Tuesday, March 18, 2014


some years, you see as much happen within 12 months as has happened in the past 100 years.  2014 may be one such year.

Today:  of the top of my head....

Venezuela heats up.

  Air Canada suspends flights

  Cuba makes alternate plans to acquire oil supply

Ukraine Situation Goes Nuts

  obama issues sanctions; names 21 russians and ukranians whose assets are to be seized (but not all have seizable assets!!)

Weather Freakout Continues

  snow on St. Patrick's Day.

Malaysia Flight 370 Mystery Accepted As a Theft

Announcement about proof of Gravitational Waves

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


charter schools.

are public schools.
  (public schools are paid by the government '$x' per student.  your student leaves your school to go to a charter school, and the government payment moves with the child to the new school.  private schools, including catholic and other religious schools, do not get this government per student allowance.  most of a school district's costs are FIXED as opposed to variable.  take away their $$ by reducing their student population, and ..... well, if you have economic literacy, you can surely see where this is going...."

are a generational (20 year) project.  (there gonna be some plugs pulled at then end.... you watch and see.)

what percentage of students in charter schools have college educated parents?

what percentage of charter school parents have the time or ability to constantly monitor the curriculum?

how many charter school parents equate the shiny new school building with the quality of education?

why do charter schools have the right to not accept special needs children?

who profits from the charter school construction boom?

why must conventional public schools give up their art and music rooms to accommodate classrooms for a separate charter school within their building?

are the stories about conventional public school teachers having sex with their students a psy-op --- to manipulate public opinion about teachers as people whose judgment cannot be trusted?

are an example of  'change the project's objective' meme that plagues honest and constructive moves forward.  (do you recall the reason for charters?  i do.  the story went, public schools aren't working, so will will create innovative laboratories for new ideas to percolate, and we will bring back what is shown to work.  BUT in the interim, the mantra of teaching to the test, and measuring 'what works' by test scores, has been introduced.  nothing is going to be 'brought back'.  what WAS will be destroyed.)

always ask: who profits?  here's a heads-up on 'standardized testing', a $2.7 billion/year industry in the K-12 sector (as of 2009):  http://www.citypages.com/2011-02-23/news/inside-the-multimillion-dollar-essay-scoring-business/

Friday, March 7, 2014

Hooked by Sandy

Being maligned for questioning the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook school shooting caused me to examine the event closer.  I merely expressed disgust for how the parents and families of the 'victims' are paraded around by the 'authorities' at big events....

I used to say, "I'm not saying that no one died..... but it is not what it appears to be....."

My conclusion now?  No one died.  Not one single person.  And it is possible that this was not a functioning school.  Follow the money.  And listen to the questions and answers (or non-answers).  The silence SCREAMS.


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hungarians Don't Like Russians

So, as a side note to the recent U.S. news headline about the RT reporter
resigning on the air
sees NOTHING good about the Russians!!

well. wake up and smell the coffee!
Learn your history.
Hungarians who lived throught the 1956 Russian reaction to a Revolution,
.....(which incorporatred Hungary firmly into "The Soviet Union")
until Hungary's liberation in 1991, shortly prior to the fall of the Soviet Union.
they had been occupied by the Russians since post-World War 2  (i.e., after 1945)

Hungarians don't like Russians.

It is in their heritage.
They learned it from their fathers
who were traumatized....
The cruelty and brutality exhibited does make one gasp....
.... (but hey, same thing goes on today.  think about it.)


The brown sound.  Hit that note, and people crap themselves.  OOOHHHH --- put it in a rabbit foot size trinket with a button and market it for constipation!!!!

Tune in.  Vibrate in resonance with the oscillation of the wave, and you're there.....  are 'time travelers' merely 'dimension hoppers' -- who can detach from a frequency and retune - hit resonance, and 'quantum jump'?

The human being is an electromagnetic creature.  Its behavior can be completely controlled.  This is a fact jack.  And you think 'people' aren't using this to further THEIR self-interest?

Saddaam's crack military troops laid down their weapons in the desert and cried like babies to be captured by daddy bush's forces..... What do you think that was about?

The Quadrivium: numbers, geometry, music and astronomy.  This unlocks the 'secrets' of 'matter' --- light/information/consciousness spins, forming a shape:  as the shape moves/vibrates, it creates form.

tetraheddron, cube, octaheron, dodecahedron, isoahedron

The same musical note, blasted through sand in a sifter, forms the same pattern each and every time...

What is the force that MOVES the light, which spins ---- what causes the straight line of light to bend and spin?  Which creates sound, that forms into matter.
