Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Chemtrails 101: KISS, i.e., Keep It Simple Simon

Heavy Chemtrailing in Germany
Posted By: CrystalRiver <Send E-Mail>
Date: Tuesday, 1-Dec-2009 10:14:19

Dear Reader,
Thank You so much for your observation; dead on right--who's footing the bill; the insult is probably that it is us.
Many Blessings,
Heavy Chemtrailing in Germany
Since about half a year there is ever increasing chemtrailing over the Stuttgart area in south-west germany.
Were it usually 2 planes going the opposite direction and crossing each other to paint a chem-grid into the sky there are now at least 4 of them, creating a whole "carpet".
Last friday I went by train to Frankfurt and could detect the chem-carpet nearly without holes from Stuttgart to Frankfurt. The night bevor (11/27/09) the planes flu through the whole night after excessive spraying in plain sight the whole day. I never observed a night spraying bevore.
But I observed something different - I remember Jane Burgermeister or somebody related posting a video (I believe it was about spraying over Austria) stating that the pilot would play with the on/off button. I observed the same effect, rather came to the conclusion though, that there is a nearly invisible layer of chemtrail-substance way above the normal clouds, a high haze, merly another shade of darker blue, and since the planes themselve cross their own layering thus hiding the trail, it appears like on/off.
Concerning for me was rather to actually still being able to see the hidden trails as sort of dark stikes in the otherwise blue sky, telling me that there is this "canvas" even though I can't really see it. Reminded me a bit of the blue sky day sometimes back in september.
Whatever they are doing, they don't hide it anymore. Sometimes it is so impressive that I'm in awe -not knowing if it's the effects of the chemicals in me or the sheer grandness of that project to cloud the sky basically every day since 10 years or so without further notice. This must cost a lot of money as well...

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