Wednesday, December 30, 2009

la la, lalalala, la lalalala..... (to the tune of the smurfs song)


Greer said: "The fuse is lit; this rocket is taking off."

Posted By: billym <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 30-Dec-2009 10:07:01

Will 2010 be the Breakthrough Year for Free Energy?

As we approach the new year I am getting excited because of a number of recent signs that the heavy suppression of (so-called) "free-energy" technology and information may be lifted to some degree in the coming year. We have had hints from Fulford that at least in Asia there is movement in this direction. Why continue to suppress something that could solve so many problems? And then there was Steorn Orbo motor public demonstration which is going on in London, and then the recent report from Jean-Louis Naudin replication of the Steorn motor in France (or at least partial replication; he has yet to try "closing the loop").
Now, today, there is news from Sterling Allan at Pure Energy Systems that Steven Greer's Orion Project has contracted with a top secret [unnamed] inventor to bring a number of working technologies to the world.
Here is the report found at Free Energy News which can be found here:
Top secret free energy scientist enters contract with Greer's Orion Project
On Christmas day, Steven Greer announced that the 'top secret' inventor they've talked about has been released early from military seclusion, and has contracted with them to bring a Tesla-related free energy technology to the world.
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2009
On Christmas day, as "a Christmas present to the world," Steven Greer, M.D., and his science advisor, Ted Loder, Ph.D., from the Orion Project, announced on the World Puja Network that the "top secret" inventor they've talked about over the past year has been released early from military seclusion, and has contracted with them to begin bringing various technologies he has developed (at taxpayer expense) to the world, beginning with a free energy technology in the tradition of Nikola Tesla.
They expect that the technology will be ready to bring to the public by April, capable of several kilowatts of continuous output. Greer said that the Orion Project signed a contract with this top secret scientist some ten days prior to the Dec. 25 announcement.
Both Doctors Greer and Loder have been involved for years in combing the world for a technology like this that could break our addiction to polluting fossil fuels and the control paradigm associated with them; providing instead a cheap, clean, reliable energy technology capable of being scaled to power everything in a distributed manner, from cars to homes and individual appliances. In this pursuit, Loder said "there have been some bad trails and bad directions at times; it's been a frustrating process at times. Now, finally, we're ready to jump."
"This scientist, by far, is the most knowledgeable and skilled -- and genius -- inventor and physicist that I've ever met; and I've met a lot of interesting people", said Greer. The inventor, who will be unnamed for security purposes, has top clearances in the U.S. military.
Loder said, "This is just what we've been searching for all these years. What he's bringing to the table is his thorough mathematical understanding of electronics and physics; [adding] modern technologies to optimize the process."
Greer and Loder reminisced about the first time they went to visit this inventor's lab about 4.5 years ago, and how they were stunned at what he had, and how they wished he could be part of their operation. Now, thanks to the help of a lot of people's donations and other support, the Orion Project has been able to secure a contract with this inventor.
Their purpose in making this announcement was both to bring in additional support for the project, as well as to increase the education of people to the alternatives and the hope that they bring for a better world coming. They are counting on the shield of protection provided from the community through this exposure so that this technology can make it to the world without being sequestered. They will need financial resources and moral support.
They plan to build a research laboratory to support this top secret inventor so that he can have both the tools and personnel needed to accelerate the development of the technology for public use. During this phase, they plan to bring in half a dozen scientists and engineers.
Loder said the energy technology is based on concepts and prototypes and patents first put forth more than 100 years ago by Nikola Tesla and implemented by many scientists and inventors since then to various extents.
Greer said it has been replicated and verified by a senior scientist in the U.S. Department of Defense who has direct access to the Secretary of Defense. "Independent replication is the sin quin non of science", said Greer.
Apparently, there's a lot more where this came from, and once that energy technology has been delivered to the public, the inventor has other technologies that the Orion Project will begin to develop and bring forward. Greer said, "We're dealing with someone who has a track record of thirty years of building these technologies; and being under contract with top secret programs; and has actually built things to the level of things dematerializing, teleporting, and space-time alteration. We're talking really advanced stuff." Greer says that in the military secret ops, such projects are referred to as WSFM which stands for "Weird Science and Freakin' Magic."
The purpose of starting with the Tesla-based technology would be prove to the world that free energy can be had from the environment 24/7/365 via a device that is affordable even in the developing world, subsidized at first from sales of the device in the developed world.
"Let's walk before we levitate - get our civilization out of the dust bin of coal, and oil and sludge and mess. As civilization stabilizes; and we put in the means to ensure that these technologies are only used for peaceful means and are not militarized or weaponized; then these more advanced concepts can come forward." - Greer
More than a year ago, the Orion Project had thought they were going to be able to move forward with this inventor, but then he was spirited away into a top secret military operation and was incommunicado. They were told that it would be at least a year and a half before he would be available again.
Greer speculates that the many people petitioning the government for his release may have been instrumental in his early release so that they could resume their business relationship with him, which was cemented on around Dec. 15.
Last January, Greer chose to compose a briefing for President Obama about various free energy technologies in general and about this inventor in particular, asking that the Orion Project be allowed to work with inventor to bring his technologies forward in a sort of "peaceful Manhattan Project". That briefing was then published on website on Oct. 24.
Greer points out that the technologies developed by this top secret scientist were done at taxpayer expense, "yet you never hear the department of energy talking about them. It's about time these technologies got into the hands of the public who paid for them", Greer said.
Now the technology is being taken forward by a private organization, though apparently not necessarily with the full cooperation of the U.S. government. Greer posits that if the 100s of billions and even trillions of government spending for energy solutions were put into this technology, each person could have their own generator at home.
About a year and a half ago, the Orion Project launched a fund drive to raise $3 million for the purpose of developing and/or finding such a technology. They've not yet raised that amount, and are asking their supporters to chip in to help raise the additional several $100k they'll need to build their research facility in Charlottesville, Virginian, not far from the historic Thomas Jefferson Monticello property. "We'll have to create a whole new scientific process," said Greer.
Of the moneys raised so far, Greer said that neither he nor Loder have used any of it for themselves, but they have been doing this on a purely voluntary basis. Greer, who used to be an Emergency Room doctor recently gave up that career in order to pursue the quest for a free energy solution full time. His associate, Dr. Jan Bravo, likewise recently left her practice in California for the same objective.
In the future, "if there should be any profits from the sale of this technology, it should go toward helping impoverished people getting these technologies for free", said Greer; and he said "the inventor feels the same way."
Speaking of history-making, Greer said:
"This is one of the most significant undertakings in the history of our country, as we try to bring forward, very boldly, and decisively, the sciences and technologies that would get our country off of oil and gas and coal and nuclear power; and into clean, free energy; so that every home and business and facility in America and the world may be running on this type of energy, without any costs, once you have the device in place; and without any pollution or impact on the environment."
As the one who launched the Disclosure Project, getting 100+ top military, government and airline leaders to come forward on the record with their knowledge regarding "UFO"s and other extraterrestrial-related interactions; it is fitting that Greer would see his long-sought-after free energy technology come from a military insider who developed the technology at taxpayer expense, which has been sequestered until now, but which now is apparently going to be brought forward for civilian use.
I've added this technology to the top position of my short list of technologies I'll be drawing from next week in my presentation about the Top 10 Exotic Free Energy Technologies a the Earth Transformation conference.
As for destiny, Greer said: "The fuse is lit; this rocket is taking off."
The site for the Orion Project is here:
Also see: The story was also published HERE in The Examiner on a page which includes other relevant links, including Greer's most recent radio broadcast about this which was on Christmas day.

Well Said!

LaRouche: Return to FDR's Glass-Steagall Standard Now!
Posted By: watcher51445 <Send E-Mail>
Date: Wednesday, 30-Dec-2009 07:08:49

In Response To: EIR: The Failed System Has Become Unmanageable(watcher51445)
LaRouche: Return to FDR's
Glass-Steagall Standard Now!
by John Hoefle
[PDF version of this article]
Oct. 9—The return to what Lyndon LaRouche describes as the "Glass-Steagall standard" is an essential component of any successful effort to pull the United States out of its second Great Depression, and avoid a collapse into a global New Dark Age. The term "Glass-Steagall standard" refers both to the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, which created a legal firewall between commercial banking and speculative "investment" banking, and its founding principles. The Glass-Steagall Act was one of a series of reforms initiated by President Franklin Roosevelt, designed to break the grip of the Anglo-American financiers led by J.P. Morgan over our nation's economy, and reassert national sovereignty.
Glass-Steagall, the law of the land from 1933 until 1999, provided significant protection to the depositors and borrowers who depended upon a sound commercial banking system. It arose out of the Pecora Commission hearings (1932-34), which revealed the manner in which the big banks of the day had looted their customers for the benefit of a small coterie of insiders. FDR used the outrage provoked by these revelations to force through reforms over the vehement objections of Wall Street.

In addition to preventing commercial banks from engaging in Wall Street-style speculation, Roosevelt also created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure deposits—necessary to restore public confidence after the widespread failures—and created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to police Wall Street. To emphasize the latter point, he appointed Ferdinand Pecora as one of the initial SEC Commissioners. 
Public Trust

Commercial banking is, essentially, a public trust, and a necessary component of a healthy economy. Citizens place their funds on deposit at a bank, and the bank then uses those deposits to make loans to other citizens, for the purpose of improving the standard of living of the community as a whole. The bankers have a special responsibility to protect those funds, to lend them wisely. The money does not belong to the banks, it belongs to the depositors, and the bankers are merely custodians.
For such a system to function properly, these depository institutions must be highly regulated, provided with a clear framework of what is permissible, and what is not. Banking regulators must closely watch each bank to make sure the rules are followed, and promptly correct any violations.
Banks are, or should be, creatures of their local or regional economies, whose job is to assist the development of their service areas. The success of a bank is the byproduct of the success of the economy.

This perhaps sounds quaint, like something out of a 1950s movie, to those who are used to what, until quite recently, was the go-go world of international finance, but it is precisely the abandonment of these concepts in favor of unrestrained speculation, that blew up the global economy. Our deviation as a nation from these principles has brought us to the brink of disintegration; if we are to survive, we must return to them. 

The rallying cry of those who sought the repeal of Glass-Steagall was that laws passed in the 1930s were outmoded, and inadequate for the glorious new world of finance. What we need, the bankers of Wall Street claimed, is a new set of rules for the modern world, freeing us from the limitations of the past.
As with many things the bankers say, the truth is just the opposite: It was FDR who modernized banking, by reinstating the principles embedded in the Declaration of Independence, over the ancient predatory practices of the Anglo-Venetian monetary empire. The demands of the bankers for "reform," which began with FDR's death, and escalated in the 1980s and 1990s, were actually demands to return to the system against which we fought the American Revolution. It was the sovereign constraints imposed by FDR upon imperial banking, that had upset the bankers. Which, of course, is precisely the point of regulation. The predators should never be happy. If they are, the regulators are not doing their jobs.
The repeal of Glass-Steagall, which was preceded by a series of other deregulatory measures, opened the flood-of-money gates for the wildest speculative frenzy the world has ever seen. It allowed the creation of a handful of giant super-banks which dominate the national economy, and whose failure has led to the largest bank bailout in history. It has also bankrupted the nation, and triggered a hyperinflationary expansion of the money supply which is destroying the value of the dollar. If the dollar collapses, the entire world—not just the economy, but civilization itself—will break down.

Franklin Roosevelt was right, and those who opposed his reforms were, and remain, wrong. If we are to save our nation, we must return to the Glass-Steagall standard. 
The Fatal Repeal

The Glass-Steagall firewall between commercial and investment banking was formally repealed in November 1999, by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which created the new classification of financial holding company, with the power to underwrite and sell insurance and securities, engage in both commercial and investment banking, invest in and develop real estate, and related activities.
One of the worst aspects of Gramm-Leach-Bliley, is that it gave the speculative side of these new monstrosities access to the deposit base of the commercial banking side, turning bank deposits into fuel for the derivatives machine. At the end of 1999, these holding companies had $4 trillion in assets, and $38 trillion in derivatives, or about $9 in derivatives per dollar of assets. A decade later, as of the second quarter of this year, they had $13 trillion in assets and a staggering $291 trillion in derivatives, or $23 in derivatives for every $1 of assets. These aren't banks, they are casinos.
The top four banking casinos, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo, represent almost half of the U.S. banking system—46% of the assets and 42% of the deposits. They also have $194 trillion in derivatives bets. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the two investment banks that converted to financial holding companies last year, add between them another $88 trillion to the derivatives total.
This insane derivatives bubble is what blew up the global financial system, bankrupted the U.S. banks, and has devastated most of what remains of the productive capacity of the U.S. economy. It would never have been possible, had the Glass-Steagall standard been maintained and enforced.
We must begin by wiping out all the derivatives, declaring all such bets null and void, by law—in effect, restoring the law to its status before it was corrupted. Outlawing derivatives solves the problem of having to wind down all the speculative bets and fictitious claims, and allows us to turn our attention to the more complicated process of sorting out the valid debts from the speculative ones. The valid debts—those arising from real economic activity related to the physical economy—will be honored, while debts related to the speculative bubble will be set aside, to be dealt with after the nation recovers. For debts which have a bit of both—say a mortgage on a home whose purchase price was highly inflated by the effects of the mortgage-securities scam—the size of the debt would be written down to reflect the actual economic value of the property.
FDR understood what Obama does not: People are more important than money. The issue is not maintaining the values of speculative finance. The issue is protecting the lives and welfare of the people. The immediate reinstatement of Glass-Steagall is a necessity, if we are to survive.
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Saturday, December 19, 2009

2:22 Again

It's that time again..... 222

Thursday, December 10, 2009

222 Again

The chihuahua fell 11 days ago. Lame, but improving. Herniated disk. Friend brings me the vet's manual. On page 222, "Herniated Disk", and its explanation, treatment information, and prognosis stats. Amazing... Another sincronicity... 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What is Real?

"....For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is "there" is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality? Put quite simply, it ceases to exist.As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion.
We are really "receivers" floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram.... "

from The Universe as a Hologram, by Michael Talbot.

New Science

"allowing structures to serve biology by radiating a capacitive or electric field which by being fractal or phase conjugate- promotes charge distribution efficiency. By studying the electrical function which Golden Ratio serves- the secret of life emerges!"

= phase congugation

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another 2012 Data Point

Epic of Manas manuscript (with close to half a million lines the Epic of Manas is twenty times longer than Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad combined) that they believe contains our World’s oldest warning to our present age and which (coincidentally?) agrees with the ancient Mayan peoples that the year of 2012 will see the ending of our present age.

Dorothy in Oz --- explained.....

Who made my little dog lame?

5th Sun

new technologies to solve the Earth's issues are at hand.
we just need to release them.
break on thru to the other side!  here

that will take a new mindset
in the not too distant future
it will be different.  Politically. Economically. Geographically. Energeticly. you may continue the list if you like - 
everything will change - you too will change - as will i - humanity will say out loud, that which it is thinking, and it will be.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chemtrails 101: KISS, i.e., Keep It Simple Simon

Heavy Chemtrailing in Germany
Posted By: CrystalRiver <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1-Dec-2009 10:14:19

Dear Reader,
Thank You so much for your observation; dead on right--who's footing the bill; the insult is probably that it is us.
Many Blessings,
Heavy Chemtrailing in Germany
Since about half a year there is ever increasing chemtrailing over the Stuttgart area in south-west germany.
Were it usually 2 planes going the opposite direction and crossing each other to paint a chem-grid into the sky there are now at least 4 of them, creating a whole "carpet".
Last friday I went by train to Frankfurt and could detect the chem-carpet nearly without holes from Stuttgart to Frankfurt. The night bevor (11/27/09) the planes flu through the whole night after excessive spraying in plain sight the whole day. I never observed a night spraying bevore.
But I observed something different - I remember Jane Burgermeister or somebody related posting a video (I believe it was about spraying over Austria) stating that the pilot would play with the on/off button. I observed the same effect, rather came to the conclusion though, that there is a nearly invisible layer of chemtrail-substance way above the normal clouds, a high haze, merly another shade of darker blue, and since the planes themselve cross their own layering thus hiding the trail, it appears like on/off.
Concerning for me was rather to actually still being able to see the hidden trails as sort of dark stikes in the otherwise blue sky, telling me that there is this "canvas" even though I can't really see it. Reminded me a bit of the blue sky day sometimes back in september.
Whatever they are doing, they don't hide it anymore. Sometimes it is so impressive that I'm in awe -not knowing if it's the effects of the chemicals in me or the sheer grandness of that project to cloud the sky basically every day since 10 years or so without further notice. This must cost a lot of money as well...

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Nano Particles Used in Untested H1N1 Flu Vaccines--Are You Interested?
Posted By: CrystalRiver <Send E-Mail>
Date: Monday, 30-Nov-2009 19:12:16

Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines
Part III: ‘It’s the vaccines, Stupid!

by F. William Engdahl
Vaccines which have been approved by the responsible government authorities for vaccination against the alleged H1N1 Influenza A Swine Flu have been found to contain nano particles. Vaccine makers have been experimenting with nanoparticles as a way to “turbo charge” vaccines for several years. Now it has come out that the vaccines approved for use in Germany and other European countries contain nanoparticles in a form that reportedly attacks healthy cells and can be deadly.
In 2007 researchers at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) announced in an article in the journal, Nature Biotechnology, that they had developed a “nanoparticle that can deliver vaccines more effectively, with fewer side effects, and at a fraction of the cost of current vaccine technologies.” The article went on to describe the effects of their breakthrough: “At a mere 25 nanometers, these particles are so tiny that once injected, they flow through the skin’s extracellular matrix, making a beeline to the lymph nodes. Within minutes, they’ve reached a concentration of DCs thousands of times greater than in the skin. The immune response can then be extremely strong and effective.” 1
There is only one small problem with vaccines containing nanoparticles—they can be deadly and at the least cause severe irreparable health damage.
Nanoparticles, promoted in the mass media as the new wonder revolution of science, are particles that have been produced vastly smaller than deadly asbestos particles which caused severe lung damage and death before being outlawed. Particles at a nano size, (nm = 0,000000001 Meter) fuse together with the membranes of our body cell membranes and, according to recent studies in China and Japan, continuously destroy cells once introduced into the body. Once they interact with the body’s cellular structure, they cannot be removed. Modern medicine euphemistically terms the phenomenon, a continuing infectious reaction.
Since the asbestos scandal, it has been established that particles in size a millionth of a meter, because of their enormous attractive force, penetrate all cells, destroying all those they come into contact with. Nanoparticles are far smaller than asbestos fibers.
Beijing Tests confirm deadly effects on humans
The fact that WHO, the European Medicines Evaluation Agency, the German Robert Koch Institute and other health bodies today would permit the population to be injected with largely untested novel vaccines containing nanoparticles says more about the powerful pharma lobby in Euiropean politics than it does about the sanity or moral integrity of the civil servants responsible for health of the general public.
The September 2009 issue of the respected European Respiratory Journal, made public on 19 August, and available since 21 August online, contains a peer-reviewed article with the title, “Exposure to nanoparticles is related to pleural effusion, pulmonary fibrosis and granuloma.”
The article describes tests carried out in 2008 at the elite Beijing Chaoyang Hospital on seven young women. All seven, ages 18-47 had been exposed to nanoparticles for 5–13 months in their common workplace. All were admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and pleural effusions, or excessive fluids surrounding the lungs, inhibiting breathing. None of the seven had ever smoked and none were in any special risk group. Doctors carefully tested for every possibility and confirmed that the lung problems had a common origin—regular inhalation of nanoparticles in their factory. They had been exposed to Polyacrylat nanoparticles.
The tests confirmed the nanoparticles had set off a “super-meltdown” reaction in the patients. Despite all heroic efforts of doctors, two of the seven died from the lung complications. 2
In their report, the scientists concluded something so alarming it is necessary to quote at length:
“Immunological tests, examinations of bacteriology, virology and tumour markers, bronchoscopy, internal thoracoscopy and video-assisted thoracic surgery were performed. Surveys of the workplace, clinical observations and examinations of the patients were conducted. Polyacrylate, consisting of nanoparticles, was confirmed in the workplace. Pathological examinations of patients' lung tissue displayed nonspecific pulmonary inflammation, pulmonary fibrosis and foreign-body granulomas of pleura. Using transmission electron microscopy, nanoparticles were observed to lodge in the cytoplasm and caryoplasm of pulmonary epithelial and mesothelial cells, but are also located in the chest fluid. These cases arouse concern that long-term exposure to some nanoparticles without protective measures may be related to serious damage to human lungs.“3
To date Animal studies and in vitro experiments show that nanoparticles can result in lung damage and other toxicity in animals, but no reports on the clinical toxicity in humans due to nanoparticles prior to the Beijing study had been made.
The Beijing Chaoyang Hospital study has now conclusively confirmed that nanoparticles cause lung damage and other toxicity in humans as well. At this point in time, when two of the approved vaccines planned to be mass distributed in Germany and elsewhere contain nanoparticles, failure of the relevant responsible public health and epidemiology officials to order an immediate emergency freeze on distribution of any vaccine containing nanoparticles can only be considered tantamount to criminal negligence. Hopefully the responsible authorities will react in time to avert a possible human health catastrophe orders of magnitude worse than the worst case of Swine Flu reported to date.
F. William Engdahl is author of Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order. He may be reached via his website,
1 EPFL, Bioengineering researchers from the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, have developed and patented a nanoparticle that can deliver vaccines more effectively, with fewer side effects, and at a fraction of the cost of current vaccine technologies, accessed in
2 Song Y, Li X, Du X, Exposure to nanoparticles is related to pleural effusion, pulmonary fibrosis and granuloma , European Respiratory Journal, 9/2009, 34(3): 559-567.
3 Ibid.
F. William Engdahl is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by F. William Engdahl
Discovered at

Friday, November 27, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What a difference a year makes...

A year later, what can I say. Nothing. I wait.
4 what do you wait?
Something happening here?
Here u r 4 a reason.
Be patient.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Well, I wrote a whole chapter in my first book, Other People's Money, right after I left Goldman Sachs, predicting what would happen if you don't regulate credit derivatives
Aside from that, between June 2006 and June 2007, foreclosures had increased by more than 50 percent. This was public information leading up to the crisis. Paulson, of all people, having just jumped into his position from having been the CEO of Goldman Sachs should have known that when foreclosures and defaults rise to that kind of extent, it means that securities created on the notion that this wouldn't happen were going to be doomed, and therefore all trading and borrowing that used those securities, now called toxic assets, as collateral were going to hit a tremendous speed bump.
So, either he was being a complete idiot and learned nothing during the 12 years he ran Goldman, or ......
Only $1.4 trillion worth of subprime loans were extended between 2002 and 2007. On the back of those loans, the industry created $14 trillion worth of various types of assets and borrowed up to 10 times that amount using those new assets as collateral........
For the money spent on subsidizing the industry, the government could have bought out every single outstanding mortgage in the country. Plus, every student loan and everyone's health insurance. And on top of that, still have trillions of dollars left over........
Someone has to track the government bailout checkbook! Here it is: 
The Fed didn't have to allow Goldman and Morgan Stanley to become bank holding companies in a Sunday night fear feast on Sept. 21, 2008, and thereby solidifying the ability of those two firms to access federal subsidies and FDIC backing for new debt they issued.
The Fed definitely didn't have to allow, or better yet, encourage Bank of America to acquire Merrill Lynch, JPM Chase to acquire Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, or Wells Fargo to merge with Wachovia. All of these megamergers are resulting in greater risk-taking than before the crisis.
What the Fed should have done, most importantly, is give the same, or greater, subsidies to individual or small businesses facing their own credit problems or home foreclosures...... 
Paul Volcker, is the one guy on the Obama team calling for a separation of commercial and investment banks and rightly warning that if we don't do that, we have set ourselves up for a greater fall.....
A bipartisan Congress, Republican treasury secretary and Democratic president -- FDR, established the Glass-Steagall Act. It was enacted to segment the financial industry into two parts -- commercial banks dealing with the public, and thus taking less risk, and receiving more government backing, and investment banks dealing with speculations and not getting government capital for their self-made problems.
In 1999, a bipartisan Congress repealed Glass-Steagall in a 90-8 vote ([Arizona's Sen.] John McCain didn't vote). Two senators in particular, Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., and the late Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., warned of the impending cost to the American people of recombining the banking system and allowing any commercial bank to merge with any investment bank and insurance company. They were right.....
As banks merged with a vengeance across once-defined lines, they needed more and more capital to buy each other and in order to compete with each other -- it didn't matter how they got it or concocted it in shady assets. The result was poorer reporting standards on risk, greater speculative appetite and a multitrillion bailout.
Yet, to this day, there are very few voices in Washington talking about bringing back Glass-Steagall. Sure, they worry about banks being too big to fail or "systemically important" as Treasury Secretary Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke put it.
Still, is anyone mentioning the most logical way to take care of the pending disaster: chopping them up, making them smaller, more transparent and more easily backable and regulatable? No. It boggles the mind.

Amy Goodman with John Perkins & Philippe Diaz

"  ....Profits are OK within the context of a world with a level playing field."

philippe diaz

$200 billion/year - follow the flow - south finances the north 
30%> consumption than planet can replace
need 6 planets for all to live like we do in the U.S.
each 3.6 seconds, person dies of starvation.
how many people will we kill before we wake up to facts? RESOURCES ARE LIMITED

1492 - europe decided to expand.... french brits dutch to indonesia, africa

take away land... create a slave... cannot grow food, so must sell labor - then take water, timber, minerals....

must create more poverty in south to fund the north

17 died on the job - 419 died as a result of their work
documented cases of slave labor in sugar cane, food, shelter used to be provided by slave owner! now they load up the truck and take day labor....

create fake debt AND force privitization - THIS IS THE FORMULA
jeff sacks - ruined bolivia’s economy by forcing privitization.

--- intro John Perkins’ story......

MORE than global warming is going on! 

20,000 die each day.

IDEA:  tax property, not labor!
work less, consume less but better......
it is a mathematical problem......

------ clip of the film END OF POVERTY john perkins interviews vice-president of Bolivia for the film -------- 

    bolivia has many natural resources, and lots of poor people. “colonial condition” a paradoxisn’t it? - colonialism is part of development of capitalism, NOW we MUST globalize in a way other than accumulation of capital!

    what should bolivia do to make change?  9 million people. 62% indiginous. city and farmland. 32 indiginous groups/nations. in 181 years of political rule, have never been recognized as citizens with rights! past 5-6 years in latin america, movement of world citizenship and planetary responsibility, is beautiful, bolivia wants to live a better life.  58% live on < $2/day
amy goodman interviews john perkins, new book “Hoodwinked, an economic hitman reveals why world imploded and what is needed to fix them.....

explains what an economic hitman is.....
  (build infrastructure in the 3rd world; put country in debt..... go back later to get a pound of flesh, oil/build military base/  or jackals come in and overthrow those in power....

mutant, viral form of capitalism has developed in last 30/40 years, late 70’s..... beginning with Reagan and Milton Friedman: MAXIMIZE PROFIT is their objective.  Regulation is bad.  Privitize.  Is predatory capitalism - unjust/dangerous world results.

Sick Things:
```goldman sacs, 
```jack welch (Mfg. to Fin. Srv. company transition.... got rid of 25% of staff...), 
```citi group, 

children all across the world must have a level playing field.
internet. cell phones. democracy now. are all around the world!
we are one now.

recent hondorus coup:
perkins was in panama when it happened  
Zalia, the democratically elected president wanted new constitution, and 60% > in wage rate 
Dole, Chiquita (formerly United Fruit) objected!
(Aristead in Haiti did something similar)
school of americas grad brought in to overthrow Zalia (United Fruit did this in guatamala in the 50’s.)

in the southwester hemisphere, 10 countries, new leaders......
corporations draw a line in the sand HERE.

the swirling clouds are the big corporations......
geopolitics...... they call the shots..... know no national boundries...... market/resources rule...... obama is in, and corporations are still calling shots, so PEOPLE MUST RISE

Profits are OK within the context of a world with a level playing field.

Our HOMELAND is this planet.

Melting Glaciers - tibet several years ago, glacier was at road and @ that time was then a mile away. supplies water to china and india.  lead to 5 major rivers..... what if they dry up?

one of root causes of terrorism: results from starvation, desparation. driven off farmlands by hydroelectric plants....
perkins has interviewed many of them.....
somali pirates - can no longer fish in their waters to feed people..... fished dry or nuclear contamination from u.s. military vehicles.....

need set of laws: businesses must be environmentally and socially responsible. give them a charter - must prove they serve the public interest ... (late 1800 court decision, corporations are “entities” - Rockerfeller took it and ran with it!. Must change this law.)  CORPORATIONS are there to serve THE PEOPLE.  Charter can be REVOKED if public interest is not served....


Friday, November 6, 2009

It IS this simple folks!!!!! Do the math (if u kan).

..."If a Wall Street magician can conjure up any contract or security "derived" from the value of something real -- oil prices, mortgages, corporate debt, or literally anything else -- it's called a derivative. As a derivative, it doesn't have to be regulated the way other Wall Street securities are. Shockingly, after Congress passed landmark legislation in 2000 banning the regulation of key derivatives, the market absolutely exploded, with 95 percent of it concentrated at five too-big-to-fail banks.......

     "....If a major derivatives dealer like JPMorgan Chase or Morgan Stanley were to fail, it's almost impossible to determine what else would go down with them.
      The best way to deal with the derivatives mess is to require that they be traded on an exchange, just like ordinary stocks. Exchange trading lets everybody know what everyone else is up to, and it requires a disinterested third party to sign off on the transaction. E.g., if a hedge fund wants to use derivatives to make a crazy bet on subprime mortgages with AIG, and the exchange knows AIG doesn't have the money to cover the bet, the exchange won't let the trade go through...."

"Say I've got $10, and I want to bet on a stock. Turns out, it's a good bet, and the stock jumps 10 percent. I just made $1. Whoo-hoo. But say I borrowed $500 before I made the same bet, and the stock made the same 10 percent gain. I just made $51. That's a profit of over five times on my initial $10. Now we're talking real money.

But what if my stock loses 10 percent? I'm out $51. The trouble is, I've only got $10 -- everything else I borrowed. I just lost more than five times the money I actually had, and I don't have enough to pay back my $500 loan. If I were a corporation, I would be outrageously bankrupt.

That's what Wall Street just did.

The way to fix this is to require companies to have lots of cold, hard cash on hand to keep them from destroying themselves if their bets don't pay off. This cash is called "stock" or "equity." Obama, Congress and the Federal Reserve have all been tight-lipped about how seriously they want to rein in leverage, but at the height of the crisis, banks like Citigroup were leveraged at more than 50 to 1: for every $50 in borrowed money Citi bet with, it had just $1 of its own money on hand.

Saying what the right leverage ratio is can be tricky, but 10-to-1 is the traditional range of safety....."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Great Christmas Present Folks!

Roast your chicken in a glass, halogen powered oven.

Where is the "break-even" point?  Let's do some math..... 1/8 the cost of conventional electric oven....
Cooks 3x faster..... you WATCH the food cook thru the glass....

What are the environmental impacts? Any health issues from halogen?

For my money this is the most appealing-looking model. The temperature and timing dials are easy to use. The lid fits easily on the bowl and the handle is sturdy.
But again, there's no lid stand and I had to clear a space beside the oven for a heat proof board that I could place the red hot lid on.
JML Halogen oven
The JML halogen oven looks good and is easy to use
Also you can't turn the timing control backwards if you make a mistake as this could damage the timer. Instead, if the timer is set longer than required, you have to turn the oven off and wait for the timer to naturally count down to the time required.
The chicken cooked through in just 40 minutes but didn't crisp and looked decidedly unappetising. However, it tasted nice and moist. The vegetables were more crunchy than I would have liked and tasted boiled rather than roasted.
The pudding cooked in five minutes and tasted OK.
VERDICT: 5/10. Easy on the eye but with no lid stand it's tricky to use and the food was disappointing.

Read more:

"It's the Economy, Stupid!"

The insane games rich white men play with the economy...... LISTEN to the woman! She makes big sense!!

Her objective in speaking this interview: "I hope readers will come away with more information and a renewed fighting spirit." But in my world, people do not have the education or experience or attention span or intellectual ability (pick one or more of the above..... feel free to send me additional reasons to list here....) I await the day that this behavior changes, and it will.......


Nomi Prins is a senior fellow at the public policy center Demos and author of It Takes a Pillage: Behind the Bailouts, Bonuses, and Backroom Deals from Washington to Wall Street.
This woman is right on:  experts from her interview are listed below:

"Well, I wrote a whole chapter in my first book, Other People's Money, right after I left Goldman Sachs, predicting what would happen if you don't regulate credit derivatives....
Aside from that, between June 2006 and June 2007, foreclosures had increased by more than 50 percent. This was public information leading up to the crisis. Paulson, of all people, having just jumped into his position from having been the CEO of Goldman Sachs should have known that when foreclosures and defaults rise to that kind of extent, it means that securities created on the notion that this wouldn't happen were going to be doomed, and therefore all trading and borrowing that used those securities, now called toxic assets, as collateral were going to hit a tremendous speed bump.
So, either he was being a complete idiot and learned nothing during the 12 years he ran Goldman, or .....
Only $1.4 trillion worth of subprime loans were extended between 2002 and 2007. On the back of those loans, the industry created $14 trillion worth of various types of assets and borrowed up to 10 times that amount using those new assets as collateral.....
For the money spent on subsidizing the industry, the government could have bought out every single outstanding mortgage in the country. Plus, every student loan and everyone's health insurance. And on top of that, still have trillions of dollars left over.....
Tracking the federal bailout money:
The Fed didn't have to allow Goldman and Morgan Stanley to become bank holding companies in a Sunday night fear feast on Sept. 21, 2008, and thereby solidifying the ability of those two firms to access federal subsidies and FDIC backing for new debt they issued.
The Fed definitely didn't have to allow, or better yet, encourage Bank of America to acquire Merrill Lynch, JPM Chase to acquire Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual, or Wells Fargo to merge with Wachovia. All of these megamergers are resulting in greater risk-taking than before the crisis.
What the Fed should have done, most importantly, is give the same, or greater, subsidies to individual or small businesses facing their own credit problems or home foreclosures.... 
Paul Volcker, is the one guy on the Obama team calling for a separation of commercial and investment banks and rightly warning that if we don't do that, we have set ourselves up for a greater fall....
A bipartisan Congress, Republican treasury secretary and Democratic president -- FDR, established the Glass-Steagall Act. It was enacted to segment the financial industry into two parts -- commercial banks dealing with the public, and thus taking less risk, and receiving more government backing, and investment banks dealing with speculations and not getting government capital for their self-made problems.
In 1999, a bipartisan Congress repealed Glass-Steagall in a 90-8 vote ([Arizona's Sen.] John McCain didn't vote). Two senators in particular, Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., and the late Paul Wellstone, D-Minn., warned of the impending cost to the American people of recombining the banking system and allowing any commercial bank to merge with any investment bank and insurance company. They were right.....
As banks merged with a vengeance across once-defined lines, they needed more and more capital to buy each other and in order to compete with each other -- it didn't matter how they got it or concocted it in shady assets. The result was poorer reporting standards on risk, greater speculative appetite and a multitrillion bailout.
Yet, to this day, there are very few voices in Washington talking about bringing back Glass-Steagall. Sure, they worry about banks being too big to fail or "systemically important" as Treasury Secretary Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke put it.
Still, is anyone mentioning the most logical way to take care of the pending disaster: chopping them up, making them smaller, more transparent and more easily backable and regulatable? No. It boggles the mind."
