Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Need To Communicate

What drives the need to communicate?
Why do I write this material?
Who reads it?
How many jobs have I not been interviewed for because "she has a blog".

Sunday paper in Philly, The Inquirer
suggested new graduates put up fake public personas
in hopes they will be checked
and they will come off as whatever they think their employer wants them to be.
Does lots of public service.
Strong community ties.
Family involvement.
Athletic - that is always value neutral.....

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cell Phone Numbers are Like Bar Codes

Look what you give away when you put your cell phone number out there!
   (for a price, of course.....)

And WHEN did you sign away all your rights to this entity???

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Want to Go To College Little Girl?" asked the Big Bad Wolf

If you cannot pay your student loan because you have no money:

Congress ended bankruptcy protections, refinancing rights, statutes
> of limitations, truth in lending requirements, fair debt collection ones,
> and state usury laws when applied to federally guaranteed student loans.
> As a result, lenders may freely garnish wages, income tax refunds, earned
> income tax credits, as well as Social Security and disability income to
> assure defaulted loan payments. In addition, defaulting may cause loss of
> professional licenses, making repayment even harder or impossible. 

Moreover, under a congressionally established default loan fee
> system, holders may keep 20% of all payments before any portion is applied
> to principle and interest due.
A borrower's only recourse is to request an
> onerous and expensive "loan rehabilitation" procedure, requiring extended
> payments (not applied to principle or interest), then arrange a new loan
> for which additional fees are incurred.

round 40% of borrowers were delinquent within a
> five year repayment window. Almost one-fourth of them postponed payments
> to avoid delinquency. However, doing so made their interest and overall
> debt burden more onerous because escape is impossible.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
> Also visit his blog site at
> and listen to cutting-edge discussions with
> distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive
> Radio Network.

The NRC approved this?

Ohio/Ill border nuke reactor
backup plan for flood:
open doors to let flood come thru raise on a  hoist on chains
deisel backup generator to run condenser to keep rods cool.....


May 21, 2011. The Day I 'Got It'

Nassim Haramein - 

Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields

how is it possible everything is connected?
space! is everywhere, between everything - universes, gallaxies, solar systems, planets

99.9999999 space is between everything
ossilations interact
you never TOUCH anything!!!

diamonds are most dense
and they have lots of space inside, between their 'matter'
but we focus ON matter
paying no attention to the space
which is 99.999999% of everything

does space define matter?

this is a fundamental change in consciousness
how things work
space defines you
you do not define it

lived in a van for 5 years when he was studying physics
unification theory - in 70's 80's
if you have studied hard
you may understand it by then
HE moved rapidly

einstein field equations
bible of relativistic physics
the book is called
big thick and heavy
fundamental physics!!!! (is wrong?????!!!!!)
@ physics conference,asks:
pulled p. 719 of Gravitation - says, universe model resembles a balloon, is expanding, pennies glued to it, represent gallaxies. as it expands gallaxies move away from one another.... Where is the equation that explains who is THIS GUY?

the room gets silent
PhD student drinking coffee chokes
Dir. of physics dept started to sweat
(afraid he'd say GOD????)

when ballon expands, lungs contract.
each action equal and opposite reaction.

is not accounted for in our physics. all is based on EXPANSION model. engineers, scientists.... make cylinders full of highly explosive fuel - cars, space shuttle.... put people in the bomb and light it and watch!

how does explosive side
if there is no prior compression
what are the dynamics that compress the energy into that fuel
if universe exploded from that point....
what put the energy INSIDE?
what is the COLLAPSING force?
it occurs at same time as expansion!
each action has an equal and opposite reaction.

maybe it's the space
that is what holds all the information
it leaks a little energy on radiative side
that is what we call the material world
but if space connects all
space would be infinitely dense
is that true?

look at space inside atom at quantum level
it is not empty
it fluctuates at very high velocity,
high density
lots of energy
not empty
lots of vibration
try to calculate energy of the vibration:
energy density inside the vacuum is infinite.renormalization process removes this possibility in standard physics - "present day quantum field theory says: get rid by a renormalization process of energy density in the vacuum that would formerly be infinite if not removed by renormalization."
find a constant to apply so that the answer is finite!!! That is what they did~!!!!~~~~~~~
equations show vacuum density at atomic level
show infinite density
means space is not empty

why are we warring about energy?

the answer is infinity
planck's distance - minimal amount, smallest wave lenth that can be calculated using our physics --- 1.616 x 10 -33(rasie this with a superscript font.....)  cm.
use math of electric and magnetic and gravitational theory, and these 'laws' say a thing can be no smaller than this.
this is THE answer under the old paradigm
that prevents us from continuing to look
to uncover the motherlode.....

BUT this is our boundry condition
is the smallest thing WE can experience
so they make vibrations according to planck's distance
  vibrational rates have weight..... do math i do not understand
vacuum 10 to the 93 grams per centimeter cubed

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Setting the Faraday Record Straight

Michael Faraday was the scientist. 
(He demonstrated and documented the pricipals of electromagnetic energy.)

Michael's first cousin  had a son named Martin Faraday.  Martin and Michael were second-cousins.  (And back then, they spelled it with two r's) Martin lived from 1757 - 1793; he was born at Kirby Malham in Yorkshire and he died in Giggleswick.

Martin's son William lived between 1790 and 1814. He lived in Burnley (1818), and then in Leigh (1820's-30's).  Around 1832-35, he sailed from Liverpool with his 6 children. His 7th child, Hannah, was born in Delaware in 1835.  In 1840, the census shows William and his son Martin living next door to one another, in Christiana, DE. They likely worked in the mills.  The 1842 tax list also makes note of his  son, Miles.  Around 1843-46, William and Martin moved to Philadelphia - around 2nd & Oxford. (which is less than one mile from where I now sit typing this.....)

William's daughter, Hannah,
married Henry Cullis and they produced John F. Cullis
John F. Cullis produced Milton Francis Cullis (with a little help from Mattie Kemp)
and Milton Francis Cullis produced Jeanne Cullis Reynolds (with a little help from Ivy Jocelyn Frampton)
and Jeanne is my mother.
That is the path of the DNA......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Collections of New Facts with which to reformulate your Beliefs

Matter is Mutating Differently Compared to How It Behaved in the Past

When did he Die?

Is What the U.S. did legal?

New Science

1/4: Tom Bearden on HAARP, Scalar Radar and Electromegnetic Weapons (1985)part 2

part 2

part 3

part 4

Living In The Midst of Paradigm Shifts

how does it feel?
to be all alone?
like a rolling stone?

who do you believe?
when someone speaks to you
and you resonate with the newly received frequency

truth vibrations?
blinded by the light?
a wave from gallactic center?
new energies from the sun?
the end of time?
constants become variables?
the laws of the universe get rewritten?
the sheep get fooled and go down?

My Tribe

"....Keith Hunter is author of a new book called "The Lost Age of High Knowledge". This is a masterly work that delves into the mysteries of the sacred sites around the world and how ancients and now the secret government is using mathematics and hyper dimensional physics to tap into the energy grid where these sites are built. To quote from his site..."Behind the mythical stories of the ancients, behind the superstitions and shamanism and the arcane traditions of the past, there lies a profound high science - one that is physically engineerable. A science lost to the wider world due to global upheaval prior to the time of recorded history, but that has been secretly reconstructed in the modern age, and developed for the pursuit of military supremacy and social control."...." 
Also see Projectcamelotportal for radio show interview 5/5/11.....

What to believe?
Two realities
Tell your story, and step into that queue
Before the timeline splits
Into ? pieces - who knows how may new universes we will create
Once we each realize
We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Make your choice.
