:
Joe Vialls: Tsunami result of U.S. nuclear bomb?
From: richard-at-cyberjournal.org
Date: 10 Jan 2005
Subject: Joe Vialls: Tsunami result of U.S. nuclear bomb?
To: newslog-at-cyberjournal.org
snip: Tsunami nuclear blast, not earthquake? Copyright Joe Vialls, 5 January 2005. Was the tsunami the result of a U.S. nuclear bomb? With Afghanistan and Iraq already lost, the Wall Street bankers were all desperately looking for other ways to control our world, when suddenly and very conveniently, the Sumatran Trench exploded. Trick or Treat? http://www.vialls.com/subliminalsuggestion/tsunami.html
"Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves." American Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997. Big surprise! Presumably Cohen already knew that a nuclear weapon generates what he refers to obliquely as "electromagnetic waves".
Despite having a huge number of tsunami victims in its own State of Tamil Nadu, India completely converted the survey ship INS Nirupak into a 50-bed floating hospital in less than 72 hours, then sent it unarmed to help the desperate people of Aceh in Indonesia. . By direct comparison, America sent combat ships and armed Marines. The US Navy has two 1,000 bed hospital ships, the 'Comfort' and the 'Mercy', but neither one was dispatched. Though the USNS Comfort was deployed to New York when 3,000 Americans died in September 2001, this current lack of action sends a strong signal that 150,000 (mostly Muslim) dead in South East Asia, and half a million injured, are of no concern whatever to the power brokers in
New York. The Indian Government knew full well that this was not a "normal" earthquake. On 27 December India refused to join George Bush's planned exclusive 'club of four', which would have effectively pulled this Asian nuclear power out of its new coalition with Russia, China and Brazil. On 28 December the Indian Government politely warned the American military to stay clear of Indian sovereign territory, and on 29 December the India Daily Editorial publicly questioned the nature of the event: "Was this a showdown by a country to show the region what havoc can be created?" ... "Given the level of devastation and given the fact India is a regional power in South Asia, [the] Indian Navy has an obligation to investigate and tell the world what they found."
Theoretically, the American 9 megaton W-53 thermonuclear warhead shown on the left, could easily be encased in a small 'lookalike' saturation diving chamber similar to that on the right, to protect it from the massive 10,000 pounds per square inch pressures at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench. The whole armored package would weigh less than five tons, allowing it to be slipped over the stern of any oil rig supply vessel, of which there are more than 300 in Asia alone. Who would eve notice?
Despite a natural human tendency to be shocked into silence by the sheer number of dead and injured across Asia on 26 December 2004, and despite also being slightly fearful of losing personal credibility because of the magnitude of the apparent crime, there are many provable irregularities in theofficial American tsunami story that simply have to be recorded now, or forever be lost in the sands of time.
It is beyond any doubt that a giant tidal wave (tsunami) smashed its way through South and South East Asia, and still had enough legs to continue all the way across the Indian Ocean to Africa, where it killed and injured a few hundred more. So the only question we must ask, is whether this tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe? A natural event would be horrifying enough, but if the tsunami was man-made, then we are unquestionably looking at the biggest single war crime in global history.
To make any sense at all of the irregularities, we must start at the very beginning, and then follow the course of events as they unfold, especially events in the immediate vicinity of the real tsunami epicenter, because the latter is quite different from the location being remorselessly peddled by theNew York Times and CNN.
At midday local Australian time I faithfully recorded the magnitude and position plotted by the Jakarta Geophysical Office in Indonesia. An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale had hit the north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Jakarta Geophysical Office meticulously notedthat the epicenter of the event was located 155 miles south-southwest of Aceh Province.
This location is approximately 250 miles south of the position later selected by the American NOAA, which plotted the epicenter to the north-west of Aceh, and initially claimed a Richter reading of 8.0. Alas, even that was not enough to cover the damage caused by this extraordinary event, so NOAA progressively upgraded the reading to 8.5, then to 8.9, and finally to 9.0 - at least for the present.
So, the first proven irregularities were peddled by American officials at the NOAA, who suddenly invented a new 'flexible' peak seismic wave for the event, of far greater magnitude than Jakarta, when the Jakarta office was located much closer at almost point-blank range. Believe me when I tell you there is no such thing as the new 'flexible' peak claimed by NOAA. The first seismic peak you record is the only real peak, unless of course you later manually draw in a few more peaks of your own, to match a contrived agenda. Naturally there is also only one epicenter, which was faithfully recorded by dozens of Indonesian and Indian seismographs. article continueshttp://cyberjournal.org/cj/show_archives/?id=388&batch=16&lists=newslog
Joe Vialls (1944 – 17 July, 2005) was a conspiracy theorist and internet journalist based in Perth, Western Australia. His claims that major incidents such as the Port Arthur Massacre, terror attacks in Bali and Jakarta and the 2004 Asian Tsunami were the work of Israeli and American secret agents gained a measure of notoriety in Australia, America and Indonesia.[1] continued http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Vialls
The Haiti Earthquake - You Need To
Know Where It Came From
By Dick Eastman
I learned of the earthquake in Haiti yesterday evening when I entered my father's house to go for our daily walk -- he is 89. I saw Bill Clinton and asked my mother what was going on. Then I noticed that Stephanopolis -- Clinton's former Press Secretary was anchoring the news. Clearly this was a well-staged event. As the facts about the earthquake unfolded and how I saw the event was being spun so well for Obama -- and Stephanopolis showed none of the emotions or spontaneity -- and I saw how callous he was when he interviewed the Haitian president "On a personal level, this must be quite hard for you" -- something close to that -- what an astoundingly inappropriate thing to ask -- but revealing so much -- revealing that Stephanopolus, like Clinton who always refers to Americans as "ordinary citizens" -- expects detachment from the tragic fate of the "ordinary people" - asking this president if he actually was really feeling something on such an occasion. continued http://www.rense.com/general89/hait.htm
snip: Has anyone asked: "Why did we not feel that earthquake on the East Cost or in the Florida area?
Remember those 'fake gold bars'.. I'll take a moment to refresh your memories... allowing you to re-read the articles Fake gold bars in Bank of England and Fort Knox | Pakistan Daily http://www.daily.pk/fake-gold-bars-in-bank-of-england-and-fort-knox-14477/ and it was posted at on RMNews.com http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=164519
In corresponding with another Investigative Reporter regarding these matters.. to wit: Re: the fake gold bars.. This goes back to 1989-90-91 when the Billionaire Boys (Neil Bush, John D' Aquisto, Jack Kemp, John McCain, Charlie Keating, Mark Rich etals) were actively engaged in "transactions with Englardt selling barrels of gold 'fines."
Gold fines are what splatters off the object being 'gold plated'.. article continues http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=164747
Over Mount Daily--Scalar Clouds Seen Morning After The Quake. Posted By: CrystalRiver
Date: Friday, 15-Jan-2010 11:32:42. In Response To: EARTHQUAKES: WEAPONS OF WAR? (Daystar)
The morning after the quake I was sitting looking over Mount Daily which is one of the high peaks surrounding Aspen Colorado and indeed I saw scalar clouds.
I just did a search and found one that looked comparable and am posting the link, rather than the photo as I'm not sure if it is covered by copyright. Keep in mind that what I saw was slightly different--nothing on the side just the main ripple looking clouds. Many Blessings,
Tiny URL---
Below is the image that should be brought up; apologies but I always post both so that I am covered.
CONSIDERING: Stephanopolus, like Clinton who always refers to Americans as "ordinary citizens" -- expects detachment from the tragic fate of the "ordinary people." (Remember, Clinton' Sec of Defense stated five years before that both weather warfare and earthquake-making weapons already existed in hands outside the US -- he did not say who -- I know the weather tech is in Israeli hands.)
It can only be assumed CLINTON AND STEPHANOPOLUS feel very secure in "THE RICH MAN'S CLUB" as Bush's group feel secure in THE BIG FOUR.. also known as THE NOBLE ELIET.. who keep wars going, depleating the national treasury, raising tax's higher than a cats back..
Who else had a detachment from the tragic fate of the "Ordinary People?"
Main article: Causes of the French Revolution
Adherents of most historical models identify many of the same features of the Ancien Régime as being among the causes of the Revolution. Economic factors included widespread famine and malnutrition, due to rising bread prices (from a normal 8 sous for a 4-pound loaf to 12 sous by the end of 1789),[1] which increased the likelihood of disease and death, and intentional starvation in the most destitute segments of the population in the months immediately before the Revolution. The famine extended even to other parts of Europe, and was not helped by a poor transportation infrastructure for bulk foods. (Recent research has also attributed the widespread famine to an El Niño effect following the 1783 Laki eruption in Iceland,[2] or colder climate of the Little Ice Age combined with France's failure to adopt the potato as a staple crop.)[3]
Another cause was the fact that Louis XV fought many wars, bringing France to the verge of bankruptcy, and Louis XVI supported the colonists during the American Revolution, exacerbating the precarious financial condition of the government. The national debt amounted to almost two billion livres. The social burdens caused by war included the huge war debt, made worse by the monarchy's military failures and ineptitude, and the lack of social services for war veterans. The inefficient and antiquated financial system was unable to manage the national debt, something which was both caused and exacerbated by the burden of a grossly inequitable system of taxation. Another cause was the continued conspicuous consumption of the noble class, especially the court of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette at Versailles, despite the financial burden on the populace. High unemployment and high bread prices caused more money to be spent on food and less in other areas of the economy. The Roman Catholic Church, the largest landowner in the country, levied a tax on crops known as the dime or tithe. While the dîme lessened the severity of the monarchy's tax increases, it worsened the plight of the poorest who faced a daily struggle with malnutrition. There was too little internal trade and too many customs barriers.[4]
There were also social and political factors, many of which involved resentments and aspirations given focus by the rise of Enlightenment ideals. These included resentment of royal absolutism; resentment by the ambitious professional and mercantile classes towards noble privileges and dominance in public life, as many of these classes were familiar with the lives of their peers in commercial cities in the Netherlands and Great Britain; resentment by peasants, wage-earners, and the bourgeoisie toward the traditional seigneurial privileges possessed by nobles; resentment of clerical advantage (anti-clericalism) and aspirations for freedom of religion, resentment of aristocratic bishops by the poorer rural clergy, continued hatred for Catholic control, and influence on institutions of all kinds by the large Protestant minorities; aspirations for liberty and (especially as the Revolution progressed) republicanism; and anger toward the King for firing Jacques Necker and A.R.J. Turgot (among other financial advisors), who were popularly seen as representatives of the people.[5]
Financial crisis
Louis XVI ascended to the throne amidst a financial crisis; the nation was nearing bankruptcy and outlays outpaced income.[6] This was because of France’s involvement in the Seven Years War and its participation in the American Revolution.[7] In May 1776, finance minister Turgot was dismissed, after he lost favour. The next year, Jacques Necker, a foreigner, was appointed Director-General of Finance. He was not made a minister because he was a Protestant, and could not become a naturalized French citizen.[8] Necker realized that the country's tax system subjected some to an unfair burden;[8] numerous exemptions existed for the nobility and clergy.[9] He argued that the country could not be taxed higher, that the nobles and clergy should not be exempt from taxes, and proposed that borrowing would solve the country's fiscal problems. Necker published a report to support this claim that underestimated the deficit by roughly 36,000 livres; and proposed restricting the spending power of the parlements. This was not received well by the King's ministers and Necker, hoping to solidify his position, argued to be accepted as a minister. The King refused, Necker was fired, and Charles Alexandre de Calonne was appointed to the Directorship.[8]
Calonne initially spent liberally, but he quickly realized the critical financial situation and put forth a new tax code.[10] The proposal included a consistent land tax, which would include taxation of the nobility and clergy, and the meeting of the Estates was planned for May 1789; a signal that the Bourbon monarchy was no longer absolute.[11] source continued http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution#Causes
