Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Drunvalo's Purple Books

I gave my purple Drunvalo flower-of-life set of books to my mom
She is finally digesting sacred geometry
and other concepts.....

Two stories caught my eye, in volumne II....

One was a story about finding a 10 story deep structure beneath the Spinx and 3 Giza pyramids in Egypt.
It is reputed to be the place where ascended masters hang out.
Can house up to 10,000
At one recent point, only 7 souls remained on planet in this structure.....

Another was about a temple in the Grand Canyon
You need a permit to hike there
Hostile land
2 guys, survival trained mountain climbers went in (with water and all else needed to sustain life)
got to the place
climbed a rock face, hundreds of feet up
and there was a temple
with - was it 8? - I have to reread and edit this!
huge doorways, with columns
but rubble prevented entry.....

Drunvalo said he did not want this information to be lost....
And he admitted he had never personallhy seen this.....
heresay actually,
But he explains the sources of his information in the book.

Definitely, these are stories to follow up on.....
IF you see one featured on 60 Minutes,
be sure to watch it!

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