Tuesday, March 22, 2011


our brain can create new pathways @ any time or age
and get rid of old unused stuff in the brain
neuro-feed back/repetition - gives brain information it needs to form dendrites which develop into neural pathways which is what is used when our brain fires..... need to perfect the correct amplitude, syncrony, coherence, phase lock...... all need to be in balance for good performance.
-----see research from the Salk Institute

audio visual entrainment
flashing lights into thalamus - it will mimic
20 hz tired converts to alert
insomnia - slow it down
meditative state - lower your frequency (???)
resonance vs. oscilation

Friday, March 18, 2011

Buying Elections

bought election in wisconsin outed.......

i went to the constitution center in philadelphia to hear about supreme court info - a panel presentation - 2 years ago 
and what i heard at that session kicked my gut did the same way it happened when in the late 90's,  i heard they rescinded Glass Stegall (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glass%E2%80%93Steagall_Act
so corporations can give an unlimited amount to whomever they choose in any election.

we are just starting to see the consequences now....
nothing happens fast

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


applications of technology
that is one of my gifts in this life.
have done it multiple times already.

Someone needs to take the idea presented in this article and RUN with it.
(to those of you who say, "What chemtrails? You're crazy lady!", I reply, "Shut the Freak up and get out of my way -----  NO, BAD REACTION ---- I soften the gaze my eyes have on that element of the population and make them go out of focus...... I do not give them my energy.)
use new science..... frequency blasts...... and spread it in harmless trails......
learn the science of transmutation,
  which has been ridiculed in only the western world, and only for a few hundred years....

wow.  what if.

March 15th

sheeple graze. quietly.
actions/events elsewhere stream in from all directions
you strive to use your beliefs and past experiences to make sense of it
many of the populace is not educated enough to think, and thereby change their beliefs
lots of others cannot pull out of their belief based behavior long enough to kick their thinking brain into resonance with the heart --

avoid those who put you in a state of fear.
'they' feed off of that.
what will be will be. it is what it is.
and like a woman in childbirth, you'll deal with it when you have to, if you have to.
it is not necessary to think about it.
you will just do it.
your higher self will guide you to where your life-plan says you need to be.
but don't be ignorant or stupid.

go there. often. reside there.
you only have a Now, and a Now, and a Now......
always do your best.
when you slip, go easy on yourself.
rid yourself of your judging nature when possible --- nothing happens fast.
soon we will live in a state of transparency,
where words and actions that are not in synchronicity with love's frequencies will be FLAGGED
and that will be our clue to turn our heads and pay IT no energy.......

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The 3 B's

was listening to news @ democracynow.org w/ amy goodman
interviewing an egyptian woman from a prominent family
who spoke to baptist women in alabama
talking about their preacher ministering to them
teaching them to cover up the breasts, belly and buttocks (The 3 B's he calls it)
because these things incite men to not be able to control themselves
so if they get attacked, they caused it
and it is not right to make men think impure thoughts -- is the women's fault.....
that is the teaching in the new century in America

and this woman suggests,
rightfully so, in my humble opinion,
that this segment of America has more to do with radical Islam
than with the soul of America.

reminiscent of Ed Rendell
when mayor of Philadelphia
during unrest in Kensington
saying the latinos and whites and blacks fighting there
need to bad together to pursue their common interests
instead of fighting one another...
....he actually said:  the whites in Kensington have more in common with their neighbors
than they do with the whites living in center city....
because this cooperation is how they will improve their quality of life.....
now there is a politician who calls it like he sees it
and is not afraid of the spin and resulting fall out..... :) :)
